Do you miss Wonder Cinematics?


Benelovent Chieftain of the Ursu Kingdom
Dec 27, 2006
Inside a Ziggurat
Anybody misses the wonder constructions just a little bit?

There was just something... that made you feel fuzzy inside when you saw the Pyramids getting constructed in fast-motion in Civ 4...

The simple splash screens.. it's just.. eh, alright, let's move on. It just doesn't have the same effect on me.
Not particularly. I'd always skip them after seeing them for the first time anyways.
I miss the wonder movies and especially the victory cinematics which were both a nice touch in civ IV - I'm hoping they bring them back in the new expansion.
Not particularly. I'd always skip them after seeing them for the first time anyways.

I agree with that, (yeah, I just contraindicated <- I don't know how to spell the word, neither does Mozilla xD ) my own post) they get old soon, same with the Tech quotes, but they are still nice to watch.
Yes, I do miss them. The animations, and the music just as much. Even if they got old after a while--and not all of them did, to me--it still felt like more of a gratifying acknowledgement of the specialness of a Great Wonder, of the long turns of building (and the anxiety that accompanied those last few turns...) that went into it. It packed more of an "oomph." The still splash screens don't do that for me.
animated advisers too. made you feel like you were running a real government

Those were in Civ 2 right? I have Civ complete with Civ 2 in it, they were funny during Anarchy..

I kinda miss Civ 3's Advisors, in Civ 4 I don't think they even were there, and Civ 5 they are pretty much useless too.
I miss all the fruit...

- From Civ 1, Little animation of settlers with their horse carriages halting to a stop to settle a new town

- Wonder movies

- City view

- Throne room or Palace view

- From Civ 1 the diplo screen where the leader was surrounded by his/her advisors giving additional visual feedback indicating their strength

All these cosmetic features really made me feel like Im building a CIVILIZATION

OK... where is my 386 PC... gotta load CIV1 :crazyeye::king:
I admit I wouldnt watch most of them every game, but I would stop and watch a couple. Animations I have never cared for (mostly cause my computer can't handle much it seems), but the wonder movies I always enjoyed.

Wish that they come back for Civ 6.
I liked the wonder cinematics, but then, the splash screens are awesome too. So I don't "miss" the mini-movies, because what has replaced then is equally good. Fits better with the overall art design too, I think.

contraindicated <- I don't know how to spell the word, neither does Mozilla xD

Contradicted. :)
I only miss the Great Wall video, it was the most epic of them all. The scale, the tempo, the whole concept mimicking a sweeping Chinese dragon and the flags appearing on towers in rhythm with the music... Good times! All of those videos were great, but music was mediocre at best in most of them. I really like the paintings more and it's better because they are associated with tasteful quotes. I really feel rewarded when I hear the music and see fine art. The artworks themselves are a fountain of inspiration for me as a digital painter.
The main thing i miss is the space victory video from civ 2. There was something about the 2001 theme with the video of the ship landing that felt so epic
Well, I'll glive the nicely made Civ 5 images the edge over Civ 4's somewhat incomplete videos. Nicely made cinematics that didn't tax the system would be even better. Alpha Centurai had some nice vids IIRC.

And while I didn't play Civ2, if Youtube is anything to go by, that style of advisor needs to come back. Whether famous actors or just the game developers, as long as it's as hammy as in Civ 2 I would love it.
So I've never played any of the other Civ games, and I just you-tubed a bunch of the wonder cinematics -- and I love them! The great wall especially is very cool.

I don't have a problem with the current splash screens, but I wouldn't mind these as a replacement.

I would want a victory video before I would want these, though.
Civ4 wonder videos were awful. They had no soul. Oil paintings are nice. There is a lot of effort put into them especially if we compare them to Civ3
But nothing can beat Civ2 and SMAC wonder videos.
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