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  • Yo... didn't want to go off-topic in the post.

    Haven't tinkered with LotM since last crash, wherein I lost like 7 civilizations. I had the # up to the 31. But yes, I play with it now and again.
    abi niye boyle yapiyosun ya! Allah Allah, gunah abi! Seni arkadas olarak ekledim niye kabul etmiyorsun? Turk milletti nasil yucelir sende boyle yaparsan biz Turkler birlik olmaliyiz bu ortamda, bak biz burda yabanciyiz sunni Turkler olarak birbirimize arka cikmaliyiz abi!
    I will get into your post r16, but now I'm so tired just arrive from home, but I'm quite happy hearing from you again ;)
    You don't need to put a space before punctuation, it looks a little weird. Also, to reply to me, not yourself, click "view conversation". Otherwise you will simply write on your own wall.
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