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  1. I_qua_I

    Philosophical Debate

    I don't get it. Where's the philosophy? :dunno:
  2. I_qua_I

    Quick Questions and Answers

    You can read the +3:c5production: production in this case as "This change will cause this tile's yield to change by X amount." The mine is destroyed in the process. If you were to destroy a tile granting +1:c5production: production, the notice would read +5:c5production: production instead...
  3. I_qua_I

    Quick Questions and Answers

    Has the BNW fall patch's release date/month/etc. been released yet? I've been away from the forums for awhile and am curious to see what's going on with it.
  4. I_qua_I

    Egypt Bug found

    It's 5 followers, not 5 population. I've used this belief as Egypt and can't recall ever noticing it not working. (I can't remember well enough to actually confirm it's not a bug, only that I can't remember it ever not working. As a side note I do remember using the happiness one and it does in...
  5. I_qua_I

    Standard number of AI civs on maps isn't enough anymore

    I have to agree with the OP. The AIs don't like to expand like they used to. A few more AIs to fill out the map (and a few less city-states) always feel more "complete" in my games.
  6. I_qua_I

    "You built wonders that we coveted"

    It's one of the dumbest modifiers in the game. There's really no definitive method of knowing when or with whom or for which wonder this modifier will pop up. The only surefire way to avoid it is to avoid building wonders altogether. I hope it's removed in future iterations of the series.
  7. I_qua_I

    Which Pantheon Belief should India take?

    God of the Sea. No contest, that fish is just SCREAMING for it. ;)
  8. I_qua_I

    Poland Social Policies

    Why do you want free amphitheaters? I find the four free monuments much more useful now that amphitheater's are kind of a waste until you fill them with great works.
  9. I_qua_I

    no love for Egypt?

  10. I_qua_I

    Assyria bullies my city state at turn 4.

    Is bullying/the ability to bully tied to military strength or something? I never noticed and am genuinely curious.
  11. I_qua_I

    Civ 5 - Schoolyard Politics

    I've also noticed this and commented on it in a minor rant thread shortly after vanilla's release. The dialogue and general leader to leader interaction is unrealistically childish and detracts from the atmosphere of the game. The leaders in Civ5 act more like spoiled high-schoolers than...
  12. I_qua_I

    Why don't wonders produce tourism?

    It's more than a little unintuitive that wonders don't grant tourism. I wouldn't mind wonders granting a flat out tourism bonus but would rather it not be by default and instead earned via a policy (aesthetics finisher???) or through some other means. (This isn't because I think it would cause...
  13. I_qua_I

    Eating Crow

    I find cities prohibitively difficult to capture in the early game as well. I think the removal of much of the gold from the early eras was a great change but had the (I suspect unintended) effect of rendering early war much more difficult and much less profitable. At least allow unwalled...
  14. I_qua_I

    Normal or Epic ?

    I used to play on marathon and epic speed regularly pre-BNW. Now I play exclusively on standard pace. The game has become more balanced since the last expansion's release and it seems like most of the improvements/additions were made with standard speed in mind. There are a number of things that...
  15. I_qua_I

    Trading Post Suggestion

    I picture this being very problematic. Imagine having carefully chosen a location for your trading post, using up some valuable turn times allowing your worker to build it and then finding a strategic resource you want to connect or an archeological dig site show up next to it shortly after...
  16. I_qua_I

    Why would I want to upgrade a maxed out chariot archer to a knight?

    Huh? Where's the contradiction here. Lancers are still anti-mounted. You'd upgrade because you're essentially getting a stronger pikeman with extra movement. Where's the downside in that?
  17. I_qua_I

    Has anyone ever won after losing his/her capital?

    This is an interesting poll. I'm curious how it will turn out. I don't recall ever losing my capital when it wasn't my last/only city to take (so it was pretty much an insta-lose anyway.) I imagine though that I wouldn't feel particularly compelled to finish the game if I did have other cities...
  18. I_qua_I

    Slots - The Logic

    There really should be a universally available 1-slot great work building before museums. I often build the Sistine Chapel just to be able to finally use my great artists.
  19. I_qua_I

    This guy's dad has 13,031 HOURS played, that equals 12.38 hours PER DAY since release

    I'm not new here though don't particularly know who MadDjinn is apart from seeing some of his posts on these forums. :dunno: Is he really Sid Meier's son?
  20. I_qua_I

    Better Piety?

    This!^^^ The rest are fine. Some of the policies are sometimes underwhelming but this is the only one that seems like a waste. It also lacks transparency. Knowing which cities are benefiting from this policy and in what way from which religion involves a lot more look-up than should be necessary...
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