NoTW XIX: The Song of the Nightingale - Game Thread

It is now Night and public posting is disabled.

Send in your abilities, items and amenities to me.

End of Day 2.
Morning 3

The next morning brought a series of unpleasant surprises to the Nightingale. When the remaining survivors came up on deck, they were hit by what was undoubtedly the greatest shock of their lives- the sky had turned red! It took at least a minute of watching the spectacular red dawn for anybody to come out of their shock, and it was indeed a slow process. However, it was impossible not to get a resistance to impossibilities on this journey, and many were building up a resistance to surprise. Soon nothing would shock them.

It seemed like the Song of the Nightingale had grown louder somehow over the course of the previous night. As if great spectacular things had happened somewhere, although few believed that these things could be good. Especially after what was found in the mess hall, or more aptly, which person was found in the mess hall. A quick cursory analysis netted the following conclusion:

Spoiler :
The Blacksmith, Hitti- Litti, was dead and an innocent.

The great mystery was not what had happened to the poor dwarf, as the remains of his body looked as if they had been violently torn to pieces in the same manner as Backwards Logic’s limbs and torso had been. No, most of the survivors believed that the great terror, the werewolf, was behind the attacks. The great question was the location of the body.

It appeared that the blacksmith had not gone to bed last night. Rather, he had taken a secret Forge to the mess, and spent the entire night working on The First Dagger . Only at the end of his work had he been interrupted by the werewolves looking for their late dinner.

Of course, Frozen in Ice had been dealt her second trauma in 3 days that morning, and the revelation seemed to have rendered her comatose. The poor soul was lain down on her bed, with no friends or family left, too tired to even weep. Many would later write up her life in a book known as The Greater Sorrow, but that is a tale for another day.

At the same time, the revelation of the forge had caused the creation of several new lobby groups, who all seemed to think that the bloody thing posed some sort of fire risk. With all the other worries aboard the ship, these fools were laughed off as the song of the Nightingale softly continued to play.

This day shall last 48 hours with the Midday Post coming in 24.

Votes for the Forge should be in Red.
Votes for the First Dagger should be in orange.
Accusations should be in Black.
Supports should be in Green.
Public posting is now opened.
I must insist. The First Dagger should be mine. I have a job to do. I need to protect Kol.7. Please, don't get in the way. The bodyguard's tired eyes flash with streaks of sudden willpower, as if he has some energy stored away under his tired, mourning exterior.

As for the forge, I think another dwarf should gain possession of it. I'll wait for one to speak up. Who can put this thing to good use? Perhaps we may gain a second dagger.
You know what?

I agree with LF. Give the weapon to him.

Kol's mom's knife was given to him to protect himself and to keep something to remember her.

This, however, is not an heirloom. So, the weapon goes to him.
Let the dagger go to Lightfang. Surely he will find a use for it.

I'm not sure who the forge should go to yet, I will vote on it later. Right now, I'm half asleep. I'll say more when I'm awake.
After finally finding the energy to get out of bed, Frozen in Ice Hammerfist slowly headed up on deck, but there was almost no life in her eyes. She seemed almost completely unattached from the world, and she showed no emotion, until she began the following speech.

Both my husband and my son killed! How I am supposed to carry this burden of loss now that I have no surviving family? Just please, give me the forge; it will give me something to remember my husband by, and I may be able to make things of use with it.

At this point she paused for a moment and fury seemed to seep into her face, and she grew very tense before continuing.

And speaking of my husband I think I know who killed him! It is the that dirty traitor Kol 7! Last evening he came around to my quarters asking if I knew anyone that could fix something for him and I told him my husband the blacksmith might be able to. And what do you know, Hitti-Litti is found dead the next morning!

Also, remember last morning, when Backwards Logic was found dead in her cabin? When everyone else found her, Kol 7 was already there supposedly weeping in grief. As it turns out, he was the first one to be there because he committed the murder! He was the one that so mercilessly ripped her apart. I say we hang the new captain for what he is: a traitor that murders his own family!
All right. Frozen In Ice, take the forge and craft us a solution to this mess.

However, if I may interject...I don't think Kol.7 was the guilty one. I don't see a reason for him to have murdered his mother. He lacks a motive, is what I'm saying.
It seems prudent for LightFang to take the dagger, as no one else seems better suited to the weapon. Also, Frozen in Ice should certainly take the forge. The placement of the items seems self-evident. If only the matter of execution was as well... For the moment, I will not place a vote on that matter, though I resent the vote against our new captain.
Now frozen, I know how this looks, I was shocked too. I needed a smith of some sort to repair my mother's amulet - why would I choose to kill him? I think that my bodyguard must be armed now, Lightfang will have the dagger, and you, frozen, may have the forge. I know what its like to lose a loved one.
Catharsis Oceandweller is bored by the forge. She acknowledges it with a flick of the wrist, which the other sailors interpret as a vote for Frozen In Ice to receive it - whether this was the true interpretation is unclear. The dagger is much more interesting, but while her diseased mind can vaguely understand the reasons why she should not have it, she cannot bear to vote it to someone else.

ah. talky, talky, talky peoples. time to talky again

kol.7! why you still here? uhhh

throw him over the side! hes a wolf
Looks at the voting crowd and rolls his eyes.

"Way to stir the pot people."

"If someone here deserves to be keelhauled it's Niklas wavewalker. For some reason he wants to harm my family."
Heh, what's this, a gang of dwarves forming against me? It's very true I unsuccessfully tried to turn the votes around, how does that speak against me? gandhi rules was innocent as I expected, and I tried to save him. You little ones are simply angry because I targetted one of yours. Well, whoever I chose would have been someone's family and race, what makes me evil just because I've targetted yours? Someone isn't making much sense here.
The slight young Plainsrider staggers onto the deck, a drawn and bewildered look on his face.

Brisingamen, Father, please explain how you could be one of those who helped to drive my mother to her death? She was innocent ... A better and more courageous Hippus there never was. Frozen In Ice, Kol.7, I think I understand you now. My mother is dead, and my father might as well be.

I do not know why LightFang would desire a dagger when he admits he hasn't the knowledge to use it properly. I am only certain I have no use for it myself.

Renata drags himself to the rail and stares mutely at the sea, avoiding the sight of the blood red sky. Only those who look closely would notice the tears.
Aye, allow Frozen in Ice the forge, and Lightfang the dagger. They each deserve them. Aaaagh, I see no possible people who could be accused of being werewolves; I judge accusations harshly and see no real solutions yet.
Midday 3

The shadow of the day, the blazing red dawn, went pretty much ignored up until lunch. A later writer would muse that perhaps this and other strange happenings were ignored because all those who saw them feared for their sanity. Seeing as those aboard the Nightingale already feared for their sanity in the face of so much death, that explanation could certainly have some merit.

In any event, the voting commenced as expected and at noon both item votes seemed fairly sewn up. Lightfang led by a comfortable margin to receive The First Dagger, in yet another situation where an item was voted based on the sympathy factor. The same can be said of The Forge, due to be handed over to Frozen in Ice, who seemed to recover rather quickly after she heard of the items to be allocated.

The lynch vote however, was far from over. On the beautiful third day of the crisis, there seemed to be multiple lucky contenders to die that night. Only further heated argument, accompanied by the sad Song of the Nightingale, another ignored element, would satisfy the question of who was to die.


Voting Tally:
Kol.7 Riverking Lightfang Frozen in Ice
Lightfang RiverkingLightfang Frozen in Ice
Niklas Wavewalker
Izipo Wavewalker
zxcvbnm Wavewalker
Chandrasekhar Wavewalker
Lightfang Frozen in Ice
Merciary Oceandweller
Tyrs Oceandweller

Methos Oceandweller

Catharsis Oceandweller kol.7
Frozen in Ice
Frozen in Ice Hammerfist kol.7 Frozen in Ice
Charles Li Ironsmith
Tasslehoff Ironsmith
Lightfang Frozen in Ice
Rheinmetall Ironsmith Niklas
Tolis Ironsmith
Brisingamen Plainsrider
Renata Plainsrider Brisingamen
Lightfang Frozen in Ice
D'artagnan59 Silver-rider Niklas Lightfang Frozen in Ice
Stuck in Pi Silver-rider Lightfang
mythmonster2 Silver-rider Lightfang Frozen in Ice


Niklas: 2
Kol.7: 2
Brisingamen: 2

The First Dagger

Lightfang: 8

The Forge

Frozen in Ice: 9
I really, really don't think it's Kol.7. Like, at all.
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