Taxation is extortion and theft.

I was asking about the selection process, not the underlying goal.

They were selected because simple ownership of real estate is something only free men can have.
Only that, if your definition of theft can't distinguish between legit robbery and taxation, you're probably defining theft wrong. Seriously, go to the Chamber, all this has been fleshed out.

So if I don't agree that taxation is justified, my definition must be wrong.

That sounds like a legitimate argument.
If you disagree with the governments role in arbitrating property disputes, but feel property is an absolute human right, why are you on my property?
Is the ownership of real estate voluntary?

If you claim to own real estate, how do I verify your claim?

Time to define your terms, Jolly. :trouble:

If you disagree with the governments role in arbitrating property disputes, but feel property is an absolute human right, why are you on my property?

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No, I'm an anarcho-capitalist.
Anarcho-Capitalism cannot exist as you are still keeping in place a system of non-consentual authority under a different name. In fact, that system of non-consentual authority is even worse than the state as it does not even have the theoretical mandate of popular will and protecting the general welfare.

Also, property is theft.
Is there a term that you do not understand? I thought the questions were easy enough for someone of your intelligence.

Using non-defined terms is the key tactic of the Socratic trap. What do you mean by ownership?
Anarcho-Capitalism cannot exist as you are still keeping in place a system of non-consentual authority under a different name. In fact, that system of non-consentual authority is even worse than the state as it does not even have the theoretical mandate of popular will and protecting the general welfare.

What might this be? And what do you mean, "Property is theft?" Does everything belong to the state? Prove it.

Yes. I'm understanding if you were simply uninformed, but I would like you to get off it now.

I'm getting off of it immediately. Sir.
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And what do you mean, "Property is theft?"
Proudhon said:
If I were asked to answer the following question: What is slavery? and I should answer in one word, It is murder!, my meaning would be understood at once. No extended argument would be required . . . Why, then, to this other question: What is property? may I not likewise answer, It is robbery!, without the certainty of being misunderstood; the second proposition being no other than a transformation of the first?
Marquis de Sade said:
"Tracing the right of property back to its source, one infallibly arrives at usurpation. However, theft is only punished because it violates the right of property; but this right is itself nothing in origin but theft."

Does everything belong to the state?
Property is theft no matter how you slice it.
Excellent. You'll be heading out into international waters then?

What? Such things are only relics of our barbaric past. I'll be heading out onto the privately owned road which I have access to through easement laws. Good day!

Property is theft no matter how you slice it.

How? (Watch him not answer)
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How? (Watch him not answer)
The simple act of claiming something as my own requires that it had not been my own originaly. Thus, I was taking something that beforehand either belonged to collective or nobody.
An institution of aggression.

Yes, an institution of aggression called the private ownership/monopolization of land. The homesteading principle does not actually allow individuals to claim natural resources which are not the product of any human labor as valid property. The individual has a right to defend the improvements created by his labor (or that of those who voluntarily transferred their rights to the products of their labor), but the Lockean Proviso only permits the monopolization of a natural resource when there is as much of equal quality left available to anyone else who might wish to do likewise. When land is scarce enough to have a non-negligible market value, then it is an act of aggression to prevent others from using it without compensating them somehow. Ideally the form of compensation could be agreed upon by all the individuals involved, but on a large scale that is unpractical to the point of impossibility.

Regrettably, it is probably impossible for individuals to live without infringing upon the rights of their neighbors in at least some small ways. Perfect justice may be unattainable, but we should still strive to move towards that goal. A minarchist state is one way to try to solve the collective action problem of minimizing and mitigating acts of aggression. It is not perfect and I would not assert that an anarchist alternative could never be devised, but it is better than the alternatives I have heard so far.

From what I have read (which admittedly does not include any of Rand's actual works), it seems that Galt's Gulch definitely did have a government. It was a sort of feudalism where allodial land lords collected a Georgist land value single tax which they were in no way obliged to share with the landless. In principle, landlords are just as statist as kings. The relatively small size of their domains make it easier for others to leave and harder for them to abuse their power, but that is just a matter of degree.

Land value taxes are the most acceptable form of taxation (taxes on wages are totally unjust and inefficient), but they ought to be redistributed to the community rather than hoarded by individual rent seekers.
I understand your definitions, and agree with both the definition of extortion and of theft. IFF the property was truly yours, it appears that you're being deprived (partially unwillingly) through extortion.

The part that I cannot completely agree with is that the property is truly only yours. How did it become yours? What makes it yours? You cannot just declare it is yours, we have to arrive at that conclusion through an accepted series of axioms and facts.

Bumping, though since this is a free-for-all against one person, the thread might be amusing for us but exhausting for Mouthwash.

How did the property become 'yours'?
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