[RFCM:BWS] An Iberian Love Story

What will you choose if nobody votes?[Alaska and Hawaii are with 3 votes each]

I'll extend the voting period for a week or two. By then, voting will be limited to the previously-submitted options.
As soon as they woke up the next day, he showed her a map of the world, filled mostly with yellow and green to designate the lands within their combined realms.

"Tengo algunas ideas para la ubicación de nuestro nuevo hogar," he said as he marked six spots on the map, with each spot corresponding to a certain place in the world.

"¿Cuál es el más cercano de aquí?" she asked as she sipped from her cup of coffee.

"Groenlandia es la cercanísima," he told her as he pointed his pen to the corresponding area,"pero la mayor parte está cubierta de hielo."

"No creo que vivamos en un lugar tan gélido como eso," she firmly objected against the first choice. "Pues, ¿cuáles son nuestras otras opciones?"

He then centered the map at the Pacific Ocean, where most of the remaining choices were located.

"La siguiente es la pequeña isla de Galápagos, ubicado al suroeste de la costa de Perú.

"Luego, está el archipiélago de Hawai, que es ocupada por los japoneses de origen americano. Ya que apenas se defendió, se podría expulsar a sus pobladores y ocuparlo.

"Al noroeste de Santa Cruz de la Nuca es la península de Alaska, cubiertos de nieve, la tundra y la taiga.

"Al este de Lagos en Australia es la colonia británica de Nueva Zelanda. Sólo Isla Sur está ocupado, y todavía hay espacio para nosotros en la cercana Isla Norte.

"La última es la isla de Borneo. Aunque los ciudadanos de Yakarta han explotado los recursos de las costas del sur, el norte queda cubiertas con selvas exuberantes."

"¿Quieres decir que estamos fundando una nueva ciudad?"


"Si es así, quiero que nuestra nueva ciudad sea la capital compartida de nuestros imperios combinados. Voy a dejar que nuestros súbditos elegir la nueva capital para nosotros, entre las opciones has presentado. Groenlandia no será una opción."

With the cup of coffee still on her hand, she went to announce a referendum for the selection of a new capital through a previously-unexplored medium: the Internet. Although its basic functions are working, the communication lines are still being laid out all over the empire and its existence was known only to selected people, mostly deputies, senators and governors. She then ordered its existence to be revealed to assure the people of a fair poll and to send all referendum-related data through it. This will also be the first time that the new medium would be tested at large for its efficiency.

Spoiler translation of dialogue :
"I have some ideas for the location of our new home."
"Which one is the closest from here?"
"Greenland is the closest one, but it's mostly covered with ice."
"I don't think we could live in a place as cold as that. Then, what are the other options?"
"The next one is the little island of Galapagos, located southwest of Peru's coast.
"Then there's the Hawaiian archipelago, which is occupied by Japanese citizens of American origin. Since it's barely defended, we could expel its inhabitants and occupy it.
"Northwest of Santa Cruz de Nuca is the Alaska peninsula, covered with ice, tundra and taiga.
"East of Lagos in Australia is the British colony of New Zealand. Only South Island is occupied, and there's space for us in nearby North Island.
"The last one is the island of Borneo. Although the citizens of Jakarta have exploited the resources of its southern coasts, the north remains covered with lush jungles."
"Did you mean that we'll found a new city?"
"If so, I want our new city to be the shared capital of our empires combined. I'll let our subjects choose the new capital for us from the options you have presented. Greenland won't be an option."

There goes the fourth wall in this update (and I set the language of the interface into Spanish just for the screenshots). By the way, no more entries can be submitted and all subsequent votes should be given to one of the options (except Greenland, which was rendered uninhabitable by ice). Alaska is leading with 4 votes, followed by Hawaii with 3. By Thursday, no more votes will be accepted and the final settler would be sent there.
Hawaii.. but then you'd have to destroy the existing Pearl Harbor, right?
Spoiler :
Disco Inferno!

Gosh though.. I suppose you will win once you do it, but that would be a messed up AAR.. "Well, yeah, my wife wanted to live in Hawaii so we ruthlessly killed every inhabitant that was already there in order to build our Island Getaway and the Japanese didn't like that..."
That's not the Galapagos. That's Easter Island. :D

The Galapagos are the two tiles, one jungle and one mountain, really close to the South American coast near the equator, right next to where the Incas usually build their second city.

Actually, if we're also taking into account the plausibility of it being used as basically the capital of the world, I guess building on Borneo (so... settling IRL Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei?) wouldn't be a bad choice. At least it's near other settlements. I vote Borneo.
That's not the Galapagos. That's Easter Island. :D

The Galapagos are the two tiles, one jungle and one mountain, really close to the South American coast near the equator, right next to where the Incas usually build their second city.

You voted for either of the two, right?

Actually, if we're also taking into account the plausibility of it being used as basically the capital of the world, I guess building on Borneo (so... settling IRL Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei?) wouldn't be a bad choice. At least it's near other settlements. I vote Borneo.
If you're withdrawing your earlier vote for Galapagos/Easter Island and reassign it to Borneo, I'll count it. Either Easter Island or Galapagos will still remain as choices, and the first of those two that gains a vote would remain.

With that, I'm updating the poll results again.

Borneo: III
Alaska: IIII
New Zealand:II
Hawaii: IIII
Greenland: I
Galapagos/Easter Island: I
If Greenland is out i will vote New Zealand :D
If you're withdrawing your earlier vote for Galapagos/Easter Island and reassign it to Borneo, I'll count it. Either Easter Island or Galapagos will still remain as choices, and the first of those two that gains a vote would remain.

Yes, I'm officially changing my vote to Borneo. :)
If Greenland is too cold, shouldn't Alaska be too? My vote is -1 for Alaska, or if I can't do that, +1 for Borneo.
I clicked each individual one of those I's. Then I realized I never voted...

I vote for Borneo!
Can I vote:please:

Anyway, I vote for Borneo. It is the one place which is not already claimed or a terrible spot. Plus the tropics make a good getaway:D.
Here's the result of the poll:

Borneo: IIIIII
Alaska: IIIII
New Zealand:III
Hawaii: IIII
Greenland: I
Galapagos/Easter Island: I

That means Borneo is chosen.

I'm still busy writing an update, trying to figure out how to seamlessly insert the backstory/prologue I wrote. Hopefully, I'm done with an update or two before February 14.
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I like trains.


(Kid gets hit by train)
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