Ultimate Civ Tourny!!


keeping it real
Jun 1, 2002
Haverhill, UK
Whats up Civers and Civets?! I have an idea for the Ultimate tourny! Basically I want to get six players who are willing to start, and continue to the end, a Civ II Gold game. I will probably be able to get one of the people I play with on GR to join, and of course I'm gonna be in it. So that leaves four more people who are able to join. I figure the best way to do this game would be for everyone to meet at a set time each week to play for one and a half or two hours, then save until the next week. If one of more players could not make the exact time on a given week the group could arrange an alternate time for that week.

Here are the paramaters I've come up with so far. I am open to all suggestions and ideas of course, these are just the ones I've come up with so far.

Number of Civs : Seven (six players and one AI)
World Size : Large (ideally me or someone else could make a custom map just for this tourny, with each human starting on an identical mid-size continent, with the AI in a larger continent in the center, with maybe some scattered islands)
Difficulty Level : King, this is my favorite level of play for MP games, although Prince or Emperor would also be acceptable.
Barbarian Level : Personally I find barbarians to be a minor nusciene, interfering while not really adding much to the game. I would have them at Villages Only although I'm willing to comprimise on this if given a good arguement.
Special Rules : None, completely standard game with the one possible exception of Flat Map.
Multiplayer Options : I like the "Players can chat from start" option, it reminds you that you're opponents are flesh and blood and its a good way to chat and pass the time while waiting for opponents. The one thing I'm up in the air about is Double Moves and Double Production. I like them, they add some speed to the games, but at the same time there's something nice about a "pure" game (where a forest does not give more shields than a mined hill)

These are my ideas so far. I'd like to make this idea into reality. I think it would be a ton of fun and an interesting challange. I'd appreciate any comments anyone has about this. If you'd like to join, please post here and e-mail me at anthonarz@aol.com. You can also contact me via AOL IM (AnthoNarz), ICQ (162893046) or GameRanger, for any Mac users (Narz).

- Narz :king:
I am curbing all my Civ2 activities besides the game I have going already. Neverwinter Nights is out! ;)
Thanks for asking thought
Keep in mind that this is a VERY difficult undertaking...

Getting the same folks together at the same time is tough, and in the later stages, turns can last 20 mins at a time... (Multiply that by six and you have a HEADACHE)

If you want to play a continuing game, get 4 dedicated players together and set up a schedule. It's GREAT fun, and much more rewarding.

I plan on getting my Scenario out there for massive multiplay soon, keep an eye out.

I will play if you'd like, but I would prefer not to, as to keep the overall level of play about the same.

Note: 2x2 Actually makes the game LONGER, by giving you more resources, you can build more, which takes longer to move, which creates longer turns. Keep it pure baby!!!!:D
Getting the same folks together at the same time is tough, and in the later stages, turns can last 20 mins at a time... (Multiply that by six and you have a HEADACHE)

20 minutes a move? Thats not happening, I've never had a game (even one where I had 35 cities) where it took me more than 5 min. per move, I don't plan t raise the limit beyond that. Maybe 2min. move until 3000bc and then 3min until 1000bc, then 4min until 1ad and after that 5min.

I realize it will be difficult to get six people together at one time but I think I can manage. Two hours one day a week is hardle a big deal, employeers manage to get hundreds of people to show up every day for years when they'd rather be sleeping. The Egyptians built the Pryramids. I think I can organize a friendly game of Civ II with six people.

GenShwartz, anarchywrksbest, I appreciate your votes of confidence, I will e-mail you guys once I get at least one or two more people and we can start to discuss what day/time would be best.

Flatlander, I'd love it if you could join, its up to you. I think I can manage to get six people, hopefully the four of us (GenSchwartz, anarchy, you and me) will be able to arrange a time and I should be able to get at least one person from GR (GameRanger) to join. Then all thats left is to all exchange e-mails and arrange which day of the week works for everyone.

BTW, I started working on a map last night, I will probably finish tonight or tomorrow. I'll post it on here and you all can tell me what you think (comments, suggestions, etc.)

Thanks for the responses everyone! Just need a couple more players now!

- Narz :king:
Here's a map I created just for this event. Please d/l it and tell me when you think.

Note : The Mongols are the solitary AI, they are not an option for one of the human players.

Attachment is below.

- Narz :king:
That is one beautiful map, Narz.

I'll play on that, and at king without barbarians I'll have fun trying to outspawn everyone. But I like the mystery of an unknown map. I think your map would be fantastic if I had to discover it, tile by tile.

Maybe someone not in the game could generate a few random maps, and then select the most balanced/playable one for us to use? That way, we'd get the darkness (I think that's an important part of the game), but nobody would be doomed from the start.
Are the random maps created by the game program in the map editor at game start-up, or does the game program already have a truckload of maps created and it just chooses one randomly??
I guess both the editor and game have their own identical map generation routines. My computer is slow, so I get to see the message "Generating world..." at random startup.

Last night I generated some random maps (with editor) and plopped down some start locations in likely spots. No player has an obvious advantage (or worse: disadvantage) this way, though these worlds are asymmetrical. Every player has some turf, and there's no unequal crowding. The bad maps, I discarded.

I want to generate a truckload of these maps in catagories (2-civ small, 6-civ large, etc.) so a host can download one instead of randomly generating an unscreened and possibly bad map. Of course, if one person downloads a map, I have to remove it. The point is for these to be new, unexplored worlds.
But I like the mystery of an unknown map. I think your map would be fantastic if I had to discover it, tile by tile.

Thanks for the compliment Sean! You have a good point, but unless you have a photographic memory you're not gonna remember most of my map, are you? I have never played a game on it, nor do I plan to (except for this one multiplayer game. I won't keep the map open during play. Also all the resorces will be randomizized.

If you want the map to be a suprise to all I could always have my girlfriend create one. She's not a Civ player but I taught her how to create maps (she's kind of artistic but not stategic). You guys'd have to trust that I didn't look at it myself before zipping and sending it out.

The main reason I prefer a map to a random start is that you know for a fact (if you create a balanced map) that all players have an perfectly equal start (except for resorces, which usually balance out anyway). If someone else would like to make one I would trust their judgement though.

I'm looking to start this Ultimate Multiplayer Tournament !!! this next weekend or early next week (July 1st, 2nd) depending on whats good for everyone else. If I can only get 4 players thats fine although I think 6 would be a blast. Keep those comments coming, and if you can commit to play please e-mail me at anthonarz@aol.com. Take care all.

- Tony (Narz) :king:
Do you search any Gamers for your Tournament?

This will be my first time. So I would be glad if you can teach me a bit about CIV-Playing on Internet :)

E-Mail: ldebrot@yahoo.de
Originally posted by ldebrot
Do you search any Gamers for your Tournament?

This will be my first time. So I would be glad if you can teach me a bit about CIV-Playing on Internet :)

E-Mail: ldebrot@yahoo.de

Your going to need an instant messenfer like ICQ, MSN or AOL but I would recommend Trillian as it combines all the best ones. You need it to see when people are online and to swap IP's
Looks like you've got players, Narz.
Let's start haggling about dates and times now.

Sunday (June 30th) afternoon EST?
I will be ready at Sunday June 30th, but I don't understand what the eastern standart time is. I'm at GMT +0100. So I would be glad if you could say what time it is in GMT.

How is 3pm-5pm EST on Sunday for everyone?
Also, please let me know if you definitely are joining (the time is not set in stone yet). I will edit this post to add anyone who definitly can join

NickM (another player I know, I don't think he is a CivFanatic member)
Please tell me your contact info and I will add it (you don't have to give your e-mail as long as you give some way you can be contacted so we can make sure we're organized)

Narz : AOL-AnthoNarz : ICQ#-162893046 : e-mail-anthonarz@aol.com
I'm in. Is that a 3:00pm EST start?

Idebrot, how long can you play? I mean, how late can you stay awake playing civ? Stupid question?

Normal movement? Normal production? I vote X1 X1.
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