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  • Typical flu for me, coughing, sneezing, high fever, vomiting. The thing that really laid me up though was it weakened my immune system enough that I caught Bronchitis and Pneumonia too. They gave me an anti-biotic for the bronchitis.
    Actually, my girlfriend and I are cooking monkfish liver. I only did posting rampages because I was visiting relatives and I didn't have anything else to do. As a married man, I'm sure you understand.

    By the way, I recommend Slumdog Millionaire. It wasn't what I expected after seeing the Academy Awards. It wasn't predictable until the last ten minutes and then it would have been a major bummer if it didn't end as predicted.
    My game with Bodissey.

    I understand your wife is out of town. Are you going to get out of the house and have a boy's night out?
    Thanks for the NES thread. I appreciate the gesture. As you have said, it can wait. Are you aware MMC has full admin privileges?
    Oh, I tried to move the NES thread but I'm not mod of Other Games so it has to stay in OT until DSorL gets on.
    Not sure if you've seen BU's wall at all. I've done what I can to get you guys back, please speak with Solver for the things you would like to see.
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