LINESIII- Forth from the Light


Jun 7, 2005
Welcome to...
LINESIII- Forth from the Light

All are welcome here. Old timer or NES newcomer, I'll be happy to have you involved.

This is a world much like our own, but at the same time radically different. There are no seasons as we know them, merely an extremely long night followed by an equally long day. Civilization is beginning to arise, on arid riverbanks, in deep rainforests, and along stormy coasts.

The people of this region are a hardy folk. Their skin is often dark, or well-tanned, and they are by necessity tolerant of both great heat and cold. The lands are hot and often arid, but grow chill during the long darkness.

Now, you take the lead of a group of these people. Your hand may guide them to many things- wisdom, culture, violence, faith...

Together, we shall weave together a tapestry of history.

So without further ado, the rules!

For those of you who know LINESII, the rules are quite similar.

Economy comes from 2 places. Cities, and land, represented by Rural and Urban Economy. I will use my judgement to determine the rural economy of a nation. Each special city, either an economic center or a cultural center, will provide one economy point.

Economy will be shown like this: Total economy- Rural economy/City economy

There will be two stats: Army and Navy. Each of these will have a brief description of the structure of your forces, and a value for the number of soldiers and ships.

This is a stat which will be described qualitatively. You can provide your own description of your society's technology, based on the template that I provide, within reason.

A general guide for the size of your mass of humanity. I will note that each city can be interpreted as a collection of approximately 50 000 people, but this is not precise.

Tiny - <50 000
Small- 50 000-250 000
Medium- 250 000-1 500 000
Large- 1 500 000-10 000 000
Huge- 10 000 000-100 000 000
Massive- 100 000 000-1 500 000 000
Colossal- >1 500 000 000

You can enlist a portion of your population to fight for you. You can ask for a certain number, and I will determine how many heed your call. You can also draft, but this is less popular.

Generally, this behaviour will generate economic damage and dissent against your rule.

You can request a conscription in your orders and give a request of how many you soldiers you want to raise. I will determine how many come to fight for you.

This stat is a sentence description of your nation's ethnic and religious composition.

At great expenditure, you may create mighty monuments to you and your nations power. You must pay economy points to build them, and they can't be rushed.They have great cultural and confidence bonuses, but won't produce troops and give you spending points for no reason. Wonders often create specialty cities.

A sentence describing the structure of your government. Keep in mind that, as we start, we are still quite primitive, and are only beginning to develop more complex governments.

You start off with a default primitive animism, belief in spirits of nature and things like that. You can create a more advanced religion through a story and the construction of temples. Religions are every bit as powerful here as they are in our world. They give your leader credibility, mold alliances, and break empires.

Education, and Other Stats
Further stats may be added when they become relevant.

I don't give direct bonuses, like +10 galleys, but stories will have positive effects on your nation during the update, maybe giving you a new economic center, better battle results, and the like. Stories

1 PM Limit. This will make my updating easier, and allow you to get the update and stats faster. We both win! You can do just fine without delving into detail. Many nations in my past NESes have thrived off of short orders. I don't punish people for being vague in their orders, in fact, I like it. If you just say 'attack the nation to my west', I'll make a logical attack judging from the situation. I won't just randomly throw them at the enemy like an uncoordinated mob, unless for some reason that is a reasonable thing for your generals to do.

Please send orders in the form [Nation Name] Orders. If you want to expand on your orders, just add the addenda to your original orders and send them to me. Otherwise, you're circumventing the 1-PM rule. ;)

Nation Template
Nation Name
Cities: Capital, if any yet. Major cities will also be listed here.
Leader: Your Nation's Leader/Your Name
Culture: A sentence or two describing your nation's ethnic and religious makeup.
Government: A sentence or two describing your nation's political structures.
Economy: 2- 2/0
Population: To be determined by me
Army: To be determined by me
Navy: To be determined by me
Technology: A sentence or two describing your nation's technological and scientific development.
Description: Please describe your people's appearance and any interesting things about them.

Cities: Orbital Command, Gorin, Sobol, Unias, Khadon, Guanzhong, Ashryndar, Veritas, Sanctus Tutela, Redemption, Adar, Guarela, Kallamas, Soloxau, Pattanagara, Chera, Rozan, Fantigo, Swade, Zam Gamorre, Trinlin, Emerald, Neturfar, Lux, Kelios, Windkeep, Avien, Ectobar, Croyodon, Karholm, Kallipolis, Jara, Murias
Leader: Haerum/Lord_Iggy
Culture: Alien Space Turtles, with Small Tellusian Minorities. Pirian Oneist, with small heavily-persecuted Orthodox Minorities. Penguinskan and Gorinese influences.
Government: Absolutist Technocracy.
Economy: 78- 61/17
Population: Colossal
Army: 18 000 Soldiers. Spear-equipped shock infantry with heavy armour, supported by orbital bombardment.
Navy: 10 Ships. Lightly armed galleys armed with archers, supported by orbital bombardment.
Technology: A sentence or two describing your nation's technological and scientific development.
Wonders: The Citadel of Ultimate Knowledge
Description: Following their conquest of another tiny planet, the Alien Space Turtles established Tortolia, with humans as their domestic servants. They continue to receive strong local support due to their harsh repression of a bunch of annoying people from some unimportant island off the Terranian Coast.


Spoiler Normal NES Map Scale :

The first update will introduce the nations as you produce them and write about them, covering all of your peoples' prehistory.

Also, an attempted joke in my example stats has gone far, far further than I'd intended. I should probably fix that. :p
Cities: Ivider, Sarat, Keena, Frallel & Snood.
Leader: Aileon Siltoon/Abaddon
Culture: Aarthein fertility cultists.
Government: Tribal Oligarchy
Economy: 2- 2/0
Population: Tiny
Army: 1000 (Spearmen and Throwing Axemen)
Navy: 10 (Primitive Galleys)
Technology: Basic seafaring, aquaculture and agriculture. Little construction skills.
Wonders: None
Description: Men completely shaved except a ponytail. Length denotes seniority. Cutting one off in ritualistic battle decides clan leader. Thick features. short, squat, strong. Facial tattoos also denote rank. Enter "adult" life with first tattoo after test of man/woman hood. The Aarthein follow a Fertility Cult connecting both the land and the sea. Eels (which traverse both) are especially revered.

Cities: Kettedin
Leader: Assorted Chiefs/North King
Culture: Annokha Animists, with large enslaved minorities.
Government: Originally a consensus-based tribal government, war chiefs have found ways to subvert the authority of the political leaders and have in effect set up a parallel, more powerful system of government.
Economy: 2- 2/0
Population: Small
Army: 1500 (Horsemen and Archers)
Navy: None
Technology: The military is fond of horse and short bow. Domestic technologies are fairly simple. Pottery and agriculture are around, of course, but the margins of society still hunt and gather to supplement this. Agriculture still uses the foot plow, construction is only at a basic level, and they generally have to trade for metal tools.
Wonders: None
Description: Annokha are an unsympathetic, fierce tribe of slave raiders from the hills they call the Tambuk, green and cool compared to the lowlands nearby. Expansionist and ruthless, they are in a state of mild hostility with most of the people they meet (they don&#8217;t really regard raiding as synonymous with &#8220;war&#8221;; war is an altogether different and much more destructive endeavor), but simultaneously quite eager to cultivate trade links. However, their capital at Kettedin is a place where any merchant can find a safe haven, and in general, men with whom they have a good rapport will almost certainly not fall victim to their wrath.

Cities: Masara
Leader: Sheimi/flyingchicken
Culture: Aurseusu
Government: Tribal Republic
Economy: 2- 2/0
Population: Tiny
Army: 500 Spearmen
Navy: 10 (Primitive Galleys)
Technology: Developed Fishing Technology, Early Coastal Boats
Wonders: None
Description: A simple fishing folk.

Cities: Chumburstead
Leader: Highest Cleric of the Bright Queen Ana Cedillm/Haseri
Culture: Chumbur followers of the High Church of the Bright Queen
Government: Oligarchic Theocracy
Economy: 2- 2/0
Population: Tiny
Army: 1500 (Spearmen)
Navy: None
Technology: Early Medicine, Earthen Fort Construction and Copper Toolmaking
Wonders: None
Description: These people are generally very tall and tend to be willowy. They have fine, wavy hair that varies from pale blonde to brown, eyes that are blue, grey, or hazel, and light to medium brown skin. They typically have triangular faces, with flattish noses and eyes that are narrow and close-set. The country is a Matriarchy, with a fully prevalent monotheistic religion in the form of the High Church of the Bright Queen, the Defender of Her Chosen People. Women are the most important people in society, for are they not the ones who bring forth into the world the next generation? As such, men are kept to being the hard labourers, farming, mining and tending to the houses of the women as they are far to busy thinking up technological marvels to do it themselves. The age when one is an adult is 14, the rite being a secret, never written down, presided over by a local Cleric. As such, it is never the same for any generation. The army, navy and any profession where wrath is involved (like guards/police) are made up of Old Children, children who never took the rite of age. As such, they may never have children legally, but they are 'innocents' in the eye of the Queen, allowing them to pass into Bliss, despite their crimes. There is no such thing as marriage, but healthy males are traded between families to work and provide children.

Cities: Drala
Leader: Nae&#8217;dral&#8217;la/Masada
Culture: Assorted Draal-Worshippers.
Government: Military Theocracy
Economy: 2- 2/0
Population: Small
Army: 2000 (Swordsmen and Axemen)
Technology: Paddy Farming, Shipbuilding, Copper Toolmaking
Wonders: None
Description: The Draal are not a single group of people but many united in their religion and it is around this that they have shaped their identities: neck garlanded with skulls, faces slick-sure with powdered blood and hair draped in dried viscera. Draal&#8217;s children desire to please him, if that pleasure is measured in bloody they must comply and it is on the level of the state that this is most relevant. It is no surprise that the military has become His will incarnate and it is upon the military that the sacral and temporal duties of His ministry have been vested.

Leader: High-Thane Feddel Doren
Culture: Maenoch-worshipping Englorvelens.
Government: Military Monarchy, with Military Aristocracy.
Cities: Nordeloch
Economy: 2- 2/0
Population: Tiny
Army: 1500 (Leather-Armoured Spearmen)
Navy: 10 (Rowed Riverboats)
Technology: Simple agriculture, early copper toolmaking, boat hull construction, earthen fort construction.
Wonders: None
Description: A proud people, the Englorvelen reside in a land of rolling hills and restful prairies, both conditions inducive to farming, fishing and mining, which form the base industries of their economy. Once divided into different kingdoms, ruled by squabbling lords whose chief concern was their own advancement, the Englorvelen have been united by a visionary and a general, who now has proclaimed himself "High-Thane", of his people. Known only as Feddel Doren, he now turns his great army to the unknown, to continue his conquest in realms yet undiscovered...

Cities: Errodi.
Leader: Gothor The Light skinned/erez87
Culture: The Errodim live in sheltered cities that are built wide and tall and has roofs that usually cover almost all of the city, hiding the population from the sun. Their skin color has become a little brighter then others from this way of life. Their culture stands behind the ideal that darkness is better then light and that the dark would protect its followers. A dualistic religion of a dark god of life and a light god of death is the main worship of Errodim. The Errodim are highly accepting of outsiders and many live within the city in lighted suburbs. Outsiders are usually hired by Errodim in the surrounding villages to do manual work in the light hours, usually food production. Outsiders are also allowed to reach high in the ranks of Errodim but they can never become citizens and join the ranks of the citizen council until denying the light and living their entire lives in the dark.
Government: The Errodim have a very liberal rules that allow many freedoms for both citizens and outsiders. The government itself is a citizen council that joins together in a central structure to vote for important things. The Council also votes for a leader every second darkness outside of the city walls in a great arena made for it. The leader has nearly complete power over the Errodim but some laws do exist above him to not allow one to take over the state forever.
Economy: 2- 1/1
Population: Tiny
Army: 1000 (Archers)
Navy: None
Technology: Developed Construction Techniques, Wood Craftsmanship
Wonders: None
Description: The lightest of all in skin color their height is rather average with the rest of the world. The Errodim deny the light and true Errodim live only in darkness and do not come out in the sun light ever. Their denial of the light comes in all areas of culture from a roofed city and villages to carts that are completely closed from light to cross between the city and villages. The Errodim are also nearly 100% urbanized and hire outsider non-Errodim to do jobs that require standing in the sun. The Errodim clothing is very colorful and covers the whole body (especially when living the cities). They detest close combat and consider it impure and part of the light side. They prefer to fight with ranged weapons and have developed their ranged weapons into amazing heights. They hire outside mercenaries to fight close combat for them when needed but they tend to not go to wars and prefer living in their city and few villages in peace. They wall and roof anywhere they live in allowing for easier defense of their settlements and they are truly defensive. Denying the light and hiring outsiders for everything that requires light hours work made the Errodim extremely open to outsiders to the point where they welcome outsiders in with parades and a special Errodi worker called "Welcomer". Errodim to not understand slavery and do not posses slaves, but outsiders who bring slaves with them are allowed to retain them in accordance with their own ways, but one cannot join the Errodim citizen class if he owns slaves. Truly some may say outsiders allow the Errodim to exist at all but the Errodim pay greatly in wages and honor to the outsiders who honor the Errodim laws. Those few outsiders who choose to go against Errodim laws are quickly put to death in front of the citizen council not always with a trial. the love and need of outsiders and the need for a powerful economy made the Errodim master traders. Only merchant Errodim can be seen in light hours (usually either dressed all over their bodies or inside their roofed carts or any structure) and they tend to be highly efficient. The Errodim within the cities manufacture many finished goods that are sold by Errodi merchants all over their known world and new trade routes are always sought after. Errodi Merchants are usually also great explorers who look for new trade and a special single close combat rank of Errodi exist among the merchants who must normally defend themselves from close combatants who wish to steal their goods. This order of Warrior merchants has its own special battle technique that is dependent on speed of movement (to defend from daggers at your back) and speed of kill (better kill the guy who is preparing to stab you). Merchants always come in at least pairs who guard each other's back.

Cities: Hatta Kulum Ume Karum
Leader: Shah Sanjar/Oruc
Culture: Hattam, Patron God Worshippers
Government: Theocratic Oligarchy with Figurehead Monarch
Economy: 2- 2/0
Population: Small
Army: 2000 (Spearmen)
Navy: None
Technology: Irrigation, Architecture
Wonders: None
Description: Godfearing warlike expansionists, Hatta is one of many city states along the riverside each with its own God. Power is shared in Hatta by a Shah (high-priest) and an assembly of elders. As long as the people believe that their God is pleased with the current Shah his rule is almost absolute. The Hattam are keen to please their god particularly through Ritual and War. Outsiders are tolerated but not welcomed. Power is divided between an assembly of elders and the Shah and his priests, the Shah has the senior role between the two. Officially the cities King is Hattuk also the patron God of the Hatta.

Capital: Heishai
Leader: First Heavenly Regent Jai-Tensei
Culture: Jaisho, Subjects of Hei-Kata.
Economy: 2- 2/0
Population: Small
Army: 2000 (Spearmen)
Navy: None
Government: Decentralized Theocratic Divine Monarchy. Each clan of the Jaisho elects clan elders who enforce the clan's traditions and hold power of life and death over the clansmen. The Tensei clan appoints priests of the Heavenly Emperor who can overrule these elders at their whim, however.
Technology: Earthen Forts, Early Agriculture
Wonders: None
Description: For long have the clans of the Jaisho struggled in the divided land. In the beginning, the gods ordained a man, Hei-Kata, to rule over the world. Hei-Kata slew all the kingdoms of the world, and established himself as heavenly emperor. The gods, seeing what Hei-Kata had done, became jealous of their subject, and tried to strike him down. But Hei-Kata refused to die. Gathering an army from the people of the world, Hei-Kata made war on the gods. And Hei-Kata struck down the gods, and ascended to their heavenly throne. There is now one god, Hei-Kata. He rules eternally, the human god. Once Hei-Kata left the circle of the world, his clan-lords and subjects fell into disunity. But joy of joys! The clans of the Jaisho have heard the call. First Heavenly Regent Jai-Tensei and the holy priests of the Tensei have spread the worship of the Heavenly Emperor to each and every one of the clans. We are the holy land, and the holy people. In time, the barbarians of this world will submit to us, for we are the chosen of Heavenly Emperor Hei-Kata. So shall it be, for so it is.

Cities: Kuduk
Leader: Rolefehe/Adrogans
Culture: Kevygi animists.
Government: Hierarchical Caste Despotism
Economy: 2- 2/0
Population: Small
Army: 2000 (Spearmen and Axemen with Light Chariot Support)
Navy: None
Technology: Copper Toolmaking, Irrigation
Wonders: None
Description: The Kevygi people are a collection of the tribes of the river peoples who have been united successfully through decades of war, alliance, and marriages. This has created a caste system based on how a tribe was brought into the new nation (listing of the various tribes/castes to come). They are a warrior people who value skill at arms and skill at craftsmanship. The people are all slight variations on a theme. They tend towards dark hair and skin and gray eyes. Each person has a tattoo on the left forearm which proclaims the tribe to which they are a member.

Cities: Rhakmarund
Leader: The Benesh Taithin/~Darkening~
Culture: Divided really into urban and rural areas; the urban areas all lay upon the banks of the river. The main one is the city of Rhakmarund, which lies on the opening into the waterway. It is here that the Benesh Taithin guides the Unified Tribes, and the main temples are located. The Bethiru worship a large pantheon of gods, spirits, and totems which they consider to be their protectors. A strict social caste is in place, with divisions between the Warriors (elites), Socials (Nobles), Craftsmen (Tradesmen), Laborers (Laborers), and Slaves.
Government: A unified number of tribes and cities led by the Benesh Taithin, the &#8216;Awakened Spirit&#8217;.
Economy: 2- 2/0
Population: Small
Army: 2000 (Spearmen)
Navy: None
Technology: Somewhat geared towards military, but more focused on trades and crafts.
Wonders: None
Description: The Bethiru have a wide range of colors, from pitch blank to a light, tanned color. They are usually tall in stature, thin in waist, and stoic by nature. Those that do not fit the standard are usually shunned; ignored, exiled, or killed in quite a few cases, more often than not at birth. Males are clean-shaven, grooming considered absolutely important. Their hair is usually shaved, men completely, females leaving a braid of hair hanging down the back of their heads. Males usually have a large number of tattoos, while females always have the mark of their husband descending down their left arms. Males, as mentioned, have a large number of tattoos over their bodies- the first is usually done around the age of four, when a boy first receives his spirit. Following this, more are added for certain occasions; all males receive three tattoos upon marriage; one is that of their wife&#8217;s born upon their right arm, the second and third are of a symbol of manhood that is born upon both eyelids.

Cities: Serigala
Leader: Elected Oligarchy/warrodent
Culture: Kurtaraz Animists.
Government: Democratic Oligarchy
Economy: 2-2/0
Population: Tiny
Army: 500 (Spearmen)
Navy: 20 (Galleys)
Technology: Naval, Farming and Defensive tech
Wonders: None
Description: A peaceful democratic people that fish and or trade for their living The Kurtaraz are a very peaceful people and they rarely even get into arguments amongst themselves however they often debate on issues placed before them in their democratic government. The most important thing to the people is their boat or if they are wealthy enough a small ship. Every year there is a festival where there are single man boat races and a three day competition for the largest fish. The city has developed into a major trading port and fishing town due to this influence while the three small villages have more of a focus on agriculture.

Cities: Ungol
Leader: Arayn the Bright and Adoan the Demon /Agent 89
Culture: Lavarian Morvans.
Government: Dual Monarchy
Economy: 2- 2/0
Population: Tiny
Army: 2000 (Spearmen)
Navy: None
Technology: Some agricultural techniques, as well as rather advanced animal husbandry and some newer weapons.
Wonders: None
Description: Tall, tough men with rather dark skin from their time in the desert, the Lavarians are a purely desert people, living in multiple small nomadic tribes. The one actual city, which is more of the palace and some other buildings, is located along the main river. The Lavarians worship one god and one god only, the goddess Morva. This is there only religion and it is followed fiercely. Anyone who has the misfortune to be captured by the Lavarians must convert to their religion or suffer the most brutal death. All Lavarian men, and even some women to a point, are trained from birth in the art of warfare. Although there is no standing army except the two sets of Palace Guards, at any time, the ruling king can call up hundreds to thousands of warriors to fight. Among the Lavarian people, the richer classes are farmers, who can afford to operate farms along the banks of the river. Often time, small battles are fought over these prime spots of land. Everyone else in society is a nomad, herding a variety of animals in the desert, moving from one oasis to another. However, there are some Lavarian men, usually the more warlike ones, who participate in large slave raids. The men who organize and pay for these raids, which often contain over 100 men, are the equivalent to merchants, and the slave trade is a very profitable business. Lavaria is an absolute monarchy, ruled by two alternating kings. Both Arayn the Bright and Adoan the Demon are believed to be sons of Morva, and her representatives on earth, thus they are treated as near gods. During the Time of Light, Arayn the Bright rules, and is a much beloved king among the people. However, when the Time of Darkness arrives, Arayn and his Palace Guards leave for exile in an unknown spot, and Adoan the Demon takes the throne. Adoan is notoriously evil and cruel, retaining his throne through fear, and taking pleasure from inflicting cruel deaths and attacking neighboring states. Unfortunately, the change in policy every day/nighttime can sometimes have a negative effect, as alliances made during the day are sometimes canceled, and wars started at night are often concluded peacefully.

Cities: Murair
Leader: The Senate/Kal'thzar
Culture: Cosmpolitan.
Government: Aristocratic Republic
Economy: 3- 2/1
Population: Small
Army: 1000 (Spearmen)
Navy: 10 (Primitive Galleys)
Technology: Wall Building, Early Agricultural, Fishing and Mining
Wonders: None
Description: Murair actually translates as Great Wall. It stands in a strategic position between mountain and sea and allows for the city to extract a great price from people seeking its security. The population of Murair is a mixture of neighbouring peoples,

Cities: Rohok, Narhok
Leader: Si the Cunning/Kentharu
Culture: Rohok, with equally-sized Sohok and Adhok minorities. Hok Animist.
Government: Cheifdom
Economy: 2- 2/0
Population: Small
Army: 2000 (Spearmen)
Navy: 10 (Simple Sail Barges for River Travel)
Technology: Simple Human-powered Agriculture, Simple Copper Tools
Wonders: None
Description: The Hok people consist of three major clans, each occupying one of the three rivers, So, Ro, Ad. United only recently under the Si, the Hok people have managed to become rather proficient farmers. Si was able to unite the four river clans through a series of wars and marraiges, crushing opposition to his rule swiftly. Thus the Rohok clan was able to rise above the rest. After uniting the four rivers, Si has continued to centralize his control over the Hok dominion, stripping many of the clan Cheifs of their power and forcing them to swear fealty to him.

The Hok people themselves are not particularly prone to violence, mainly because of the abundance of food within the four rivers. Dark skinned (South Indian looking) with straight and sometimes curl hair, they place a large value on the seasons. From this seasonal reverence has come a rudimentary worship of summer and winter dieties, called Hokun and Hoksha respectively, and sun and moon dieties called Anun and Rah respectively.

Cities: Sasakura, Sarin
Leader: Praetor Karasu (Empress Yumiko)/Kraznaya
Culture: Sasaharan Yumi-Worshippers.
Government: Confederal city states united by a strong cultural bond and ruled by a religiously ceremonial empress-priestess. The only true centralized power lies in the praetor elected by the aristocratic representatives of each city state, who leads the unified Sasaharan army into war.
Economy: 2- 2/0
Population: Small
Army: 500 (Spearmen)
Navy: 10 (Galleys)
Technology: Stronger emphasis on agricultural and mercantile technologies than military ones.
Wonders: None
Description: The Sasaharan culture coalesced on the banks of the life giving lake Atsu bestowed on the Sasaharan by the venerable Goddess of the Moon Yumi, who sustains life in the long cold darkness. The chosen children of Yumi are a primarily agricultural people, tilling the soil on the banks of the Atsura and Shizuka rivers. Sasaharan culture is a heavily socially stratified society, with the land owning aristocracy dictating the day to day operations of the state, bolstered by a strong military caste. Despite the religious and maternal origins of Sasaharan culture and the figurehead empress, neither religion nor feminism play a strong role in daily life, with pragmatical expediency and patrilineally-dominated filial piety dominating the concerns of Sasaharan society. A notable quirk of the Sasaharans is their absolute refusal to interbreed with impure outsiders, corrupted, chosen only by darkness.

Cities: Mourne
Leader: Nightlord Jaladan/Shadowbound
Culture: Umbran, . Nightcultist, with Animist minorities.
Government: Theocratic Confederation. The Nightlord serves as high priest of the Umbran religion, ruling the city-state of Mourne, and extracts tribute and tithes from his vassal cities and tribes.
Economy: 2- 2/0
Population: Tiny
Army: 1000 (Spearmen)
Navy: None
Technology: Advanced irrigation, agriculture, and architecture. Metalworking has been neglected.
Wonders: None
Description: In the struggle between Night and Day, the Umbrans serve the dark. They consider themselves the chosen people of the Dark Lord Penumbra. They venerate him, and honor his victory during the Dark Period just as they ritually despair over his defeat at the beginning of the Light Period. For their ceremonies they constructed a temple, Mourne, which became the center of the Nightcult. The high priests of that faith used their religious influence to build up a city around the temple, and use their spiritual authority to maintain control of an army of levied tribal warriors.

Cities: Zalin
Leader: The Grand Guardian of the City/Ninja Dude
Government: Despotism
Culture: Zalinese, with Annokhan and other assorted minorities. Animist.
Economy: 2- 1/1
Population: Tiny
Army: 500 (Spearmen)
Navy: 10 (Primitive Galleys)
Technology: Hull Construction, Architecture.
Wonders: None
Description: Zalin was once but a small fishing village off the coast of the mainland, humble and insignificant. However, a combination of chance and Annokhan aggression in the south caused a sizable and consistent stream of immigrants and refugees for a while. With a sudden increase in manpower, the island boomed in a period of prosperity, fishermen and merchants coming and going from Zalin's ports and bringing in riches and plentiful food.

These days however, the constant stream of immigrants has since slowed down considerably. Stories of the outside world scare the common folk of the island, causing a natural distrust of outsiders. Walls and fortifications are abundant on the island, farseeing watchmen manning dozens of towers. Xenophobic and paranoid, the upper classes of Zalin want to see the outer world shut out at all cost. Only merchants are allowed to regularly enter and leave the city, and even their freedoms are beginning to be infringed upon.
Middle top with lots of pretty waterside frottage frontage.

Other stuff to cum come.
Nation Name: RoHok
Cities: Rohok
Leader: Si the Cunning/Kentharu
Culture: Made up of the three river clans, Sohok, Rohok, Adhok
Government: Cheifdom
Economy: 2- 2/0
Population: To be determined by me
Army: To be determined by me
Navy: To be determined by me
Technology: Agriculturally focused.
Description: The Hok people consist of three major clans, each occupying one of the three rivers, So, Ro, Ad. United only recently under the Si, the Hok people have managed to become rather proficient farmers. Si was able to unite the four river clans through a series of wars and marraiges, crushing opposition to his rule swiftly. Thus the Rohok clan was able to rise above the rest. After uniting the four rivers, Si has continued to centralize his control over the Hok dominion, stripping many of the clan Cheifs of their power and forcing them to swear fealty to him.

The Hok people themselves are not particularly prone to violence, mainly because of the abundance of food within the four rivers. Dark skinned (South Indian looking) with straight and sometimes curl hair, they place a large value on the seasons. From this seasonal reverence has come a rudimentary worship of summer and winter dieties, called Hokun and Hoksha respectively, and sun and moon dieties called Anun and Rah respectively.

Claiming upper middle cradle, on the upper left river next to the hills. Map soon to follow, then below, culture tomorrow.

Filling out a template soon. Intriguing, verily. Will be starting in the north, if at all possible.
very middle river please!

Cities: Ivider, Sarat, Keena, Frallel & Snood.
Leader: Aileon Siltoon // Abaddon
Culture: Fertility Cult connecting both the land and the sea. Eels (which taverse both) are especially revered.
Government: Many clans, who's leaders meet each sunrise to discuss and make decsisions. Value of vote controlled by size of clan
Economy: 2- 2/0
Population: To be determined by me
Army: To be determined by me
Navy: To be determined by me
Technology: Basic seafaring and aquaculture as well as agriculture. Little construction skills. Warrior class uses spears/throwing axes
Description: Men completely shaved except a ponytail. Length denotes seniority. Cutting one off in ritualistic battle decides clan leader. Thick features. short, squat, strong. Facial tattoos also denote rank. Enter "adult" life with first tattoo after test of man/woman hood.
Cities: Sasakura, Sarin, Sasaki, Sakaori, Sayuri, Nadeshiko, Tsubasa, Sora, Ai, Takara, Amaya, Kou, Avaron, Kyoko, Rika, Kazumi, Hikari, Arisu.
Leader: Praetor Karasu (Empress Yumiko) / Kraznaya
Culture: The Sasaharan culture coalesced on the banks of the life giving lake Atsu bestowed on the Sasaharan by the venerable Goddess of the Moon Yumi, who sustains life in the long cold darkness. The chosen children of Yumi are a primarily agricultural people, tilling the soil on the banks of the Atsura and Shizuka rivers. Sasaharan culture is a heavily socially stratified society, with the land owning aristocracy dictating the day to day operations of the state, bolstered by a strong military caste. Despite the religious and maternal origins of Sasaharan culture and the figurehead empress, neither religion nor feminism play a strong role in daily life, with pragmatical expediency and patrilineally-dominated filial piety dominating the concerns of Sasaharan society. A notable quirk of the Sasaharans is their absolute refusal to interbreed with impure outsiders, corrupted, chosen only by darkness.
Government: Confederal city states united by a strong cultural bond and ruled by a religiously ceremonial empress-priestess. The only true centralized power lies in the praetor elected by the aristocratic representatives of each city state, who leads the unified Sasaharan army into war.
Economy: 2- 2/0
Stronger emphasis on agricultural and mercantile technologies than military ones.
Wonders: We're allowed to start with these?
Description: Think modern day Okinawans.


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Claiming before template, the far western top river. Put me somewhere in the middle there, template arriving tomorrow.
info editted in.
About 80 earth days of light followed by about 80 earth days of dark.

Are the creatures we control evolved to cope with this (sleep 80 days, remain awake for the other?)

How do plants cope?

Why make this "unhuman" change which leaves so many unanswered questions?
The animals in this region are adapted to the conditions. The humans run a sleep cycle that is independent of the actual light, much like the local fauna. Plants, however, flourish during the long, rich growing season, then go into stasis for the dark period.

If you want to wonder about the day/night cycle, feel free to do so... I can assure you that it makes sense. :)
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