TerraNES: The Civil Experiment

The Levantine League was bad-ass-pwning Pirates for two hundred years, propped up the "Athenian" government twice (along with some Black Sea Powers), blasted certain merchants from intruding onto your trade routes by ramming them out of existence and basically economically vassalized the coastal regions of Katan.

But they are as unified as the Pirates Council in PotC III until you showed up. At least, there was a Pirates Council. I made the Phoenician union because their foreign policy is basically unified, and I didn't have Erez to work the inherent friction between the city states, and I got bored of trying to do their orders seperately. :p. After annexing Damascus they owned all the Levant, so the Levantine League between Damascus and the Phoenician Union became the name of this new, volatile nation.
Announcer: The Councilman of Tyre elects himself as the new Administrator.
The Councilman of Damascus elects himself as the new Administrator.
The Councilman of Byblos elects himself as the new Administrator.
The Councilman of Galilee elects... The Councilman of Ugarit?

All: ...

Announcer:The Councilman of Ugarit voted for himself, obviously.


Councilman of Ugarit: Oh wow... I totally didn't expect that.
LMFAO, so, what you're saying is I need a post-Wiemar style "constructive vote of no confidence" system?

But, I mean, all else fails Damascus has a larger Council than the others and they can push people around for the time being (They are the ones who only let Priests be Councilmen and they let each High Priest on so they have 12, Tyre only had 5)
The Ambassador watched the scene before him, his time-worn face bearing a placid and inscrutable expression. Was it curiosity? Bemused dismissal? The critical eye of an old soldier? Maybe it was all of these. The old Hyakkid was a difficult man to read. Perhaps that was why he was the Ambassador.

The Levantine soldiers before him performed their maneuvers with well-honed coordination and skill. Thrust! Turn! Advance! Lock Shields! The sun glinted off of their bronze-tipped spears, and small clouds of dust rose from the dry earth like flocks of frightened birds. The young men completed their routine, turned on each other to spar, then on the barked orders of their commander regrouped and repeated the maneuvers.

The Ambassador did not need to look away to know that the Administrator had arrived beside him.

"You have trained your soldiers well, my friend. Yet they are no warriors of Takarzi."

The Administrator drew even with his Hyakkid counterpart, squinting in the bright light at the soldiers, who had redoubled their efforts at his arrival.

"You are right, of course." said the man, stroking his grey beard thoughtfully, "They are no disciples of Tarias. They are Warriors of the League."

"Ah, but what is a warrior without his devotion to battle?"

The Administrator allowed a wry grin to form on his face as the ritual conversation repeated itself once more.

"The League's Business, my Hyakkid friend, is Business. These young men are not the sons of hunters, generals, or conquerors. They are the kin of farmers, sailors and craftsmen: I have trained them to fight so that others need not."

The Ambassador nodded gently, a faint smile playing at his lips.

"I may spend half a century living amongst your cities, old friend, and to the day I die I do not think I will fully understand."

"Nor will I understand what leads your kind to seek trouble wherever it may be. You are perhaps the only man of Hyak I have known to live his adult life in peace."

The Ambassador gave an odd bark of laughter and gave the Levantine a knowing grin.

"You've known me for some time, but still not long enough. You have seen me at arms before."

"I've dueled you before. In better years. In younger years."

The Administrator and the Ambassador fell silent for several seconds.

"War is the realm of the young and ambitious, my friend. My service to Takarzi is long complete. Now... I serve the king as I can. My fights are limited arena of diplomacy."

"And a blood-spattered arena it is."

The Ambassador nodded faintly, his face returning to its unreadable state once more.

Would it be considered poor form to release a story detailing the deaths of many people that play an important role in Vahlshallah right now?
:lol:, Terrance.

Additionally, there are many Iron Prophets. It's a succession line, much like a hereditary tree, but the line of Iron Prophets is not decided upon blood, but on who survives a March of the Lancers. :)

Can't wait to see this update, I have been eager for so long to see it.
Update 12
Initiation of Imperialism
600 Years into the Bronze Age

Link to video.

To top off the introduction, I will read off the size of several of our Imperial Armies.
11900-Neo-Egyptian Empire
17350-Settlers of Katan without new Highprincedoms)
15650-High Kingdom of Hyak

New massive empires dominate the scene after spending sometimes centuries slowly developing their power. Imperialism led all to look ever further beyond their borders for new lands to conquer, new people to subjugate, and new cultures to assimilate. Even as they move outward, however, there are many internal pressures inside their massive societies. One day, their battles will be fought in the labyrinth of court intrigue and assassinations, but until then, it will be fought on the fields of Empires.

The pace of technological sophistication increases, as new breakthroughs are made across the civilized world.

It is a time to Initiate Imperialism.


“Oh yes, the military would grow”

Nanakatae is on a warpath to expand their growing empire! After vassalizing the Illnos, they fought through several small tribes to arrive at the Four Rivers Valley. There, they attacked the nearest town, that of the Kansa.

The Kansa were no pushover. Perhaps if they were more organized they can more effectively utilize their hillforts and their ambushes from the tall grass. But the warriors of Nanakatae were undaunted and moving slowly, they caught their central town in a choke hold and captured it after costly assault. (-2 warriors+1XP +Domestic +Loot)

The remnants streamed across the Great Muddy under the protection of the Great Chief of Kumbar. They were well welcomed there and, loyal only to the Great Chief, they managed to unify the land of Kumbaria and made tempting offers to their elsewhile enemies the Entoki to unite against the Nanakatae menace.

Meanwhile, the Nanakatae were having problems with their project. They tried to bring everyone into the army, but in the end the only real result would be that people will starve and revolt; it isn’t as if they are still a tribal society; they are an Empire! Nontheless, the project is redesigned by engineers fearing for their head, and it will now either increase the basic training of footsoldiers or give all citizens basic militia training to be called up for war.

Rumors up the clear Ohio valley come of a growing nation based on maize-tending.

Rumors down the Mississippi come of a several warring nations fighting what seems to be a civil war.

Rumors come from the Powwow clans of several great lakes.

They have a world to conquer, and only so much time to conquer with…

Eastern Seas

“You know bleached bone peak? That used to be the lowest pass between Pella and Epirus.”

The great Katanic war machine rolled westward, tens of thousands mobilizing for the invasion of Greece. They marched over the great pontoon bridge of Byzantinon, they marched down the Thracian coast under the watchful eyes of Varnan soldiers. The High Princes mobilized their own forces, joining the Fire Lord at Pella, where they are joined by the considerable forces of the High Prince Mountain Throne itself. This are the alleged numbers of the Firelord’s Army. 5 Solarians, 4 Spearmen (3), 7 Spearmen (1.5), 2 Archers. From Trezbond marches 4 of their finest spearmen companies and a division of archers. And Makedon joins forces with ten divisions of spearmen. Nearly twenty four THOUSAND men march in arms and another twenty thousand handle the massive amounts of supplies needed. No expense was spared, for a great fleet of wagons, rafts, and porters were hired to feed the grand horde.

Thloryn, Ctesiphod and Varna themselves weren’t sitting around in fear, unlike earlier victims of the Firelord. Thloryn gathered their Spartan slaves and established an academy at Thebes, forming relatively loyal units of Spartan Vanguards. Ctesiphod courted the many borderland archers and hunters to join them in defense. Varna annexed Odessa whole with nary any resistance, and officially forced Altyria into capituation. Ctesiphod numbers nearly ten thousand men. Thloryn is not far behind, with three quarters of Cytrian numbers.

The Firelord proves himself to be no fool. He knows that the fortifications of the mountains can be treacherous, and that he must move through the passes as soon as possible. Although the roaded and lowest pass provides a very convenient route, already his scouting troops are returning wounded, telling of tenatious defenders. No, he must outflank this central pass. Scouts are sent all along the mountains, and men are to be sent to each and every likely entrance to break through Ctesiphod’s defenses.

More intriguing is the map which he held. It detailed many strengths weaknesses of the main passes and other tactical notation. He won’t rely on this anonomous gift, for what if it is a Cytrian trick? Nontheless, he uses it to find likely places to send his scouts.

Ctesiphod raises a mass of archers, placing them on the high slopes. They have strongly fortified and trapped the main route, and hope that their hunters can keep the scouts away from discovering other passes.

Even before the Horde arrives at the mountains, casualties are high. Thousands of scouts died, and so has thousands of hunters. Eventually, through their knowledge of the terrain and their use of traps, the Cytrian Hunters receive the upper hand, blinding the main Horde from many of the alternate passes off the beaten brush. Forward troops sent to reinforce the scouts managed to beat the hunters back to their mountainous holds, but more often than not they arrive at a cliff instead of a pass.

Meanwhile, the main army moved quickly up the road to the main pass, lead by a spearhead of Solarians and flanked by “expendables”, who took most of the casualties from the Cytrian traps. They arrive beneath the mountain to find that the entire range ahead is dotted with Cytrian camps, filled with archers. Below, Spearmen hide behind walls built of rubble.

The High King of War cares little for fortresses! ATTACK came the order. And attack they did. Running up the great slopes of the mountain, up they went. And down, down came death. Arrows fall over a thousand feet to penetrate armor and bone.

The hill became slippery with dead, but the battle rages on, for a company of Solarians, impervious to pain and studded with arrows, managed to burn down one of the archer forts. The fires spread across the top of the hill, scattering many attackers and defenders alike.

Meanwhile, the great weight of the assault smashes into the comparably feeble fortifications. The experienced Spearmen were soon slaughtered in the endless melee, and the less prestigious units were held only by the word of their General. The fortifications disappeared under a growing mountain of bodies.

And yet more and more men attacked. Arrows fell among spearmen now that the initial Solarian regiments has been killed to the man, and those who tried to retreat to care for their wounds are trampled under eager reinforcements. The archers cut down the burning trees, and rolled them downhill killing many.

But even with their valiant defense, the Horde presses forward. Step by step, the spearmen are pushed back down the pass. Shieldwalls of spearmen gingerly climb up with heavy casualties to face the archers in close combat, using the bodies of the dead as hand holds on the cliff face. The battle is clearly lost, and there is no way to disengage.

Then, a shout came from the middle of the marching column. The Thloryn Vangaurd smashed into the column in a wedge formation, and the Thloryn army poured into the gap, dividing reinforcements from those facing the battle. With a breath of fresh air, the Cytrians gave their last volley and retreated, suffering horrendous casualties along the way by the chasing Solarians.

The Thloyrn didn’t fare much better. The Vanguard were buried under the weight of bodies and they were forced to retreat. Back, back to Thermoplyae.

The Horde pours through the mountain passes, dragging their supplies behind them.

Then they groaned, for once more they faced the dreaded city walls. The Fire Lord established a garrison to hole up the recuperating Ctesiphodite army and moved south, conquering the rest of the Rumenhold in an orgy that Katan is becoming known for. By the time they reached once more the borders of Thoryn, reinforcements has arrived.

The second part of the invasion of Greece has begun.

They push through, meeting the Thloyrn in battle at Thermoplae, where after a single wave of spearmen, the defenders routed at the mere sight of the solarians. At Thebes, the second generation of Vanguard soldiers dented the Katanic speartip, but still it was sharp enough to push through the passes of Platea into Thloyrn itself.

The Nation cast off on its countless curraghs, and sailed for Toras-Noth.

The remnants fall into chaos, many hoping that a strong government will step in. The Horde, meanwhile, enjoys itself in the city of Thloryn and all the goods stored there, more than making up for all the casualties and losses.

Ctesiphod: -1 Spearmen (3), -3 Spearmen (1.5), -10 Archers (1.5), -1 Domestic -2 Tradem All survivers gain experience
Makedonia: -3 Solarian (4), -2 Spearmen (3), -6 Spearmen (1.5), Survivors +XP +Trezbond+Loot from Greece (still unorganized)

For more peaceful news, the population of Katan’s interior grows as ever less pressure is placed on them and more on the newer High Princedoms. Exnotism continues to spread and interweave into local customs, and Exnotic Kitabalism (Where Exnot is the father of Danu and Kitab, and Takarzi reigns as the chief wargod) takes hold in the Katanic Empire.

The Nile

"Risks to take Canaan? Impossible. I have more soldiers than they have sheep."

At first, the Damiettans laughed and jeered as the Egyptians begun methodically piling rock into the Nile. Then, they begun to get worried as the water receded lower than any time in the history of dry seaons. They tried firing arrows at the workers, but the labor goes on. Finally, after a month of work, the river was low enough to ford.

It was still treacherous. The Dam was amakeshift affair, but for this particular purpose it succeded perfectly. Without too much resistance the Neo-Egyptians captured Damietta, while the Prince of Damietta took their treasury, their best men, and fled to the open seas.

Then, they turned to Canaan. The Canaanites were used to stead advances, so when the Egyptians simply pounced on their armies and slaughtered them, then took Jerusalem, they were simply shocked by their audacity.

Neo-Egypt has achieved the boundaries of Anor, and surpassed it. And within, intensive agricultural production started, with widespread irrigation with pumps, an innovation brought from Cytria, allowing their economy to boom. Trade returns, and with it, temples. The Gods clearly has shown their favor, and the people cheer as Tother, son of Rezzemus the Uniter, returns from Canaan.

To the south, Kush took advantage of the massive Nubian Casualties during the wars of Egyptian Reunification, and charged for their capital. Even now, the Nubian Pharoh awaits, both for the news of the terms for his surrender, and perhaps even better, news that his longtime ally in Thebes will help once again.

Axum, meanwhile, continues to develop. The slowdown in Drydocks construction at Tyre let them hire disgruntled exports, speeding the process on their great docks. Trade expeditions bring back rich profit from Levea, and indeed steal some of the traderoutes connecting Egypt to India from Levea. Their colonies develop, and walls are built around their growing cities. Money from Axum’s neighbors flow into their coffers, greatly increasing their confidence in the abilities of their growing nation.

Eterika reaches a dead end, as their new neighbors speech a different language due to a dividing mountain range, and this divide prevented the easy conquests they became used to. Meanwhile, Aden starts to chart out a new port town near the Giddah Wadi for easier trade to Bakke, and hopes to build it before Axum merchants can notice and send their own settling party.


“You hear that?” “I hear nothing. … Gan? Ga… gack!!!”

The Yueh Confederacy and the Kingdom of Dahai were evenly matched on the Yueh River. Although Yueh has more forces, they are defensive and scattered while Dahai’s forces have the advantage of organization and their skill in sailing. Tensions are high while they jockied for influence.

At Shanghai, the noisy market suddenly paused. A gigantic fleet, painted a ghostly pale green, appeared as if from nowhere. A quick explanation (“Friends”) from the ambassador, and the silent fleet sailed into harbor. Six gigantic Ocean Striders, followed by transport ships and finally several warships, small in comparison.

The men who marched out of those ships where heavily armed, but seemingly mute and polite, if curt, when they do speak. Rank upon rank of guardsmen, then chariots, then archers marched into the city.

The Silent Guardsmen moved quickly through the countryside ahead of the main army, killing Yueh chiefs and killing their troops before they can gather. Xiong Chariots followed right behind, quickly reducing any significant force into oversided quivers. The main army marched behind, shocked at the skill of the men.

It was halfway to Yuejin when resistance finally appeared. Dahai spearmen stood their ground while the Guardsmen and Chariots simply sliced open the Yueh lines with brutal efficiency.

The siege of Yuejin was easier. Without the men to man the small walls, the High Chief was killed while trying to gather supplies for a retreat, and the resistance crumbled. (Xiong Chariots +XP, -1 Archer -1 Silent Guardsmen, 2 Guardsmen +XP)

Dahai now controls the Yueh River and is in debt to Xiyi. Some wonder if this means that they cannot rely on themselves anymore, and despite this victory, many of the soldiers feel cheated. Confidence falls as some of the citizens learn that the Xiyi treaty port is to be expanded to a small town.

AT Xiyi itself, great walls grew around her major cities. Confidence soars as they rise ever higher, until even a bowshot cannot overcome its bounds. Although news come of more and more mysterious horsemen on the borders, the city-folk believe noone can overcome these walls and thus, gain the bridges to cross the Yellow River.

Neighboring Xiyi, the Kingdoms of Huai and Seoul carefully court the great Empire. Both of them desire the great economic and technological advances made there, but both also desire to maintain their independence as well. Seoul bought 2 Ocean striders, and managed to establish a colony far to the south for the purpose of selling weapons for Japanese clans. Meanwhile, Huai expanded into Yueh lands, converting local Daoists to Confucianism.

Meanwhile, the Katos sought to fulfill the Prophesy further. Declaring themselves Emperors and sons of the Sun God, they established the Law of the Warrior and the Faith of the Sun God in their nation. Rapidly mobilizing their great forces, they skirmished their neighbors until a Yamato-Ainu coalition gathered to defeat him. They fought with a sizable army of Katite men when suddenly, two other forces charged onto their flanks, scattering the allied armies. With their lands defenseless, the armies of Japan expand inexorably enslaving all they find to feed the growing warrior upperclass. They are only stopped by dissolving discipline and slowing supplies.

Their capital is now overfilled with slaves, Ainu and Yamato alike. All men within the Kato Clan itself are now warriors, and those who worked for them are all their retainers. Starvation was prevented only by the additional slaves, and although they prevented collapse of their economy, loot does not equate to long-term economic stability.

To the north, the Toyama Confederacy formed to try to stop Japan’s growth while the Kingdom of Kitano also acted on the prophesy, to find their Soldiers of the Sun God fighting Kato’s Soldiers of the Sun God near Ehime. The Yamato formed their own confederacy at Shimane.

Brutally fast, amazingly sharp, and heavily armored, the Dakinsan army scattered all organized Lankan resistance in a single, well planned campaign. Unorganized resistance continued for a decade, but few of the heavily armored Macemen were killed. A puppet state was formed to keep the peace (shown in lighter blue) and the two coastal cities were annexed, leaving the third to govern the farmers of the central region. Other than this change of government, little else was forced, and the Lankans got used to their new overlords, somewhat.

The Lankans on the mainland feared that they will be next. They established a closer confederate relationship known as the Confederacy of Atanka, and begun building walls. It is hoped that the men of Dakinsa, unused to siege warfare, will not risk their new shiny armors and weapons against this unknown pursuit.

The Dakinsans also allowed the sale of bronze to Gujarat and Daretokimas (who prevented the Bengali shipment from arriving there), which has brought the two nations closer in concert with the Raj.

In the Gnat highlands, the Kingdom of Hyperabad reveals itself, fabulously rich on Diamonds and trade with Gujarat.

To the north, despite the spearmen guarding the passes some of the raiders strike at isolated farmsteads. The Nomadic rajpaylas reaffirm their commitment to the Raj, but as these raids grow more often, it is difficult to say if their loyalty can be trusted.

Rebellion among the colonies was prevented by accepting them as full Rajpaylas and building new harbors. Placated, they settled back down to business.

Daretokimas invaded and crushed the young Bengali state, but now they have a hostile border which constantly wears down their army.


The Conference in Spire changed everything. Peace breaks out on Brittania. Trade flourishes as nations grudgingly agreed to back down in the name of peace. Defensive agreements lock the region into interlocking organization, supporting each other like the intractable shieldwall. And enforcing this is the growing organization of the Iron Lance. With their organization capital at Nessos, and regional capitals throughout Keltia, the Iron Lances direct resources, and later, fighting men, to the Sarkish Confederacy to the south.

Osisimied prospers during the peace. The Temple Hill receives extra funding from the Iron Lances, and is near completion. The navy was rebuilt and exploration commences. The ships found an emerald island off of Brittania, practicing a strange form of Druidism. Meanwhile, other ships discovered a peninsula rearing between Hamburg and Vahshallah, as well as a Druidic people living beyond the Vascons.

On Brittania, the twin duchies of Lundien and Kentus are charted, both of them considered as merely border regions of the powers of Dumonos and Buertgang, although this location also gives them a headstart on the regrowing trade.

To the north, Dumonos sent her own expedition into the Walic bogs, finding some and growing resistance there.

Against Ipren Ostava and Buertgang marched, easily scattering the less dedicated tribes. However, the core Ipren territories are gathering cohesion and larger armies, and resist expansion. Ostava also expands elsewhere, while Buertgang takes this relative breather to establish an infrastructural backbone to their growing empire.

Against this, the Faithful forces begun raiding. However, the Ipren tribes are also masters of this art, and small fierce skirmishes claim many lives and only incense the tribes further.

At southern Keltia, the Nesfrenks boom as trade flows through the Rhone and the Iron Lances establish their command Head Quarters at Nessos. The Wesfrenks are destabilizing after a defeat by the barbarians on their limited forces, causing the generals to call into question the rule of the King.

Far to the east, the city of Spire, as the heart of the Iron Lance’s organization and the founder of the Conference In Spire, grows ever larger. Farms are built and the forests slowly retreat behind the onslaught of their growing population. In the same vein, the cautious forces of Vahshallah slowly expand the borders of the promised land, converting more often than fighting. A victory against an aggressive Pommeranian raid brings hope of a negotiated peace, as several ships bearing Pommeranian chiefs arrive willing to negotiate for the future of their former homelands.

On the southern edge of Vahshallah, the sound of chariot wheels strike terror into the hearts of the local Kelts, many of whom wish to seek protection under Vahshallah, while others tried to fight.

Western Seas
Hundreds of ships set off from Provence to land at the Tiber, brining in goods by the tons. From Vahshallah gold to Buertgang Wheat, to Frenkish arms and Ostavan armor, the wealth of Keltia flows into rebuilding the young state.

Too, came great amounts of Sardinian trade. From them came wall builders and miners, weaponsmiths and farmers. As the land is slowly reclaimed from the Ash, the people begun to settle down, and maybe, within the depths of their heart, hoped for peace.

But peace would not come. The Zirilists struck first, advancing north of Vesuvus to strike at Kalarov, capturing the city after cutting through fierce resistance. Boats begun raiding Tiberia and the aid from Keltia, while the crusading army reforms…

And Sardina strikes. They had been planning this war for many years, and this showed as their practiced armies quickly landed at Naffas-Noth and captured it, trapping the crusaders behind enemy lines. Their raiders attacked and boarded the raiding Zirilist fleet, defeating it in battle near Elba and turning over all the land north of Tiberia to the Confederacy.

Meanwhile, murmurs are starting of a slave revolt, to be aided by ex-slaves to achieve their own state, where slavery would be outlawed and where a republic would be formed.

The fighting continues. Raided by Sarkish forces, the Zirlist crusaders returned to Naffas noth and under the glare of Vesuvus they were defeated. While retreating, a minor eruption burst, the river of lava killing many, but prevented the pursuing Sardinians from cutting them down. Regrouping one more time, they managed to recapture Naffa-noth when Utica rebelled against the Sardican crown and diverted the attention of the Sardican army.

Ctesiphod is busy, but Mediolaun managed to capture and hold one of the northern towns and fend off a Provencial attack.

There are rumors that the Iron Lances are sending forces even now to participate.

As of now, Sarkish representatives are offering the olive branch to the hard-pressed Torasetar. It is unknown if he will accept it.

Leon managed to live this time in peace, despite increasing pressure to march to war. The completion of the Temple of the Gods and their missionary activities made them the home of the Tartes Faelinkrisr. Guilds and roads are established, holding together their new lands to their old ones as merchants and soldiers alike spread out their borders. Kordobas were accepting to Leoneo merchants, as they do Sardican ones, but the Vascons snubbed missionary activities there. When the king went to fight in single combat, he managed to win several but was downed by a particularly tough chief. Realizing the propaganda protential of this event, he went to start his own collect of tribes.


The Aramyan states continued to squabble, but with the raiding of Median horsemen on the Paruhorsehockye frontier, they finally surrendered the south in exchange for reparations, and moved north. Their ox chariots were surrounded by the whirling horsement, and defeated. Retreating before the menace, their archers were able to stop the horsemen for a time at the mountain pass. Some of then struck at Danae’s new conquest as well, opening the mountain passes for the real horde to follow later.

Meanwhile, news trickle from Hurria into Hyakkid ears. Upon the mountains many accept to be heaven, there resided a nation, an actual nation. This was distasteful to Sarrukan-sar, young High King of Hyak, and he investigated further.

It seems that the Etassians have succeded in establishing themselves into the very fabric of the region. Tendrils of power, ranging from religious to trade, from friendship to lordship, wind their away across the high mountains and lush valleys of Hurria.

Takarzi will not allow a nation claim to reside in heaven! (And Sarrukan felt that controlling the trade routes themselves would be very much profitable) and so Hyak begun preparing for war once more. Scouts sailed up the rivers, finding the best routes to invade the mountain fortress of Etass, and found two.

Meanwhile, missionaries of Takarzi returned, but this time bearing news of a generous high-king willing to grant kingship to those who support his quest. Against the will of the Envisionaries, many of the southern tribes joined in this crusade, massacring Moserean and Envisionaries among them and taking their wealth for themselves. In central Hurria, a brutal war occurs as Hyak-agitated Hurrians fought chiefs whose rule laid on the support of the Envisionaries and the Moserean trades. In the north of Hurria, few rose up as Kauzner used the uprisings as a pretense to expand the real boundaries of his kingdom, bringing the Hurrians into his army as well. His envisionaries warned him of the Hyakkid army swarming north.

However, that army has entered the borders of the League. A tense week passed as the floatilla passed under the watchful eyes of the Levantine bowmen. An incident involving a crashed boat and an angry farmer nearly ignited war, but cooler heads barely avoided the war. As the armies moved north, contingents continuously joined or left them, as per the shifting fortunes of the civil war inland.

They finally reached Etassian borders further south than they expected. The Tigris force, unburdened with Levantine politics, arrived much earlier compared to the plan. The Etassians lured this force into their fortified passes, then pinned them down with a furious charge of their experienced Ox Chariots. Hurrians poured onto, outnumbered, and finally routed Hyak’s auxilaries as they tried to disengage. Finally establishing somekind of front line, an elite force of Highlander Mercenaries, hired with much bribing from near the Levant, rushed down the cliff right into the vulnerable camp of the wounded, striking the line from behind. The survivors tried to make a rush for the Curraghs and the transports with the Qarabu trying to hold off the Hurrian and Etassian attacks, but the new Etassian Curraghs forced the Curraghs to flee, unable to be boarded while engaging in fierce combat.

Due to being outnumbered, outflanked, caught by surprise by fortifications and similarly professional soldiers, the Tigris expedition was killed to the man. Five curraghs, battered and bruised, returned having defeated the Etassian fleet, at the cost of being unable to rescue any of nearly three thousand soldiers and five thousand auxiliaries they carried there.

But messengers were sent to the Euphrates force, and they were schooled in Etassian tactics. The Etassians themselves didn’t go off scoot-free. A significant amount of their spearmen and their own auxilaries were killed, and their Mercenaries, although they survived, would refrain from frontline combat in nearly all future cases.

And so the Murat force arrived, having avoided a similar trap at the mountain pass by ferrying their troops to the hillands beyond without risking the fortified hold. Their supply line were cut by this time by Etassian Hurrian Auxilaries and other Etassian Hurrians were advancing against Takarzite Hurrians in central Hurria; if they win this battle, they might save the war.

Pushing through under heavy arrow fire on their ships, lighting many a troop ship or supply barge with flames, they landed upon the Heavenly plain and marched to Etass itself, under heavy skirmishing by Hurrian Auxilaries. In the chariot duels that followed, the Etassians slowly gained an upper hand and stripped Hyak of their breakthrough cavalry.

Still, the force that now stands before Etass was at least three times larger than the wounded Etassian Royal Guards. The Hurrian Auxilaries near the capital were dispersed and an order to surrender was issued; Exalted King Edgaur was issued the ultimatum: Etass' capital will be taken by force, or if the leadership of the city agress to dedicate their town to Takarzi, the true Lord of Heaven, and pledges allegiance to Hyak to make amends for their affront.

To the south, Etass-aligned Hurrians unified much of Hurria, driving the Hyak-Aligned Hurrians back. Already, they are preparing an expedition to save Etass, but many wonder if they should now throw their towel in for Hyak instead…

To the south, the Boukae Exaltation was freed from Hyakkid attack by submission, but Viria and Danae decided to push forward. They captured the city easily, tore it down and salted the fields. Then, they brought the growing aramyan population in to take over the Boukaen desert irrigation and settle the land.

Hormun declared protection over the Semetic city to the south.


Empires rise and empires fall, but this is the time of rising Empiers. Katan stands victorious on land over the prostrate form of Thloryn while Egypt places its boot on Canaan’s throat even while the Hyakkids massive army surround Etass, waiting for the response of the Etassian king. However, destiny seems to pull each toward each other, for Katan lacks the ships to cross the Adriatic or the Aegean; Egypt has friends, not foes to the south; and the Hyak seek to find worthy nations to war with, not the comparably amusing Aramyan successor states.

No, there is only one place perfect for expansion.

To quote SKILORD: “I am really scared of my neighbors”.

Spoiler MAP :

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To: Exaltates of Danae and Viria
From: Sarrukan-sar, High King of Hyak

Hmm. I must say, when word reached me, on my campaigns in the distant heavens, that you had continued to perpetrate your war against Boukae, I was... nonplussed and displeased. You have destroyed a nation which had pledged its allegiance to the High Kingdom of Hyak.

My anger at this affront, fortunately for you, has abated with time and meditation on the will of Takarzi-bel. You pursued your war with doggedness and determination to its utmost conclusion, and with this the War God is pleased. You may learn his ways yet.
And so the Western Seas burn...

This was the best update that I have seen as of yet... keep it up Terrance!
from the Neo-Egyptian Empire

to Nubia:
Oh great Nubian king! I am the God-king's personal vizier, Methusaleh of Thebes. He have sent me personally to speak to you. It was because of your aid for Egyptian unification the Kush raised forces and came successfully upon you. It was because of your aid to our grand empire. And my God-King feels that aid should be sent at once. Already Egyptian forces are marching south with men and supplies for your state. Do not accept anything the Kuhorsehockyes send you, they will soon die.

to Kush:
I am Gevet of Thebes, a diplomat of the God-King of Egypt. I have been sending baring orders from the God-King. Halt your invasion and retreat into your wild lands. Pay for the damage you have caused a sum equal to 50,000 grain weights (5 economy points). If these two demands are not met by the time the God-king and his armies reach, your state will be annihilated... Do you feel lucky?

to Levantine League:
Hello again dear friends of the God-King! I am Harish II, the leader of the family chosen to be diplomats to the Levant. I am here to speak on behalf of my God-King. His greatness, God King Tother wishes to expand our friendship and relations, he wishes to pay the league for their merchant and battle ships. You are amazing sailors and traders, and Egypt currently lacks people of the same ability. The God-king wishes to discuss a price for using your ships and merchants on his behalf, after all, why build a new grand navy if another state already has one? I will come with the details soon, but his offer will be very generous.
So to be clear, your will handle Egyptian naval needs in ships, for defense and trade, and in return the wondrous God-king will pay you a salary. Should I return with the final offer at another time, or is this a waste of time and money?
OOC: I'm waiting for the stats. I want to hire you as my navy. As soon as I see my stats I'll offer you a price.
To: Exalted King Edgaur of the Heavenly Kingdom of Etass
From: Sarrukan-sar, High King of Hyak, Avatar of Takarzi

The four chariots bear down upon your Kingdom, Exalted One. I am Sarrukan, son of Naran, son of Baragan, Third High King of the Second Dynasty of Hyak. Takarzi is my master, my Empire is his weapon. My grandfather toppled Aramya that was and sent the Sirians fleeing into the west. My father forged these victories into the new supreme power of Levea. I carry on the legacy of these great men by bringing war to the Kingdom of Heaven itself, which stands in such gross affront to Takarzi by dedicating its crown to the coupling of Kabitz and Tannu, and not to the true King of the Gods.

I present you now with a choice, usurper of Heaven. Pledge your city and kingdom to Takarzi, and your loyalty to Hyak, and your affront will be forgiven. You shall be elevated to the position of a King of the Realm. Know this, Exalted One. The lineages of Laren of Ortun, Khurzel of Alamhadat, and Hazerel of Merion all pledged their allegiance to me, and have become more powerful under my aegis than they had ever dreamed before. They are mighty kings in their own lands, and mightier still within the unity of the High Kingdom.

You are free to learn the names of the men who foolishly stood against me, for they are forgotten, meaningless and lost under the crushing weight of history.
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