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  1. C

    Q: Which of the following city sites is the best?

    For a starting city I'd go for location F. This is due to the existence of the Whale, which gives two of each of food/shield/trade, which is max a square can produce under despotism. Along this, there are several grassland squares, five of which produces shield. Thus the city has production...
  2. C

    Power Graph Explained v2.0

    I find this absolutely marvelous! I cannot help to think why it should take five years before anyone set forth on the task of analysing that graph empiric. Perhaps this can put the end to countless discussions based on rumours and speculation. Two thumbs up to Andu, this is truly a Wonder!!!
  3. C

    Finished...Now what?

    I have finally finished GotM#2. Now the question is: which files to send where in order to participate? Thanks in advance
  4. C

    Game of the Month #2 is HERE!!!

    1545AD: I've exterminated the English long since, and I'm working on the Ruski. <FONT COLOR="blue">Censored by Matrix</FONT c> [This message has been edited by Matrix (edited March 12, 2001).]
  5. C

    Game of the Month #2 is HERE!!!

    Just a few days ago I conquered the world on deity for the first time. Perhaps you could crank the difficulty up a notch in the next GOTM? Looking forward to play though
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