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  • I'll leave it alone in the thread because the mods might get feisty, but re: "and I think Marx would agree..."

    I am also a student of Lenin and Mao, and acknowledge that there are also the forces of imperialism which must be understood and opposed with equal vigor. Lenin, for his part, did not think that Russia's war against Germany was moral, despite many leftists in France and Britain thinking that it was.
    I come back here after seeing your activity at chess.com, miss you man ;)
    Where did Polanyi say that line about industrial societies being able to afford to be free?
    idk how I missed this, it's near the end of The Great Transformation. I think maybe the last chapter.
    Well, I'm seeing Polanyi quoted in works on the oeconomicks of Ancient Greece so I suppose I'd better start gathering some of the man's bibliography before the Kirchnerists confiscate all passports and ban book imports or something.
    you no longer on #fiftychat? I've been on the last week or two, haven't seen you around.

    Also, why can't I PM you?
    i just haven't been going on it because i've been rather addicted to video games the last couple of weeks lol
    since you're now the fourth or fifth person to tell me they can't PM me I'm going to finally PM a staff member about it.
    Apparently it is impossible to start a conversation (what passes for PM now) with you? I'll just tell you here to take a look at Adam Tooze's latest musings, it's worth it.
    it shouldn't be impossible, I haven't been banned or anything. I've been trying to figure this out for a few days - I found a couple of articles by Tooze but they were written a while ago: do you mean his latest book? or something else?
    Get unbanned so that I can continue to make semi-tangential posts in the brexit thread for somebody who'll at least read them.
    Your comment on the "PC Culture" thread reminded me that I'd been meaning to ask if you've ever read "Revolution in the Air" by Max Elbaum? If you're not familiar, it's a sympathetically critical account of the American New Left from the SDS through to the start of the Reagan era. It's interesting stuff, even if it did make me sympathise with Maoists without my consent.
    I have not, but I have read a few good pieces about the SDS and its fate, enough that some of the stuff I've seen on Leftbook, left tumblr etc started making more sense.
    I think accounts of "SJWism" often try to frame the phenomena in terms of, like, the unique moral failings of the millennial generation but it seems so obvious that it's a response to the material conditions of the contemporary era...
    There's a sale on Verso books so I'm bout to get the ebook of that for half off along with a bunch of other stuff probably...
    For sure they do deserve some legal protections, just not all the same protections as people. What was striking is like I said, a dude who wrote the 14th am. actually lied to SCOTUS in a case, then the court clerk put in a straight up falsehood in the case summary that subsequent SCOTUS's have used in their judgements. It's atrocious
    Buster's Uncle
    Buster's Uncle
    I say if you can't go to jail for breaking the law, it's ridiculous to have the legal protections of a person.
    up lies were told to the SCOTUS and more lies were inserted into a summary of a SCOTUS ruling to give them 14th amendment protections.
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    We actually did a reading in one of my classes long ago on this, it was a paper that I might be able to find if I try hard enough. Basically it tells the same story, of how corporations used to be chartered for some specific purpose and were held to exist at the pleasure of the public,
    then through a series of court cases they became immortal and had various legal protections applied. Some of those legal protections were fine with me, others should be rolled back.
    Anyway I'll definitely check this out later today, got a three-hour train ride later so there'll be plenty of time to listen then.
    Did you ever watch that Iglesias video I posted in that one thread? It's a good watch and something I think you'd appreciate.
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