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  1. D

    Once more... a scrolling civics screen.

    The problem is inside python it does not attach multyline text to a scrolling pannell... [for a number of times]... if you see the Visa one or the vertical scrolling, you can see that they have split the multylne text on the SDK to a single line text... I have made a temporary solution for...
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    [Help/Request] BTS Horizontal scrolling

    The problema is that the vertical one or the Visa need to merge the sdk... it seems impossible to think that we cannot do a python only screen... In the pedia (take a look at to attach a multiline text to a pannel they have used this: screen.attachMultilineText...
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    [Help/Request] BTS Horizontal scrolling

    I make a new post and add a civcs screen , value like spacing or font ar not fixed at this time.... I have a problem to display the help text... I think it was controlled in def drawHelpText At fY = self.HELP_TOP + 3 * self.TEXT_MARGIN szHelpAreaID = self.HELP_AREA_NAME +...
  4. D

    Lowering sealevel in Fractal mapscript

    I have do it in my mod, search for CIV4SeaLevelInfo.xml in the XML folder of CIV4.... you con see something similar to: <SeaLevelInfo> <Type>SEALEVEL_LOW</Type> <Description>TXT_KEY_SEALEVEL_LOW</Description> <iSeaLevelChange>-8</iSeaLevelChange>...
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    Adding religions

    Use this: Or if you want to do it manually take a look at the start of in the civ assets folder there are a lot value at the start of the file that you can easy change.... At a first look i suggest to see this number...
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    [Help/Request] BTS Horizontal scrolling

    Sorry for the UP, but i'm really in troubles... I post here some NOT WORKING code, if some one could find errors in it make me happy... Post an update were the techtoppannel correcly scrolling have now a big problem with the the help text.... def interfaceScreen (self): # #OLD CODE...
  7. D

    [Help/Request] BTS Horizontal scrolling

    Hi, is sometimes I start modding CIV4, I plan a lot of my “reinventing the wheel ” mod. I find this forum very helpful, and many times I wish to post a request or ask for help. I know how to merge other files in the SDK, I know how to fix some screens I have to fix, but I don’t know C++ or...
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