Merging Better AI with BUG 3.5

Better BUG AI (25.12.2009)
An update with BBAI 0.83 beta dev (with logging enabled) and newest BUG from trunk

Would be really nice if someone could merge BULL though, I liked what I saw when I tried it as part of BUFFY.

The first link here doesn't seem to be working.

Edit: It's fixed now, and thanks!
BBAI builds instantly using VS.NET 2003, BULL finally didn't blow up into my face when I removed all traces pf that takeJPEGScreenShot & co (though I haven't tested if the resulting dll actually works).
Which leads to 2 questions:
1.) What is wrong the PRINT button on the keyboard for screenshots? Is it really necessary to add all that bloat into BULL?
2.) Is it even possible to build BULL in VS.NET 2003 with all that jpeg stuff or is that only available to those who use some alternative (ie something that lets you use that makefile)? I admit I don't really know what I'm doing so I guess it could work somehow, I just couldn't figure it out.

I think I understand now why noone bothered yet. BBAI and BULL scources share a few dozen files that need to be merged manually.. that will neither be fun nor easy I assume but I'll try. Help will probably be needed though.
The JPEG screenshot part of BULL is to support MapFinder from the original HOF Mod. This allows a Python process to regenerate the map repeatedly, looking for maps that pass a user-defined set of rules (e.g. at least 3 forest, 2 gems, 4 flood plains, and deer), save those games, and save screenshots in a folder.

The normal screenshot ability of the game is in the EXE and not exposed to the SDK or Python, thus the code in BULL to do so. I copied it from HOF so I am not intimately familiar with it.

What errors do you get when trying to build with 2003?

I would love to have a BBAI merged with BULL! I miss the smarter AI, but I must confess that time-saving wins out with me, so I put up with dumb AI and a nicer interface. ;) I'm glad to help in any way that I can.
I don't really know what I'm doing
I'm still playing with it, and I think I just got one step closer. The .c files are no longer instantly killing my build attemps now that I no longer use precompiled headers (I was so sure I had that turned off already .. somewhere. Obviously not for this configuration).
Too bad I'm on such a crappy comp, takes a while to build..
Nvm, I just succeeded with a debug build. Final release with all options I want coming next.

/O2 /Ot /G7 /I "CxImage\general" /I "CxImage\jpeg" /I "Boost-1.32.0\include" /I "Python24\include" /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_USRDLL" /D "CVGAMECOREDLL_EXPORTS" /D "FINAL_RELEASE" /D "_MOD_AIAUTOPLAY" /D "_MOD_SENTRY" /D "_MOD_GWARM" /D "_WINDLL" /D "_MBCS" /FD /EHsc /MD /GR /Fo"Final Release/" /Fd"Final Release/vc70.pdb" /W3 /nologo /c /Zd /Gd /TP
So, nothing wrong with the code. Only I'm a bit clueless here :p The real work starts now, don't expect me to finish anytime soon though.
So precompiled headers is what killed it? That makes no sense, but I'm very glad you figured it out. I would not have thought to turn that off.
You wouldn't need to turn it off, you never had it on if that makefile is any indication, at least I see no /Yu compiler flag there. I can't use precompiled headers that don't exist, I would have had to create them first. Which I didn't, that's why it broke (I think).
Here we go. I actually didn't even test this build yet but the earlier ones seemed to work so hopefully this will too.

Announcing Better BTS AI & BULL & BUG merge: BBBBAi ;)

Better BUG AI (direct link)

BBAI 0.83 r519 (release version)
* AI Logging
BULL 1.0 r118
* Fractional Trade Routes
* New Sentry Actions
* City Governours Build Workers
* Global Warming (not yet)
BUG 4.2 r2098

18.01.2010 15:45 (GMT+1):
  • updated BBAI,BULL,BUG
  • added my own code that should hinder the AI from considering unhealthy buildings that would make the city shrink
  • changed CIV4UnitInfos.xml: SAM Infantry is available as an upgrade to the Grenadier (previously Infantry) - to avoid massive upgrading riflemen to SAM when the AI hits Rocketery before Assembly line. Also changed iPower for Catapult(5->6),Cannon(12->14),Artillery(18->19),MobileArtillary(26->28) to make the AI value them more - If you don't want any of that, just use the standard file.
Here we go. I actually didn't even test this build yet but the earlier ones seemed to work so hopefully this will too.

Announcing Better BTS AI & BULL & BUG merge: BBBBAi ;)


BBAI 0.83g
* AI Logging
BULL 1.0 rev 112
* Fractional Trade Routes
* New Sentry Actions
* City Governours Build Workers
* Global Warming
Bug 4.2 rev 2085

BBAI contains AIAutoplay so it's no longer optional like in standalone BULL.

edit: I'll upload it to the downloads database

That sounds great, can you please provide a link later? Also if i want to use BAT instead for just BUG? How does that work?
That sounds great, can you please provide a link later? Also if i want to use BAT instead for just BUG? How does that work?
Link is there, I was just reuploading.
I don't know anything about BAT, apart from that it is a huge download and that 2.1 is supposedly broken. If it uses standard BULL as dll, merging should be doable.
Great job Fuyu! :goodjob:

For anyone that wants BAT, you're better off right now just installing Varietas Delectat 7.5 and copying the files into Fuyu's merge. We may have a better answer for you in a couple weeks. :)
Please excuse me for my ignorance but where should I put the files if I want BBBBAi to start at default? I'm using Win7
I do not know how win7 restricts you from just installing as a mod (unrar to \Beyond the Sword\Mods\) and then creating a desktop shortcut or simply using some utility, using CustomAssets should work too but I have never done that so I don't know how this works. Replacing the original files is possible too but really, just don't.

If someone points me to how to make an installer, I could try that too.
Here we go. I actually didn't even test this build yet but the earlier ones seemed to work so hopefully this will too.

Announcing Better BTS AI & BULL & BUG merge: BBBBAi ;)

Better BUG AI (direct link)

BBAI 0.83g
* AI Logging
BULL 1.0 rev 112
* Fractional Trade Routes
* New Sentry Actions
* City Governours Build Workers
* Global Warming
BUG 4.2 rev 2085

could you please add the merged source files for modders?
I was thinking about doing that once I'm sure I didn't mess up anywhere. ;)

Ok, not true. I simply forgot at first, then was too lazy. For now I'll simply attach the SDK files to this post. I'll add it to the package when I update it again (soonish). Or maybe not. That's 1.6MB just for the source files that probably only few people even look at.

Source files:
First version (all files)
Update 1.1 (only files that have changed since the first version)
New version
Better BUG AI (2010-01-18)
* mirror @ mediafire
  • updated BBAI to r519
  • updated BULL to r118
  • updated BUG to r2098
  • added my own code that should hinder the AI from considering unhealthy buildings that would make the city shrink
  • changed CIV4UnitInfos.xml: SAM Infantry is available as an upgrade to the Grenadier (previously Infantry) - to avoid massive upgrading riflemen to SAM when the AI hits Rocketery before Assembly line. Also changed iPower for Catapult(5->6),Cannon(12->14),Artillery(18->19),MobileArtillary(26->28) to make the AI value them more - If you don't want any of that, just use the standard file.
sources are available as an extra download
I'm really glad you're continuing to update these.
I would like to sound a cautionary note about adding changed beyond what's in BetterAI and BULL to your DLL, though. I expect what you've done so far is probably good and something like it is even likely to make it into betterAI, and of course the XML mod is trivially easy to revert to BetterAI. But the more changes you made, the more users you might lose who really wanted just BetterAI and BULL- after all, there are already two mods that I know of (IIRC) that merged BetterAI and BULL, but that I for one don't use because I don't want the rest of the changes (RevDCM and PIG- man, if I could get PIG with about 2/3 of its DLL changes... ah well. Clearly I need to learn to make my own mergers). I'd hate to see this become another case of being a mod in its own right rather than a pure merger.

Just meant to be a cautionary suggestion in case you haven't thought about it.
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