TerraNES: The Civil Experiment

I am looking foreward. Remember, mercenaries for sale to the highest bidder.:deal:

1-Most Unique
“having no like or equal; unparalleled; incomparable:”
The central critera for being most unique is by showing the most different, unusual, unexpected or simply unexplored points of view on the subject.

1. I have to give this to Axum. Underhanded dealing is expected with Diplomats; underhanded dealing UNDER the underhanded dealing? That’s exceptional.
2. Dumonos doesn’t get first only because it is based completely on a video Daft didn’t make. Other than that, it is a really unique way of welcoming a diplomatic party.
3. The Priests of the Code is a god show of something that is unique AND possible. Never heard of using messengers between people a single wall apart.

7-Best Deconstruction
“When applied to tropes, or other aspects of fiction, deconstruction means to take apart a trope so as to better understand its meaning and relevance to us in Real Life.”
The central criteria is to take something taken for granted and revealing its actual effects. Example: King Midas wishes for golden touch->oh snap!!!. Another example: Spartans are awesome warriors->can’t cross an unbridged river due to no knowledge of bridge-building.
1. The League wins here, mostly because of the way they deconstructed the Am Bad Ass ador, the use of banter to make your point, and many other deconstructions of.\
2. I will give Hyak this one for making retired soldiers into Ambassadors. At least they don’t need to be worried about being held hostage right? Right?
3. Neo-Egypt’s Always have a smile on, and especially the diplomat’s recognition of the reason WHY that is necessary, puts this on the list.

12-Narrative Stretch
This criteria looks at how well the submission reveals new ideas and points of view on the narrative a culture is creating.

1. Egypt definitely wins here, with the emphasis on the importance of Egyptian culture and the power of the God-King.
2. With the strong showing of the League’s internal politics, they certainly pushed their narrative forward while conducting their aggressive diplomatic maneuvers.
3. Etass wins here. I would wish for Stockholme to eventually storify diplomacy and post it after the update if possible. :)

1. The League, with a 1st and a 2nd, clearly wins. However, a greater reason would be their attention to the detail, especially relating it to the main Unification narrative
2. Egypt, with a great narrative stretch of the role of ambassadors and playing with their role creatively brings a solid second.
3. Axum wins third. They are very unique in the sneaky sneakly tricks and ideas they put in, and it also comes out as rather weak deconstructions and stretches.

All their NPC neighbors are slighty more friendly to their proposals.
I could have used a bit more friendliness from my neighbours. However, I do feel an inexplicable urge to be nicer to the League now.
This counts for both me and Daft unless Daft wants to write about the most popular one in his specific region. ;)

A Druidic Funeral
A Druidic funeral is a celebration of a person being reborn in the Otherworld. The method they leave is not important((cremation, burial, floating off on a canoe, casting ashes on the wind)) only the celebration is. Every druid has a slightly different type of funeral due to this.

The celebration that follows the person's death is a feast. It is not a solemn one, but an actual celebration. Music fills the air and people play drinking games at a feast/potluck. Laughter fills the air.

The celebration makes the gods and goddesses notice the spirit of the deceased person and then the spirit is redirected to the Otherworld where it is reborn.
General concept: ((Just take the fireworks, the magic, and the birthday theme out.))
Can't seem to get the video posting to work grrrr
I dunno, just want to see what you can add.

I didn't get any work done tonight, or this morning I should say, I'm afraid. But I guess having a sleep-deprived moderator trying to stitch together the half-dozen orders in Keltia is a bad idea.

Region densities of PCs.
Keltia=26% total/35% of region is PC
Western Seas=0% total/0% of region is PC
Eastern Seas=6% total/25% of that region is PC
Nile is 13% total/40% of that region is PC
Levea is 20% Total/60% of that region is PC
Khand is 6% total/20% of that region is PC
Xilan is 13% total/25% of that region is PC
Region densities of PCs.
Keltia=26% total/35% of region is PC
Western Seas=0% total/0% of region is PC
Eastern Seas=6% total/25% of that region is PC
Nile is 13% total/40% of that region is PC
Levea is 20% Total/60% of that region is PC
Khand is 6% total/20% of that region is PC
Xilan is 13% total/25% of that region is PC

This is, what, population?
Oh. Right.

Guess I tried to read a bit too much into that then. :D
The Grave of the Embers

It was morning time when the ceremony began.

Quiet and slow, the procession of the Faithful marched there way up onto the hillside, bearing the casket of the High King of New Valyria's eldest son, Torr. Barely eleven years past his birth, and he had been carried off at night by a sickening disease that had taken and snuffed out his life quickly and quietly, to leave a cooling body to be found by the servants come morn. Torches were lit among the Faithful leaders as they led the way, long grey robes on their forms. Behind the pallbearers were the singers and chanters, speaking out their careful melodies that rolled off of the tongue in the quiet air.

"Deorum mundi, suscipe deprecationem nostram. Haec animum perducere ad interitum. Pacem dare amplius pugna. Exaudi vocem in aere sonanti."

The High King was on his mount, his head low and cowled in shadow by the robe he wore. He watched from his hood, the ceremony going by. The Faelinkriser, a wizened old man, strode forth, as well as Bloody Omar, young and for once stoic. Both of them raised their hands into the air and made the sign of the star, before continuing the prayers. "Dear Father and Creator of all that lives, guides this soul from this place that is, guide him to peace and to new life, protect him from all our strife..."

They continued on and made the sign of the star, before they parted away from the grave in front of them. The pallbearers were light and slow, and they gently laid the stone coffin into the grave.

One by one, the congregation pulled out the charms and the other such things that they had made or had others create and sanctified, and tossed them in, one by one, into the grave. Silver stars, gold medallions with the sign of Vahlshallah carved onto them, bronze pieces with pious words upon them, and iron figures of little lances and shields, with phoenixes hammered out onto them. A stone carving, one of the likeness of the young prince that had passed away, was laid to rest gently in the grave. Upon that, the congregation bowed their heads as the Faelinkriser and the Iron Prophet spoke the final rights of the prince, and gave way to the grave diggers.

Omar, the Faelinkriser and others saluted as the grave filled up slowly.

One by one, they left the hilltop, and the High King was last.

There would be no time to mourn his son... war was coming...
Update 13: Truth of Triskaidekaphobia
650 Years into the Bronze Age

Gods… forsake.

Civilizations… crumble.

Friendships… shatter.

Barbarians… unite.

The Bloody Fist rules the Night

As Deities ignore Worshippers’ Plight

Men all prepare to fight to the last Fight

Did you ever in your life see such a Sight

Humanity climbs ever higher

Upon the bodies of the Dead

As his Plight grows ever dire

It was now that he said

“The planet is fine. The people are ed.”


The Raguel will say no more. The God-King wanted, no, he DEMANDED him to finish his tale. Finally, the crying man managed to calm himself enough to finish his tale.

“Our ship left to scout out the Faithful Fleet. For the night before the Trasetar sacrificed himself and his entire family so that Ziril will save us.

She did more than that.”

Link to video.



On the Islands of Japan, thousands battle with bow and spear as the Katos establish an extremely Spartan society, placing Yamatos above everyone else who they conquered. Seoul finds a rival to the south as her fleet expands, and in Dahai they manage to regain control, with more and more tribes joining the Huai Kingdom and its growing noble class. Meanwhile, the Silent Guard of the Xiyi Emperors failed once, and in a great shout discontent overthrew the ancient dynasty and established a new one based on a principles of Shining, or True, Confucionism.

But it is when silence is broken that great things happen. Wars are rarely won in the absence of someone's battle cry. A birth is rarely silent, whether it be the birth of a child or of an idea. Sound brings life to the world, and so brings glory.-Confucious

It began with a routine assassination. As records were revealed, it seemed that the Xilar Dynasty survived only with extensive pruning of “subversives” throughout the centuries. But for the present, the survivor managed to serve as a catalyst for a great change. In a single week, a conspiracy was formed and guardsmen were bribed. In a single night, an emperor defenestrated into history as a villain and Shining Confucianism replaced the Silent.

At first, the people were afraid to speak. Will it be another of the Emperor’s tricks? But no, Emperor Jin Fei is a man of the people. With his teaching the new, true as they say, ideals of Confucianism spread. And when people spoke in anger against the government, they did not find a blade in their back, but a pair of scribes seeking to bring their criticism to notice and improve their nation overall.

It was here that complaints from a certain Prison Camp that the copper is much too hard to mine came into light. With investigation they found that it was not merely an idle complaint-the copper here is nearly pure, and was interwoven with tin ore.

With the new openness thousands of ideas bounced around, and Xiyi enteres the bronze age as they calculated the weights of the bronze formulas and spread it throughout the nation. (+Bronze +2 Domestic EP +1 Urban EP)

In the north, some of the barbarians begun raiding the wide borderlands, penetrating and retreating, again and again. Although few raids broke threw, much of the borderlands themselves became unfit for yearly cultivation, and the people fled southward as the army moves north to keep the peace.

Overall, their confidence only dropped a little. Criticism is common, but they are addressed instead of killed. Compared to the days under the Xilar dynasty, however, it seems that everyone is complaining about something. (-1 Confidence)


In the lands of the Yueh, the Dahai kings managed to reassert their authority over their dominion, brutally destroying the rebels and brigands, and using diplomacy to bring the less aggressive back into lone. This focused much of their attention these years as they slowly expand civilization into the wilderness. (+1 Confidence -1 Urban EP)

The Huai Kingdom eagerly accepted disgruntled tribes and clans into their society, greatly increasing their size and clout. They also begun organizing the myriad poetry written by Daoist sages throughout the ages in order to create a stronger, more independent culture. (+Confidence+1 Domestic +1 Trade)


In Seoul, the King has built a gigantic park in the middle of the city designed around Daoist principles. With thousands of rock-gardens the followers can tend themselves, and carefully tended trees, it has given this religion a new focus. Every other day one Daoist Sage or another will give poems and speeches in the glades of the Garden of the Sages.

In addition, they expanded their trade to Japan, especially arms shipments. However, another Korean power is growing closer to the trade than Seoul, if less reliable. The Confederacy of Pusan unite to send massive fleets across the straits, in hopes that some make it to trade. The colonization of the Strait Islands has greatly increased the income of these once-fishing villages, and their trade rivals that of Seoul (Seoul+Trade; +Pusan Confederacy)


In Japan, they have no time for arts or culture. There is only war, and a nation built on nothing but war. That nation is the Katoan Empire, which attacked on all fronts. Their strict division between the Japanese, Yamato and the Slave classes gave them a very strong, if expensive, army and their economy suffers, even with the many slaves they have captured. Although they lost the southern island to Kitanato’s fleet, they have made great gains in the north and captured much loot and slaves. (-1 Culture +3 Loot bunch of troop changes-Give actual spending Chrisos!)

Another problem is that since rank is based on kills, and killing slaves don’t really count, no Yamato really wants to guard slaves, often sneaking off to fight. This means that slave rebellions are really common and destabilize society.

In the south, Kitanato and Shimane developed a thriving, if unstable, alliance. Although they have some losses in Shimane, they have reconquered an entire island. Their alliance is very unstable though, and prone to “misunderstandings”.

To the north, the Ainu suffers against the skilled and desperate Katoan fighters, the survivors joining the confederacy there.

Overall, titanic, unstable and heterogeneous alliances duel on shifting battlegrounds, with the centralized and militarized Katoa barely holding off the myriad forces of the south and advancing in the north.


Xilan is once more in flux after a century of mere cultural domination. Nations on the edge of Xiyi sought to maintain their own cultural heritage in the few decade of cultural spasm that shock the country’s very foundations.


[FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]God-King Massrati sat upon the throne. He is flanked by thousands of his officials from every corner of the Neo-Egyptian Empire, and thousands more from outside the empire brining ambassadors. There are men from the League, from Kush and Axum, and from such exotic places as Hormun and Dakinsa.

However, he started the Jubilee early for another region. Vizier Akhentaten has returned home with ships full of people he’s gathered from across the Central Sea, and they have stories to tell.

But first, he must show off how much Egypt has prospered already while they’ve gun. With a tap of his staff his Grand Vizier walked up to the dias.

“Speak of the Greatness of Egypt” he commanded.

And so the Grand Vizier spoke.

“Egypt. The Greatest Empire of the World. Blest by the Gods, Led by God-Kings, there are no equal to Egypt’s greatness.

With the power of the Gods your father Tother has lifted water from the Nile with secrets learned in the temple of Anuket

The Desert blooms into great harvests like the world has never seen.” (+2 Domestic EP)

“But there is more. Nubia has fallen to the treachery of Kush, but the might of Egypt and her numberless men frightened the southern foe. And so without lifting a spear they have come with three million grains as tribute to our greatness.

And Nubia, Nubia has fallen under the glory of the Empire, and it too shall be blessed. All who resisted are sent to their final judgement, and all who supported us are rewarded.” (+1 Urban +5 Domestic -1 Spearmen -2 Archers, survivors+XP)

“And Nubia is rebuilt by Egypt, and rebuilt as Egypt. And now Nubia also receives the blessings of Egypt.”

“Egypt is unstoppable. Egypt is incomparable.”



Peace at home, war abroad. That has been the policy of Khand since the establishment of the Three Rajdoms. But for the first time, that peace is ripped, cracked, and shattered these years. Nomads begun striking at the borders of Dakinsa as interracial rioting disrupted the central Ganges. Meanwhile, in Gujarat many are calling for a more independent course from her larger neighbors and Gujarati merchants once more begun plying the trade routes on their own.

“They call these mountains “Walls”? And they want to believe that these are built by man? Blasphemy.”-General of the Dakinsa North Army.

And so Ataka was selected as the next target of invasion. Armies marched and invested their two cities to find, in shock, gigantic walls that seemed to be carved from the earth itself, and clouds of arrows which pose serious danger to their lighty-armored macemen, a relic of an earlier time.

After the failure of several attempted assaults (half the ladders broke even before soldiers get onto the parapet) they decided to try to assault the harbor. Landing with longboats they managed to get into the southern city and capture it for the Raj. The people there are sullen, and look for every opportunity to break their bonds.

But at Atakana itself, the walls grow every larger as they quarry the thick stone of the Gnats which is the foundation of their city. Without a way to go over, under, or throught he walls it will survive as a symbol of resistance against the Dakinsans. (+1 loot -4 Macemen, +2 XP)

In addition, Dakinsa begun to expand directly into Gnatic lands. Instead of simply dominating the local politics and trade, they pushed out the locals with their settlers, establishing a military colony north of Atakana and pushed into the mountains. The Gnatics however retreated to their holy lands and gather their strength to prepare to fight back. Although the land was improved with irrigation and mines, only the new settlers were there to enjoy them. (+1 Domestic EP)

Meanwhile, the nomads are gathering cohesion. While their incessant raids troubled the allied tribes of Dakinsa, the growing size of these raids trouble them more. Talk turns often on whether to join the wilder nomads, or truly accept a fight to the death. And such rebellious talk is often overheard by the merchants. Fear pervades the common peoples news from across Khand take a darker turn. (-1 Confidence)


In Gujarat, they hold together as their neighbors seem to be on the verge of falling apart. Aggressive settlement techniques continuously expand their frontiers and the locals divided while their merchants once more traded for themselves. Charting a more independent course for themselves, they are well positioned to help if the Raj fell… which side is the question.

For Daretokimas, the peace they carefully built fell apart as racial tensions overflowed. Thousands died in the riots and pogroms, and thousands more as fued, hatred, and tension tore about the center of the country. Some even say that the Iron Throne should be abolished forever, and that each individual people will live among themselves.

The old structure seems to be decaying. The Rajpaylas number so many, individual voices are drowned out by demagogues. Money is what ruled in the Rajdoms, and greed for more. Tensions flare and ancient dislikes cure into hatred as the nomads watch from their mountainous perch, waiting for the right moment to strike.


The Grand Vizier left the podium.

“Vizier of the Sea Akhentaten, what of the news from your voyages?” asked God-King Massarati. “You left with over 150 curraghs, and yet you return with less than a hundred. Has misfortune befell you?”

Akhentaten walked onto the dais and addressed the king, “Misfortune befalls all who live on the Central Seas” he spoke carefully, “we have left to find the Sardican colonies to our west, but we found something else entirely.

God-King Akhentaten, Iintroduce you to Prince Luskan of the Republic of Novariucum.”

The Prince walked onto the Dias and bowed deeply. The God-King scanned the man-he is obviously of merchant stock- before he asserted, “you may speak.”

“Greetings from the Republic of Novaricum” spoke the man. In any other setting it would be considered poetic, flowing, and even beautiful. But in the massive halls of the God-King it came out trite and almost brazenly bold, “We were once ruled under the Triple Crown of the Sardican Empire, but they are no more. What reason it may be we don’t know, but rumor has it that they have angered the great volcano god of the Zirilists.

I offer peace to Egypt, and trade. There are no tariffs, nor religious feuds, in Novaricum., one of the greatest cultural centers of the Central Seas. Your fleets are and will always be welcome in our ports.”

He stood, as if awaiting applause. Massarati decided to let him stew a bit and understand the folly of the cocky way he stood himself.

A cricket chirped.

He finally tapped his staff and let him leave.



And so Hurria, called Shammamu, falls to disrepair and decay of warfare. As the Medeans rally around their Shan Kroesus, the Daneans and Virians continue to fight their shadow war of mercenaries and missives to avoid breaking the Exalted Pact and losing face. Meanwhile, the League completed their great project and a massive fleet sets sail to the command of the God King in Egypt in exchange for shiploads of gold.

“Checkmate” said Takarzi as he surrounded the King with a pair of Quarabu. “There is no escape from the Bloody hand.”

“Hmm” muttered Danu, and he moved the King off the board. A small board appeared an inch above the board, and it was there that he placed the King piece. “Not quite.”

Takarzi laughed, “Really? You wish to take my victory from me? Never mind! I still control the Holy Mountains now.”

“That you do indeed” nodded Danu, “But my chosen bloodline remains, and until you defeat them, you have not yet won.”

Hormun and the Levant both saw their businesses decline. Hormunite business was being slowly displaced by the aggressive and wily merchants from Axum, while the League suffered a body blow from the 3-month long War of Jerome’s Balls, and although they received reparations for seized goods, they lost many contacts, the true source of a merchant’s wealth. The Levant managed to make it up with increased trade with Viria, but Hormun has nothing, and in their ire they sought to increase their toll higher and wring as much gold from the Axumites as they could.

Meanwhile, the League managed to finish their Drydocks, which helps them repair and maintain their gigantic fleet. When their fleet returned from their voyage to the west, they brought news of strange happenings and odd occurrences, and were considerably more experienced than before. Many badly damaged ships were repaired at the Drydocks although some were still lost, and some scribes wandered the taverns by Byblos, writing down the rowdy tales of the drunken sailors into a collection of stories.

However, from Rhodes came news of a great pirate fleet which feel upon the ancient city. All of the islands are gathering their resources to Krete, hoping to set sail and settle a new homeland… but will they go east, or west?


Irud was besieged. But technically, war did not exist between Danae and Viria. No, its totally those rampaging Axumites who are causing all the trouble! Who cares that they turned over the city to Danae when they captured it? Who cares that they have good sense to rape and pillage in Virian lands but not in Danaean lands? Are you going to anathemize US for having the good sense to NOT hire mercenaries, and then be on good terms with them when they did inevitably rebel?

The Council of Viziers was not amused. With a pressing of stone the Royal House of Danae was anathemized, declaring that no harm should come to him but that “We don’t think that anyone should climb up the secret passage X and killed him, because that person will not be declared a villain or tried as a murderor, but completely the opposite.” Needless to say, the Dynasty of Danae, of the purest blood of Nir Aram, died out within weeks and there stalked the streets several dozen “Kingkillers”. Each of them grabbed whatever title they can keep their hands on and declared them selves a variety of dukes or lords, but all of them bowed to the Council of Viziers.

Nonetheless, the Exalted Pact still holds. Viria merely waited for it to run out, and prepared to enter those lands. But someone entered first.

Medea was being unified under seven lords. Guarded by Axes and fighting with strange techniques, they brought all their enemies under their heel, by the cold touch of bronze, one by one. Then they met, and agreed that the first who can round up a hundred wild sheep will become king.

And so, after about 20 minutes of riding, one won.

And so the cry came out all across the Medean Plateau “Shan Kroesus! Shan Kroesus!”

A massive force of over a hundred chariots arrived at Passe demanding passage. The Axumite Captain saw this, shrugged, and sent his hard-fighting soldiers home. “Passage is yours, they paid us to fight, not to die.”

In a whirlwind, this great horde of Medeans swept into Danean Parusha and collected the simmering Paruhorsehockye Chariot Lords there. The ancient city of Danae was torched and the land burned. Chariots swarmed over the countryside, scattering resistance with a shower of arrows and the thunder of the charge. Everywhere they went those who resisted were killed, while those who didn’t were left alone.

Viria sent calls to Parusha, but they received a decapitated messenger instead. The Paruhorsehockyes joined the Medeans, sparing their own land while gaining more under the rule of the great Shan Kroesus.

The river was not crossed yet. The ancient bridges and dams of great engineering, as well as more recent pumps and screws were all destroyed flooding the land. The remaining land declared for Danae, while the Boukaens declared freedom and submitted themselves to the Medeans, declaring that they will build a bridge as soon as they met the river.

These Medean gains are not set, however. Their policy is to divide birthright by all their sons upon death, and Kroesus has over sixty. The Horde broke up rapidly after the initial push, although the Shah Cyrus managed to collect a following in central Parusha, and is ready to unite his brothers once mor.


The war in Hurria, now known as Shammamu, became a series of tiny bloody conflicts. Kings and Lords were assassinated by the thousands, and all the Kings of Merion were wiped out. A seemingly peaceful village will boil over at the single shout of an Envisionary, overrunning Hyakkite tax collectors and convoys. A single blow of the axe may cut down three, but three dozen more will ensure the doom of he who resists.

But Hyak was not idle. Every acre of land they secured was repaired, its people guarded, and its sympathy gained. Patrols continued to march, and the tired men of Tir Aram gave ground, either by retreating to a base higher above the ground, or retreating to the final base below it. The great trade routes to the north and the east were cut with brutal efficiency.

And the people noticed. All who resisted will die, and die horribly. But those, those who accepted this fate and kept low, those who realized that Danu and Kitab can’t save all from the bloody hands of Takarzi. Those will survive.

And one by one, and household by household, Shammamu fell.

Tir Aram leached all who remained everything they had. He himself wore little more than his armor, and most of his fighters don’t even have that luxury. He knew that he was slowly seen more and more as a bandit instead of a King, but an army needs to be feed, and there is only two ways to feed- Asking and Aaking. And Asking takes too long, for a Hyakkite patrol will quickly fall upon the honestly brought produce from loyal farmers. And thus Taking was the only option.

Villages were taken down for firewood. Shrines were melted for weapons. But even then, the god’s favor turns, or was it the favor of the people? His soldiers faced rotten vegetables whenever they raid a major town. More and more Hyakkites swarmed into Shammamu, and for every murdered noble, two were promoted for decency and honor in combat. Perhaps they no longer respected the High King of Alamhadat? But it no longer , perhaps never, mattered, for they came to fight and die as the hands of the Bloody One, and if they died to an assassins knife, the very least they prevented it from striking an more important target. Be as they respect the High King or not in leadership, he is a brother in battle, and respected as such.

He was weary, so weary. Every operation was a success, but the war is a failure. Every raid he lost few and retrieved much. But it was no use. Clinging on the edge of the settled foothills, he took his most respected and prized men, and like the Last King of Aramya those many years ago, he fled north. But this time, he fled away from the Heavenly valley. Away from Little Aramya.

He arrived upon the sea after two years of hard travel and combat with Hyakkite Patrols and Koyulun savages. His has barely 500 able men left. But he arrived. Where, you might ask?

The Infernal Lake, The Fallen Sea, or, for our extra-dimensional observers, "hell".

A suitable place for one who has been ejected from heaven.


Danu watched as Kitab crossed her arms. “Still angry about that?” she scowled.

“What do you want? Danae is desecrated, and everything they stood for is destroyed. Viria still stands, but barely. Parusha joined the Bloody Banner, and the very lands under our home is covered with bloody fists.”

“I want! I want to be able to trust you! Us gods have be fighting since the Last Duel King offered all military services to Ybal instead of Takarzi! And yet he wins every battle! And when I finally do, those Axumites WE hired turned against us!”

Danu placed his hands on her shoulder, “The spirit of Aramya is strong. One day, I swear, these Medeans will look into their mirror, and they will no longer see a nomad of the plains.

They will see an Aramyan looking back upon them. And they will fear.”


After he finally let Prince Luskan leave, Akhentaten announced the next visitor. “Kudust Jormul of Utica!”

The man walked to the dias with a flourish. He wore simple, but sturdy clothing bred from the desert sands and when he stepped onto the dias, he whispered, “praise Ziril.”

“Oh Osiris, one of those religious crazies” thought Massarati, but he didn’t say anyting. Accepting the bow of the Utican lord, he began his message.

“Greetings from Utica, of Toras-Noth, formerly the second crown of the Three Kingdoms of the Sardican Empire.” Begun the man in a deep baritone, “I bring news from the war.”

“War?” asked Massarati, then he checked himself-“Yes, and how goes the war?”

“Badly.” Replied the Utican, “Our Crusaders were overzealous and fought the Sarks while the Sardicans landed at Naffasnoth. Their Boundless Queen herself led the charge south. Town after town fell. Ziril enjoys testing our faith.

When I left, the Zirilwine was being assembled. There will be over a hundred thousand of the wealthiest, smartest, and most influential people of the Zirilist world to discuss the future of Zirilism.

However, the preparations were marred by a massive slave revolt led by a certain Spartacus of Sparta. The marble stone set to build the great Temple of Ziril were hastily taken to build walls, but the entire countryside was taken and when I left, news has just arrived that the Sardicans landed on Zirilia herself.”

He paused, “We wish to ask if you can send your mighty armies and save us from the Sardicans and the vile Faith. Only then can the route to the west be secured.”

Massarati considered. The Religious Crazies irked the merchants of Egypt for centuries, and even established a degenerate colony at Dametia before his forefather cleansed the city.

But the offer is good. If the Sardicans cannot top it, he might even accept it. “I will consider it” he replied, and tapped his staff, letting the Kudust leave the Dias.

Eastern Seas

War continues to rage in the Eastern Sea. As Zirilist resistance fail the Katanic forces push into the remaining land of Koislyu, conquering it in its entirety. However, the Thloryn Sea remains defiant of the great land power of Katan and rather rapidly devolved into the pirate confederations of old. Meanwhile, a small but still sizable force moving north into Varna managed to kill a Dorian king and prevent them from establishing a horde, but their real goal of invading Varna itself failed as the Empire stabilized itself by annexing Altyria, where they are hard at work to rediscover the lost codices

Of note is that Novaricum and Apulia will now also be in the Eastern Seas.

“Just rape them on the battlefield so they fear fighting us.”.-High King of War

“It seems that they wish to appreciate us after that light tussle!”-would be King of Doria

More of sanity than anything else I will keep this section brief. Yes, my sanity. I who have wrote in detail the fall of Valyria, I who wrote of the Brittanic wars. In truth, it was that bad.

Koislyu was crushed, and the people ejected into the islands. They couldn’t feed themselves adequately and gathered around Krete, where a fleet is gathering to conquer themselves a new homeland. (Katan -2 Spearmen -1 Archer +1 Domestic +3 Loot -1 trade

To the north, the forces of Varna lured the Katanic army there into conflict with the recently crowned King of Doria. In a massive battle they managed to defeat the coronational guard and were moving their way through the survivors when the regular army arrived. The katanics were forced to flee from sheer numbers, but with their King killed, the surviving lords turned their armies against each other in a orgy of fighting and… other things. Finally, another King ruled Doria, but in a much weaker position.
(-3 Spearmen -1 Solarian -1 Archer +1 Loot)

Varna, meanwhile, took over Altyria whole and managed to stabilize its empire with the acceptance of the new fusion of Exnotism and Takarzite Kitabalism. Trade continues easterwards and northwards, even as trade towards Katan dies down. (Katan -1 trade)


Novaricum grew quickly after splitting from the distant Sardican Empire. Culture flourished in the merchant city, as all were invited into intellectual debate. An Academy was slated to be built, and soon.

Meanwhile, Apulian Republic’s merchants quickly took over the trade routes the Zirilists abandoned after The Event. Freed of the high cost to defend Ctesiphod, her economic powers expanded and soon, her convoys dominated the Aegean seas as the less well defended naval fleets of other states would be shredded by the experienced Thloryn pirates there.


"NEXT" called the vizier, and the next guest walked onto the raised dias.

"Raguel is-was I should say-from Toras-noth. He brings news of their recent... issues"

The battered Zirilist knelt before the God-King.

"My King.

It started as a war between men...

But, unknowingly to us, it became a war between gods..."

The man was obviously in a battle. His eyes are dull, and his armor shattered in more places than one. He looked up and Massarati saw nothing but despair in his eyes.

His hair was red like molten bronze.

”While our Crusaders fell upon the Sarks with Bloodlust, the foolish Faithful of Sardica and the traitorious Slaves and ex-Slaves under Spartacus advanced on the newly built walls of Toras-Noth.

It was Zirilwine, the religious festival, when we found Torasetar and his entire family marching up the volcano Ziril. We watched helplessly as they jumped in one by one. “Ziril Save us!” cried Torasetar as he himself jumped into her womb.

And she heard and responded…”

The Raguel will say no more. The God-King wanted, no, he DEMANDED him to finish his tale. Finally, the crying man managed to calm himself enough to finish his tale.

“Our ship left to scout out the Faithful Fleet. For the night before the Trasetar sacrificed himself and his entire family so that Ziril will save us.

She did more than that.

Massarati, I do not wish to be impolite, but Zirilwine used to be the greatest religious festival in the Central Seas.

A hundred thousand of the mightiest, cleverest, smoothest, most cunning, most sophisticated, and most influential men from across the Central Sea.

Cities like Damietta, Krete and Kosa were emptied of Zirilists as they all came to celebrate and prepare to hire armies against our foes.

A hundred thousand of the best of humanity… saved perhaps, when Ziril erupted. Saved from the teeth of the Faithful, but not the flames of Ziril herself.

I was out to bring home a battalion from Malta, but even that far away our boat nearly capsized from its power, and the fist of ash rose to smite the sun itself in the sky.

A hundred thousand… all gone. The cream of the Sardican nobility was also gone. Gone too, are nearly three hundred thousand slaves of Spartacus. All gone… All gone…”

Raguel collapsed, shuddering on the dais. Jormul was clearly amazed at this turn of events as Akhentaten carried the man away, explaining, “He was the only survivor within a hundred miles. Everything from a few miles of Utica all the way to the border of Apulia is dead from either the blood of the earth, or the ash of the mountain Ziril.”


*Tap* went the God-King’s staff.


The Nile
Great projects were done under Tother and his son Massarati, but further south events continued to develop as trade, warfare and governments continue to develop in sophistication.

When Kush retreated, they tore down the walls of the Napatan capital, the bricks of their pyramids, the gold of their temples. Selling them at home, they raised enough for the 3 million grains sent to Egypt that year.

They developed further their unique Kuhorsehockye identity by building various temples emphasizing Kuhorsehockye members of the Egyptian Pantheon common in the area, although a strange new religion based an the strength of the mountains and the Nile river called “Nirilism” is developing.

For Axum, their trade monopoly in the Red Sea continues to develop, even though Aden managed to grab the key port near Bekke. Their port city develops into the economic heart of the region as hundreds of ships dock and embark from its ports and its finished Great Drydocks. Their army, returning from Levea, is noticeably stronger than before. Colonies continued to sprout all over the place and the Axumite Merchant has become proverb.

To the south in Somalia, native tribes started grouping into larger units near the borders of Axumite settlers. Meanwhile, distant traders from Zanzibar begun arriving with strange items like Ivory and gigantic bones, curtsey from a great empire of the south.

Aden could not utilize their position unless Eterika consents, and they are more likely to invade than cooperate. Nonetheless, they tried their hand with some colonizat


The Western Seas
And so it happened as the representatives said. The Crusaders moved relentlessly northward despite calls for them to return to kill the Sardican invasion. They want nothing but the full and complete irradication of the Sarks, and they will get what they want.

One after the other the heavily fortified Sarkish homesteads were taken. As they moved every further, they died and their young children, scarcely men, fought for them. And as they died, their wives fought. And as they died, old, then young children fought.

And the Sarks defended desperately, as their youths were all killed early, the old and the young fought together.

And, at the mediolaun border, two boys, scarcely ten each, faced each other, blood dripping from their faces and their hands. Yelling, hatred, they fought. And they impaled each on the other’s spear and both died.

And so ends this new chapter of history as the Vallarvale returns oncemore into the Ashland. The survivors, if any, starved or sought enemies to die fighting against. For another century at least, people avoided looking upon this land as they sailed by it, hoping to not tempt the evil spirits that dwelled there.

Zirilia has been entirely cleansed of the corruption that is humanity. Two Hundred Thousand died instantly at Toras-Noth or at the ships just offshore, destroying the most influential, powerful, wealthy men in the Mediterranean and leaving their estates empty. The Ash clouds fell dozens of feet deep on the island itself and northward, and as it rose to the sky people from across the Central Seas could see the great rising plume. Sardinia collapsed as well, as infighting among the minor lords for the inheritance of the Royal Lands caused irreparable disbute.

Apulia rescued those she can, and took over the long-distance trade routes ranging from Varna all the way to Nova Sarkov.


For Ctesiphod, the Dalmatians moved in for the kill. They lost too many to Apulia’s treachery, and to the fall of Epirus. Aphod was taken and utterly destroyed, and their ravenous spears moved towards Ctesiphod itself. The walls were unmanned, the people frightened, and many slit their wrists and laid down to die.

But when they came to Ctesiphod, what they saw are gigantic walls manned by all manners of weapons. Soldiers in shining armor stood next to stoic miltia, and the archers on the walls begin to ply their trade and sent death through the air.

Mediolaun has arrived.

However, they have two problems to face. To their west, Provence fell suddenly, and precipitously.

The Faithful soldiers on the front panicked and were cut down, but behind them are stranger men. They had blue faces, and are led by a naked man covered in Woad, and a women dressed in green. They are fearful, they are fearsome.

The Frenks have arrived.


Leon continues to expand, their great cities dominating the western seas (well, what’s left of the western seas) and their competed projects giving them a head start on the future. Annexing Nova Sarkov with the collapse of Sardinia, their expansion has been repulsed by growing resistance, and the Vascons have started the habit of dumping refuse in the Elbo river.


Eastern Keltia

The Druids of the Frenks were shocked when the forests suddenly turned against them. Hunters were killed and seemingly savaged by a multitude of animals seeking to shock instead of eat. Then, the terror from their western frontier inched westward as first homesteads, then villages, then towns were stricken with gruesome killings.

Spearheaded by the Unsullied, the Wesfrenks and their Armorican allies invaded, pushing aside resistance and seemingly calming the forests ad their Druids preformed rites. But even so, the local frenks are kicked out again and again, and they bunched against the Nesfrenkish borders.

Forming together, the six-hundred and sixteen chiefs of the Sufrenks declared one among them King, and one druid among them the High Priestess. Working together, they decided that their destiny is to invade and cleanse the world to the west.

And so they crossed into the lands of the Nesfrenks. There, the Faelinkrisr has been roiling the people into a fanatical fury with the coming Teufel to the east. This massive invasion was not expected, but troops were trained, especially archers. Retreating to the Rhone, they barraged the Frenkish horde. The Iron Lances even returned a precious Brigade from the Teufel to help safeguard their head quarters.

It seemed to be going well when suddenly, over the course of an hour, all the soldiers south of the city died as if by magic. The river is bridged and the Horde crossed into the land of the Nesfrenks. The Druids killed every faithful Frenk they can find and converted those they can, and the Frenkish horde pushed north until they met the Rhone river again, guarded by the Iron Lances themselves. On the other side of the river, the forces of Ostava matched the Frenks blow for blow, fighting them to a standstill.

But to the south, the Provencials were devoting most of their forces fighting Mediolaun. While their migration stalled northward, towards the south there was no significant resistance whatsoever.

And they march, tearing down the entire nation before their army can retreat from the Veiled Mountains and reaching the border of Mediolaun itself.


The Wesfrenks and Armorica benefited greatly from this event. Armorica finished their Temple Hill, creating a religious center in Vorgium and helping them assuage the fears of their Faithful minority while the Wesfrenks helped create a unified road system for Gaul, which is still not quite near completion. Heavy casualties were had for Armorica, however, especially among their Unsullied who bore the blunt of the casualties from the small-scale battles necessary for their plan.

When the Frenks headed south, however, this cut the tin imports from Leon they relied for making bronze and had moved north along the Rhone for centuries. They thus focused entirely on the great Tin Mines of Dumonos, which helped boast the economy of their northern neighbor and trade throughout the region.


Meanwhile, Dumonos was busy trying to find someone, anyone, to fight. With their large military, they attacked north recklessly and managed to conquer the Silvacii of southern “Wales”. Some note, of course, that their large military expenses arose mostly due to their great fleet. With the increasing demand of Tin, their completed tin mines and their new conquests, their stagnating economy received a jolt. (+1 Trade +1 Domestic +1`Economic Center -5 Archers -2 Spearmen)

In addition, the regimes of Lundien and even Kentus became more friendly towards Dumonos, further increasing trade on Brittania.

At the same time, Dumonos and Kentus both settled northward, including an enterprising settlement called Neujj Dhanraig far to the north close to copper-mining Pict tribes. Although composed of landless Buertgang noblemen, most call it a part of Kentus to avoid trouble with


Against the Ipren the forces of Ostava and Dumonos attacked. Dumonos thought about raising some horsemen, but the horses in Dumonos are not yet bred to be able to mount a man for war yet, and it required far to many for effective chariotry. Nontheless, the funds were used for a horsebreeding program and for more spearmen. Against Dumonos the Ipren were able to resist their invasion somewhat, but they move ever closer to their developed towns some are talking of ending this war, and hope to live in peace; as Druids, even.

At home, Ostava received a new forward thinking King who searched the records of old for ancient wonders, but he died of sickness and more conservative rulers returned to power. Mostly busy with the Frenkish Horde to the south and sending troops to help the Nesfrenks, Buertgang, and Vahshallah, and their faithful brothers in the Danyan Horde.


Vahshallh prepares to fight the ultimate battle. Over sixty thousand soldiers prepare to do battle. However, the Buggerites refused to give them the battle they desired. They ride into view of their impressive fortifications, shot a few arrows, shrug and leave. Suicide is not within the code of the Nomad.

However, the wide and unbridged rivers pose a problem for them as they cannot easily cross it. More and more nomads became stuck south of Vahshallh and infighting was fierce.

Meanwhile, Omar was getting irritated as meal after meal paraded infront of his forces and left without letting him have a taste. So when over two hundred chariots faced him and stopped, without turning, without straffing, and fired shaft after shaft into his lines, he called a charge.

The irritated, fanatical, and flesh-hungrey forces of the Iron Lances swarmed across the cleared plain. Militiamen in front were slaughtered by the barrage, but the armored Iron lancers and Vahshallh Spearmen survived and were able to reach the Chariots. With a horn, the chariots charged the open mass and by the glaive and by the arrow slaughtered many of the opposing number.

But there were simply too many people under Omar’s call. Even as he lept and took over a Chariot from the warriors that rode it, others floundered in bodies and were cut down as they were surrounded. They had victory this time as only a hundred chariots, at the call of a different horn, wheeled about and charged the line from behind and broke free.

However, this battle bleed their own forces severely. They were forced to abandon a hundred or so villages, to shorten the line.

And worse, some of the Militia bored with the lack of actual conflict begun returning home, even as the Lord of Flames unified the rest of Horde into a single unit underhim, and prepared to launch the final offensive to break Vahshallah’s lines.



Spoiler :
Apologies for everything past Eastern Seas. I did not put in full effort in the attempt at getting this update out ASAP and leave me time for my finals project and studying.
Map and stats are done and will be posted, but final map and stats, as well as diplomacy, will need to wait a day.

Barbaric hordes are a special type of barbarian. They are large groups unified in some way and are also aggressive and mobile, making them neither states nor barbarians. They will always be marked in Red.
Spoiler Mappity :

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Spoiler Diplomacy :

Spoiler Stats :
Spoiler Keltia :
Armorica/Gem Hound
Color: Strong Green
Religion: Druidic Pantheon
Age: Early Bronze (13/75)
Size: Large
Economy: 12/-6 (2/7/3)-3
Military: 1 Spearmen (4.5) 1 Unsullied (6), 3 Unsullied (4), 2 Curraghs (1), 46 Curraghs (0.5),
Confidence: Admiring
Culture: Strong
Projects: The Wall: Completed; Golden Taranis (Completed: +Culture +Armorican Confidence) Temple Hill (DONE: +Culture+Confidence+RC) Druidic Roads (2/8 +Trade+Domestic+Confidence)

Color: Purple
Religion: Druidic Pantheon
Age: Early Bronze (21/75)
Size: Medium
Economy: 13/0 (3/6/4)-2
Military: 1 Spearmen (4.5), 3 Archers (3),10 Curraghs (1) 47 Curraghs (0.5)
Confidence: Tolerating
Culture: Mediocre
Projects: Great Tin Mines (DONE ++Trade)

Beurtgang Empire /Lord of Elves
Color: Dull Orange
Religion: Faith
Age: Early Bronze (6975)
Size: Medium
Economy: 16/0 (3/9/4)-1
Military: 1 Spearmen (3), 12 Spearmen (1.5) 3 Curraghs (1.5)16 Curraghs (1)
Confidence: Admiring

Color: Dry Blue
Religion: The Faith
Age: Early Bronze (20/75)
Size: Small
Economy: 10/0 (3/5/2)-0
Military: 1 Royal Guardsmen (4), 1 Spearmen (3), 12 Spearmen (1.5)
Confidence: Admiring
Culture: Average

Wesfrenks, Kingdom of /NPC
Color: Dull Brown
Religion: Druidic Pantheon
Age: Early Bronze (17/75)
Size: Small
Economy: 8/0 (1/5/2)-0
Military: 1 Spearmen (4.5)
Confidence: Admiring
Culture: Pathetic
Projects: Temple to Taranis (DONE+Confidence)

B]Vascony /NPC[/B]
Color: Purple
Religion: Druidic Pantheon
Age: Early Bronze (6/75)
Size: Petite
Economy: 3/0 (1/2/0)-0
Military: 1 Warriors (5). 2 Warriors (3)
Confidence: Tolerating
Culture: Pathetic

Nesfranks, Kingdom of /Lokki
Color: Livid Green
Religion: The Faith
Age: Early Bronze (63/75)
Size: Petite
Economy: 4/0 (1/2/1)-0
Military: 2 Spearmen (4.5), 2 Archers (3)
Confidence: Tolerating
Culture: Pathetic

Ostava, Kingdom of /NPC
Color: Weak Green
Religion: The Faith
Age: Early Bronze (13/75)
Size: Medium
Economy: 10/0 (1/6/3)-1
Military: 2 Spearmen (3), 3 Warriors (2), 2 Archers (3)
Confidence: Respecting
Culture: Pathetic

Lundien, Duchy of /NPC
Color: Weak Purple
Religion: Druidic Pantheon
Age: Early Bronze (13/75)
Size: Tiny
Economy: 6/0 (1/3/2)
Military: 1 Spearmen (3), 2 Warriors (2), 1 Archers (3)
Confidence: Tolerating
Culture: Mediocre

Kentus, Duchy of /NPC
Color: Lime Green
Religion: Faith
Age: Early Bronze (7/75)
Size: Tiny
Economy: 6/0 (1/3/2)
Military: 4 Spearmen (3)
Confidence: Respecting
Culture: Pathetic

Hamburg, Kingdom of /NPC
Color: Bright Purple
Religion: Druidic Pantheon
Age: Early Bronze (7/75)
Size: Petite
Economy: 6/0 (1/2/3)-0
Military: 3 Archer (3), 8 Curraghs (1), 10 Curraghs (0.5)
Confidence: Tolerating
Culture: Pathetic

Spoiler Nile :

Neo-Egyptian Empire/Erez
Color: Dull Olive
Religion: Egyptian Animism
Age: Early Bronze (30/75)
Economy: 39/0 (12/20/7)-8
Military: 7 Spearmen (3), 2 Archer (3), 2 Archers (1.5), 2 Egyptian Chariot (5), 4 Egyptian Chariots (2.5), 20 Curraghs (1), 80 Curraghs (0.5)
Confidence: Loving
Culture: Influential
Projects: Port of Quesir (DONE +Trade+City)

Kush, Empire of/NPC
Color: Pale Olive
Religion: Animism
Age: Early Bronze (20/75)
Size: Large
Economy: 10/0 (1/6/3)-1
Military: 5 Archers (3), 9 Spearmen (3), 11 Curraghs (0.5)
Confidence: Admiring
Culture: Limited
Projects: Unified Kush (DONE +Culture+Confidence)

Color: Dull Green
Religion: Animism
Age: Early Bronze (16/75)
Size: Large
Economy: 20/0 (4/8/8)-6
Military: 3 Archers (3), 10 Archers (1.5), 4 Spearmen (3), 4 Spearmen (1.5), 2 Warriors (1), 8 Curraghs (1) 49Curraghs (0.5)
Confidence: Loving
Culture: Average
Projects: Nile Trade Forts (DONE +Trade), Great Drydocks (DONE, -2 Upkeep:Ships)

Color: Light Spring
Religion: Animism
Age: Early Bronze (20/75)
Size: Small
Economy: 6/0 (1/3/2)-1
Military: 5 Spearmen (1.5), 2 Archers (1.5) 3 Curraghs (1), 16 Curraghs (0.5)
Confidence: Respecting
Culture: Average
Projects: Recruiting Barracks (1/5 +1 Warrior.turn)

Color: Light Spring
Religion: Animism
Age: Early Bronze (14/75)
Size: Tiny
Economy: 5/0 (1/1/3)
Military: 2 Spearmen (3), 1 Archer (1.5), 15 Curraghs (0.5)
Confidence: Respectin1g
Culture: Average
Projects: Ports of Paradise (4/6 +Trade)

Spoiler Eastern Seas :
Katan, High Kingdom of/Luckymoose
Color: Dark Violet
Religion: Exnotist Takarzite Kitabalism
Age: Early Bronze (72/75)
Economy: 24/4 (5/16/2)-6
Military: 2 Solarians (4), 1 Solarians (6) 4 Spearmen (4..5), 8 Spearmen (3), 10 Spearmen (1.5), 3 Archer (3) 2 Archers (1.5), 41 Curraghs (1)
Confidence: Simmering
Culture: Pathetic
Projects: Katanic Road Network (DONE +Infrastructure), Epirucan Harbor (DONE +Trade +2 Ships/EP)

Varna, Empire of/NPC
Color: Yellow-Brown
Religion: Exnotist Takarzite Kitabalism
Age: Early Bronze (22/75)
Size: Medium
Economy: 11/0 (2/6/3)-5
Military: 6 Archers (3), 6 Spearmen (3), 23 Curraghs (1), 32 Curraghs (0.5)
Confidence: Tolerating
Culture: Average

Apulia, Republic of/NPC
Color: Burgundy
Religion: Exnotist Takarzite Kitabalism
Age: Early Bronze (62/75)
Size: Medium
Economy: 12/0 (3/3/6) -1
Military: 4 Archers (3), 35 Curragh (1.2),
Confidence: Respecting
Culture: Strong
Projects:, , The Colossus of Cytria (DONE +Trade+EC), The Harbour Academy (DONE +.1 Naval power baseline, +Trade

Novaricum, Commonwealth of/NPC
Color: Navy Blue
Religion: Zirilism
Age: Early Bronze (30/75)
Size: Small
Economy: 9/0 (2/2/5)-1
Military: 2 Archers (3), 2 Spearmen (3), 15 Raiders (1.3) 15 Curraghs (1.5)
Confidence: Admiring
Culture: Strong

Spoiler Levea "Middle East" :

Danae, Exaltation of/NPC
Color: Light Lavander
Religion: Moraen Kitabalism
Age: Early Bronze (39/75)
Size: Medium
Economy: 10/-3 (3/5/2)-1
Military: 1 Ox Chariot (2.5), 3 Spearmen (1.5), 3 Archers (1.5), 2 Curraghs (1), 15 Curraghs (0.5)
Confidence: Tolerating
Culture: Limited
Projects: Ports of Eira (DONE +City +Trade)

Hyak, High-Kingdom of/Lord_Iggy
Color: Azure Blue
Religion: Takarzite Kitabalism
Age: Early Bronze (37/75)
Size: Large
Economy: 20/0 (3/12/5)-4
Military: 3 Ox Chariots (5), 1 Spearmen (4.5) 2 Spearmen (3), 4 Archers (3), 4 Archers (1.5), 1 Qurabu Klabanatu (6), 2 Qurabu Klabanatu (4), 4 Qurabu Kalbanatu (2.0) 3 Curraghs (1), 20 Curraghs (0.5) (6 Hurrian Auxilaries)
Confidence: Simmering
Culture: Average

Hormun, Exaltation of/NPC
Color: Dark Green
Religion: Kitabalist Pantheon
Age: Early Bronze (37/75)
Size: Small
Economy: 7/0 (2/3/2)-2
Military: 2 Spearmen (3) 1 Archers (4.5), 1 Archers (3) 35 Curragh (1)
Confidence: Respecting
Culture: Mediocre
Projects: Grand Harbor of Hormun (15/20 +Trade +12ships/EP +.1 Base Ship STR)

Levantine League/ SKILORD
Color: Olive
Religion: Kitabalist Pantheon
Age: Early Bronze (25/75)
Size: Medium
Economy: 15/0 (4/5/6)-4
Military: 1 Archer (4.5), 2 Archers (3), 6 Spearmen (4.5) 50 Curragh (1), 50 Curragh (.5)
Confidence: Admiring
Culture: Average
Projects: Phoenician Port (Completed: 12 Curragh/Ep +Trade) Naval Drydocks (DONE, -2 Upkeep: Ships)

Spoiler Khand :
Dakinsa Raj/Southern King
Color: Royal Blue
Religion: Hinduism
Age: Bronze
Size: Huge
Economy: 26/1 (6/13/7)-4
Military: 2 Gujarati Macemen (6), 6 Gujarati Macemen (3), 1 Spearmen (4), 4 Spearmen (2), 3 Chariots (3), 4 Archers (1.5), 2 Longboats (1.5), 14 Longboats (0.75)
Confidence: Simmering
Culture: Influential

Daretokimas Raj /NPC
Color: Stale red
Religion: Hinduism
Age: Early Bronze (46/75)
Size: Large
Economy: 17/0 (3/10/4)-3
Military: 3 Archers (3), 4 Spearmen (3) 21 Curraghs (1),36 Curraghs (0.5)
Confidence: Simmering
Culture: Mediocre

Gujarati Confederacy /NPC
Color: Dull Yellow
Religion: Hinduism (Holy City)
Age: Early Bronze (51/75)
Size: Medium
Economy: 11/6 (2/5/4)-0
Military: 4 Gujarati Macemen (3), 13 Curraghs (1), 2 Curraghs (.5)
Confidence: Loving
Culture: Average
Projects: Temple to Shiva (DONE +Culture), Krishna’s Oracle (DONE +RC +Religion)

Ataka Confederacy /NPC
Color: Orange
Religion: Gnatism
Age: Early Bronze (15/75)
Size: Tiny
Economy: 6/0 (1/3/1)-0
Military: 2 Archers (3), 7 Curraghs (1), 12 Curraghs (.5)
Confidence: Respecting
Culture: Pathetic

Hyperabad, Kingdom of /NPC
Color: Lavender
Religion: Gnatism
Age: Early Bronze (13/75)
Size: Petite
Economy: 9/0 (1/4/4)-0
Military: 4 Archers (4.5)
Confidence: Admiring
Culture: Pathetic

Spoiler Mississippi :

Nenekatae Empire/Tambien
Color: Light Violet
Religion: Animism
Age: Early Bronze
Economy: 6/11 (1/4/1) -0
Military: 5 Curraghs (1), 2 Warrior (2)
Confidence: Tolerating
Culture: Pathetic
Projects: Military Academy (1/?: ?)

Color: Violet Pink
Religion: Animism
Age: Early Bronze
Economy: 4/5(1/2/1) -0
Military: 12 Curraghs (1), 1 Archer (3)
Confidence: Tolerating
Culture: Pathetic

Spoiler Xilan :
Color: Light Green
Religion: Shining Confucianism
Age: Bronze Age
Size: Gargantuan
Economy: 27/0 (6/16/5)-3
Military: 2 Silent Guards (5), 5 Silent Guards (2.5), 2 Xiong Chariots (5), 6 Archers (1.5), 5 Curraghs (1), 6 Ocean Striders (0.75)
Confidence: Loving
Culture: Wonder of the World
Projects: Rebuild (DONE+Economic Growth), Defensive Canals (DONE+Defense+Agricultrue), Unified China (Complete +Confidence Inertia +Culture/Confidence), Oceanstriders (DONE +UU +Oceanic Trade) Defensive Canals (4/12 +++ Yellow River defenses), Upgrade Army (0/3)

Katoan Empire /Chrisos
Color: Aqua
Religion: Sun-Worship
Age: Early Bronze
Size: Medium
Economy: 8/8 (1/6/1)-1
Military: 1 Spearmen (4.5), 2 Warriors (3), 2 Spearmen (3), 2 Archers (3)
Confidence: Simmering
Culture: Mediocre

Japan, Kitanoan Empire of/NPC
Color: Cyan
Religion: Sun-Worship
Age: Early Bronze
Size: Medium
Economy: 7/0 (1/4/2)-1
Military: 6 Samurai (4), 1 Ocean Strider (1.5), 8 Curraghs (1), 10 Curraghs (.05)
Confidence: Tolerating
Culture: Mediocre

Japan, Shimane Confederacy of/NPC
Color: Sea Green
Religion: Sun-Worship
Age: Early Bronze
Economy: 6/2 (1/4/1)-1
Military: 4 Archers (3), 5 Warriors (2), 3 Curraghs (1), 17 Curraghs (.5)
Confidence: Resentful
Culture: Mediocre

Toyama Confederacy of/NPC
Color:Dark Green
Religion: Primitive Daoism
Age: Early Bronze
Size: Petite
Economy: 4/0 (1/2/1)-2
Military: 3 Warriors (3) 9 Warriors (2)
Confidence: Hateful

Dahai, Kingdom of/NPC
Color: Lavander
Religion: Primitive* Daoism
Age: Early Bronze (9/75)
Size: Medium
Economy: 8/0 (1/5/2)-1
Military: 2 Spearmen (3), 6 Spearmen (1.5), 7 Curraghs (1), 10 Curraghs (0.5)
Confidence: Respecting
Culture: Pathetic

Huai, Kingdom of/NPC
Color: Orange
Religion: Confucianism/Daoism
Age: Early Bronze (7/75)
Size: Small
Economy: 8/0 (1/5/2)-0
Military: 1 Longspear (4), 1 Spearmen (3), 2 Archers (3)
Confidence: Tolerance
Culture: Mediocre
Projects: Record of The Way (3/10 +culture+religion)

Seoul, Kingdom of/NPC
Color: Salmon
Religion: Primitive* Daoism
Age: Early Bronze (8/75)
Size: Petite
Economy: 7/0 (1/3/3)-0
Military: 1 Archer (4.5), 12 Curraghs (0.5), 6 Curraghs (1), 3 Oceanstrider (.75)
Confidence: Respecting
Culture: Mediocre
Projects: Garden of the Sages (COMPLETE ++Culture)

Pusan Confederacy/NPC
Color: Violet
Religion: Primitive Sun-Worship
Age: Early Bronze
Size: Tiny
Economy: 5/0 (1/1/3)-0
Military: 1 Archer (3), 12 Curraghs (1)
Confidence: Admiring
Culture: Pathetic

Spoiler Western Seas :

Mediolaun, Kingdom of/NPC
Color: Pink Violet
Religion: Ancestor/Martyrdom Traditions
Age: Early Bronze (30/75)
Size: Medium
Economy: 15/0 (3/9/3) -2
Military: 6 Archers (3), 6 Spearmen (3), 2 Rumen Generals (3),
Confidence: Admired
Culture: Strong
Projects: Nova Genoa (DONE +Trade + Confidence), Oracle of the Ancestors (DONE +RC), Great Walls of Ctesiphod (Done: + Defense +Economy)

Leon, Kingdom of/NPC
Color: Light Royal Blue
Religion: The Faith
Age: Early Bronze (25/75)
Size: Medium
Economy: 17/0 (7/5/2)-1
Military: 6 Spearmen (3), 3 Archers (3),, 10 Curraghs
Confidence: Loving
Culture: Limited
Projects: Forear Escola (DONE +Culture+Education);Temple of the Gods (DONE +Culture+Confidence);

Wonderful update, though I am saddened that the Eastern campaign did not have a whole lot of action... no matter though. :)

Though I need to make some diplomacy with these Buggerites, now that I have come to my senses.
And so have the Four Charioteers become Three. The Hazerelid Dynasty of Merion shall be remembered forever, and its name shall be called out over vengeful fields of blood.
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