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  • what do you mean when you say Germany (and others) don't have parks quite like North America does? We do have vast areas completely under Naturschutz where you're persecuted even for picking a flower or getting off trail, with nothing but wilderness for miles.
    Phroſsacke, merrie man!
    I beſeeche thee, haſt þou ane Inklinge or helpful Guide to the writinge by Hand in the Georgian ſcripts?
    This is in deede much Foode for þought. It mayhappes be a ſimple Coincidence, a ſerendipitous Evente. Уe Tangerinne-Human Hybridde, as it is, cannot be countenanced as a ſerious Personne or even as a ſucceſsfulle Buſineſsmanne, but ſuch is lyfe.

    I muſt þinke of a Waye in which to practiſe more theſe archaicke ſpellinges. What doſt þou recommende?
    In keepinge wiþ former formattes, I muſt ask thee, O Phroſsacke, whether thine habit of referring to Future Eternalle Preſident Drumpf's ſympathiſers and proſpecktive voters as ‘foollowers’ conſtitutes an Freudianne ſlippe or an intentionalle, sly punne, or play on wordes.
    Now thæt ye terme at my Univerſitie is about to commence, mayhaps we could finallie ſtartte our Yreade for ye Butcheringe of Ænglishe? If so, we ſhouldst agree on ſome ſtandards.
    I beſeeche thee to take a looke at yonder threade of Mathematickes, it is located in the Forvm for Matter thætt are notte on Topick. It ſurelie lookes like a pit of moſhing where much merriement can be hadde, and dances with the otherworldly and infraviadvctal ſpirits may be engagede inne.
    Oh, seriously, couldn't you tell I was in a trolltastic mood? You need to hang out at 50chat more often.
    Yes, it's for a story in which my characters, just for one or two episodes (3k words at best) have to deal with an embassy from some horseback nomads from south of the mountains.
    Beiji, Beiji, might be. I need it for the wife of a Noyon. I can always call her 'Lady X' instead of 'X Beiji'.

    btw, so many languages… and only one life during which to learn them!

    I've been thinking for some time that it's the turn of the Slavs to feel my tender, ticklish, scholarly embrace. But there's so many of them!
    Hey, Phro! Do you know whether there's a female form of the word Noyon/Noyan in Mongol?
    I ſpeakethe of yonder artickle at Tee Vee Tropes to which I hath linkede. I greately do admire itte. Haſt thou not reade itte?
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