SGOTM 21 - Plastic Ducks


Mac addict, php monkey
Hall of Fame Staff
GOTM Staff
Jan 9, 2003
Welcome to your BtS SGOTM 21 Team Thread. Please use it for all internal team communication, turn logs and discussions. Subscribe to it to receive notifications, and do not visit the other team threads for this game until you have finished. Please also subscribe to the Maintenance Thread for this game, where teams and staff may post non-spoiler information of general interest.

You can find the Game Details in the first posts of the Maintenance Thread. If any changes occur in the game settings or rules, they will be posted in that thread.

Please wait until your team leader/administrator/scribe has reserved a couple of top posts in this thread for game admin information. Then post here to let your team know you have arrived.

Good luck with the game, and - Have Fun! :)
Welcome to SGOTM 21!


Maintenance Thread (Full Scenario and List of Rules)

Pre-Game Discussion Thread

SGOTM Progress and Results

Team Roster:
  • Doshin
  • Duckweed
  • Kaitzilla
  • Kossin
  • Shakabrade
  • Soundjata
  • Yamps
We are playing Pericles of the Greeks!
Spoiler :

Fishing and Hunting

Creative - +2:culture: per city
Double production speed of Library, Theatre, and Colosseum
Philosophical - +100%:gp: birth rate
Double production speed of University

Phalanx - Axeman with +100% Defense vs. Chariots
Odeon - Colosseum with extra +1:) and +3:culture:
Starting Screenshot (4000BC):
Spoiler :

The Competition ends on May 8th.
Game Summary
Win the 3 ladies' hearts ^.^

Post #0008 First Real Game Screenshot of our starting location
Post #0010 Kossin talks about our game strategy and a great method for getting :gold: by bribing an AI into Anarchy.
Post #0024 Duckweed talks about our game strategy
Post #0039 Doshin talks about our game strategy
Post #0043 Turn 0 Screenshot dump
Post #0046 Shakabrade talks about our game strategy
Post #0064 Turn 0 Worker exploration
Post #0077 Kaitzilla learns how to delay picking the 1st tech 5 turns by deselecting it at top of screen
Post #0084 Doshin shows the benefit of delaying 1st tech choice 5 turns

Turnset Results
Post #0064 Turn 0 Worker exploration

Test Game Saves
4000BC - Turn 0
Getting Started

Make sure that BUFFY 3.19.003 is installed.
If you can open this save from SGOTM16:, you are good to go. :)
If you can't load the game,
Spoiler :
First visit this page. Follow the instructions and paste the results either in this thread, or the Maintenance Thread.
The team or the staff will try their best to assist you.
If you are using Windows7 or Vista, visit this page for suggestions that worked for others.
Finally, if all else fails and you still want to participate, uninstall Civ4, delete all folders (even custom assets, etc.) then reinstall. Install the BUFFY mod again and try to load the save.
If that is still unsuccessful, retrace your steps up to here and be sure to let the game staff know, they are way more knowledgeable than me in this.

Remember to set your autosaves to every turn: My Games>BTS>Civilization4.ini (Civ4Config)
MaxAutoSaves = 50

AutoSaveInterval = 1
No one gets to play before a plan has been accepted by the team.
Early on, this might mean every mouse click you will do has been pre-established but by end game it will generally be very broad.

Rules and PPP

Please read the entire Maintenance Thread top to bottom as it contains every rule.
Manually save at the beginning and end of each turn.
No reloads from previous point, ever!
When looking at the save, do not perform any irreversible action! You can't trade, whip or move units.
If you make such a mistake in the Real Game, it must be saved and we have to live with it.
No reading of other team threads. The best way to resist temptation is to use the Subscribed threads tool under quick links!
Bookmarking this thread in your web browser is another alternative. Similarly, do not download other team saves.
If the game crashes, stop and send a private message to AlanH with details of what happened. Wait for instructions.

Do stop if an opportunity becomes available or something goes wrong.
Pause the game before uploading/examining it.
When testing the game, make sure you're using the test game! Markers will be added here and there to help.
Try not to accidentally press (Alt+Q) when putting up signs (Alt+S) as it instantly loses the game. :cry:
Let us know when you can't make a deadline or RL becomes busy.
In the game options, enabling "Show Enemy Moves" and "Show Friendly Moves" helps keep track of AI movements in between turns.

A few notes of etiquette:

1. Active participation -- Your contribution to every set is important, even if it's a 'I agree'. Although everyone might have real life issues sometimes, it's courteous to notify the team of you absence.

2. Plan of playing -- The spirit of SG is to play the game following the consensus of the team decision. Therefore the player who is UP should post a clear plan for discussion. Guidelines have been posted for the contents of your plan in the next post. It might be that the team decides to head in a direction you were opposed to, it does not mean you are wrong but rather that the team believes the odds of winning are more likely with the decided approach.

3. Timing -- In the pre-thread we agreed to use the following as upper bounds for discussing, planning and playing the set. Since the game cannot last forever, it is important to respect these in order not to be rushed to finish the game later on.
-24 hours for 'got it' and pre-play-plan [0~24] - Make sure you can open the save before saying 'got it'.
-24 hours for discussion and first plan draft[0~48]
-24 hours for edits [24~72]
-24 hours to play [72~96]

Please keep in mind those are upper bounds, meaning if a consensus is reached before the time is fully elapsed, the set can proceed ahead.
Once again it would be greatly appreciated if you can warn the team, either in this thread or via pm, of your absences so that we do not have to wait for a consensus or skipping. You will be skipped if you cannot meet the time frame.

3a. Please include a report when you submit the save. You may submit your report later but it would be preferable to have it before the discussion on the next set starts.

4. Do not automate workers without first discussing with your team.

5. Do not use city governors without first discussing with your team. Or at least if you do, check cities every turn and remove the governor at the end of your round.

6. Do not leave units on goto orders that extend beyond your set of turns. If for some reason this happens, then be sure to inform your team as to what the unit(s) is/are going.

7. Finish all your discussed turns and upload the game saved at the END of the discussed part.

8. Respect your team mates, and demand their respect. Take care of your writing style, accept that people whose first language is not English will use English in a different way than you are used to. Disagree by all means, but don't make it personal, and don't take it personally.

9. SG's are team games. Be a good team member. Post your ideas, argue your corner and encourage and praise your team mates. Don't be afraid to post in your game thread. That is what it's for.

10. Have fun and QUACK!!!

How a set will be played

There are 7 major parts to every set.

  1. Pre-Play-Plan: see below.
  2. Voting: everyone voices his opinion on the issues raised in 1.
  3. Plan: see below.
  4. Critique of the Plan: once the Plan is posted, players should try/read the plan and look for anything they'd like to change. This is where you must support your arguments!
  5. Final Plan: tries to glue everything together.
  6. Play the Set: see below.
  7. Post the Report: see below

What is the Pre-Play-Plan?

The Pre-Play-Plan is to initiate the discussion on the diverging possibilities at the start of a set. This includes, but not limited to, EP focus, general city micro, general worker micro, general techs. Basically, make an idea of what you want to do with your 10/15 turns.

In the spoiler below are general ideas as to what you can cover with the pre-play-plan. Not everything needs to be discussed, only the obvious decision points.

Spoiler :
1. Technologies
  • What techs are you aiming for? (One, a beeline ex. Literature, part-research for trading)
  • What trades will you attempt with who and when? (When to sell for gold ex. first opportunity or wait for more, specify the leader(s), waiting for a wonder to finish so the AI get failure gold)
  • Are we planning a Great Person bulb?

2. Dealing with AIs
  • Resource trade negotiations
  • Espionage assignment
  • Open borders (cancel or allow)
  • AI demands (resources, cancel trades, who do we send packing or not, technologies, war, religions, civics)

3. City placement - mostly in the beginning
  • Where are you planning on sending a settler?
  • Are you sending a worker along?
  • Is the land fogbusted/do we have an escort?
  • Initial city builds (Monument/Granary etc...)
  • Tile improvements around this city(food, hammers, commerce)

4. General micro
  • Special tile assignations (starve city for specialists, switch to growth etc.)
  • Tile swapping with other cities
  • Whips
  • Build order (infrastructure/military/settlers/workers/wealth/science)
  • Dealing with happy/health caps
  • Worker improvements and moves

5. Civics and Religion
  • Are you planning on civic switches/do we need to acquire the techs? (Caste for border pops, slavery for prod...)
  • Are we expecting a religion change?

6.War - if applicable
  • Refuse/accept AI war demands
  • Bribing civs to declare war or for stopping war
  • War plan (who, how many units and how to acquire them , which cities to strike, scouting prior to DoW,...)

7. Bigger picture
  • Gifts (city, gold, techs,...)
  • What AI do we try to please
  • Goals for the future
  • Diplo manipulation
  • Extras

What your plan should cover:

The plan must contain 2 detailed parts:
1. What you will check for every turn (EP, trades available, GPT available etc.) [this is easy]

2. Turn-by-turn worker moves, city micromanagement, unit movement and or general guidelines as to what we can't control via test game. [this is the hard part]

The team might at one point decide to slack on #2 once the game becomes well in hand.

How your set should go:
  • Play according to the plan
  • If something unexpected (or an opportunity) comes up, STOP AND CHECK WITH THE TEAM.
  • If you have to adapt, do so!
  • You can add markers in game during and at the end of your set. It's a lot easier on team members to figure where units are going.
  • If something unexpected comes up, you can (and possibly should) stop and make a short report to the team so we can decide how to move ahead


What your set report should cover:
  • WHEOOHRN alerts and possible/likely targets
  • GGs in distant lands and Great Engineers
  • When to renegotiate trades
  • What you were planning for the future
  • How the plan worked out/didn't
  • Anything unexpected

The Regular Autolog can be copied and pasted after uploading a save.
Another valuable tool is to turn on the BUFFY auto-logging and paste that also.
The Buffy Autolog can be enabled by pressing ALT+CTRL+O in game, then clicking the "Logging" tab and checking "Enable Logging" and "Start Automatically"
The game log will be recorded in the designated path folder.
For Windows 7 with a regular installation from CD's, the Buffy Autolog would be saved in C:\Program Files (x86)\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Beyond the Sword\Mods\BUFFY-3.19.003\Autolog

This lovely work (wall of text) was 98% stolen from Kossin :love:
Reporting for duty!

Quack, quack!

First move, worker 2S1E, it can't be used for scouting North cause border pop with creative is in 3 turns and we have hunting and a deer so...

If worker discovers double or triple fish, I might scratch a head a bit, but I am pretty sure settling 2E is a way to go.
Good luck everyone, may you enjoy the game and may we enjoy watching you enjoying it.


Ladys and tasks

Elizabeth ("Elizabeth wants to be treated like the queen she is. You need to impress her with unique status symbols, like...")
a) Rename the proudest ship ever to sail the oceans after her and gift it to her (needs at least 50xp to be worthy) done here
b) not yet revealed
c) not yet revealed

Isabella ("Isabella is all into romantic gestures. My first suggestion to win her heart would be...")
a) Have the most brilliant minds of your time explain to her that your love is pure, true and eternal (bring one artist, scientist and prophet to her capital and gift them to her)
b) Build her a luxurious summer residence (Gift her a city built on desert and next to the coast or an oasis that has an Odeon, a Grocer and a Castle), you must be at +3 relations with her when you gift this city. done here
c) not yet revealed

Catherine ("Catherine's heart has to be conquered. You will have to prove your might to her by...")
a) Take control of the worlds most important resources: Control 4 aluminum, 6 uranium and 10 oil resources (control = have inside your borders and connected to your trade network).
b) Prove your might with a military parade in her honor (have the following units in her capital at the same time: 12 armored units, 4 air units and 12 gunpowder units, commanded by a general (unconnected)) done here
c) Be the first to get a serious Space Program running (be the first to complete Apollo Program and build three parts of the spaceship, your choice)

Payment options used:
50 gold
75 gold
100 gold
1 worker
2 workers
2 workers
Reporting in...

Spoiler start :

I should read up on the various game threads, I don't even know what we're supposed to do in this game. :shifty:

Before contemplating moves, maybe we should decide where to settle? SIP food is rather bad.
Before contemplating moves, maybe we should decide where to settle? SIP food is rather bad.

Isn't it that you first move your scout and then decide?

I don't really think there are fish in the fog south, but if there are, there are three of them since these mapmakers are kinda evil.

We should settle the coast to be able to build sea stuff, maybe a GLH since this is supposed to be a tech game as mapmakers hinted. So, 1E is excluded which leaves us with 2E although we'll have to work on a crappy tile for 3 turns.
Initial thoughts after reading Maintenance Thread & Pregame Discussion Thread...

GLH+Astronomy bulb with a few GM trade missions
The devs have hinted that the restrictions aren't likely to be fulfilled before meeting the leaders anyway so getting Astro and high trade routes on a continents map makes sense.

I seem to recall that AI leader is willing to trade more gold if he is under Anarchy. In other words, we can buy out the info from AI, send him in Anarchy for 2+ turns and recuperate most of the gold on T+1.

Tachy's mechanics
Checking in :)

Agree with the general idea of GLH > Astro bulb.

However, we also need to REX and block Willy from taking the good land (gems), as we are supposed to befriend him.

On the other hand, killing him early is also a possibility :devil:
Checking in. :salute: :wavey:

Yes, the GLH makes sense. It also has an additional bonus of providing GM points for early info purchase.

Regarding settling, the northern cow, crab and gems spot 3N1W has caught my eye. It's a great spot and gems would be useful to take something big from the Oracle. The downside is that we have Hunting and a starting worker which could immediately get us +2 food from Deer so it looks like shaka is right.
GM from GLH bulbs Metal Casting, maybe?


We'll need a bit more commerce at the start if we want Agriculture soon and BW, of course, and get to GLH techs, so I'd like to develop those crabs very soon.
But testing will tell which way to go once we actually define our way.

We haven't talked about where Scout should go.
I am inclined towards scouting those two gems in the North to see what's their food status.
If they have Pigs, Cow, Sheep, we might consider Animal Husbandry. If not, I'd rather farm those cows in cows/crab/gems city.
Settling SE offers the advantages of
1. working the 2F2H tile since turn 1
2. improving the deer since turn 2

Food for thought...
GM from GLH bulbs Metal Casting, maybe?

Maybe, but I was thinking about buying info from Will with that since GM cash is the cheapest there is and getting our info early is very important. Besides, MC is not that expensive so in that case trade route cash would probably give more for tech purposes. There's also Oracle for MC which is rather standard play. Regarding that, could we hope to get Currency from Oracle?
Settling SE offers the advantages of
1. working the 2F2H tile since turn 1
2. improving the deer since turn 2

Food for thought...

And of course, except from that, it's an awful spot in every other way. ;)
Settling SE offers the advantages of
1. working the 2F2H tile since turn 1
2. improving the deer since turn 2

Food for thought...

Not really... :p

Maybe, but I was thinking about buying info from Will with that since GM cash is the cheapest there is and getting our info early is very important. Besides, MC is not that expensive so in that case trade route cash would probably give more for tech purposes. There's also Oracle for MC which is rather standard play. Regarding that, could we hope to get Currency from Oracle?

Maybe there is a source of many free workers nearby?
Getting MC very early is really powerful because of all the whipping we must do in the capital. And gems for +1 :happiness: only help the case, IMO.
We don't need to achieve all the possible objectives, as I have understood, but only one to win the heart.

I'd rather Oracle Monarchy if we went Oracle at all since capital 2E could really whip hard 6-->3. And also should if we go for early wonder, we need to catch up on production. Whipping non-stop.
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