C2C SVN Changelog

I think someone else will need to do the base terrain stuff and maybe the terrain features stuff since I am not using the C2C standard terrain for health reasons and that makes keeping things straight difficult.

Have you tried making a pre-made map with say all grass or another terrain that doesn't make you sick? And then testing on that?
The School of Rhetoric building has gone in the latest SVN. Did someone remove it?

Edit The bonus tungsten also has gone.:confused:

Edit 2 found out why my cactus feature works but the one in the the SVN does not. My sync program was ignoring tga files.

- Fix cactus feature
- add crater feature for lunar terrains
- set lunar terrains for resources.
@Dancing Hoskuld

I am getting an error saying that BONUS_MARS_ROCKS don't exist anymore. Where did they go? I had my Astrogeology Lab get a bonus from them.

Also all 3 new lunar craters are missing their button/icons and the middle lunar crater is missing its text.

Revision: 2635
Author: dancinghoskuld
Date: Tuesday, May 22, 2012 7:40:42 PM
Fix cactus, add lunar terrains to resources and add crater feature for the lunar terrains.
Deleted : /trunk/Assets/Modules/Resources/NewResources/MN_CIV4GameTextInfos_Objects.xml
Deleted : /trunk/Assets/Modules/Resources/NewResources/SoM_Bonus_CIV4GameText.xml
Modified : /trunk/Assets/Modules/Resources/NewResources/SoM_CO2_Ice_CIV4BonusInfos.xml
Modified : /trunk/Assets/Modules/Resources/NewResources/SoM_Helium3_CIV4BonusInfos.xml
Deleted : /trunk/Assets/Modules/Resources/NewResources/SoM_MarsRocks_CIV4BonusInfos.xml
Deleted : /trunk/Assets/Modules/Resources/NewResources/SoM_Quantonium_Crystal_CIV4BonusInfos.xml
Added : /trunk/Assets/Modules/Resources/SoM_CO2_Ice_CIV4BonusInfos.xml
Modified : /trunk/Assets/XML/Art/CIV4ArtDefines_Feature.xml
Modified : /trunk/Assets/XML/Terrain/CIV4BonusInfos.xml
Modified : /trunk/Assets/XML/Terrain/CIV4FeatureInfos.xml
Modified : /trunk/Assets/XML/Terrain/CIV4TerrainInfos.xml
Added : /trunk/Assets/XML/Text/C2C_NewTerrainFeature_CIV4GameText.xml
Modified : /trunk/Assets/XML/Text/C2C_Terrain_Addons_CIV4GameText.xml
Added : /trunk/Assets/art/Terrain/features/kaktus/grass1.tga
Deleted : /trunk/Assets/art/Terrain/water
- removed old water textures

You should have just deleted the water directory since all that is in your FPKs and I had put a very old one up with the Lunar Terrain stuff.

nvm too early in the morning. . ..
@Dancing Hoskuld

I am getting an error saying that BONUS_MARS_ROCKS don't exist anymore. Where did they go? I had my Astrogeology Lab get a bonus from them.

Also all 3 new lunar craters are missing their button/icons and the middle lunar crater is missing its text.

Mars Rock don't appear anywhere, as per this doc, so I removed them until they do. I got them confused with moon rocks which I have not yet done. Until they have somewhere to go they wont be back.

There was a typo in the text name for all of the lunar craters. I've lost the buttons also.

- Caves should now work but wont be put on generated maps yet.
- Moved art to core for caves and lunar craters.
Misspelling found by Vokarya

  • Artifical Stars is missing an i after the last c in Artifical.
  • Emancipations does not need to be plural.
  • Mine warfare needs its W capitalized.
  • Subterrainean Exploration needs the i dropped in Subterranean.

Fixed spelling error in Hydro's Science folder also for the Subterranean Exploration

So whats the outcome on the Bonus Mars Rock, are they in or out???

-Added 5 New Worker Combat units
-Gave combat strengths to existing workers (but they are weak)
-Added new COMBAT_WORKER Unitcombat
-Made the Elephant Worker a National Unit (Limit 5)

Back in the AND days, these types of units would cause random crashes. I could not duplicate those crashes, but If anyone has them, just post the minidumps on the bugs/crashes thread and hopefully Koshling will be able to fix it.
WHOOOOOOOOTTTT!!! Dreamed up the idea long before civfanatics entered my life, and its on C2C

what idea?

And he can't find it at the moment because he has a blinding head ache. I think I got moon and mars rocks mixed up when I started to do the mars terrains and deleted it by mistake.

Get better man, your one of the pillars of this mod and you creative genius always in high demand.
- Added Air and Water Pollution properties.

Note they do not do anything yet except for accumulate pollution. They should work like the crime property works. No buildings add or reduce it yet and there are no free buildings produced yet. Note they are both set to 1 per turn per city size (crime has 3 per turn per city size).
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