Catherine, Czarina of all the Africas (1st story)

Tribute said:
You really spent the 640 gold? I'd have waited a turn (to halve the price) and reduce it a small amount more. But that's just me.

The colony was so far from my capital that it was only going to produce one shield per turn. So waiting one turn wouldn't have halved the price of harbor, only reduced the cost by about 4 gold. On the other hand I really needed that silk resource (look underneath the settler's feet) and I didn't want to risk losing the settlement by cultureflip to the Germans or French whose cultural centers are very very close by. In this scenario I really hate the French.

So yeh, it cost me a bundle. But I was already running a nice fat budget surplus (cause I'm not a Republican :D ) and having that colony shipping silk into my big cities really happied up my citizens.
No really, waiting a turn does halve the price. And it's just like whipping, if you don't have any shields in the box, it costs extra citizens to whip.

The harbors in your game are 80 shields, right? Well, normally gold rushing costs 4x the shields, 320. 640/80 is 8. Meaning you paid double per shield.

I eagerly await the revelation of the 'tragedy'. It's got to be a world war.
It's gotta be a world war of some sort, with all the mp pacts floating around. It's only a question of who betrays who first.

Keep an eye on the french BuckyRea, they're looking like this a game i played once on this map. By the end of the game (2050 score time out) my mayan empire of australia had captured all of asia, europe, the mid east, africa and most of south america. Be very scared if they turn Fascist.

And love the story :D
The Unsteady East

My lad, we weren't just fumbling toward ecstasy; we were fumbling toward war. Preparing for war is an ugly prospect and sometimes requires that you cut deals with people that you might just as soon not cut deals with. As I said yesterday, our widening technology gap obliged Mother Russia to follow the Franstralians' lead in military innovation--often taking the short end of the stick in our deals.

But if we lacked technological innovation, these were still years of...

industrial might...
colonial expansion...
and financial wizardry...

...along with some minor scientific progress. So cutting a few technology deals with the soulless Franstralians seems like a minor concession, a necessary evil that might encourage the Franstralians to view us more favorably. But it did us no good in terms of appeasing their voracious appetites. The Frannies still lusted after our colonies and, flush from their victories against the Germans, were still spoiling for a fight.

Try as we might, the Franstralians still remained ahead of us and maintained a bigger military than we could sustain. More importantly, they had a bigger navy. How could they do this with a democracy when our own democracy seemed to keep the size of our military relatively small? I do not claim to understand this. Normal political philosophy shows that countries with democracy have to spend a lot more resources to maintain an army and are radically disinclined to fight wars. But the Frannies of daune undaire are not like other people.

They were radical, belligerent, cocky--they seemed inclined by geography to see everything upside-down. Their navy bounced around the Pacific like their native kangaroos, creating havoc and fear wherever they sailed. Their radical democratic tyrant, Boney L'Apart, constantly pestered our Indogerman colonies with his navy, first in 1720, then again in 1742. The mad Franstralian crowds ate up his belligerence and he thrived on their adulation. He even granted votes to the common laborers and peasants of his upside-down island, an absurdity that he called "universal sufferage." Our own political progressives were working on less radical plans to expand the voting franchise at that time, but when Boney L'Apart acted in such a dangerous and radical fashion, it immediately discredited any attempts at political reform in the civilized world.

Perhaps Franstalia was going thru a Golden Age of its own in these years. It is hard to explain how Monsieur Boney could muster so many political feats in his reign. But while M. Boney was spoiling for a fight, it apparently didn't matter too much to him whom he fought. Perhaps antagonized by the single Japanese colony on the northern Frandonesian coast, in 1752 he sent his elite Fuschia Musketeers into Japan's Sapporo colony and refused to leave, forcing the Japanese to retaliate and initiate the bloody First Pacific War.

Some in our empire chomped at the bit, demanding that we jump into the war and aid these exotic westerners, these "Ja-pon-ese", if only because they were the enemies of our enemies. But cooler heads prevailed. Wait for the right moment, our elder statemen counseled, wait for the right moment.
Franco-Japanese Conflict

With the outbreak of the First Pacific War between Franstralia and Japan in 1752, tensions notably eased on the Russian garrisons around our Gulf of Siam colonies.

But not for long. With the war raging in the Sapporo colony, the Tyrant Boney L'Apart still managed to send envoys to Moscow in 1756 to extort finances and military intelligence out of us. The Russian premier at the time, Count Petr Villaginninov, of course refused these demands. Boney backed down from his threats, unwilling to fight a two-front war. From this point relations between the two empires began to sour.

Russian colonists in Indogermany armed themselves and began to loudly denounce Boney's expansionism and military build ups. Franstralian propagandists responded, publicizing the fact that the Russian empire had, on paper, a larger military than the Franstralian-Frandonesian Bloc. Count Villaginninov responded that we had to maintain defenses across the Asian steppes, throughout the Burgundian subcontinent, and all along the Indogerman colonies. Defending Mother Russia required a large military. In contrast, Franstralia, with its back safely up against the Antarctic, could concentrate almost its entire military on its northern frontier and place the balance of their might in their ironclad warships.

Here, look at this, Alek. I've photocopied a mathematical analysis of military strength from the college textbook you'll be using this fall to show you the scale of the problem. As you can see, Franstralia had the second largest army (and the largest navy) in the world during the Franco-Japanese War. While we had the largest army, if war broke out between us, the scattered Ruses could place no more than a third of our military might in the Frandonesian front, while the monolithic Parisian regime could place as much as two thirds of the military in Frandonesia and would require far far shorter supply lines.

Sentimentally, of course, many Russians wanted to go to war to aid Japan in its struggle against world Universalist domination. But realistically, both Septembrist and Agriculturalist political parties knew the Russias were not ready for war. The best we could do is offer technological support to help Japan upgrade its antiquated navy at ridiculously below market prices.

And of course, we could wait to see if the Frannies exhausted themselves with their war. In 1760 Franstralian forces overran the Sapporo colony. This effort did not exhaust them. From 1762-1767 Franstralian frigates and ironclads ruthlessly shelled the Shimonoseki island fortress off the coast of Germany. This effort did not exhaust them. In 1771, a massive Franstralian Armada landed at Matsuyama and conquered Japan's sole Sandwichian colony. This didn't seem to exhaust them either.

In 1775, with the Franstralian fleet anchored off the eastern Pacific coast, Japan signed the humiliating Berlin Peace Treaty, ceding all of her conquered colonies to Franstralia, which remained singularly unexhausted by the war.

There was no disputing now who the rising world power was now. And there was no disputing who the Franstralians now saw as their greatest rival for world domination.

Damn, the accursed 'TBC.'

Screw the frenchies, conquer Rome! Those bastards have had it coming since the first war.
Theryman said:
Damn, the accursed 'TBC.'
Good news bad news. Good: that TBC happens in just a few minutes. Bad: It's yet another diversion before we get to the big war. :p

Theryman said:
Screw the frenchies, conquer Rome! Those bastards have had it coming since the first war.
But the Romans are our friends! (Plus their border towns occasionally flip to me).

Now on with the show.
Might As Well Jump! Go ahead and jump!

dammit, scooped again

Modern poets and radicals blame simple colonialism for the 18th and 19th centuries wars and intrigues fought over the Bengal and Indogerman colonies. Evil, greedy industrialized powers like Russia, Egypt, Brazulu, Rome, and Franstralia came along and took the lands that once belonged to the southeast Asians, and then bickered among themselves for the spoils. You can agree with this if you live by a philosophy that sees human beings as basically good at heart and think that only greed and distorted aggression cause us to fight. But that view of humanity is naive, if not hopelessly warped.

Southeast Asia, 1780

There's a better and more accurate view of both strains of humanity that evolved in this world. The Franstralian fauno-botanist who first developed this theory only sought--at first--to apply his discoveries and theories to how different species evolved. But the insights that Charles D'Aruinne of Lyon, Franstralia, gained from the study of how plants and animals compete and adapt over time eventually came to change the way all humanity thought about life, nature, nations, and war. He didn't just come up with a new idea for science; D'Aruinnism changed the entire paradigm thru which humanity understood the world.

And because Franstralians came to embrace their countryman's theories and insights before the more conservative scientists of the rest of the world, they gained a huge leap forward in understanding the hows and whys of science... far far in advance of the rest of the world. So to understand why the Frandonesian War went the way it did, it's important to first understand D'Aruinnism.

Charles D'Aruinne started with a basic premise, one which had evolved over many years of the early Scientific Revolution, that animals adapted to their environments and that those best fitted for a given environment would be the ones most likely to survive. But the question that D'Aruinne tackled had been considered theologically taboo for Christians in the Near Hemisphere and Muslims in the Far Hemisphere. He asked first, why did unpouched mammals predominate on the continents of Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Vespuccias, but pouched mammals predominate in nature in his native Franstralia?

Up until then, theology taught us that, although all mankind were of one species, sons and daughters of Adam--only Franstralians and their Frandonesian cousins were the descendents of Lilith and everyone else came thru the line of Eve. The pouch, obviously, was the sign of Lilith's rebellion in the Garden of Eden. Eve, coming from Adam's rib, had no pouch.

At first it seemed heretical, but D'Aruinne asked his second question anyway: why, then, did most of the non-human mammals of Franstralia have pouches, just like the children of Lilith? Were these beasts marked by God for the sins of Lilith too? Or instead, he argued, were pouches a preferred adaptation for mammalian life forms in the Franstralian environment? To this day, of course, no one has successfully argued how it is that a pouch is an evolutionary improvement in Franstralia while giving life birth at full gestation is a more fit adaptation on the rest of the continents. After all, true mammals introduced into the Franstralian ecosystem in the modern age have thrived quite well without adapting pouches.

Meanwhile, D'Aruinne himself continued his groundbreaking studies. After studying the fossil records for how "pouched mammals" evolved to fill in ecological niches over the millennia (particularly the evolution of the snout on kangaroos between the Tertiary and Quaternary Epochs), Charles D'Aruinne came up with a better, but obviously shocking, conclusion.


Franstralians were not only a different species from the rest of homo sapiens; they and all of the other pouched mammals were from an entirely different evolutionary line from the rest of the mammals. He called this new order of animal "marsupials" and Franstralians in particular were in fact not sapiens but homo gaulus. It is now well proved that we descend from a common ancestor with the great apes. But Franstralians, Frandonesians, the mysterious Bretons of our own African continent, and the protoBurgundians of New Africa descend from primate-like marsupials who evolved only on their remote continent. This, rather than the so-called "curse of Lilith" is why Franstralians are not interfertile with the rest of mankind.

You remember the Bretons don't you?

What? That's actually a good question, Alek. Frankly I'm surprised. But before I tell you why Franstralians look so much like homo sapiens, can you tell me why sharks look so much like dolphins? They have the same build, same coloration, identical mating habits, and live mostly off of the same prey--yet obviously come from different phyla in the animal kingdom. One's a mammal and one's a fish. Or look at the similarities between mammalian wolves and marsupial thylocines. Or bears and diplodons. Or anteaters and numbats. Time and again, by a combination of adaptation and mutational accident, nature seems to shape its animals to fit the niches available in each ecosystem. D'Aruinne called this "convergent evolution."

or or

His theories of course shook the world. Churchmen on six continents denounced him. Our politicians decried yet another evil coming out of that strange and wicked "upside down" continent. Scientists shook their heads in bafflement.

Great scientific advances don't occur in a vacuum, of course. Many Russian biologists were working on similar ideas at the same time--particularly at the University of Sevastopol. Some say our scientists were only a few years away from the same discovery. But news in the 1770s, as the hated Franstralians began to publicize D'Aruinne's work, only increased our xenophobic mistrust of these peculiar people. Rather than embrace evolutionary theory, many Russian intellectuals called for tightening up social controls of these dangerously irreligious ideas. For a generation, scientists who embraced D'Aruinnism were often accused of pro-Franstralian sympathies and reported to the National Knowledge Verification Directorate (NKVD).

Most scientists didn't surrender to his logic until the end of the 19th century, as fossil records soon began to confirm his theories. But the classes of people who came to embrace his ideas and adapt them to their own work were neither men of God nor men of Science. Social reformers, eugenicists, and most importantly the business tycoons came to embrace an ancillary to his radical ideas, calling it "social D'Aruinnism."

Their idea was that if "survival of the fittest" applied to competition between species, then it should also apply to competition within each species. To social workers it meant you could strengthen your society by not getting too worked up about beggars and misfits. To businessmen, it meant that anything you did to undermine your rivals was justified, if not divinely sanctioned. To colonialists, it meant that oppressing local tribesmen and supplanting them with more technologically advanced settlers was part of the natural order of things.

But it was the military theorists and the university intellectuals who took social D'Aruinnism to the extreme. War, according to this view of the world, was not a human tragedy. It was nature's way of cleaning out the underbrush, wiping out the unfit. Humans--both sapiens and gaulus--cannot stand to see other humans starve to death. If we could, it would weaken us as species. Yet as we sit atop the food chain, we have no natural competitors. Thus nature invented warfare as the best way to thin out the herd.

It sounds silly to us today. But to the 18th century generations who witnessed the brutal Franstralian conquest of the Japanese colonies, war was social D'Aruinnism in action. And the view was exciting. Russians of all the Africas concluded in 1775 that the marsupial humans of Franstralia were more evolutionarily fit than the Japanese of South Vespuccia. The next question was, obviously, were Russians more fit than the Franstralians.

Woah. So what you are saying is that Franstralians have pouches? That is... odd. To say the least.


Nice with the Lilith- I'd never heard of her before.

Gaulus, gaulus. Obviously Latin, but what word it means, I do not know. Google shows it as also being Italian- not surprising. But no site will translate it!
Theryman said:
Woah. So what you are saying is that Franstralians have pouches? That is... odd. To say the least.

Tribute said:
Gaulus shouldn't be a real word, but I believe that Gauls refer to the French. Or at least the medieval French.

As for the pouches, yuck.

Sad, so sad. Such horrid ethnocentrism... and on CivFanatics, no less. :lol:

But yes, Trib, homo gaulus was just my goofy way of saying the French aren't like normal people. Anyway, I was having fun with the idea of why a "Franstralian" would unlock the mystery of evolution before us Russians did. Plus I'm aggravated that the French keep beating me to tech advances by just a turn or two. :cry:

Smug little cheese eaters. That was when I decided they had to die...
Give War a Chance

With the Scientific Revolution in full swing in the late 1700s, a new sort of competition opened up among the countries of the world: the Technology Race. After their Golden Age and their successful prosecution of the Frano-Japanese War, the Franstralians were clearly in the lead in this race. And yet it was the Russians who by far had the greater influence on world development. In 1767 a new Septembrist government came into power under Knyaz Arkady Sobaka determined to prepare Russia for war. The rest of the world feared the Franstralians and their exotic Universalistic ideas. Russian diplomats exploited that fear and spent the years following the war developing a network of defense pacts meant to contain the "Magenta Menace."

This Third World Security Alliance System was largely the brainchild of Russian Foreign Minister Pavl Suluvich and Iroquoian President Olan Chayengeh. Suluvich was convinced that world tensions would lead to another war within a few years and convinced the Duma to grant extensive, budget-breaking aid to several world nations in exchange for mutual protection pacts to ensure that Russia, unlike Japan, would not have to fight alone.

The Egyptians, having the third largest military in the world, knew they were indispensable to any efforts to contain Universalist world domination and thus exploited Russian vigilance against Franstralia to exact exorbitant demands. The disastrous Egyptian Treaty of 1779 was an embarrassment to the government and opposition politicians began to denounce Suluvich.

The besieged minister might have held onto his job, but he made a further fatal error the following year. Along with several other Septembrist cabinet ministers, Suluvich believed that the party's and the empire's salvation lay in provoking a war with Franstralia. In 1780 a Franstralian warship illegally entered Russian waters and boarded a civilian merchant ship in search of contraband bound for Revolutionary Frandonesia. Suluvich deliberately sought to instigate war, sending a bluntly worded message to the ambassador in Paris demanding exorbitant reparations.

Franstralian Popular Tyrant Paul Lumiere-Pansette, unwilling to be goaded into war, responded with a smarter tactic. He immediately paid the indemnity in full and then published Suluvich's insulting private message in the world press. The Russians seemed to be the aggressors and the Franstralians suddenly had the upper hand in diplomatic negotiations. Lumiere-Pansette understood that the world had entered an age in which public opinion mattered more than law in diplomacy.

Suluvich resigned in disgrace, while the Franstralian propaganda mill churned out accusations or bribery and corruption in Russia's acquisition of the Brazulu colony of New Zimbabwe in 1767. nothing could be further from the truth--Suluvich's annexation of New Zimbabwe had been a masterstroke of true diplomacy, both acquiring a new colony and somehow avoiding conflict with the Brazulians over the whole matter. But now even that triumph was being recast as Russian deception. The world anti-Franstralian alliance seemed on the verge of crumbling. Stung by scandal, Prime Minister Knyaz Arkady Sobaka reshuffled his cabinet and defeated a no confidence vote in the Duma. However his new minister of war, Prince Rudin Romanov, was a young protégé of Baron Suluvich and was determined to exact revenge on the Franstralian tyrant.

In 1782 Prince Romanov was able to provoke another international incident, again in the hopes of initiating war. Russian scientists insisted that Franstralian advances in theoretical physics had been obtained by acts of espionage in Niutonski University and demanded the right to inspect all the secret facilities and files that the Franstralian scientists were using. For a paranoic, closed society like Franstralia, the suggestion was preposterous. At the highest levels of government, Lumiere-Pansette's regime told Prince Romanov to get lost.

Evidence today suggests that Romanov's claims of espionage were bogus, but the continued crisis over Paris's secrecy was a debate that finally cast the Septembrist government in a more favorable light than their opponents. Still, under Sobaka's leadership, the Septembrist Party was gaining a reputation as war-mongers who were sacrificing national progress for the sake of their war machine. Unrest grew.

Political tensions between Franstralia and Russia spiraled ever upward. Troops along the Frano-Russian border between the colonies of Nieu Chartres and Murmansk began to have regular skirmishes beginning in 1782. The following year the Russian commander crossed the Franstralian border in pursuit of suspected spies and, when ordered to leave by the Niew Chartresan governor, defiantly refused to depart Franny soil.

By now, Popular Tyrant Lumiere-Pansette had been provoked too many times. It was time for war. But still, Lumiere-Pansette never lost sight of his goal of winning over world opinion. Rather than formally declaring war, Franstalian ambassadors issued declarations to all the world's newspapers that the Russians, by violating his colony's borders, had de facto declared war on Franstralia.

The pretext worked. Russia, not Franstralia, was invoked as the aggressor, as ally after ally that year openly declared that they were under no obligation to come to Russia's aid. To no one's surprise, Franstralia did invoke its long-standing alliance with Frandonesia. That summer the war commenced in earnest as the world's titans squared off for what each declared to be a struggle to end world aggression.

War at last, war at last! Praise Sid almighty, it's war at last!!
Excellent source for images. Yes, I'll definitely be scouring those to illustrate my upcoming war w/ Ms Joanie D'Arc... Thanks

Another source that I'm using for lots of my images is a museum's online collection of color photos from Czarist Russia (mostly taken between 1909 and 1915). Unfortunately most of the terrains those serfs and Czarist officers are posing on don't look like they come from Africa or Indonesia, where most of my story is taking place.

Ah well.
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