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[Warlords] Enhanced Culture Conquest v1.4.1w 2016-10-05

Isn't it unrealistic for a city's culture to drop to zero when it is captured?
This mod addresses this "problem".

Upon capture, the city's culture is reset to one half of the original, plus a
random number whose maximum is half of the original. Of course this is if the
configurable options are not changed from their default values.

Now, instead of a city being completely written off after capture due to zero
culture, conquering civilizations must watch newly conquered cities for
rioting citizens and placate them, that is, if they don't want to lose their
newly captured cities!

Installation Instructions:

1) Unzip this into the "warlords_install_folder\Mods\" folder.
2) Open the CivilizationIV.ini configuration file
3) Change the Mod line to read: Mod = Mods\Enhanced Culture Conquest
4) Load the game.
5) Then play as normal.

-----Game Play-----
Spoiler :

- Upon capture, the city's culture is reset to one half of the original, PLUS a
random number whose maximum is half of the original. Prior to this
calculation, the original number is adjusted to account for the lost population:
[TAB]NewCulture = ( OriginalCulture / 2 ) + ( Random(OriginalCulture / 4) ) + ( Random(OriginalCulture / 4) )

- If the conqueror is the original founder, then the calculation becomes :
[TAB]NewCulture = OldCulture x ((Current_year - Loss_year) / (Max_years * 0.25))

- If the conqueror is not the original founder and the losing civilization is
also not the original founder and the city's culture is at least double what
it was when the founder lost it, the loser becomes the founder.

- If a player builds a city on the same plot as that of an older city that got
itself razed, the new city will gain some of the older city's culture to a
maximum of 80%, depending on how long ago the razing took place:
[TAB]NewCulture = (Culture_old x ((Current_year - Loss_year) / (Max_years * 0.15))) * 0.8

- The number of times a city has been captured is logged

-----Notes to Modmakers-----

In the Python files I have added # < Enhanced Culture Conquest Start > and
# < Enhanced Culture Conquest End > in all of the places that I have made
changes to the original files.

-----Version Information-----


- Updated all code to be compatible with Warlords v2.0.0.0

Spoiler :


- Reorganized the mod and created a new readme file

- Stripped the extra mods from the Enhanced Culture Conquest mod

- Implemented the code to actually give a city founded on top of city ruins a
certain amount culture either from the previous civilization that owned the
city or culture from the player that founded the city.

- Added the configurable option allowing players to specify if cities founded
on city ruins should not be given part of the culture from the city that
created the city ruins.

- Added the configurable option allowing players to specify if the culture
given by city ruins should be the same as the player who founded the city.
If set to true then the culture given to the new city will be from the
civilization that last owned the city that created the city ruins.

- Added the configurable option allowing players to specify the number of
years that city ruins give culture.

- Added the configurable option allowing players to specify the max amount of
culture in percent city ruins give.

- Added the configurable option allowing players to specify if the founder of a
conquered city should not be allowed to be reassigned if the conqueror is not
the original founder and the losing civilization is also not the original
founder and the city's culture is at least double what it was when the
founder lost it.

- Added the configurable option allowing players to specify if culture should
be maintained after a city is captured by a civilization from another

- Added the configurable option allowing players to specify the max amount of
culture in percent retained after a city is conquered.

- Change the code that retains culture after a city is conquered to use
setCulture instead of changeCulture. Using changeCulture gave too much culture
to the civilization that conquered the city.


- Requires sdToolKit 1.20+

- Implemented version control. Will no longer perform a fix-loop every game
turn, causing a slowdown.

- Some minor cleanups and optimizations.

- Founding a city where an older city once stood will give some (max 80%) of
that older city's culture to the new city.

- Rebuilt culture is :
[TAB]Culture_new = (Culture_old x ((Current_year - Loss_year) / (Max_years * 0.15))) * 0.8


- Requires sdToolKit 1.10+

- Implemented safeguards to allow continuation of current savegames with no

- Eliminated a potential exploit. A city's data is no longer dependant on the
city's name.

- Removed population loss adjustment. T'was a silly idea.

- New variable, fDateLost. Stores the date the city was taken from the founder.

- Founder recapture culture redone :
[TAB]Culture_new = Culture_old x ((Current_year - Loss_year) / (Max_years * 0.25))
NOT turn based... year based.

- If founder's restored culture is less than the non-founder culture, the
non-founder culture is used.

- Included two mods by Bhruic for the user's convenience.


- Uses SdToolKit.

- Better motive to regain lost cities. 80% of ORIGINAL culture is restored to
the founder, minus a small chunk for population depletion and building loss.
If the original culture is less than the current culture, then the current
culture is used.

- If a city is captured from a previous conqueror by someone other than the
original founder AND the current culture value is equal to or over 200% of
the original culture, then the loser becomes the 'founder' and gains the
aforementioned motive.

- Adjusted loss calculation from (0.25 + rand(0.25) + rand(0.25)) to
(0.5 + rand(0.25) + rand(0.25))


- Initial Release.

-----===Credits & Thanks===-----

- Exavier
[TAB]Composite Mod - readme.txt format

- Stone-D
[TAB]For his original Culture Conquest code
- Dr Elmer Jiggle
[TAB]For providing the INI file parser code allowing for players to
[TAB]customize this mod without having to touch the python code!!!

First release
Last update
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I've only played regular Civ4 so far (twice), but IIRC, a captured city doesn't lose its culture, and hence can flip back if you have the option set. When you are GIVEN a city from peace negotiations, though, yeah, the culture goes away. Why would the citizens want to rejoin an empire that sold them out?

Or am I missing something?
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