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    Questions from starting player

    Turn off adviser popups. I agree that message is very annoying. Note that the adviser also says they are "rightfully" requesting to join their motherland. Where's the option to have him executed?
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    [MapScript] Erebus Continent

    It's a random event. You can't trigger it. If you have a city ruins in your territory (possibly city radius), there's a very, very small chance each turn that the event will occur. It's not worth planning for.
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    Some comments on the AI

    I've had an AI refuse to even accept peace (with no other conditions) once they were down to 1 unit and 1 city, whereas when they still had 2 cities and ~15 units they were willing to give all of their techs for peace.
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    Questions from starting player

    Commerce (almost) always. Some food is good to hit happy cap faster but due to painfully high early tech costs, I consider commerce most important early on.
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    Funny Fall from Heaven Screenshots!

    Well, at least the priest of leaves has a spell that's useful in arbitrarily large numbers. Worse when they make armies of stonewardens or ritualists (both of which I've encountered).
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    How to tweak lairs exploration outcomes?

    caster instead of pCaster a typo?
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    The future of Fall from Heaven

    It's about 19 of 36 leaders and 1 unit (that I recognize) of too many to count.
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    Ultra-Blight WTF

    def doArmageddonBlight(argsList): kTriggeredData = argsList[0] iPlayer = argsList[1] pPlayer = gc.getPlayer(iPlayer) py = PyPlayer(iPlayer) if pPlayer.getCivilizationType() != gc.getInfoTypeForString('CIVILIZATION_INFERNAL'): for pyCity in py.getCityList(): pCity = pyCity.GetCy() i...
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    help with Kuriotates settlements

    You can also use priests to build temples. The Octopus Overlords temple gives culture directly and the Fellowship of Leaves temple lets you assign a bard. Any temple lets you assign a specialist, which can give culture if you have caste system or the Hall of Kings. Edit: Of note is that while...
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    Cardith Lorda's stagnant cities

    It was actually changed to give 50 turns of "cruel oppression" unhappiness, meaning 1 unhappiness per 10 turns remaining, rounded up (starting at 5 unhappiness), so it's no longer entirely free.
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    Some OOS findings

    FAssertMsg doesn't do anything unless you've compiled with some debug flag. See FAssert.h.
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    Some OOS findings

    Well the file Sephi posted may be a fix. It just needs to be tested.
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    Some OOS findings

    To clarify, the error checking is to ensure that the -1 is not later passed to an array (in particular, the array of buildings/units, see getCivilizationBuildings in CvInfos.cpp). If you take the -1 index of an array in C++, it just gives you whatever is before the array in memory, which could...
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    AI really reluctant to expand in latest patch?

    Doviello have always expanded in my games (0.41m), but generally they still fall way behind in tech. Likely causes for this are their usual tundra start and their worldspell sinking their economy. I also suspect they may be building workers and upgrading them to warriors, because I've seen...
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    FfH2 Bug Thread

    Arcane Lacuna also gives all Amurite arcane units a batch of experience (based on the number of upgraded mana nodes in the game, so says the civilopedia).
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    Some OOS findings

    Thanks, I will try that.
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    Some OOS findings

    Not surprising, Bannor, Sheaim, and Balseraphs were underrepresented in my sample.
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    Some OOS findings

    Edit: If you're playing multiplayer with a lot of AI's, please try the small modification Sephi posted below and let us know if you still encounter any OOS. It doesn't change any behavior; it just adds a small error handling check. Original post: I've logged 7 OOS (out of sync) instances...
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    Mercenaries and the Guild of the Nine

    Keep in mind you can also spam warriors and upgrade them and this will generally give you a significantly better conversion of gold to strength at minimal hammer cost, especially if you have apprenticeship or the like. The main advantage of mercenaries is that you can get them instantly. (I'm...
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    8.0x Bugs Thread

    Priest summoned by Mazatl worldspell only lasts 1 turn.
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