TerraNES: The Civil Experiment

That, or it's a bunch of heavily guarded ghetto camps in the middle of the countryside and they've been living there for several hundred years at this point.
Sorry Optical. I don't know where notChicago is. :p. Anyway, within 10 minutes, since I had dinner in the way.

Also, Old World= All of Eurasia, more or less. This isn't a minigame, but I would like to know what response your leaders or your people have to this event.
Sugudan response concerning celestial craziness

Peasant: Woah are the gods angry at us?

Priest: LOOK! LOOK! there are three meteors! THREE

Peasant: I see a lot more

Priest: But there are like, at least three clusters! THREE

Peasant: if you say so.

Priest: The gods shine upon us!
On the matter of the Disturbance in the Heavens...

It's an omen
The end is nigh
Ignore the peasant rabble!
Color: Prune - ick, call it burgundy? :)
Religion: Aynarism
Age: Bronze
Size: Tiny
Military: 1 Silent Guard (4.5), 1 Xiong Chariot (2)
Confidence: Respecting
Culture: Strong

Corrections/suggestions in red :)
It is the beacon of a new dawn.
The sentinel crossing the heavens to light a new fire.
Kindle the flames in our burning hearts.
The sovereign messenger of the gods, bringing their fury.
An age of fire and war is coming to an end.
The light casts shadows that twist and turn.
Shadows that promise us redemption, retribution.
An abyss that will swallow those stand before us.
The dawn of a bright new era.
Bathed in the fading twilight.
An age of kings, of knights and axemen.
Of gold and trade and prosperity.
Of war and destruction, peace and creation.
An age of the empires rising.
An age of empyreans.

Östen had been planning the implementation of a new fishing town along the lake before he was interrupted by a messenger who said that general Harafinn was demanding to see him with important information. Getting on his horse he rode out to meet the general, when Östen reached him he saw the general next to a young scared soldier. Upon seeing him Harafinn began to speak of what had recently happened.

"Grave news sir, the time has come. Already some tribes are starting to rebel, this lad can explain it to you better than I. (to the young soldier) Speak!"

The soldier began in a hesitant voice "My garrison had been stationed at Vadstena, I was away in the surrounding countryside on a patrol when it started. The tribe of the Folstag was never really happy with us, but we assumed that the fort would have been enough to stop them from rebelling. It was not, a large mob made of mostly young men and old tribal warriors fell upon the garrison in broad daylight while most of them where outside of the fort. My patrol was also attacked and I was the only survivor, I immediately ran off to warn you of the news."

Östen grimaced, he had always hoped that he would not have to face open rebellion from the tribes. But it seemed to much to ask for, now he had to focus on putting down the rebellion before other the other tribes got any ideas.

"Harafinn," he ordered "you'll be coming with me to the southern outpost, we'll get some soldiers there and then go to Vadstena to see if we can save whoever is left. Soldier, send your message to the couriers and tell them to alert all of the garrisons."

With that he began to ride for the southern outpost.

Upon arrival Östen began to order his men to get battle ready, they would need to march to Vadstena soon if they were to arrive soon enough to make a difference.

Östen could tell that he was nearing Vadstena when he saw the smoke arising in the distance. Riding through the village he saw some houses burned down and those that were still standing were barred from the inside. It looked like the Suione warriors had put up a large fight, then they came over the hill and saw the main fort. The Suione flags were still flying, showing that the defenders were still alive, and many militia men were standing outside of the walls.

OOC: Part 2 coming soon.
Pretty good. As with Gem_hound's war stories, as long as they are against weak barbs or internal issues, random war stories are perfectly fine. If other players or strong barbs get involved, I'd like you to get confirmation either via update or via talking to me. :)
My Stats do not appear to have been updated. Will post a story reinventing Axum and perhaps one giving some depth to Etrika later...
Well. To be honest...

Your trade went down due to loss of monopoly. Then went back to normal. You also got +1 domestic. Any other possible trade growth was taken over by Egypt's trading expedition blitz this turn.

That is the only thing that really changed. Confidence will be lowered when I post on the front page.

Also, working hard on diplomacy. My PM box is open, though.
King Hellath of Ildaris stood and stared at the meteors. Then he realized something. He would make a statement immediately. He spoke to his courier, requesting that all the chiefs under his Kingship come to a meeting immediately.

"People of Paradise, a sign was delivered to us today! This sign could have only meant one thing: that the Gods are displeased with our warlike actions in Paradise. It is with this realization that I promise that Ildaris will only focus on peaceful expansion and improving internal conditions for the next hundred years, as the Gold Prophet, Sarifar Hulath, son of Geriov Hulath, claims that is when the Gods will show us another sign of our progress."

As this meeting was taking place, another important event in the history of Ildaris was taking place in the recently conquered Lusotannan (Oledo) lands, high up in the hills. A hunter was walking through the stony crags, tracking the same great creature for the third day in a row. It looked like a squat deer, with great curving, ridged horns instead of antlers. He had been watching it jump gracefully from cliff to cliff, and then more urgently after it caught wind of him earlier that day. But now it was cornered on a cliff that had no escape. The hunter jumped from his position across the crag, raising his spear, ready to slay the beast. But in a flash, everything changed.

It felt as if he had been kicked in the chest by a giant horse. He had felt several ribs crack on the impact of the creature's horns. And then he was falling, falling deep down the crag, before landing with a heavy thud. He slowly tried lifting all his limbs, and was pleased to find that nothing was broken. He got up and surveyed his surroundings. The crag had lead into some small cavern cut deep into the rock. As the hunter looked around he saw flashes, and on closer inspection, recognized them as copper and tin. Lots of copper and tin. But there was a third, dark ore he did not recognize. It intrigued him, and when he returned home he would speak of it excitedly, arousing much interest. Though it would take a long time, several generations in fact, men would learn to call it iron.

OOC: Note:Historically, Iberia was one of the first tribal regions to enter the iron age, and was also a large source of iron. Much of its iron was actually mined to make equipment for the Roman Empire.
He had felt strange for over a fortnight... had known something was coming... yet nothing had happened... yet. His feet rustled through the wet leaves of fall, in the dead of the night. He came upon his sacrificial pit, and looked inside to see if the offering was sound. He reached over, and felt the slick wood of the spikes protruding from the pit that had only been used mere hours previous. The night was quiet, until a gut wrenching scream came from the pit.

Panic gripped him and he jumped into the pit, sinking into the blood and gore already being infested by maggots. Dodging through the spikes and the dead bodies, he reached the woman. He reached the one who would hold power over him.

Slowly, he withdrew his knife, and slit the painted throat of the woad female. The screaming stopped and a sense of calm once more fell upon him. He wiped the blade of his dagger on the leather the woad female wore, and sheathed the blade. He trudged through the bodies and slowly reached the side of the pit again. He climbed up, brushed off the maggots and some of the dripping blood that had clung to his own armor. He had fixed his mistake just in time. The Morrigan had arrived, covering the moon with her wings. Her fiery eyes and the maw that was her beak opened, and the Druid collapsed. She had come to feed on the dead. The great one had finally come to the Earth. She touched the world, and Hibernia shivered from the impact.

Tarmanes was reborn anew when he woke, with the knowledge that the heinous heresies of the Woad would come to an end. He reached his hands out of the blood, clawing his way out of the corpses. He had landed in the pit, and had managed to survive due to the Morrigan's mercy. He climbed over the pit once more, to see shattered trees, where the great ash trees had once stood. The hill was covered in the shattered stumps, and he could see undamaged trees in the distance.

Tarmanes walked downhill, and fell into a crater. He noticed a small stone in the middle of it half the size of his head. He picked the stone up. He traced the streaks along the rock, a smattering of grey and red. Anything from the Morrigan herself should be cherished. I wonder what I can get them to make with this... Tarmanes thought. He stuffed the stone into his leather bag, and strung it over his shoulder. The trip to Darin would be interesting indeed, very interesting.
OOC: You are eligible to get to the Late Bronze Age, you know. It is possible to have your feat be "early utilization of Iron" or something which will speed up progress to full Iron age. :). Mind, that means you won't be getting any other feat-benefits/whatever. But since most benefits are relatively minor anyway, you can do that if you really want. Anyway, thanks for the factoid, I'll keep that in mind.

Diplomacy to be posted within 30 minutes.
Aynar's Flame

The sky turned red last night, a blazing trail seared across the sky. A single star fell and disappeared into the west, to the eternal home of Aynar and Nai.
Some call it an ill omen. To those who guess at Aynar's will, it means ill. But the Wise One, she who they call Nai, the wife of Yi Qian, the founder of the Ulyan Council*, says otherwise. She has told of the new age which we enter. Tribes will rise. The mountains will dance with flames. A time of war, she says.
Interesting days, which some call the worst days.
The Dawar are tired of being dominated by their neighbours. But help has arrived and the skies themselves, directed by Aynar, herald the dawn of a new hope.
The mountains will dance with flames. An affair with danger. War, she who is the lover of the warrior... a dangerous one to be sure.

The Ulyani people will be ready.


OOC: Elaborating later, in my next RP.

"King Östen, never been happier to see your face!" shouted general Askalad from within the fort

Over all the situation was a poor one, even with the arrival of Östen's new troops they were still outnumbered and the enemy seemed to have finally gotten rams to tear down the walls of the fort.

"The spirits have given us our blessing, now we can kill the conqueror's spawn!" cried the village leader who seemed to be in charge of the warriors. He revived a loud bellow from his men and began to charge Östen.

Kicking his horse into a gallop Östen lead the counter charge and cut through the poorly organised rebels. His target wasn't to kill as many as possible with the charge, but to get behind their lines so that he could kill the ram bearers. With deft swings of his blade they fell. Meanwhile Askalad had led his men out of the fort and crashed into the back of the rebels. Trapped between the two forces the rebels began to break and a few attempted to run away only to be cut down by Östen who could easily out pace them on his horse.

The survivors and the rest of the village were sent to the town square, where Östen's men had lined up the village leader along with the other rebels. He was planning on making an example of them so that other tribes would not think to try the same.

"This," he bellowed "is the cost of rebellion!" and with that the village leader and rebels were stabbed in the heart and left to die on the snow. Hopefully the other tribes would learn, but even so Östen retained a sense of uneasiness as he went back to his palace.
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