LINESII- Into the Darkness- Part II


Jun 7, 2005
Spoiler The Story so Far :
On one small arm of a spiral galaxy, in the solar system of a middling-sized sun, there is something unique.


Countless millennia ago they first appeared, roaming around the world. In a few rare locations, they settled.

Nations arose. Khemri, Lords of the Setting Sun, Veritas, Children of the One, and many more.

For centuries, the nations of this 'Cradle of Civilization' grew and prospered. Conflicts broke out. The weak were assimilated by the strong. From the northwest, the isolated Eldranians contacted the rest of the world. Refusing to accept that there was other human life, they struck into the cradle. Many nations and countless people fell before them, but they could not support their war forever. The great nation of Veritas brought together a coalition, and destroyed the Eldranian threat forever.

Following the fall of Eldrania, the world fell under two spheres of influence. Khemri and its Crystalist allies in the west, Veritas and its Oneist Supporters in the east.

Tensions hit their breaking point when Khemri invaded the sovereign nation of Nurmafer. Veritas took advantage and attacked Khemri's cities while its armies were away.

A war broke out, a war that is known to this day as the Great War.

Tides of battle ebbed and flowed, but over time, the economically stronger Crystal Ridge alliance of Gorin, Shalamari and Khemri proved to be too much. Veritas was defeated, split into minor successor states. Some Veritasians left their old lands, to found new nations in distant lands.

Very briefly, the CRA reigned unchallenged. But an enemy that was to prove more than a match for them appeared in the north.

The Lengels, nomadic warriors, poured into the northern cradle in incredible numbers. Weaker nations were quickly conquered and assimilated.

The Lengels seemed unstoppable. They destroyed Davar and Tristaria, the two surviving Veritasian allies, in a matter of years. The Crystal Ridge Alliance, fearing that the power of the Lengels would grow even greater, struck pre-emptively. Perhaps this would have succeeded. But we will never know.

For the Gerbers, historically a minor player in the central cradle, betrayed the CRA. Maps and plans were given to the Lengels, and while the CRA forces battled the surprisingly well-prepared Lengel forces, the Gerbers attacked their neighbours, Shalamari.

Hellish atrocities were committed by both sides. Well over 100 000 civilians were brutally murdered. In the end, Shalamari and Gerber were both broken. Soon afterwards, the Lengels conquered the tattered remenant of Shalamari.

The Crystal Ridge Alliance was broken. Gorin had gone into isolation, only Khemri stood in the Lengels' way.

But Khemri had been attacked by Kehexou while its forces were away. A brilliant campaign was fought, resulting in the breaking and occupation of Kehexou.

Khemri approached victory. But the victory was in severe jeopardy. For the mighty Lengel horde had arrived at its very doorstep.

Which brings us to the present day. A peace agreement was made between the Lengels, Kehexou and Khemri. The latter nations were joined by Royal Marriage, and now the Lengels will have to turn their attention elsewhere.

In the south, the nations of Guangfei and Trinlin are rapidly becoming great powers. In the north, the horsemen of Gamorrea have forged a vast nation. In the far east, the successors to the fallen nations of the east rebuild, coming into contact with an entirely new group of people beyond...

Some stability has returned to the wartorn Cradle. But no one can tell how long it will last.

Welcome to...

LINESII- Into the Darkness- Part II

I'd like to say that everyone is welcome to join this NES at any time, there's no player limit. NES newbies, you may join, the other NESers and I will show you the ropes. My only request is that you don't just pop in for one turn and wreak havoc by taking over a powerful NPC and wiping out a bunch of neighbours or something like that.

So without further ado, the rules!


Economy comes from 2 places. Cities, and land, represented by Rural and Urban Economy. 1 Rural Economy point for each region a nation owns. Each special city (I'm using the 3 City system developed by Thlayli, Israelite9191 and Toteone/Camille/Totamille/JessicaKathrinn) will provide one economy point.

Example: You have 1 regional economy point to spend at the beginning of the game. You found your first cities and your nation begins to grow. Rural economy increases as you grow larger, Urban as you get more special cities.

Economy will be shown like this: Total economy- Rural economy/City economy


3 stats. Army, Navy, and UU. As ages advance and more powerful units emerge, units become more powerful. I will use a numerical system. Example: Warrior has (1) power, Spearman has (1.5), Swordsman has (3)... And if you write stories about your units' terrific strength, they may get a little power bonus. 1 economy point will train 1000 soldiers or 10 ships.

With UUs, simply describe them to me and I'll put them into your stats.

Ages and Unit Power

Stone Age
The dawn of civilization. Many armies are mere rabbles of warriors, but the spear is rising as a powerful weapon. Also, hunting bows are beginning to be used for military purposes.
Warrior (1), Spearman (1.5), Archer (1.5)

Copper Age
Spearmen dominate the battlefields of the world, but the war-axe is beginning to erode to spear's might. The strengthening bow, as well, is becoming a stronger and stronger counter to the more lightly-armoured axemen. In some regions, cavalry makes its first appearance.
Archer (1.5), Spearman (2), Axeman (2.5)

Bronze Age
All weapons are gaining in strength, but the golden age of the spear is waning. Axes remain very powerful, but they themselves are under threat from the first swords. Early siege weapons are developing.
Archer (2), Spearman (2.5), Axeman (3), Swordsman (3), Horse Archer (4.5)

Iron Age
The sword is the new supreme weapon on the battlefield. The spear and arrow remain as they always have been, but the axe is gradually disappearing. For the first time, melee cavalry is developed.
Archer (2), Spearman (3), Axeman (3.5), Swordsman (4), Horse Archer (4.5), Cavalry (5)

Imperial Age
New technologies both domestic and military define this age. Great works of architecture are completed, as are designs of new military weapons. Siege weapons are growing ever stronger. This age will likely define the path of military technological development in the future.
Archer (3), Spearman (4), Axeman (4.5), Swordsmen (5), Horse Archer (5), Cavalry (6)

Note: Several units are more expensive: Bajo-Oni (10/Eco Point), Bigun (5/Eco Point), Pentareme (5/Eco Point), Titan (5/Eco Point)


Is now a word-based stat. Here are the levels.

Tiny - <50 000
Small- 50 000-250 000
Medium- 250 000-1 500 000
Large- 1 500 000-10 000 000
Huge- 10 000 000-100 000 000
Massive- 100 000 000-1 500 000 000
Colossal- >1 500 000 000


You can enlist a portion of your population to fight for you. You can ask for a certain number, and I will determine how many heed your call. You can also draft, but this is less popular.

Generally, if these forces are successful, there is no confidence damage, but if they fail, you suffer both economic damage (from less workers) and a loss of confidence in your rule.

You can request a conscription in your orders and give a request of how many you soldiers you want to raise. I will determine how many come to fight for you.


This statistic is fairly useless in the very early ages, as it is very expensive to maintain and a few smart people are all you need. But as the game progresses having an intelligent population can give you many advantages. Education levels 1-3 cost you 1 economy point per turn for every 500 000 people. Education levels 4-6 cost you 2 economy points per turn for every 500 000 people. Education levels 7-9 cost 3 economy points per turn for every 500 000 people. Education level 10 costs 4 economy points per turn for every 500 000 people.


Your people's confidence in nation and leadership. Low confidence=revolts and revolutions. High confidence=militia on the defense, strong faith in your actions.
(Hateful, Resentful, Tolerating, Neutral, Respecting, Admiring, Loving, Worshipping)


Culture can increase through stories, wonders, and Cultural or Religious centers. It is the collective strength and rich history of a nation, and can lead people to great patriotism and self-sacrafice for their beloved nation, if the culture is strong.
(None, Pathetic, Mediocre, Average, Strong, Influential, Outstanding, Wonder of the World)

3 City System

Building a city costs 1 economic point.

Economic centers- Cities surrounded by red, these provide you with one economy point per turn.

Cultural centers- Cities surrounded by blue, these provide you with one economy point per turn and random culture and education levels. These cities are quite bad to lose.

Religions centers- Cities surrounded by green, these cities provide you with one economic point per turn and are the beating hearts of your religions. They provide great bonuses to culture, confidence, and the spread of your religion, but are devastating to lose.


At great expenditure, you may create mighty monuments to you and your nations power. You must pay economy points to build them, and they can't be rushed.They have great cultural and confidence bonuses, but won't produce troops and give you spending points for no reason. Wonders often create specialty cities.


Your government.


You start off with a default primitive animism, belief in spirits of nature and things like that. You can create a more advanced religion through a story and the construction of temples. Religions are every bit as powerful here as they are in our world. They give your leader credibility, mold alliances, and break empires.

At this point, there are already several strong, established religions, but religion is an oft-changing thing. New sects can arise, and some faiths fade away.


I don't give direct bonuses, like +10 galleys, but stories will have positive effects on your nation during the update, maybe giving you a new economic center, better battle results, and the like.


If you must send more than one PM of orders, please put the basic movements and actions in the first PM, then put smaller references (IE: How things are to be done). This will make my updating easier, and allow you to get the update and stats faster. We both win! You can do just fine without delving into detail. Kal'Thzar has sent 1 PM orders every turn of the game and look at Khemri. Is it suffering from neglect?:p No! I don't punish people for being vague in their orders, in fact, I like it. If you just say 'attack the nation to my west', I'll make a logical attack judging from the situation. I won't be a jerk and randomly throw them at the enemy like an uncoordinated mob.

In your orders, I want these things:
-Your nation's name should be the first word in your order's title.
-Your stats should be in your orders, in case I delete the stats somehow.

If you wish to start a new nation, fill out the template below please.

Nation Template
Nation Name
Cities: Capital, if any yet. Major cities will also be listed here.
Leader: Your Nation's Leader/Your Name
Religion: Your Religion. Default religion is animism in uncivilized areas.
Government: Your government
Economy: 2- 2/0
Population: To be determined by me
Army: To be determined by me
Navy: None
Education: None
Technology: Bronze Age
Confidence: Tolerating
Culture: None
Description: Please describe your people's appearance and any interesting things about them.
Player Controlled Nations

Cities: Karholm
Leader: Priest Karzt/LightFang
Religion: Bladeism (99&#37;), Oneism (1%)
Government: Monarchy
Economy: 3- 2/1
Population: Tiny
Army: 2500 Swordsmen, 500 Archers
Navy: 30 Galleys
Education: None
Technology: Iron Age
Confidence: Neutral
Culture: Average
Wonders: Hall of Tolerance- Establishes Neutral Meeting point for Diplomacy, +1 Culture, Monuments of Karholm, +2 Culture, +1 Confidence
Description: Led by Priest Azlan out of the horrible conditions in Svitzerland, the South Svitzers established a new nation to the south in the mold of Tristaria and named it Aryie. A land of freedoms, personal and religious. On the basis of this idea, the nation has risen to a level of some prominence.

Cities: Sobol, Cyrix, Karax
Leader: Justok Nictuma/justokre
Religion: Chanc (49%) Divotheism (48%), Alse (3%)
Government: Pseudo-Theocratic Monarchy with Elected Council
Economy: 4- 3/1
Population: Medium
Army: 9000 Spearmen, 1000 Swordsmen, 2000 Axemen, 4000 Archers, 2500 Cloud Warriors (4.5)
Navy: 90 Galleys
Education: None
Technology: Iron Age
Confidence: Neutral
Culture: None
Description: Chancosanx is the union of the two nations of Chancotol and Sanx, as its name implies. It is the greatest bastion of Divotheist power, containing within it both the commercial cunning of Chancotol and the zeal of Sanx. Where it will direct its power remains to be seen.

Citadel of Knowledge
Cities: The Citadel, Riverfork, Seaport, Farport, Easthold, Iceport, Southport
Leader: The Sojourner/jalapeno_dude
Religion: New Eldism (100%)
Government: Republic
Economy: 5- 2/3
Population: Small
Army: 5000 Citadel Guards (6), 2500 Spearmen
Navy: 103 Galleys
Education: 4
Technology: Imperial Age
Confidence: Respecting
Culture: Strong
Wonders: 2 Revelations 4:16, Creates Great Library of the Citadel, +2 upkeep free education levels, 2 Revelations 4: 17- Advances into Iron Age, +2 upkeep free education levels, 2 Revelations 4:18, +2 upkeep free education levels, +1 upkeep free education level to all nations with a New Eldist population (6/10).
Description: The Citadel was founded by the Prophet, also known as the last High Priest Eldan of Eldrania. Eldos revealed to him that his will had been misinterpreted, and that peace was the way. The Citadelers, as the Prophet's followers are called, have now dedicated themselves to pacifism and the spread of knowledge throughout the world.

Cities: Croyodon City, Nord, Manocon, Caligador, Calvaron, Crosol, Rasgon, Tanadon, Caldinor
Leader: Raiticon III the Elect/The Farow
Religion: Masra and Nordism (98%), Masra (2%)
Government: Oligarchic Republic
Economy: 4- 2/2
Population: Medium
Army: 2000 Spearmen, 2000 Archers, 1000 Swordsmen, 2000 Axemen, 1500 Guards of the Council (6)
Navy: 25 Galleys
Education: 2 (1 upkeep)
Technology: Imperial Age
Confidence: Tolerating
Culture: Pathetic
Wonders: Temple of Nord- +Calvaron Religious Center; Western Trade- +Calavaron Economic Center, Road built from Manocon to Nord, +1 Region (1/5)
Description: After years of nomadic lifestyle the Croyodonians finally decided to settle down along the banks of the River Croy, a tributary to the Wardash. The city for many years was ruled by a chief council who oversaw the affairs of the small settlement. But as Croyodon grew, this became inefficient, and a strong Monarch was instated. The Monarchs have brought their nation into a close relationship with Gorin. Brief war with the Lengels resulted in something of a victory, with the lands west of the Wardash being brought into the control of these two allies. A brief civil war has been ended, due to Gorinese intervention to aid against the hardcore Nordists.
Spoiler :

Cities: Avien
Leader: King Jayon/a_propagandist
Religion: Animism (71%), Trinlinism (29%)
Government: Despotism
Economy: 2- 2/0
Population: Small
Army: 2000 Spearmen, 4000 Swordsmen
Navy: None
Education: Iron Age
Confidence: Neutral
Culture: None
Description: During the fall of Trinlin, Warlord Maral made his bid for dominance. He defeated other western barbarian leaders and took a small slice of Trinlin for himself. Now, Destre is a weak rival of Magland, the primary successor of Trinlin.

Cities: Kaliai
Leader: Arok the Title-less/Jono
Religion: Animism (100%)
Government: Monarchy
Economy: 3- 3/0
Population: Small
Army: 500 Spearmen, 2000 Axemen, 30 Wooly Ramids
Navy: 20 Galleys
Education: None
Technology: Iron Age
Confidence: Neutral
Culture: None
Description: One of the two branches of the Merhai race, the Fairhelt consolidated their control around their ancient bay, and banished those who resist their rule. In their recent wars, they have now even conquered the banished, conquering Merhai and establishing themselves as the true Lords of the North.

Cities: Fantigo
Leader:The Council of Five/Foozicaba
Religion: Trinlinism (58%), Bladeism (42%)
Government: Oligarchy
Economy: 2- 2/0
Population: Tiny
Army: 2000 Spearmen
Navy: None
Education: None
Technology: Bronze Age
Confidence: Tolerating
Culture: None
Description: Fwinglo is perhaps one of the smallest country in the world. They are isolated from everybody. They found their religion through an old man who been in many countries. Through him, Bladeism was found. Due to its size, their government, The Council of Five, was able to make the country stable. They spent most of their time on economy, building roads, and making farms for efficient. Now, they decide to reveal themselves upon the other empires.

Cities: Zam Gamorre, Thula Pax, Greater Gamorra, Mursai, Drascir, Barakuir
Leader: High Priest Temuj Azgorra
Religion: Gooranism (56%), Gorrahnism (25%), New Eldism (12%), Neo-Animism (4%), Tendai Animism (3%)
Government: Theocracy
Economy: 4- 3/1
Population: Medium
Army: 2000 Takil-Gorrahn, 4000 Horse Archers, 5000 Axemen, 5000 Spearmen
Navy: None
Education: 1 (1 Upkeep)
Technology: Imperial Age
Confidence: Tolerating
Culture: Mediocre
Wonders: Goora's Children, Glory of Gorrah- Builds massive Basilica, +Religious Center (1/4)
Description: The Gamorreans were once a loose confederation of tribes, and are now an efficient and powerful theocracy. They are masters of archery and horseback riding, a dangerous combination. Following the long and chaotic War of Treachery, Gamorrea emerged on top, controlling both North Gamorra and Malkavia. In the second Northwest War, it destroyed Ikki. Now, it continues to build itself towards a glorious future.

Cities: Kallipolis, Elis, Manatea
Leader: Basileus Laomedon and Council of Archoi/LittleBoots
Religion: Kyriotheism (94%), New Eldism (6%)
Government: Autocratic Oligarchy
Economy: 2- 2/0 (2 Banked)
Population: Small
Army: 3000 Spearmen, 1000 Kyrioi (5)
Navy: 20 Galleys
Education: None
Technology: Iron Age
Confidence: Tolerating
Culture: None
Wonders: Eugenidean Academy- +2 upkeep free Education levels, +Kallipolis Cultural Center (3/8)
Description: The Gerougioikoi, or Those that make Their Homes in the Lands of the Ancients (Gerougia means Land(s) of the Ancients) have, since the dawn of time, been an intensely varied and often paradoxical people. They are religious zealots and atheistic philosophers, cultural giants and military heroes, loving towards Life and respectful of Death, they have fought many wars amongst themselves while establishing a unique culture that unites all the various peoples. The brilliant Kallipoloi Strategos, Telamon of Ruthless Bronze, subdued all the warring cities and brought around a new era of unity. As trade begins to flourish, Telamon&#8217;s successor works on bringing about unity through the increasing belief that the State supercedes not only the individual, but the City as well. The Age of the Poleis (cities) is over. The Age of the Politeia (republic!) has begun.

Gorinese Empire
Cities: Gorin, Dathan, Shard, Bathar, Dasht, Grarth, Drago, Mathlar, Hemleth, Kemreth, Kratha, Glass, Eastgate, Ivorykeep, Zawasae, Sasako, Alaki, Thar, Gyarth
Leader: Lord Kaiser Basu Oborski VII/Kentharu
Religion: Masra (82%), Lengri (14%), Crystalism (3%), New Eldism (1%)
Government: Imperial Republic
Economy: 9- 4/5 (-1 Eco Point)
Population: Medium
Army: 1000 Spearmen, 2000 Archers, 1000 Mooseys (5), 2000 Cavalry, 10 Catapults, 25 Bajo-Oni, 40 Ramids, 30 000 Conscripts
Navy: 10 River Boats, 25 Galleys
Education: None
Technology: Imperial Age
Confidence: Admiring
Culture: Strong
Wonders: Dula's Statue- Spreads Masra; The Great Libraries of Masra- +1 free education level, Spreads Masra, +1 Culture (5/7)
Description: The Gorinese love peace, but are a terror to behold when roused. Since the institution of the Kaisers, or absolute rulers of Gorin, the nation has prospered like never before. They have remained at the cutting edge of technology, and have emerged victorious, or at least undamaged, in every conflict. The years of the Lengel invasion were a heyday for Gorin. They have prospered, expanded, and recently liberated Shalamari, captured Nkondi, genocided the Gerbers and destroyed the Lengels multiple times. They are now the mightiest nation in the world north of Khemri, but remain dangerously overstretched.
Spoiler :
Gorin's Flag:

Cities: Guanzhong, Chanjiang, Hangshei, Shangei, Jianking, Hon Chei, Shysang, Bandong, Faitei, Qingdao, Guangzhou, Wanbei, Dalian, Fujian
Leader: Emperor Guang/alex994
Religion: Ancestor Worship (94%), Way of the One (3%), Church of the One (3%)
Government: Monarchy
Economy: 10- 5/5
Population: Medium
Army: 1500 Spearmen (3), 500 Axemen (3.5), 900 Imperial Guardsmen (7), 1500 Crossbowmen (3), 1000 Ma Gun (4), 1500 Ma Bing (4.5), 10 000 Recruits, 10 Ballistae, 45 000 Recruits
Navy: 15 River Boats, 40 War Galleys (Western), 30 War Galleys (Eastern)
Education: None
Technology: Iron Age
Confidence: Loving
Culture: Wonder of the World
Wonders: Temple of Heaven- +3 Culture, Spreads Guangfei ways, Statues of the Ancestors- +2 Confidence, +1 Culture; Flight of the Tiger- +1000 Elite Imperial Guardsmen, no more can be trained without another wonder, Mystery Project (3/?)
Description: The Guangfei rise to power has been slow, but seemingly unstoppable. Rebellions from Shangei, war from New Veritas, and invasions from Trinlin have all ended in Guangfei victory, and none of the other aforementioned nations exist outside of history books.

Cities: Kelios, Aldis, Mard, Faran, Lamnia, Allan, Teleo, Tsarin
Leader: Revered Saereen
Religion: Alse (82%), Atheism (9%), Divotheism (8%), New Eldism (1%)
Government: Republic
Economy: 6&#8211;3/3
Population: Medium
Army: 500 Spearmen, 1000 Axemen, 2000 Archers, 2000 Swordsmen, 500 Cavalry
Navy: 20 Galleys
Education: None
Technology: Iron Age
Confidence: Respecting
Culture: Average
Wonders: The Guidehouse- +1 Culture, Spreads Alse, The Cenotaph -Aldis Rebuilt, Restored Aldisir Cultural Center
Description: Protected from roaming barbarians by a great mountain range that surrounds their valley, the two cities of Kelios and Aldis rose to become civilized centers of agriculture, trading with each other and with the barbarian tribes beyond the mountains. With a strong history of the will of the people, the two cities are sometimes considered bureaucratic by outsiders, though the people believe that a republic is the only way that Alse may be followed. Recently, the two cities have come to merge their ruling councils in the interests of mutual defense, with a Revered elected from within the newly united council. The recent war with Tsaya has made Kelios the most powerful nation in Azulia, though it left Aldis in smoking ruin.
Spoiler :

United Kingdom of Khemri and Kehexou
Cities: Khadon, Alexandria, Said, Nikkal, Alaxau, Soloxau, Delhi, Khi, Zang, Andama, Hasko, Khaso, Rae, Tregnau, Netsihasko, Takrau, Swex, Kexoudau, Udar, Saslar, Katar, Kaos, Swadri, Noras, Dysonis, Emor, Zarz, Salvation, Veritas, Anarafar, New Turfar, Arnlar, Antiuch
Leader: King Dysonis I
Religion: Aegypt (77%), Oneism (2%), Otornosiasm (9%), Crystalism (9%), New Eldism (3%)
Government: Monarchy
Economy: 10- 4/6
Population: Medium
Army: 1000 Pikemen, 1000 Archers, 3000 Royal Guards (6), 500 Horse Archers, 3000 Crystal Knights, 15 Armoured Ramids, 30 000 Militia
Navy: 5 Galleys, 35 River Boats, 15 Tridents, 5 Bimarines, 70 Caravels (Kehexou Sea), 10 Galleys, 10 Tridents (Kaosian Ocean)
Education: None
Technology: Imperial Age
Confidence: Loving
Culture: Outstanding
Wonders: The Island Pinnacles- +3 Culture, +Alaxau Religious center; Silk Route- Creates three coastal Eco. Centers, (6/7)- Note. You can only have two projects because you occupied an area where a large physical project was already partially completed.
Description: The histories of the Kehex and Khemri people have always been closely interwined. At times Khemri has occupied Kehexou, more recently the reverse almost came true. At the end of the 2nd Kehexou War, the two nations made peace. King Ptolemy III Khemr married a young Kehex princess to become King Ptolemy I, of the United Kingdom of Khemri and Kehexou. For a generation, Khemri lived subservient to the Lengels, until its chance at betrayay came at last. It destroyed the Lengel Armies of the south, while Gorin and the True Lengels decimated the north. At last, the Lengels are gone, and Khemri is indisputably the strongest nation in the world. No attempts to shake it off of its throne have yet succeeded... yet the greater the height, the greater the fall.
Spoiler :
UKKK's Flag:

Cities: Magon, Avlain, Zevlain, Trinlin, Urner, Mova, Lotiv, Wiviter, Varlain, Orvit
Leader: Emperor Odan/Luckymoose
Religion: Trinlinism (100%)
Government: Monarchy
Economy: 4- 3/1 (+1 Bonus Eco)
Population: Medium
Army: 3000 Spearmen, 2000 Archers, 4000 Swordsmen, 500 Cavalry, 6000 Recruits
Navy: 50 Galleys
Education: None
Technology: Iron Age
Confidence: Neutral
Culture: Mediocre
Wonders: Odan&#8217;s Dynasty- +Coastal Economic Center and a Road to the Capital (1/3)
Description: The people of Magland surrendered to Trinlin centuries ago, and for a time were part of the nation. But as Trinlin fell, the Mags leapt free and aided in Trinlin's destruction. But after realizing that Khemri was not going to give them the remainder of former Trinlin, Warlord Tesman took matters into his own hands and seized the entire area for himself. Now, Magland rules more than Trinlin ever did. But so do its rivals.

Cities: Shagh'Seb-Eyl (City of Seven Islands)
Leader: High Servitor Anesh Seb-Eyl
Religion: Malerism (100%)
Government: Parlamentary Theocracy
Economy: 1- 1/0
Population: Tiny
Army: 2000 Axemen
Navy: 10 Galleys
Education: None
Technology: Bronze Age
Confidence: Tolerating
Culture: None
Description: Followers of the deity Maler, the Anesh-Maler, as the people are called ceremonially (Casually Anesh or Malier), believe that one should always strive for personal gain for oneself and only one's closest allies. To give your word is binding, and thus Malier are usually considered absolutely truthful. The Anesh'Seb-Eyl (From Seven Islands, the official name of the current regent), who is advised by his (legislative) ministers, would face an uproar if he would directly lie. In appearance, the Malier are usually blonde-haired, and are generally a cheerful lot. However, in battle they ingest several types of mushroom, under whose hallucinogenic effects they can fight to the very limits of death before tiring. Stories abound of a Malier who didn't notice his arm was gone before he'd killed two enemies with the protruding bone.

Cities: Sanctus Tutela, Diliculo, Venustas, Ansamsana, Aronellia, Renucta, Helmthorn, Vicitaro, Kalas, Trenta, Saenium
Leader: King Thranwuir II/Wubba360
Religion: Bladism (100%)
Government: Monarchy
Economy: 8- 3/5
Population: Medium
Army: 1000 Swordsmen, 2000 Bigjaur Riders (4), 4000 Cavalry, 2000 Yu-Yan Archers (3.5), 15 Ramids, 7 Ballistae, 25 000 Militia
Navy: 5 Ramise
Education: None
Technology: Iron Age
Confidence: Admiring
Culture: Average
Wonders: Grand Gates of Blade- Two rebuilt Massive Statues of Myocacan Kings Feanor and Fasra; Light of Blade- Massive Religiously Important Lighthouse, +Helmthorn Religous Center, Spreads Bladism, +Culture (4/7)
Description: As of late, Myocaca has become the more 'palatable' face of Bladeism, increasing ties with the outside world and trading, while the extremist Swades launch inquisitions and plan to subvert all other religions. Myocaca also holds the honour of being the number one location refugees fleeing religious persecution in the Swade Ascendancy, though the Swades have now begun to attack heretics even in this nation.

Cities: Afettoh, Falas, Danalas, Pax
Leader: The White Rider/Swissempire
Religion: Bladeism (100%)
Government: Military Despotism
Economy: 2- 1/1
Population: Small
Army: 2000 Bigjaur Riders, 20 000 Swade Conscripts
Navy: 25 Bladeremes, 10 Titans
Education: None
Technology: Iron Age
Confidence: Tolerating
Culture: Mediocre
Description: After slaying Evern III Wilipi, the White Rider led his followers to the islands of Exilsium, renamed to 'Otaria', then began to build his nation from the ground upwards, on the ruins and empty cities of the destroyed Valins.

Cities: Rozan, Hevberg
Leader: King Ilbar/Azale
Religion: Trinlinism (92%), Animism (4%), Ancestor Worship (4%)
Government: Monarchy
Economy: 1- 1/0
Population: Small
Army: 1000 Spearmen, 1000 Axemen, 2000 Swordsmen
Navy: None
Education: None
Technology: Bronze Age
Confidence: Neutral
Culture: None
Description: Rozan is a young nation south of Guangfei. It was a Trinlinist tribe in competition with several others, until one generation ago when a great leader named Cozair led the Rozan to victory over their enemies and to nationhood.

Cities: Sintonia, Paleras
Leader: Sultan (Or King-Emperor, whichever you prefer) Hazim II/Shadowbound
Religion: Bladeism (100%)
Government: Monarchy
Economy: 2- 2/0
Population: Small
Army: 500 Ky, 0 Swordsmen, 0 Archers
Navy: None
Education: None
Technology: Iron Age
Confidence: Resentful
Culture: None
Description: The Sintonians first arrived in their present location with during the great spreading of the Swades. At first they were the most successful of the generally weak or botched spreadings, but their borders with New Veritas led to their conquest. For years they lived in occupation as a minority, but during the heat of the Valfei war they rebelled, starting a brutal back and forth war, which they eventually won, guaranteeing their independence.

Swade Ascendancy (Placeholder until the cities&#8217; fates are decided)
Cities: Swade, Krenel, Jarade, Naraz, Wesate, Kyrnez, Nurnord, Damas, Emor, Fulfilment

Cities: Jara, Iolar Geimhread, Ean Samhradh
Leader: Emperor Jara/LBaeldeth
Religion: Atheism (51%), Divotheism (30%), Alse (19%)
Government: Monarchy
Economy: 3- 2/1
Population: Small
Army: 2000 Spearmen, 1000 Axemen, 1000 Sparakae (4.5)
Navy: 15 Galleys
Education: None
Technology: Bronze Age
Confidence: Respecting
Culture: None
Description: After the destruction of Tsaya, the Sycarians eliminated all of their competitors and took the eastern portion of the nation for themselves.
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Tir Tairngire
Cities: Murias, Nog, Shae da Dale, Tiria
Leader: Chief Kenna One-Hand/itsund3rmykilt
Religion: Divotheism (93%), Banism (7%)
Government: Tribal Council
Economy: 2- 2/0
Population: Small
Army: 1000 Spearmen, 4000 Swordsmen
Navy: None
Education: None
Technology: Iron Age
Confidence: Hateful
Culture: None
Description: The Tuatha (which simply means "people" in their tongue) are a fierce warrior people. Tir Tairngire is one of the most unstable Azulian nations, due to both its mercenary habits and warlike leaders. It has just recently overcome a civil war, where Divotheist forces overthrew their Pirian brethren and reestablished the nation&#8217;s original religion. It remains to be seen whether this will become the new status quo, or if it will be overthrown in the near future, continuing an ancient cycle of instability.

Union of Ardan
Cities: Davar (Occupied): Ardan, Lone, Strategium; Arcadia: Vael Dash, Cuastia, Venix, Adrax, Tinatopia, Cronith, Caridython, Erax, Radis; Orum: Orum, Soran
Leader: Styatior Vain/~Darkening~
Religion: Pirian Oneism (56%), Tengri (23%), New Eldism (9%), Gooranism (5%), Orthodox Oneism (5%), Duality and Balance (2%)
Government: Autarchy
Economy: 6- 4/2
Population: Medium
Army: 1000 Spearmen, 1000 Urban Militia, 1000 Tuatha Volunteers, 1000 Davian Marines
Navy: 4 Sloops, 10 Tiranes, 55 Jyuphia (Galleys)
Education: 1 (1 Upkeep)
Technology: Iron Age
Confidence: Respecting
Culture: Pathetic
Wonders: Marble Tomb- +1 Culture, +1 Confidence, Reborn Glory- + Cities of Dava and Boro, + Dava and Boro eco centers (3/7)
Description: A brother race to the extinct Eldranians and defeated Veritasians, Davar was the last of the three to fall. Part was occupied, part fled over the Exodian Ocean. Now, the ancient land is embroiled in the chaos of war, and government comes from Arcadia, on the far side of the Ocean.

Valin Republic of Veritas
Cities: Old Veritas: Veritas, Tellium, Emor, Andama, Salvation, Lux, Noras; Norvalin: Unias, Varlas, Paridum
Leader: Assemblum Popularum Veritasum/Thlayli, Imago, Cleric
Religion: Church of the One (90%), Aegypt (5%), Pirian Oneism (3%), New Eldism (2%)
Government: Federation of Republics
Economy: 8- 4/4
Population: Medium
Army: 0 Rose Knights (6), 0 Palantioi (4.5), 0 Phoenix Archers (4.5), 500 Scimitari, 0 Pelarioi (4), 8000 Urban Militia, 1000 Cavalry Militia
Navy: 60 Septaremes, 10 Triremes, 5 Galleys
Education: None
Technology: Imperial Age
Confidence: Respecting
Culture: Strong
Wonders: New Dawn- Makes Paridium an Eco. Center, +1 Free Education level, (4/6)
Description: After centuries of separation, the Valin Republics of Norvalin and New Veritas have united into one nation. Exilsium was soon added to the growing Republic, but Khemri and the Bladeists invaded and laid siege to Redemption, starting the War of the White Rose. The Tellium-based Order of the White Rose soon rejoined Veritas, bringing it to its strongest level since the Great War...

Cities: Viskas, Polaz
Leader: ?/Silver Steak
Religion: Mantea (100%)
Government: Theocratic Monarchy
Economy: 2- 2/0
Population: Tiny
Army: 1500 Spearmen (2.5)
Navy: 40 Yathai Galleys
Education: None
Technology: Bronze Age
Confidence: Tolerating
Culture: None
Wonders: Mantea Core- +Viskas Religious Center
Description: An island people that gathered together, united by faith in Mantea. They have now civilized almost all of the unclaimed land. They now look at the barbarians to their south. The barbarians do the same northwards.

Cities: Adar, Zem Kamar, Mithros, Valdir
Leader: Justiciar Council/emu
Religion: Banism (57%), Ezamri (42%), New Eldism (1%)
Government: Oligarchy
Economy: 3- 3/0
Population: Medium
Army: 1000 Justiciar Spears, 2000 Archers, 1000 Justiciars (4.5)
Navy: None
Education: None
Technology: Iron Age
Confidence: Neutral
Culture: Average
Wonders: Halls of Memoria- +1 Free Education Level, +Valdir Culture Center (3/6)
Description: A small group of Malkavians fled to the Citadel before their country's conquest by the Gamorreans. The Citadelers brought them across the sea and helped them found the city of Adar, a new hope for the Malkavian people. Then they turned on the Citadelers, and have become an aggressively isolationist nation.

Cities: Windkeep, Gastar
Leader: The Warrior Princes/foolish icarus
Religion: Otornosiasm (45%), Masra (35%), Aegypt (20%)
Government: Military Oligarchy
Economy: 2- 2/0
Population: Small
Army: 3000 Pikemen, 2000 Sozettar, 1000 Skirmishers, 1000 Greatbowmen
Navy: 30 Galleys
Education: None
Technology: Imperial Age
Confidence: Tolerating
Culture: Mediocre
Wonders: Avenue of Chimes- +2 Culture
Description: Originally an isolated fortress in the middle of nowhere, Ivorykeep developed into a centre of trade, living and profession. But over time they became more and more assimilated by Gorin, up to the point where it was peacefully annexed. But Skilv'so lived on, for its patriotic military successfully set up a new state (later known as Zuoharra) in occupied Nurmafer, and is now a vassal of Khemri.
Spoiler Last turn's PC Stats :
Cities: Adar, Zem Kamar, Mithros, Valdir
Leader: Justiciar Council/emu
Religion: Banism (57&#37;), Ezamri (42%), New Eldism (1%)
Government: Oligarchy
Economy: 3- 3/0
Population: Small
Army: 0 Justiciar Spears, 2000 Archers, 1000 Justiciars (4.5)
Navy: None
Education: None
Technology: Iron Age
Confidence: Neutral
Culture: Average
Wonders: Halls of Memoria- +1 Free Education Level, +Valdir Culture Center (2/6)
Description: A small group of Malkavians fled to the Citadel before their country's conquest by the Gamorreans. The Citadelers brought them across the sea and helped them found the city of Adar, a new hope for the Malkavian people. Then they turned on the Citadelers, and have become an aggressively isolationist nation.

Cities: Karholm
Leader: Priest Karzt/LightFang
Religion: Bladeism (69%), Oneism (31%)
Government: Monarchy
Economy: 3- 2/1 (1 Banked)
Population: Tiny
Army: 3500 Swordsmen, 500 Archers
Navy: 30 Galleys
Education: None
Technology: Iron Age
Confidence: Tolerating
Culture: Pathetic
Wonders: Hall of Tolerance- Establishes Neutral Meeting point for Diplomacy, +1 Culture, Monuments of Karholm, +2 Culture, +1 Confidence (2/3)
Description: Led by Priest Azlan out of the horrible conditions in Svitzerland, the South Svitzers established a new nation to the south in the mold of Tristaria and named it Aryie. A land of freedoms, personal and religious. On the basis of this idea, the nation has risen to a level of some prominence.

Citadel of Knowledge
Cities: The Citadel, Riverfork, Seaport, Farport, Easthold, Iceport, Southport
Leader: The Sojourner/jalapeno_dude
Religion: New Eldism (100%)
Government: Republic
Economy: 5- 2/3
Population: Small
Army: 5000 Citadel Guards (4.5), 2500 Spearmen (3)
Navy: 83 Galleys
Education: 4
Technology: Iron Age
Confidence: Respecting
Culture: Strong
Wonders: 2 Revelations 4:16, Creates Great Library of the Citadel, +2 upkeep free education levels, 2 Revelations 4: 17- Advances into Iron Age, +2 upkeep free education levels, 2 Revelations 4:18, +2 upkeep free education levels, +1 upkeep free education level to all nations with a New Eldist population (6/10).
Description: The Citadel was founded by the Prophet, also known as the last High Priest Eldan of Eldrania. Eldos revealed to him that his will had been misinterpreted, and that peace was the way. The Citadelers, as the Prophet's followers are called, have now dedicated themselves to pacifism and the spread of knowledge throughout the world.

Cities: Croyodon City, Manocon, Caligador, Tanadon, Calvaron, Crosol, Nord, Caldinor
Leader: Crasmund of the Council Elect/The Farow
Religion: Masra and Nordism (98%), Masra (2%)
Government: Oligarchic Republic
Economy: 4- 2/2
Population: Medium
Army: 1000 Spearmen, 3000 Archers, 2000 Swordsmen, 2000 Axemen, 2000 Guards of the Council (5)
Navy: 25 Galleys
Education: 2 (1 upkeep)
Technology: Iron Age
Confidence: Tolerating
Culture: Pathetic
Wonders: Temple of Nord- +Calvaron Religious Center
Description: After years of nomadic lifestyle the Croyodonians finally decided to settle down along the banks of the River Croy, a tributary to the Wardash. The city for many years was ruled by a chief council who oversaw the affairs of the small settlement. But as Croyodon grew, this became inefficient, and a strong Monarch was instated. The Monarchs have brought their nation into a close relationship with Gorin. Brief war with the Lengels resulted in something of a victory, with the lands west of the Wardash being brought into the control of these two allies. A brief civil war has been ended, due to Gorinese intervention to aid against the hardcore Nordists.
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Cities: Kallipolis, Elis, Manatea
Leader: Basileus Laomedon and Council of Archoi/LittleBoots
Religion: Kyriotheism (94%), New Eldism (6%)
Government: Autocratic Oligarchy
Economy: 2- 2/0 (1 Banked)
Population: Small
Army: 3000 Spearmen, 1000 Kyrioi (5)
Navy: 20 Galleys
Education: None
Technology: Iron Age
Confidence: Tolerating
Culture: None
Wonders: Eugenidean Academy- +2 upkeep free Education levels, +Kallipolis Cultural Center (2/8)
Description: The Gerougioikoi, or Those that make Their Homes in the Lands of the Ancients (Gerougia means Land(s) of the Ancients) have, since the dawn of time, been an intensely varied and often paradoxical people. They are religious zealots and atheistic philosophers, cultural giants and military heroes, loving towards Life and respectful of Death, they have fought many wars amongst themselves while establishing a unique culture that unites all the various peoples. The brilliant Kallipoloi Strategos, Telamon of Ruthless Bronze, subdued all the warring cities and brought around a new era of unity. As trade begins to flourish, Telamon&#8217;s successor works on bringing about unity through the increasing belief that the State supercedes not only the individual, but the City as well. The Age of the Poleis (cities) is over. The Age of the Politeia (republic!) has begun.

Gorinese Empire
Cities: Gorin, Dathan, Shard, Bathar, Dasht, Grarth, Drago, Mathlar, Hemleth, Kemreth, Kratha, Glass, Eastgate, Ivorykeep, Zawasae, Sasako, Alaki, Thar, Gyarth
Leader: Lord Kaiser Basu Oborski VI/Kentharu
Religion: Masra (82%), Lengri (14%), Crystalism (3%), New Eldism (1%)
Government: Imperial Republic
Economy: 10- 5/5 (-4 Due to Chaos)
Population: Medium
Army: 1000 Spearmen, 2500 Archers, 1000 Mooseys (5), 5000 Cavalry, 10 Catapults, 20 Bajo-Oni, 32 Ramids
Navy: 10 River Boats, 25 Galleys
Education: None
Technology: Imperial Age
Confidence: Admiring
Culture: Strong
Wonders: Dula's Statue- Spreads Masra; The Great Libraries of Masra- +1 free education level, Spreads Masra, +1 Culture (4/7)
Description: The Gorinese love peace, but are a terror to behold when roused. Since the institution of the Kaisers, or absolute rulers of Gorin, the nation has prospered like never before. They have remained at the cutting edge of technology, and have emerged victorious, or at least undamaged, in every conflict. The years of the Lengel invasion have been a heyday for Gorin. They have prospered, expanded, and recently liberated Shalamari, captured Nkondi, genocided the Gerbers and conquered the True Lengels. They are now the mightiest nation in the world north of Khemri, but becoming dangerously overstretched. This is now showing, Gorin being crippled by foreign invasions, rebellions, and internal unrest.
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Gorin's Flag:

Cities: Guanzhong, Chanjiang, Hangshei, Shangei, Jianking, Hon Chei, Shysang, Bandong, Faitei, Qingdao, Guangzhou, Wanbei
Leader: Emperor Shun/alex994
Religion: Ancestor Worship (94%), Way of the One (3%), Church of the One (3%)
Government: Monarchy
Economy: 9- 4/5
Population: Medium
Army: 3500 Spearmen (3), 500 Axemen (3.5), 900 Imperial Guardsmen (7), 2000 Crossbowmen (3), 2000 Ma Gun (4), 1500 Ma Bing (4.5), 19 000 Recruits, 10 Ballistae
Navy: 15 River Boats, 40 War Galleys (Western)
Education: None
Technology: Iron Age
Confidence: Loving
Culture: Wonder of the World
Wonders: Temple of Heaven- +3 Culture, Spreads Guangfei ways, Statues of the Ancestors- +2 Confidence, +1 Culture; Flight of the Tiger- +1000 Elite Imperial Guardsmen, no more can be trained without another wonder, Mystery Project (2/?)
Description: The Guangfei rise to power has been slow, but seemingly unstoppable. Rebellions from Shangei, war from New Veritas, and invasions from Trinlin have all ended in Guangfei victory, and none of the other aforementioned nations exist outside of history books.

United Kingdom of Khemri and Kehexou
Cities: Khadon, Alexandria, Said, Nikkal, Alaxau, Soloxau, Delhi, Khi, Zang, Andama, Hasko, Khaso, Rae, Tregnau, Netsihasko, Takrau, Swex, Kexoudau, Udar, Saslar, Katar, Kaos, Swadri, Noras, Dysonis, Emor, Zarz, Salvation, Veritas, Anarafar, New Turfar, Arnlar, Antiuch
Leader: King Dysonis I
Religion: Aegypt (77%), Oneism (2%), Otornosiasm (9%), Crystalism (9%), New Eldism (3%)
Government: Monarchy
Economy: 10- 4/6
Population: Medium
Army: 2000 Pikemen, 500 Swordsmen, 1000 Archers, 8500 Royal Guards (6), 2000 Horse Archers, 8500 Crystal Knights, 5 Armoured Ramids, 40 000 Militia
Navy: 5 Galleys, 35 River Boats, 15 Tridents, 5 Bimarines, 20 Caravels (Kehexou Sea), 10 Galleys, 10 Tridents (Kaosian Ocean)
Education: None
Technology: Imperial Age
Confidence: Loving
Culture: Outstanding
Wonders: The Island Pinnacles- +3 Culture, +Alaxau Religious center; Silk Route- Creates three coastal Eco. Centers, (6/7)- Note. You can only have two projects because you occupied an area where a large physical project was already partially completed.
Description: The histories of the Kehex and Khemri people have always been closely interwined. At times Khemri has occupied Kehexou, more recently the reverse almost came true. At the end of the 2nd Kehexou War, the two nations made peace. King Ptolemy III Khemr married a young Kehex princess to become King Ptolemy I, of the United Kingdom of Khemri and Kehexou. For a generation, Khemri lived subservient to the Lengels, until its chance at betrayay came at last. It destroyed the Lengel Armies of the south, while Gorin and the True Lengels decimated the north. At last, the Lengels are gone, and Khemri is indisputably the strongest nation in the world. No attempts to shake it off of its throne have yet succeeded... yet the greater the height, the greater the fall.
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UKKK's Flag:

Cities: Shagh'Seb-Eyl (City of Seven Islands)
Leader: High Servitor Anesh Seb-Eyl
Religion: Malerism (100%)
Government: Parlamentary Theocracy
Economy: 2- 2/0
Population: Tiny
Army: 1000 Axemen
Navy: 10 Galleys
Education: None
Technology: Bronze Age
Confidence: Tolerating
Culture: None
Description: Followers of the deity Maler, the Anesh-Maler, as the people are called ceremonially (Casually Anesh or Malier), believe that one should always strive for personal gain for oneself and only one's closest allies. To give your word is binding, and thus Malier are usually considered absolutely truthful. The Anesh'Seb-Eyl (From Seven Islands, the official name of the current regent), who is advised by his (legislative) ministers, would face an uproar if he would directly lie. In appearance, the Malier are usually blonde-haired, and are generally a cheerful lot. However, in battle they ingest several types of mushroom, under whose hallucinogenic effects they can fight to the very limits of death before tiring. Stories abound of a Malier who didn't notice his arm was gone before he'd killed two enemies with the protruding bone.

Republic of the Merhai
Cities: Kaliai
Leader: The Great Council/North King
Religion: Animism (100%)
Government: Republic
Economy: 1- 1/0
Population: Small
Army: 500 Archers, 10 Wooly Ramids,
Navy: None
Education: 1 (1 Upkeep)
Technology: Iron Age
Confidence: Tolerating
Culture: Weak
Description: The Merhai, or rather, this branch of the Merhai, were a peaceful people, herding their wooly ramids for sustenance, and catching the creatures of the forest to take their furs south to trade. But then the ambitious Fairhelt clan seized control of the old homeland. Kahir the Fox led his people south and played a part in the downfall of the Lengels. Due to its latest war against Gorin and Fairhelt, this nations looks like it is about to collapse. Only a miracle can save it now.

Cities: Sanctus Tutela, Diliculo, Venustas, Ansamsana, Aronellia, Renucta, Helmthorn, Vicitaro, Kalas, Trenta, Saenium
Leader: King Thranwuir/Wubba360
Religion: Bladism (100%)
Government: Monarchy
Economy: 8- 3/5
Population: Medium
Army: 1000 Swordsmen (3), 0 Archers (2), 2500 Bigjaur Riders (4), 4500 Cavalry (4.5), 2000 Yu-Yan Archers (3.5), 21 Ramids, 7 Ballistae
Navy: 5 Ramise
Education: None
Technology: Iron Age
Confidence: Admiring
Culture: Average
Wonders: Grand Gates of Blade- Two rebuilt Massive Statues of Myocacan Kings Feanor and Fasra; Light of Blade- Massive Religiously Important Lighthouse, +Helmthorn Religous Center, Spreads Bladism, +Culture (3/7)
Description: As of late, Myocaca has become the more 'palatable' face of Bladeism, increasing ties with the outside world and trading, while the extremist Swades launch inquisitions and plan to subvert all other religions. Myocaca also holds the honour of being the number one location refugees fleeing religious persecution in the Swade Ascendancy, though the Swades have now begun to attack heretics even in this nation.

Cities: Cyrix, Karax
Leader: Justok Nictuma/justokre
Religion: Divotheism (88%), Alse (12%)
Government: Tribalism
Economy: 2- 2/0
Population: Small
Army: 4000 Spearmen, 2000 Archers, 1500 Cloud Warriors (4.5)
Navy: 10 Galleys
Education: None
Technology: Iron Age
Confidence: Tolerating
Culture: None
Description: The Sanx are one of the more recently established native new world nations, having recently moved down from the frigid wastelands of the north. They are rapidly developing into an urban civilization.

Cities: Windkeep, Gastar
Leader: The Warrior Princes/foolish icarus
Religion: Otornosiasm (45%), Masra (35%), Aegypt (20%)
Government: Military Oligarchy
Economy: 2- 2/0
Population: Small
Army: 5000 Spearmen, 2000 Archers
Navy: 30 Galleys
Education: None
Technology: Imperial Age
Confidence: Tolerating
Culture: Mediocre
Wonders: Avenue of Chimes- +2 Culture
Description: Originally an isolated fortress in the middle of nowhere, Ivorykeep developed into a centre of trade, living and profession. But over time they became more and more assimilated by Gorin, up to the point where it was peacefully annexed. But Skilv'so lived on, for its patriotic military successfully set up a new state in occupied Nurmafer, now a friend and vassal of Khemri.

Swade Ascendancy
Cities: Swade, Krenel, Jarade, Naraz, Wesate, Kyrnez, Nurnord, Damas, Emor, Fulfilment, Afettoh
Leader: Evern III Wilipi/Swissempire
Religion: Bladeism (100%)
Government: Theocratic Monarchy
Economy: 4- 2/2 (-3 Points due to massive conscription)
Population: Medium
Army: 2000 Swordsmen of Divine Enlightenment (5), 1000 Spearmen, 16 000 Swordsmen Recruits (4), 0 Bigjaur Riders (4), 0 Archers (2), 1000 Swade Longbowmen (3), 3 Ballistae, 90 000 Conscripts
Navy: 25 Bladeremes, 5 Titans
Education: None
Technology: Iron Age
Confidence: Tolerating
Culture: Mediocre
Wonders: Swade Necropolis- Spreads Bladeism, +2 Culture; The Bronze God- +Jarade Religious center, +2 Culture, The Grand Plantations- Population x 1.5, +1 Region; Myra (2/4)- Gives 10 more Titans and 40 Bladeremes
Description: The Swade are a race living in the rich jungles west of former Emor. They were the original proponents of the Bladeist religion, and still lead it, although in a more radical fashion than their Myocacan bretheren would likely prefer. They have fought many wars with their various nonbeliever neighbours, though they have consistently fought on the side of Khemri, against the Valins. With Evern III Wilipi's 'Extinction Doctrine' the war against the Valins has reached a fever pitch. Before the end of this war, one nation will be in ruins. Which will it be? The Phoenix, or the Blade?

Cities: Jara, Iolar Geimhread, Ean Samhradh
Leader: Emperor Jara/LBaeldeth
Religion: Atheism (41%), Divotheism (41%), Alse (18%)
Government: Monarchy
Economy: 2- 2/0
Population: Small
Army: 2000 Spearmen, 2000 Axemen
Navy: 25 Galleys
Education: None
Technology: Bronze Age
Confidence: Respecting
Culture: None
Description: After the destruction of Tsaya, the Sycarians eliminated all of their competitors and took the eastern portion of the nation for themselves.
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Union of Ardan
Cities: Davar (Occupied): Ardan, Lone, Strategium; Arcadia: Vael Dash, Cuastia, Venix, Adrax, Tinatopia, Cronith, Caridython, Erax, Radis; Orum: Orum, Soran
Leader: Bishop Caro/~Darkening~
Religion: Pirian Oneism (56%), Tengri (23%), New Eldism (9%), Gooranism (5%), Orthodox Oneism (5%), Duality and Balance (2%)
Government: Limited Autarchy
Economy: 6- 4/2
Population: Medium
Army: 1000 Spearmen, 1000 Urban Militia
Navy: 4 Sloops, 10 Tiranes, 35 Jyuphia (Galleys)
Education: 1 (1 Upkeep)
Technology: Iron Age
Confidence: Respecting
Culture: Pathetic
Wonders: Marble Tomb- +1 Culture, +1 Confidence, Reborn Glory- + Cities of Dava and Boro, + Dava and Boro eco centers (3/7)
Description: A brother race to the extinct Eldranians and defeated Veritasians, Davar was the last of the three to fall. Part was occupied, part fled over the Exodian Ocean. Now, the ancient land is embroiled in the chaos of war, and government comes from Arcadia, on the far side of the Ocean.

Valin Republic of Veritas
Cities: Old Veritas: Veritas, Tellium, Emor, Andama, Salvation, Lux, Noras; Norvalin: Unias, Varlas, Paridum; Exilsium: Pax, Falas (Occupied), Exilsium, Danalas
Leader: Assemblum Popularum Veritasum/Thlayli, Imago, Cleric
Religion: Church of the One (90%), Aegypt (5%), Pirian Oneism (3%), New Eldism (2%)
Government: Federation of Republics
Economy: 8- 4/4
Population: Medium
Army: 1000 Rose Knights (6), 1000 Palantoi (4.5), 1000 Phoenix Archers (4), 2000 Scimitari, 500 Latismen, 2000 Pelarioi, 2 Yeti, 3000 Urban Militia
Navy: 20 Septaremes, 10 Triremes, 5 Galleys
Education: None
Technology: Imperial Age
Confidence: Respecting
Culture: Strong
Wonders: New Dawn- Makes Paridium an Eco. Center, +1 Free Education level, (4/6)
Description: After centuries of separation, the Valin Republics of Norvalin and New Veritas have united into one nation. Exilsium was soon added to the growing Republic, but Khemri and the Bladeists invaded and laid siege to Redemption, starting the War of the White Rose. The Tellium-based Order of the White Rose soon rejoined Veritas, bringing it to its strongest level since the Great War...

Cities: Viskas, Polaz
Leader: ?/Silver Steak
Religion: Mantea (100%)
Government: Theocratic Monarchy
Economy: 2- 2/0
Population: Tiny
Army: 2000 Spearmen (2.5)
Navy: 20 Yathai Galleys
Education: None
Technology: Bronze Age
Confidence: Tolerating
Culture: None
Wonders: Mantea Core- +Viskas Religious Center
Description: An island people that gathered together, united by faith in Mantea.

NPC Nations

Cities: None
Leader: King Cheng Ji
Religion: Animism (53%), Ancestor Worship (47%)
Government: Monarchy
Economy: 1- 1/0
Population: Tiny
Army: 1000 Swordsmen, 1000 Cavalry
Navy: None
Education: None
Technology: Iron Age Age
Confidence: Tolerating
Culture: None
Description: After the chaos of the Valfei war, Buguan is the only surviving representative of what was once Alatia. It is currently supported by Guangfei, giving it much more strength than one might suspect.

Cities: Galade
Leader: Ari Notnis
Religion: Bladeism (100%)
Government: Monarchy
Economy: 1- 1/0
Population: Small
Army: 3000 Swordsmen
Navy: 30 Galleys
Education: None
Technology: Iron Age
Confidence: Tolerating
Culture: None
Description: The Guarela are a southern group of Bladeists, once thought to be forever lost at sea, now discovered to be running a minor island nation in the south Exodian Ocean.

Cities: Copenholm, Kallamas, Stockheim
Leader: King Vadon II
Religion: Church of the One (96%), New Eldism (4%)
Government: Monarchy
Economy: 4- 2/2
Population: Small
Army: 1000 Spearmen, 2000 Archers, 3000 Axemen, 1000 Swordsmen
Navy: 55 Galleys
Education: None
Technology: Iron Age
Confidence: Tolerating
Culture: Average
Description: Kalmar is the last remaining successor state of Old Veritas. It has, in the long years since the first fall of Veritas, redeveloped its own culture. It is unique among the Oneist powers due to the fact that it fights on the side of the UKK. Due to the recent massive defeats of the Union of Ardan and the Valin Republics of Veritas, Kalmar is now the most powerful Oneist nation in the world. However, its northern regions are filled with discontent and even rebellion.

Spoiler Last turn's NPC Stats :
Cities: None
Leader: King Cheng Ji
Religion: Animism (53%), Ancestor Worship (47%)
Government: Monarchy
Economy: 1- 1/0
Population: Tiny
Army: 1000 Swordsmen, 1000 Cavalry
Navy: None
Education: None
Technology: Iron Age Age
Confidence: Tolerating
Culture: None
Description: After the chaos of the Valfei war, Buguan is the only surviving representative of what was once Alatia. It is currently supported by Guangfei, giving it much more strength than one might suspect.

Cities: Sobol
Leader: The Merchant Council
Religion: Chanc (100%)
Government: Oligarchy
Economy: 3- 2/1
Population: Small
Army: 5000 Spearmen, 1000 Axemen, 2000 Archers
Navy: 80 Galleys
Education: None
Technology: Bronze Age
Confidence: Tolerating
Culture: None
Description: The Chanc are a strongly commercial and religious people. Their religion advocates trade, to spread wealth and prosperity.

Cities: Avien
Leader: King Jayon
Religion: Animism (71%), Trinlinism (29%)
Government: Despotism
Economy: 1- 1/0
Population: Small
Army: 2000 Spearmen, 4000 Swordsmen
Navy: None
Education: Iron Age
Confidence: Neutral
Culture: None
Description: During the fall of Trinlin, Warlord Maral made his bid for dominance. He defeated other western barbarian leaders and took a small slice of Trinlin for himself. Now, Destre is a weak rival of Magland, the primary successor of Trinlin.

Cities: None
Leader: Saro the Conqueror
Religion: Animism (100%)
Government: Monarchy
Economy: 2- 2/0
Population: Small
Army: 2000 Spearmen, 2000 Axemen, 65 Wooly Ramids
Navy: 20 Galleys
Education: None
Technology: Iron Age
Confidence: Neutral
Culture: None
Description: One of the two branches of the Merhai race, the Fairhelt have recently consolidated their control around their ancient bay, and banished those who resist their rule. Now, they look beyond it&#8230; towards the new homelands of their ancient rivals.

Cities: Zam Gamorre, Thula Pax, Greater Gamorra, Mursai, Drascir, Barakuir (occupied)
Leader: High Priest Dazra Karatu
Religion: Gooranism (66%), New Eldism (20%), Neo-Animism (7%), Tendai Animism (7%)
Government: Theocracy
Economy: 4- 3/1
Population: Medium
Army: 6000 Horse Archers (3.5), 5000 Axemen (3), 5000 Spearmen (2.5)
Navy: None
Education: 1 (1 Upkeep)
Technology: Iron Age
Confidence: Tolerating
Culture: Mediocre
Wonders: Goora's Children
Description: The Gamorreans were once a loose confederation of tribes, and are now an efficient and powerful theocracy. They are masters of archery and horseback riding, a dangerous combination. Following the long and chaotic War of Treachery, Gamorrea emerged on top, controlling both North Gamorra and Malkavia. In the second Northwest War, it destroyed Ikki. Now, it continues to build itself towards a glorious future.

Cities: Galade
Leader: Ari Notnis
Religion: Bladeism (100%)
Government: Monarchy
Economy: 1- 1/0
Population: Small
Army: 3000 Swordsmen
Navy: 20 Galleys
Education: None
Technology: Iron Age
Confidence: Tolerating
Culture: None
Description: The Guarela are a southern group of Bladeists, once thought to be forever lost at sea, now discovered to be running a minor island nation in the south Exodian Ocean.

Cities: Copenholm, Kallamas, Stockheim
Leader: King Vadon II
Religion: Church of the One (96%), New Eldism (4%)
Government: Monarchy
Economy: 4- 2/2
Population: Small
Army: 1000 Spearmen, 3000 Archers, 5000 Axemen
Navy: 25 Galleys
Education: None
Technology: Iron Age
Confidence: Tolerating
Culture: Average
Description: Kalmar is one of the successor states installed in Old Veritas. It has an interesting conflict developing in that it is torn between keeping Veritasian culture and recovering their own, near-dead one. Which culture is stronger is now being tested, as the Order of the White Rose fights for control of Old Veritas.

Cities: Kelios, Aldis, Mard, Faran, Lamnia, Allan, Teleo, Tsarin
Leader: Revered Halodin
Religion: Alse (82%), Atheism (9%), Divotheism (8%), New Eldism (1%)
Government: Republic
Economy: 5&#8211;3/2
Population: Small
Army: 500 Spearmen, 1000 Axemen, 2000 Archers
Navy: 10 Galleys
Education: None
Technology: Iron Age
Confidence: Respecting
Culture: Average
Wonders: The Guidehouse- +1 Culture, Spreads Alse, The Cenotaph -Aldisir Rebuilt, Restored Aldisir Cultural Center, (2/3)
Description: Protected from roaming barbarians by a great mountain range that surrounds their valley, the two cities of Kelios and Aldis rose to become civilized centers of agriculture, trading with each other and with the barbarian tribes beyond the mountains. With a strong history of the will of the people, the two cities are sometimes considered bureaucratic by outsiders, though the people believe that a republic is the only way that Alse may be followed. Recently, the two cities have come to merge their ruling councils in the interests of mutual defense, with a Revered elected from within the newly united council. The recent war with Tsaya has made Kelios the most powerful nation in Azulia, though it left Aldis in smoking ruin.
Spoiler :

Cities: Magon, Avlain, Zevlain, Trinlin, Urner, Mova, Lotiv, Wiviter, Varlain, Orvit
Leader: Warlord Osman
Religion: Trinlinism (100%)
Government: Despotism
Economy: 4- 3/1
Population: Medium
Army: 3000 Spearmen, 2000 Archers, 4500 Swordsmen
Navy: 50 Galleys
Education: None
Technology: Iron Age
Confidence: Neutral
Culture: Mediocre
Description: The people of Magland surrendered to Trinlin centuries ago, and for a time were part of the nation. But as Trinlin fell, the Mags leapt free and aided in Trinlin's destruction. But after realizing that Khemri was not going to give them the remainder of former Trinlin, Warlord Tesman took matters into his own hands&#8230;

Cities: Rozan
Leader: King Orvil
Religion: Trinlinism (91%), Animism (5%), Ancestor Worship (4%)
Government: Monarchy
Economy: 1- 1/0
Population: Small
Army: 1000 Spearmen, 1000 Axemen, 2000 Swordsmen
Navy: None
Education: None
Technology: Bronze Age
Confidence: Neutral
Culture: None
Description: Rozan is a young Trinlinist nation south of Guangfei. It was a Trinlinist tribe in competition with several others, until one generation ago when a great leader named Cozair led the Rozan to victory over their enemies and to nationhood.

Cities: Sintonia, Paleras
Leader: Sultan Hazim
Religion: Bladeism (100%)
Government: Monarchy
Economy: 2- 2/0 (-1 Economic Point)
Population: Small
Army: 4000 Swordsmen, 2000 Archers
Navy: None
Education: None
Technology: Iron Age
Confidence: Tolerating
Culture: None
Description: The Sintonians first arrived in their present location with during the great spreading of the Swades. At first they were the most successful of the generally weak or botched spreadings, but their borders with New Veritas led to their conquest. For years they lived in occupation as a minority, but during the heat of the Valfei war they rebelled, starting a brutal back and forth war.

Tir Tairngire
Cities: Murias, Nog, Shae da Dale, Tiria
Leader: Chief Kenna One-Hand
Religion: Pirian Oneism (54%), Divotheism (44%), Banism (2%)
Government: Tribal Council
Economy: 2- 2/0
Population: Small
Army: 1000 Spearmen, 2000 Swordsmen
Navy: None
Education: None
Technology: Iron Age
Confidence: Hateful
Culture: None
Description: The Tuatha (which simply means "people" in their tongue) are a fierce warrior people. Tir Tairngire is one of the most unstable Azulian nations, due to both its mercenary habits and warlike leaders. It has just recently overcome a civil war, where Divotheist forces overthrew their Pirian brethren and reestablished the nation&#8217;s original religion. It remains to be seen whether this will become the new status quo, or if it will be overthrown in the near future, continuing an ancient cycle of instability.
Spoiler History :
History of the World

circa -350: Estimated year of Veritas' banishment from Tellus.
circa -200: First recorded permanent settlements at Tigot and Veritas.
circa -100: First large scale agriculture develops in Khemri and Mogul.
0- Veritas begins to record history, first alphabet formed.
21- Kalmar Tribes united by Odin the Mighty, and their polytheism emerges.
54 onwards- Dark-skinned tribes such as Zibon, Gorin, and Nkondi migrate down from the north.
64- Dula and Hathran tribes unite into the nation of Dula-Hathran.
155- First currency developed in Veritas.
162- Crystalism develops in Yath al'Shanaal.
177- 1st Mogul/Gerber war breaks out.
182- Eldrania discovers other civilizations in the Gargari and Dula-Hathran, declares a crusade upon them.
201- Yath al'Shanaal and Qua'laen Jal form an alliance.
205- Veritasian settlers and priests return to Tellus.
224- Khemri develops the wheel.
232- Khemri Polytheism takes off, with the death of their Prophet Sathya.
240- Kehexou Sailors discover new lands to the south.
259 to 277- The nations of Gorin and Yath al'Shanaal begin to settle down.
267- The religion of Oratheism appears in Gerber.
279- Veritas begins its attack on Zibon.
285- Zibonese city of Zarz falls after a multi-year siege by Veritas.
294- Mogul/Gerber war ends, after no fighting at all. Later known as the Fake War.
304- Zang falls, Zibon is occupied by the Veritasans and their barbarian allies to the north.
312- Great Port of Copenholm is completed by the Kalmar people.
319- Emor is founded by Emrus, a great leader who united Veritas' barbarian allies into a unified nation.
333- Brahmanism forms in Mogul lands.
372- Dula-Hathran becomes part of the Gargari nation.
387- Yath al'Shanaal declares war on the Gorin, Qua'laen Jal reluctantly join in with their allies.
389- Crystalic war ends with Ruby's occupation by Gorin.
392- Emor is taken over peacefully by Veritas.
402- Veritas begins working copper in significant amounts, becoming the first nation to enter the copper age.
410- New Zibon founded near Nkondi.
422- Neocrystalism develops in the lands of the Qua'laen Jal.
441- Gargari Routed at the final battle of the Duality Pass. Hathran people genocided to the last infant.
452- Emorans reach the new lands in the south.
469- Kalmar war begins. Veritas suffers great losses at sea, but still conquers the Kalmar Union's land forces.
496- Kehexou splits into Tekrehexou, the Khemri Polytheistic half, and Kehexou, the Oundaintic half.
502- 'Sons of Odin' begin to pirate Veritasian shipping at sea, and occasionally raid coastal settlements.
525- Nurmaferi explorers discover a great sea to the west.
588- The legions of Eldrania once again pour out of the Duality pass, attacking Aney-Tigot.
592- After a long period of dynamic warfare with little direct confrontation, great battles occur. Casualties are high on all sides, but the Eldranians are pushed back over the River Kalmar.
614- New Zibon defects to the growing Nkondi.
650- Gar Korays, capital of the Gargari, is razed by Eldrania.
677- Khemri starts the Kehex war by attacksing Tekrehexou, and quickly overruns it. Numerous sea battles with Kehexou prove indecisive.
697- Khemri rebuilds its fleet and again attacks Kehexou. Again, there is a stalemate, but most of Kehexou is occupied. To avoid further bloodshed, Kehexou surrenders to Khemri but is allowed to continue practicing Oundainty.
726- The barbarian tribes along the western banks of the middle Kalmar River unite into the nation of Tristaria. Eternal war is declared on Eldrania.
752 to 764- Gerberia invades the Mogul Empire, igniting the Hajanic War. The Gerbers occupy all of the Mogul north within the year. General Hajan of the Mogul Empire overthrows the Akbar dynasty, declares himself emperor, and rampages behind enemy lines with his rejuvinated army. After his offensive ends, Hajan leaves for his capital while his army is routed at Gerrabad. Delhi goes under siege, but holds out for years. Hajan then brings Khemri and Veritas to his side, and achieves peace with the Gerbers at pre-war borders.
767- Khemri Monotheism replaces Khemri Polytheism throughout the Empire.
777- Host-Lord Strategius becomes Autorex Strategius, absolute ruler of Veritas. Huge reforms take place throughout his reign.
788- Otornosiasm develops in Nurmafer, quickly becomes the nation's dominant religion.
793- The Nkondi join the nations fighting Eldrania. The remenants of the Gargari are assimilated.
800- Crystalic Calendar developed by Yath'al Shanaal.
815- Kali Tanil unites the tribes to the east of Veritas and Eldrania into the nation of Davar.
823- Veritasian capital moves to Kallamas.
836- Yath'al Shanaal annexes Qua'laen Jal peacefully through religion, new nation is named Shalamari.
839- Khemri invades Nurmafer.
842- Strategius reinstates the Assemblum Popularum Veritasum, and assumes the title of Stratikrator.
848- Veritas begins to fight Eldrania.
858- Aney Tigot falls to Eldrania.
865- The bronze-working Swade Ascendancy unites in the jungles west of Emor.
867- Eldrania destroyed by Veritas, Davar, Nkondi, Gerberia, and Tristaria, in the Great Crusade.
869- Hathran return from hiding to reclaim their lands.
873- Prophet appears in Nurmafer, preaches peace, is widely mocked.
880- Kehexou rebellion begins.
896- Anthi Oborski becomes Kaiser of Gorin, ending the rule of the republican Rowanthi'Orti.
899- Masra Appears in Gorin.
906- Shalamari seizes Darawa (Darkwater) from the Nkondi.
910- Citadel of Knowledge founded by the Prophet and his followers.
912- Massive Earthquake strikes Veritas.
914- Veritas declares war on Khemri, occupies Khadon and Alexandria.
914 to 1100 and 1127 to 1143- Great War.
919- Malkavia United.
960- Gamorrea is united by a central government. It begins regular raids on its neighbours, which continue for centuries.
1000- Maugot founded by a group of surviving Aneyans who had fled Tigot.
1003 to 1008- Veritas dismantles Khadon and Alexandria.
1010- Guangfei established by Liu Bang.
1016- Cecil XXX of Gerberia annexes the Northern Mogul Empire.
1024- Myocaca forms under Fasra the Swift.
1027- Turfar destroyed by Gorin and Shalamari.
1033- Battle of Guitar: Shalamari and Gorin pushed back into the Crystal ridge mountains by Nurmafer and Veritas.
1037- The Second Exodus of Nurmafer begins.
1039 to 1047- Davarian Civil War.
1042- Ikki founded, Citadel of Knowledge guides the nation out of its infancy.
1052- Croyodon defeats its neighbouring tribes and rises to prominence.
1053- Veritas is pushed out of Khemri proper.
1059- The Swade Ascendancy and Myocaca invade Emor.
1063- Gerbers attack Tristaria, warfare indecisive.
1068- Mogulia is taken over peacefully by Veritas.
1071- Nkondi invades Shalamari.
1074- Battle of Hasko, Veritas defeated by Shalamari, Gorin and Khemri.
1075 to 1077- Zibonese Rebellion in Veritas. It is eventually quenched, and Zibonese gain equality.
1077- Davar comes to Tristaria's aid and declares war on the Gerbers.
1079- Shangei League formed.
1083- Gorin works Iron for the first time, but fails to make a practical method.
1085- Veritas defeated at Battle of Wardash Estuary
1088- Trinlin founded.
1092- Skilv'so capital of Ivorykeep established, nation rises to prominence.
1097- Veritasian Stratikrator Cendrian defeats Shalamari and Khemri at Battle of Said.
1098- Veritasian army under Stratikrator Cendrian defeated at Netsihasko.
1100- Peace signed between Veritas and Khemri, and their allies.
1108- Xi Shi 'gifted' from Guangfei to Shangei, and wreaks havoc in the upper Shangei government.
1111- Lengel War-host makes first contact with civilization, attacking Maugot.
1112- Emor splits away from the Church of the One, adopting the Path of the One as its faith.
1118- Exilsium discovered by the Citadel, then Davar.
1122- Pirian Oneism adopted in Davar.
1126- Terias Gayanax returns to Kehexou, sparking the Kehexou civil war.
1127- Death of High Elder Dominius III at the hands of a Khemri assasin is faked, Veritas redeclares war on Khemri.
1129- Veritasian fleet is again destroyed by Khemri at the Second Battle of the Wardash Estuary.
1130- Veritasian army is annihilated at the Battle of Hexki Valley.
1131- Gayanax defeated by Mayanas with aid from Khemri, Kehexou Civil War ends.
1134- Emor and the Bladeists attack Veritas, seizing its capital and advancing onto the mainland.
1138- Kallamas falls to Khemri and its allies.
1143- Nations of Tellium, Kalmar, and Kerania are founded in the lands of Old Veritas. Strategium is split between Davar and Tristaria.
1149- Hundreds of thousands of Valins exodus from their old lands.
1152- New Veritas founded.
1157- Norvalin founded.
1166- Guangfei conquers Shangei.
1179- Lengels capture Magi, destroying the state of Maugot.
1180- First successful Iron forging in Gorin.
1181- Tower of Ascension built in Malkavia.
1189- Lengels attack Nkondi, and overrun it in months.
1195- Exocus of Nurmafer declared to be complete.
1200- Bronze Blademaster, a massive bronze statue, is completed by the Swades.
1201- Lengels and CRA sign a NAP, allowing (or perhaps causing) the Lengels to focus all of their strength aganst Davar and Tristaria
1203- Lengels break through Davar's mountain defenses and conquer the nation. Only isolated resistance holds out.
1204- Gershtoy Volinin rises to prominence in Kerania, declares allegiance to the Lengels and aids them in conquering Tristaria. With the Gerbers attacking simultaneously from the west, Tristaria falls.
1210- An island of fire rises from the sea off the coast of the city of Kexoudau, triggering great religious fascination.
1215- The nation of Orum is discovered by the Citadel, who help nurture it into a civilized state.
1217- Toghol-Advisor becomes the de facto ruler of Gerber, launching multiple campaigns to strengthen the Gerber culture.
1219- Temple of Zester completed in Trinlin.
1222- Swade Ascendancy launches the Spreadings, instating Bladeist cultures far away from the mother country.
1229- Khemri's capital moves back to Khadon, the city is finally restored to its pre-Great War glory.
1236- Gorin becomes the first nation to successfully enter the Iron Age.
1241- Malkavia attacks Gamorrea, igniting what is later known as the War of Treachery.
1250- After years of preparations, several thousand Davarians exodus from their homeland and settle south of Norvalin, forming the nation of Arcadia.
1251- CRA attacks the Lengels, successfully to begin with, but in...
1252- Things go badly for the CRA. Gerbers and Kehexou betray them, eventually resulting in the utter devastation of Shalamari and Gerber and the occupation of much of Khemri.
1255- Allying itself with a rebel faction in Gamorrea, Malkavia prepares to destroy the Theocratic Gamorreans once and for all when the rebels betray them and attack. Treachery runs rampant on all three sides, ultimately resulting in the division of Gamorrea into two nations and the military exhaustion of all involved parties.
1263- New Veritas conquers Sintonia, then is attacked by the Swades, who occupy much of the nation then sue for a favourable peace. Exilsium conquers Chipland and deports the Swade colonists to Myocaca.
1264- Nurmafer invades the Swade Ascendancy's virtually undefended homeland, but fails to conquer the entirety of the nation before staunch resistance sets in.
1271- CRA-controlled states in old Veritas officially declare that they are no longer vassals, and begin aiding the CRA's enemies.
1280- CRA officially disbands.
1281- Khadon razed by Kehexou.
1282- Khemri invades the islands of Kehexou, Kehex fleet utterly destroyed at Battle of Naraxo.
1285- Emor invades Kehexou's undefended southern colony.
1289- Nontin founded south of Arcadia.
1290- Shalamari destroyed by the Lengels and their allies.
1294- Guangfei invades Nurmafer.
1296- First contact made with aboriginal New Worlders by the Citadel.
1300- All nations with grudges against Emor attack it in their 'Crusade of Vengeance'. After killing the government and stealing the treasury, they leave.
1301- The War of Treachery ends, with a total Gamorrean victory.
1305- Malkavian refugees found Rascirai in the New World.
1312- Much of Svitzerland leaves their cramped nation and founds South Svitzerland.
1314- Khemri makes peace with its enemies, Kehexou and Khemri united.
1316- Guangfei and Nurmafer make peace.
1324- Nurmafer collapses under Swade and Skilv'so pressure.
1330- Emor surrenders to the Lengels.
1354- Norvalin fails to culturally take over Arcadia.
1362- Skilv'so annexed by Gorin. Skilv'so forces in Nurmafer officially found a new state in occupied territory.
1379- Khemri attacks the Northern Swade Ascendancy, and annexes much of Nurmafer's remenants.
1381- Battle of Samnade Pass, Swades pushed back to the Blade Range.
1382- Emor conquered by Myocaca and Swades.
1388- Bladeist fleet defeated by the Lengels and their allies at Krenel.
1396- Lengel forces reconquer Emor and push the Bladeists back deep into their own lands, until heavy casualties due to disease force them to retreat.
1401- Svitzerland annexed by Tellium and Verta.
1420- New Veritas attempts to destroy Guangfei's economy, fails, then attacks, triggering the Valfei War. Qingdao is occupied and some gains are made.
1422- Merhai appears from the north and settles north of Ikki and the Lengels.
1439- Civil war breaks out in Northern Lengel lands, between the 'True Lengels' and 'Iron Faces'.
1448- Council of Pax, lofty goals of Oneist reunification fall flat.
1450- Alatia founded, with New Veritasian help.
1451- Battle of Upper Wardash. True Lengels and Merhai rout the army of Lengelzai Akhidai.
1455- UKKK betrays the Iron Faces, destroys their southern army with Bladeist help, destroys all of the fleets of the Iron Face's allies.
1456- Tellium and Verta conquered by UKKK, Kalmar joins UKKK's side and destroys pro-Lengel Kerania.
1457- Gorin invades and conquers the Gerbers.
1460- New Veritas' river fleet is defeated at the Battle of Shysang.
1462- Davar declares its independence from the Iron Face Empire.
1464- Lengelzai Akhidai is finally, decisively defeated at Alaki. The era of the Lengel invasion comes to an end.
1467- New Veritas loses Qingdao, fall onto the defensive.
1468- Gorin genocides the occupied Gerber race.
1471- Sintonia rebels against New Veritasian rule, occupy all of the nation's south.
1480- Aithea is conquered by Tsaya.
1484- Trinlin attacks Guangfei.
1500 to 1535- Gorin and Khemri enter Imperial Age.
1508- Davar and Arcadia unite into the Union of Ardan.
1511- Alatia destroyed by Swades and Guangfei.
1520- Shangei collapses in a Civil War.
1522- Trinlin's Army defeated by Guangfei, Trinlin conquered by Khemri, Magland and Destre form out of the ruins.
1527- Norvalin seizes the Union of Ardan's city of Venix, reigniting tensions between the two nations.
1531- Kelios attacks Tsaya.
1534- Stratikrator Vandrios attacks and seizes Guanzhong with a huge force.
1536- Ol'o falls, Ida'an'i'i collapses.
1537- Peace signed between New Veritas and Guangfei.
1539- Tsaya is conquered by Kelios, Syracia appears in the East.
1540- Viski Lasi lands on the Yathanai Islands and begins forming the Yathai nation.
1542 to 1555- Gorin conquers the True Lengels.
1551- Union of Ardan conquers Nontin.
1562- The Gerougian city-states are united.
1577- Ikki invades Gamorrea, but is quickly halted.
1578- New Veritas and Norvalin unite into the Valin Republics of Veritas.
1579 to 1584- Valin Republics of Veritas invade Exilsium and integrate it.
1586 to 1590- The Valin Republics of Veritas nearly reconquer Sintonia, but its navy is destroyed at the Battle of Redemption. It is then attacked by Khemri and the Bladeists, all but the city of Redemption are conquered.
1589- War of the White Rose begins, with a massive Valin revolt against Khemri in Old Veritas.
1591- The Union of Ardan conquers Orum, then in...
early 1592- Bladeists capture Redemption.
1592- ...sails its fleet south to destroy Khemri's at the Second Battle of Redemption.
1593- Battle of Delhi, Khemri advances into Tellium.
1607- Ikki collapses into civil war, and is consumed by its enemies.
1614- Battle of Lux, Tellium's army destroyed.
1620- Magland conquers Khemri's holdings in Trinlin.
1622- Tuatha Civil War begins.
1627- Adar invades Zemora.
1631- Croyodonian Civil War begins.

Notes: Stat may be discontinued as of Update 25. It's a hassle and people can get better details by skimming the updates.

Alse- A quasi-philosophical religion whose rather loosely-defined goal is to set the world on the 'Path' towards perfection.

Ancestor Worship- The worshipping of One's Ancestors.

Animism- The belief in the holiness of nature, and the greater forces controlling it.

Neo-Animism- Ikki Animism, centered around humanity's struggle for enlightenment.

Gooranism- Gamorrean Animism, rotating around the Supreme Goddess Goora.

Atheism- The belief in no gods.

Bladeism- Swade belief that blades are holy, and that the almighty Blademaster wields 6 blades, each exemplifying a facet of existence.

Church of the One- The first and most organized religion on Tellus, other than possibly Crystalism, the Church originated in Veritas, and is practiced from Emor to Nkondi. Believers follow the One, who is the only true deity, and created all that exists out of Chaos. Man was placed on a paradise by the One, but due to his sins, they were cast down into Tellus. The One and his Three Maxims (Light, Truth, and Order) are praised above all things, and an established hierarchy of priests and disciples spread the faith to new lands as fast as they are found.

Path of God- Emoran sect of Oneism, more interested in what people do than what people say.

Pirian Oneism- An orthodox version of Oneism, based around Hypandium scripts, which are believed to be the most true to the original texts of the Church of the One. Practiced in Davar and Arcadia.

Way of the One- Guangfei's Oneist Church, which encourages freer thinking and separation from Veritasian religious imperialism.

Crystalism- Founded in Yath al'Shanaal of old, the heart of the religion lies in Wardash and the Stone Circles of Ruby. The Red Lady, mistress of death and love, is the matron deity, and rules over Netherworld - the realm of dead souls. The namesake of the religion is the frequent use of crystals in rituals to contact the Netherworld for wisdom, blessings and other things. Crystalism is expected to spread all over the civilized world over the course of the next century by its proponents.

Masra- Gorinese form of Crystalism, worships Dula, the husband of the Red lady. It has long since overtaken Orthodox Crystalism as the dominant form of the religion.

Divotheism- The name for the varied religions of aboriginal New-Worlders which share one theme- the worship of the 'Sky Gods'.

Chanc- Chancotol Divotheism, which claims that the Gods want their children to use their gifts to spread wealth and prosperity through trade.

Ezamri- Zemoran Divotheism, which believes that the Gods want their children to use their gifts for the advancement of the human race.

Dualism- Malkavian beliefs featuring the two gods, Bane and Ignatia. Their differing interpretations among the Malkavian clans are what lead to much of its violent internal conflicts and political instability.

Banism- An evolution of Dualism, Banism states that this world is merely a test that Bane has created for us. Those who hold the ideals of Order, Peace and Justice in high regard and strive to remake the world in their own image shall find a place in Paradise. Peace will never be achieved while the people remain divided, only when the world is under one flag and one culture shall glorious peace reign eternal.

Duality and Balance- More of a philosophy than a religion, followers believe in the duality of the world, and the balance that must be kept. Originates from former Dula-Hathran. Only a few surviving Dula practiced this, but the religion experienced a renaissance during Tristaria's existence. But now that its patron nation is gone, the future of this religion is in jeopardy. The Gerbers crushed it with Oratheism, and Kerania forcefully converted people to the Church of the One. Ironically, the Lengels offered the best chance for Duality's survival. With all three of these nations gone now, the future of this faith, for better or for worse, is in the balance.

New Eldism- Radically different than its predecessor, New Eldism teaches that all gods are one, and that god is Eldos. He preaches knowledge and peace.

Khemri Polytheism- Belief in the Khemri pantheon. The Holy codex documents the gods, the Book of the Dead teaches morals, and Mazdaism offers glimpses at the future of the Khmerian people, as well as being possibly the first step to monotheism.

Andues- Khemri polytheism, but there is only one god, Nikkal-Rae.

Aegypt- The hybrid of Andues and Oundainty, with one god from each faith. It is the dominant religion of the UKKK.

Lengri- The religion of the Lengels, this faith is quite similar to Animism in most of its facets, but several discrepancies reveal deeply rooted differences in Lengel culture. For example, Lengri teaches that battle is the epitome of the human soul, revealing all of its weaknesses and virtues. A respect of a higher power is shown in Lengel worship of the Koke, the Eternal Blue Heaven. Lengri's support is primarily in the Lengel homelands. Outside, different religions and Tengri reign.

Mantea- Shu, Goddess of Day, The Good Mother, the Red Lady. Shi, Goddess of Night, The Temptress, the Blue Lady. Both are polar opposites, and both are worshipped equally in the faith of Mantea (Equilibrium in the Yathai tongue).

Messianic Gnosticism- A syncretic religion, Messianic Gnosticism, also known as Messianic Oneism, incorporates Bladeism, New Eldism, Oneism, Kyriotheism (itself a modified Oneist religion), and Gerougioikai and Guarelai philosophy. The religion grew from a general disillusionment from the Great Sins of the North. The skeptical southern peoples had always questioned and probed and refined their religion, existing in an atmosphere of constant dialogue, competition, and compromise. The One God of Oneism is split into multiple aspects, as in Bladeism. The aspects correspond to the religions: the kindly Autorex, the mighty Strategos, and the peace bringing Hierophant. Prince, Paladin, and Priest, the God of Messianic Gnosticism is also prophesied to come as a liberator of all men. The Great Prophets of Messianic Gnosticism are Eugenides, Phidias, and Alexandros.

Nordism- The belief in one god who is the supreme ruler of everything. The people are his servants in life and the afterlife. The supreme god is often seen as offering people paradise in the afterlife for life of servitude in life maintaining the world he created. People who are lazy or destructive are sent to a life of pain and misery in the core of the earth. They spend one life equal to their afterlife in this tomb of torture which they are reincarnated and given a second chance at making it to eternal paradise. The religion teaches that faith in the supreme god along with hard work, generosity, and just being a good person will lead to paradise.

Otornosiasm- Worship of the earth god, Otornos. He will aid his followers, and they will spread his word by holy book and holy sword. The holy book of Otornosiasm, or Y&#225;na, teaches the morals of religion and life.

Trinlinism- Trinlinism revolves around the belief in 5 gods. Zester is for the sky, Terrium is of the earth, Wiviter is the god of the water, Ouvunter is the god of the wind, and Cinnav is the god of the fire.
I would have the first post had I not had to upload an image :(

After a few failed attempts to make a more complex flag for Kelios, I decided on something simple:


  • Kelia Flag.png
    Kelia Flag.png
    4.2 KB · Views: 260
Cool Cuiv. PM that flag to me in your orders so I can add it to your stats once your nation has been put in (Next update)

@Kal'Thzar- You mean the fact that Khemri and Kehexou are still separate. That's the map as of the end of the update. I did the stats together because I knew the nations were merging AFTER updating.
yay two main threads how many nes's can say that?
Just PM 'em please. You could send early orders.

As I'm not updating this weekend, to get some work done on RL stuff and write some stories maybe.

@Ironman2055- GoobNES is the only one I can think of.
@Kal'Thzar- You mean the fact that Khemri and Kehexou are still separate. That's the map as of the end of the update. I did the stats together because I knew the nations were merging AFTER updating.

Actually I was looking at Gorins eco :p
wait black dots are cities correct i never bought a second city but i have one
Since I absolutely suck at reading maps, I just want to make sure that my country is where I think it is.

That thing, right? I might make a story of the Leaving. I'll start with making a better name for it...
I decided against building up a nation in the middle of nowhere, and decided to take a nation already built up in the middle of nowhere.

Cities: Ivorykeep
Leader: Chancellor Gobe
Religion: Masra Crystalism (100 000)
Government: Elective oligarchy
Economy: 2- 2/0
Population: 100 000
Army: 9000 Spearmen (2)
Navy: 30 Galleys
Education: None
Technology: Copper Age
Confidence: Tolerating
Culture: None
Description: Originally an isolated fortress in the middle of nowhere, Ivorykeep has developed into a centre of trade, living and profession. And... to be honest, they really haven't gotten all that far past being an isolated fortress in the middle of nowhere.

Does anyone actually remember anything about these guys beyond their description? I was hunting through the original thread, and couldn't even find who led them...
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