America: Home of the Brave

Anton L. IV (UP-CA):

Supports Eugene V. Debs II: The comeback nomination.
N.A.A. - Yea.
N.A.C. - Yea.
Theodore Roosevelt and Eugene V. Debs have both been renominated by their parties for the Election of 1904.

Ontario and Québec given 5 Electoral Votes, East Canada lowered to 4 due to change in population.

Election of 1904

Unitarian Party

Eugene V. Debs

Democratic-Republican Party

Theodore Roosevelt

Debs: 267

Roosevelt: 268 (East Canada, Québec, Ontario)

The Election of 1904 was a classic East Vs. West story. Eugene V. Debs fared extremely well in the West, Rockies, and Great Plains, but Roosevelt fared extremely well on the East, South, and Midwest. The Northwest and Northeast both split from the rest of the trend and went with the opposite party, which was an interesting trend. Washington and Oregon easily went to Debs in 1900, but he had visited a local hunting camp in Oregon and made a gaffe. He had told the hunters they wouldn't have to hunt these door anymore should he become president, insinuating he would make sure those people had food. However, the locals took it as he would outlaw hunting. Thus, he lost the Northwest.

Theodore Roosevelt lost half of the Northeast out of sheer bad luck. Despite having improved the economy of New York City and the surrounding areas quite handily, Debs had convinced the lower class of the area that Roosevelt supported the wealthy and large trusts and monopolies, which had been taking money away that was rightfully theirs. After an eavesdropper on magnate Cornelius Vanderbilt heard he was going to law off multiple workers after taking a hit in sales, the word had spread and Roosevelt lost the Northeast.

Roosevelt's Square Deal wasn't believed by many in the Northeast, but in the South and Midwest it was another story. Roosevelt personally traveled through much area within the inner United States and met with many of the local citizens. After hearing many stories from the poor in those areas, he promised he would protect local environments and would work to make sure they would prosper economically. He had convinced the entire region that Debs was going to raise taxes on them to fund his plans to increase benefits for workers, and many in the area had believed him. Roosevelt, also being a proponent of states' rights, garnered much support throughout the South, save Louisiana, Texas, and Alabama.

Roosevelt was also very popular in the North. The new Canadian states saw President Roosevelt as a hero for taking their states back into the U.S. from Canadian control. He had won the vote in all three Northern states by a margin of almost 60%. It was a landslide for the president, leaving Debs utterly humiliated. Debs had campaigned a large amount of time in the North states trying to garner support, but he had most of his support in the West.

Like before, the West was used to liberal and Unitarian politics, which had caused their cities and regions to prosper in recent years. It wasn't a surprise Debs would fare well within that region.

Debs had also promised to end the Canadian-American war now that we had retaken Québec, Ontario, and East Canada. Roosevelt on the other hand believed it should be left to the Congress. And thus President Roosevelt, having been reelected, has asked the Congress to decide whether to train more troops and continue the war, or to end it now.​
Anton L. IV (UP-CA) asks the Congress to investigate a "Corrupt Bargain" between Roosevelt supporters and the Dem-Rep governors of the close states. The close results of the election could be easily changed by some political accord to buy Roosevelt's Reelection.
President Roosevelt wishes to tell the Congress that he will take the Canadian-American War into his hands unless the Congress has anything to say about the matter.
The Congressman from Massachusetts would urge President Roosevelt to continue to prosecute the war against the Canadians until every last bit of their territory has been brought into the fold of the United States of America.
The American Empire

After a venture that lasted for over a decade, the group of settlers that headed north for Alaska finally reached the more fertile archipelago with access to wild game and seafood to eat. The city of Anchorage was founded near the local game, and a group of workers and minutemen are set to arrive to the area quite shortly. President Roosevelt doesn't know what he exactly hoped to accomplish in the area, but he wasn't going to kill those settlers in the cold.

With the settling of Anchorage, the state of Alaska had formally became founded.

The city of Québec was taken easily and smoothly after a short bombardment and battle by our troops. The Riflemen set there for defense were quite weak, and reinforcements from other areas of the United States got to the area quite quickly, hastening the battle.

The state of Quebec just became a bit more populous.

After a long journey, a group of settlers, a division of workers, and some Minutemen landed on the area to the east of the Dutch holdings in South Africa. It appears the Portuguese planned on invading somewhere near the area, or they might have just lost a city, seeing as they had multiple troops stacked up upon ruins.

President Roosevelt renewed some deals, created new deals, and even improved them in some cases. We started a trade with the Dutch for gold in exchange for horses, and made our deal with Spain even better than it was previously.

President Roosevelt continued to make the United States flourish.

One of the more controversial moves that President Roosevelt did was to burn the city of Radisson once it was taken. We had lost a division of Cannons whilst bombarding, but we had lost no other troops. President Roosevelt defended his actions by stating that the city would only make the surrounding cities weaker by taking their food and resources, and that the city of Radisson would never amount to anything either way.

Unitarians quickly seized on his comments saying he is a supporter of genocide, along with accusing him of being hypocritical in saying Radisson would never have amounted to anything despite settling a city in Alaska. Unitarians have thus started to campaign on the idea that Democratic-Republicans support Roosevelt, a man who they say is a hypocrite and evil for killing innocent Quebecans.

Despite the accusations from the Unitarians, Roosevelt continued his term, and what better way to do that than a good old-fashioned technology trade? Roosevelt traded the idea of democracy with the Ottomans for the technology of Railroads. The invention of the Railroad was absolutely monumental in the history of the United States; troops could be moved quicker, workers could move around the nation quicker, and people could easily travel to other areas to meet with family and to vacation.

However, it was noted that the United States is far behind on the technology front compared to the Ottomans; they already had the knowledge of the Assembly Line, Electricity, and much much more.

Along with the colonization of Africa (much later than the European nations), the United States had also sent out the S.S. Van Buren to Australia to settle another colony. This was all in accordance to the Expand Our Borders Act, and the American people were quite split on it.

Unitarians said that we shouldn't be colonizing foreign lands in such a modern time when these nations should be becoming independent, but the Democratic-Republicans stated we should be utilizing this free land and these free resources. The Democratic-Republicans said that the Unitarians were too soft and weak to support making our nation stronger, while the Unitarians called the Democratic-Republicans insensitive and evil for colonizing foreign lands.

Anyways, with that, the state of South Africa was established, with its capital in the city of Durban.

Spoiler :
This wasn't the best update, I know. I'm just very tired, one of my dogs just died, and it's been a hard week.
I'm sorry about your dog, Noob. :( I send my condolences.
Congressman Harrison Gould of Arkansas nominates Theodore Roosevelt for a 3rd time. He's done well by America so far. We must bring Canada into America. Once our absorption of our Northern neighbor is complete then we can look to a different candidate.
Anton L. IV (UP-CA) supports Eugene V. Debs III: The Revenge nomination.
Congressman Wilson supports Theodore Roosevelt, as he is the only man capable of making America great again.
Election of 1912

Despite having served two terms already, President Roosevelt has broken the Third Term Principle and ran for a third term as president from the Democratic-Republican Party.

Unitarian Party

Eugene V. Debs

Democratic-Republican Party

Theodore Roosevelt

Debs: 276 (Ontario and Quebec)

Roosevelt: 262 (East Canada)

Just how the Election of 1904 was East vs. West, the Election of 1912 was North vs. South. President Roosevelt was vastly popular within the North, Midwest, and the far Northeast, whilst Eugene V. Debs was popular in the Southwest, South, and far North. Washington, D.C. held out for President Roosevelt as they seemed to like the man.

Debs was supposed to win Washington state like he did in 1904, seeing as President Roosevelt had lost it in a gaffe that year, but Debs had a gaffe of his own this election cycle. While Debs was at a campaign stop in Seattle, he insulted the locals by joking around and calling them "practically Canadian." For some odd reason, this struck a nerve with many of the Washingtonians and they voted for President Roosevelt, despite how much he hates hunters.

President Roosevelt also appeared to have move passed his 1904 loss in the Northeast when he was seen as a friend of the large trusts and monopolies. New Hampshire, Maine, and East Canada all went to Debs's corner this cycle after he promised to invest in small businesses and lower taxes on the poor whilst breaking up the trusts. This made the rural states very happy.

The south was an interesting case this election cycle. Despite the past beliefs held by Southern voters that Debs would raise taxes on the poor to have funding for workers' benefits, they all flocked to him for this cycle. President Roosevelt promised them he would protect the environment there and protect states' rights, but the Southerners felt betrayed when he never did allow more leniency when it came to rights for minorities.

But what in the world happened in the entire central cluster of the country? What did Debs do to lose almost all of his support in the area when he had had it so locked up almost a decade earlier? Roosevelt's Square Deal did seem to be took notice upon by central American citizens, despite what the South and West felt. Many cities in the area started to flourish and infrastructure was in amazing shape. Many in this area accredited it to the success of President Roosevelt, conservative policies, and the Square Deal.

Debs did have a feeling this would happen, though, so he focused much of the campaign season on the East, whose citizens felt left behind as other cities and parts of the country were getting improved. Debs promised the East he would increase wages for the poor and lower taxes on them, break up large trusts, and improve infrastructure. And thus with his words, he had won most of the East.

The Far North had been more open to Debs this cycle now that the Canadian-American War had all but finished. With all of the former cities taken, and Radisson razed by President Roosevelt, he had lost all but little of his support in Quebec. Ontario and Michigan were close elections, but Debs won those Great Lakes areas by promising to protect the fresh water there. Debs had won in Quebec 60% to 40%. It was nowhere near Roosevelt's 60% margin last cycle, but an 80% swing was quite impressive.

A huge scandal also broke out with the new African state not being allowed to vote in this election. Voting booths were set up, but none of the votes were actually counted by officials. When the election results came to the people, they saw that the state of South Africa was not listed in the Electoral breakdown, leading to protests and riots.

President Roosevelt was denied the chance of being the first president to serve more than two terms, and most Americans are eager to see how Debs's left-wing policies will take America in the new century.​
I pray Debs knows what he is doing, because the fate of our nation is between him and God now.

I welcome President Debs with cautious breath.
Congressman Ige of Hawaii welcomes President Debs. He also wishes to push forward voting rights and protections for our citizens in South Africa.
The Fight for Suffrage

By the time the 19th century came to a close, women had gained the right to vote in the states of Deseret and Idaho. The women's suffrage movement was very politically active in the 19th century with figures such as Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton.

However the movement died down for a few decades after the death of Anthony and Stanton, but the movement was revitalized in the 20th century with the voice of women like Alice Paul and Lucy Burns who founded the National Women's Party. The National Women's Party took heed after the suffragettes of Britain by fighting for a constitutional amendment that gave women the right to vote, but were far less militant.

Many Congressmen are divided on the issue, with some Unitarians supporting the National Women's Party and some Democratic-Republicans. The Unitarians who support the NWP say they do so because they say the government is discriminating against women by not allowing them to vote. Many Democratic-Republicans scoff at that argument, but some DRs believe in having states have referendums to decide whether to enfranchise women or not.

It is said many protests and demonstrations are set to take place in front of Washington for years to come unless something is done. President Debs refused to answer questions when asked by reporters.

Some radical American suffragettes believed that American politics were becoming corrupt and required purification by women because men could not do their job.

Many private businesses and politicians are taking strike against the women's suffrage movement. Some businesses are putting banners saying they are against women's suffrage on their doors and many politicians have released statements opposing the movement. It is quickly becoming a hot-button issue that is dividing the nation similar to the Peace Vs. War movement in the days of the past.

The Congressman from Massachusetts is utterly disgusted by the idea of granting women the vote. These states that have done such a thing are standing against the American way, democracy, freedom and the Constitution of These United States of America.
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