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  • I'm also doing classic tonight, slightly exited! I'll be playing Warlock on a German PvP Server, where will you be @? Expecting endless queue times and not being able to tag a single mob :DD
    On a french realm, restarting all my characters from scratch :D
    (well, their namesakes at least)
    Going PvE this time though, never liked PvP and I've been forced through it enough in 15 years :p
    "I still feel like the 18-years old of my youth in my head, just with even less patience but more ability to ignore :("

    same. and I actually hope this never changes, for I fear it would be for the worse
    Yeah, well, I was told that there was all this wisdom coming with age. I want all these promises back, or the ability to detect said wisdom. I feel short-changed.
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