RPG Rules

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der Besucher
Dec 7, 2001
Atlanta, GA
This thread will contain the RPG Rules, broken up by section. This is not a discussion thread and will remain closed and stuck.


Starting cash
Each player starts with 1,000g in their account. They also start with a small house in the capital city, a horse, and normal clothing.

Citizens receive a starting salary of 50g to 250g per scheduled turn chat. The amount will be (2500 minus the players current account balance) times .1 to the minimums and maximums noted above.

Honors Bonus
Every player receives an additional +20g/chat salary bonus for each citizen honor received.

All accounts are kept at the Bank. Salaries are added to all accounts after each turn chat. All transactions must be posted at the bank with a link to the transaction post or a copy of the PM/email where the transaction occured. Only one party of the transaction should make the transaction post, to avoid confusion. If the transaction is made at a business, the business owner will post the transaction. All amounts are rounded to the nearest whole number. Private transactions should be posted immediately. Businesses may hold their transactions until the day of the next turn chat and post them all at once.

Simple loans are available from the bank at 5% or 10% interest. 5% loans are for the purchase of assets (items, stores, etc.). 10% loans are signature loans and can be taken for any reason. Loans are repaid over a maximum of 3 terms. Maximum loan amount is 1/2 of your expected income over the loan period. All calculations will be based on an expected 8 turn chats per term. Loan payments are deducted automatically from salaries. A citizen may have only 1 outstanding loan at a time. Loans may be paid off early but no refund of interest is given. Contract salaries are figured assuming 10 turns per chat.

Example 1: Psychlo the Unsure is a governor and an honored citizen. He has a salary of 160 per turn chat: 100 (base) plus 40 (governor) plus 20 (honored citizen). In one term he has an expected income of 1280. He can borrow 640g and pay it back in one term, 1280g and pay it back in 2 terms or 1920 and pay it back in 3 terms. He is starting a new business so needs as much as he can get. He borrows 1920 at 5% interest (the money is going towards assets). The total he must pay back is 2016g (1920g + 96g interest). His payments will be 84g per turn chat until the 2016g is paid back(this will take about 3 terms).

Example 2: Shagrath the Incipid is a party animal. He wants to throw a blowout to celebrate an important military victory. He has no job besides being a citizen and is paid as a contractor. His pay is rated at 100g per turn chat for loan purposes. His expected income is 800g per term. He can borrow 400g to pay back in 1 term, 800g to pay back in 2 terms or 1200g to pay back in 3 terms. He isn't drunk yet so restrains himself to a 1 term payback. He borrows 400g and will be paying back a total of 440g, that is 400g plus 40g interest. Shagrath is paying 10% interest as he's getting a signature loan. His payments are 60g per chat turn until the 440g is repaid (this will take about 1 term).

These are business threads run by the Price Manager (or an Assistant) that sell goods at the official market price (as set or authorized by the Price Manager). They record all transactions to the bank at each turn chat. They do not record profits.

The first personal business that each citizen starts up during the game has no startup costs. Additional businesses may also be started but will cost money to get them up and running. Two payments are necessary; legal fees and place of business expenses. Legal fees are 1000g for all businesses. Place of Business expenses include factories, sweat shops, stores, offices, etc. plus all of the equipment needed to get the business running. Manufacturers cannot sell to the public, only through resellers. If a manufacturer wants to also be a sales center they need to pay the legal expenses to do so (but no additional material costs). Place of Business startup expenses vary by business type:

Place of Business startup expenses
2000g: Manufacturing (creating goods)
1000g: Resale (selling goods)
500g: Services (no goods exchanged)
0g: Non-profit organizations (no goods or services exchanged)

This startup cost is multiplied by Size and Expense factors. These factors are based on the original price list and represent the increased cost that a large organization will require to start up or that an expensive product line will cost. These factors increase the Place of Business startup expenses ONLY.

Size factor:
Personal business: x1
Private company: x2
Public company: x3
Corporation: x4

Expense factor
Avg cost 1 to 100: no modifier
Avg cost 101 to 500: x2
Avg cost 501 to 1000: x4
Avg cost 1001 to 2000: x6
Avg cost 2001 to 5000: x8
Avg cost over 5000: x10

Example 1: Tibu Teak, a custom habidasher is going into business. They are a light manufacturer (they make their own fine clothing and create custom designed T-shirts). They also will be selling their own products. They are a personal business and the average cost on their price list is 50g. They pay 1000g for fees to manufacture and another 1000g for fees to resell. Their Place of Business starup cost is 2000g (manufacturing) with no size or expense modifiers. Their total startup cost will be 4000g.

Example 2: Apro, Poe & Nuffin, attorneys at law want to open a practice. They don't make or sell anything, they simply provide a service. The average cost of their services is 350g. Their startup cost will be legal fees of 1000g and 1000g for Place of Business startup expenses (500g base x2 for their high prices - they need posh offices and a big aquarium in the lobby to attract high paying clients). So they are in business for 2000g.

It is assumed that each business has enough material to supply their customers.

Technology Restrictions
The technology of items sold can be no more advanced than one tech above our current knowledge in the actual Civ3 game.
Example: If we have Bronze Working then Iron Working is one advance away. Items dependent on Iron Working (sword, metal armor, etc) could be legally sold.

Making money
Prices and profit are determined by the sale price of goods and services. Manufacturers keep 60% of the money received for their product. The other 40% is assumed to go for upkeep of property, salaries for employees, rent, material costs, machinery, etc. Resellers keep 60% of the money received for sales. The other 40% is absorbed by the cost of doing business, just like manufacturers. Services keep 80% of the money received for services as they have a much lower cost of doing business.

A manufacturer/reseller (a company that makes and sells its own products) keeps 80% of the final sale price.

A manufacturer that owns or has access to a tile(s) with the resources required for their product keeps 80% of the final sale price.

The percentage lost may be directly applied to materials from a supplier or to employee salaries. The maximum amount that can be applied is 20% of the full income to supplies and 20% to salaries. Employees are not be the owner, majority partner or majority shareholder.

Example: Murphy's Fish & Chips is a sales establishment with a 60% profit margin. They have 2 employees and purchase their fish from O'Grady's Fish Market. For each 100g in fish dinners that they sell, Murphy's keeps 60g. Of that 40g that is lost, they can use 20g to pay employees for their salaries and 20g to pay old man O'Grady for the fish. If they didn't have employees they could still use 20g to pay O'Grady but would simply lose the other 20g. No matter what, Murphy's itself keeps 60% of its sales as profits.

If an item is on the official price list, the wholesale cost of that item is fixed at 50% of the official sale price. The manufacturing cost of that item is fixed at 25% of the official sale price.

Example: Micron's Tiny Electonics sells a PDA for 100g. This means they make a profit of 60g per PDA sold. The PDA shows up on an official price list for 150g. Micron must now pay 75g for each PDA he sells (1/2 of the official price of 8g). He must either raise his prices or be content with only making 25g for each sale now.

Building Business
Businesses may grow and want to change to a different Size factor or Expense factor. Someone may wish to let partners into their personal business becoming a private company or may wish to go public. Similarly, changes in a product line may raise the average price on the price list into the next category. Before these things can be done the company must pay additional Place of Business expenses to get to the higher category. Simply take the normal Place of Business charge for that business and multiply by the difference to the next modifier.

Example 1: Tony's House of Lamb is a personal business. His normal Place of Business expense was 500g (Service). Tony wants to take on partners to raise capital. He will be going from Personal Business (no Size modifier, or x1) to Private Company (a x2 modifier). He must pay 500g to become a private company before taking on partners.

Example 2 : Smiling Bob's Discount War Machines sells previously enjoyed military vehicles. Bob's is a personal business that currently has a price list average of around 550g. Bob has a line on new jet fighters which will raise his price list average to over 2200g. Bob's normal Place of Business expense was 1000g (Reseller). He is already in the x4 Expense factor. The Expense factor for a price list average of 2200g is x8. Bob will need to cough up another 4000g (1000g base times 4, the difference between the original x4 category and the new x8 category) before adding the jet fighters to his product catalog.

Selling the shop
Businesses can be sold or liquidated. When liquidated, 50% of the Place of Business costs are returned to the seller. If sold to another private owner the price is negotiated. The buyer will then need to pay normal legal startup fees but will not have any Place of Business expenses.

How to get a licensed business open
Only licensed businesses can post transactions in the bank. As a result, only licensed businesses can make a profit of money or actually give items to a player.
  1. Build a price list of all items that the business will sell.
  2. Send this list, with a brief description of the business to the Price Manager.
  3. The Price Manager will reply and tell you what your total startup costs will be. If your price list is seriously out of whack, the Price Manager will tell you what should be changed.
  4. Secure your startup funds. If you need a loan, go to the Bank.
  5. When your funds are secured, post a transaction at the Bank paying your startup fees.
  6. The Price Manager will respond in the Bank thread with your certification to start up the business.
  7. Post in the RPG Index & Registry thread with a link to your business, a one line description of your business and a link to the approving post from the Price Manager.

Overdraft Protection
A player's account can go into the negative by the amount of his regular paycheck. If he normally makes 100g per turn chat he can go to a -100 balance without penalty.

Auto loan coverage
If a player's account dips below their overdraft protection and they do not have an outstanding loan, and a signature loan would cover the bad debt, they will immediately be granted a signature loan for the bad balance on their account.

If a player exceeds all of the protections above they go bankrupt. The Bank Manager and Item Manager will disolve the player's assets (valuing them at 50% of original value) to pay off the bad debt. This will include ownership in businesses, any items owned and any other tangible RPG properties.

If the bankruptcy proceedings aren't sufficient to cover the debt the player's salary will be garnished (100%) until the debt is covered. While the salary is being garnished the player may not make any transactions.
Game Manager: The Game Manager is responsible for the overall flow of the RPG game. He can take over the duties of any other manager at times of need (manager absent or manager is personally involved in a transaction).

Item Manager: Responsible for keeping official track of what items each player has.

Price Manager: Responsible for keeping the official price lists and checking that private businesses are figuring costs correctly when selling an item that is on the official list. Responsible for Official stores.

Conflict Manager: Responsible for all aspects of the Conflict Rules subset. This includes tracking information on armies and points used, posting reparation amounts, posting maintenance charges to the Bank and notifying the Land Office when tiles are transfered by force. This position will terminate when the Conflict subset becomes inactive.

Each manager may hire as many assistants as required to handle their responsibilities. Rule changes in the Main rules (this post) require a unanimous vote of all filled and active manager positions. Rule changes in subset rules (following posts) require a 2/3 majority from all filled and active manager positions. If a manager has not responded to a rule change request in 7 days they are assumed to have approved the change.

Managers are elected and serve and indeterminate length of time. A manager may be removed from office through a vote of no confidence. This is an open poll and requires a 2/3 majority to oust a manager.

If a player departs quietly (does not announce their departure) they can be declared permanently departed by any RPG Manager after the following criteria are met:
  • RPG bank account has gone inactive (no RPG activity for ~4 weeks).
  • No response after a week (or negative response) to RPG Manager PM/email.
When this happens, the player's posessions are removed/distributed in the following manner:
  • Bank account is closed with money going to the RPG cloud.
  • Shares of stock are returned to the company.
  • Partner shares are disolved (example: a 4 partner company would become a 3 partner company).
  • Property and posessions are auctioned off. Proceeds go to the auctioneer (20%) and the RPG cloud (80%).
  • Land tiles are returned to the Land Office and become part of the next availability.
Cost of Tiles
Base cost = 100g x Tile Profit (see below).

Purchasing Restrictions
  • Non-real estate companies may not purchase tiles unless they have a business need for the tile. These companies must then be headquartered on the purchased tile.
  • There will be no presales or reservations for any tile.
  • Only tiles within Fanatika’s cultural borders may be purchased.

Tile Purchase Procedure
  • New tiles will generally become available the day after the chat where our territory expands. A post will be made specifically opening these new tiles for sale.
  • There will be a 24 hour (minimum) period for interested purchasers to reply.
  • Each person replies with the tiles they want in their order of preference.
  • Number of tiles each person can list is 10 OR the total available divided by 5, whichever is greater.
  • The player must have enough cash on hand to purchase all of the tiles they win in the lottery. If a player cannot afford all of the tiles they have won, all of their awarded tile sales are cancelled and these tiles will be reoffered to the general populace in the next availability. If a player does this two or more times they will be banned from the next land tile availability each time it happens.
  • Purchase list is arranged randomly except all players that have never owned a tile are above all players who have owned a tile.
    Purchases are conducted by going down the list with each player receiving their top available pick.
  • At the end of the list the same procedure is followed in reverse order (bottom to top).
  • This continues until all bespoken tiles have been purchased.
  • Any tiles that were not purchased because they were not listed by a player are held over to the next availability.

Building Restrictions
  • Each land tile may have 1 castle, 2 palaces and any number of other buildings. City tiles may have 2 castles, 4 palaces and any number of other buildings.
  • Water tiles with land showing on the tile are considered land tiles for building purposes.
  • New construction will be placed in the capital unless an alternate location is specified.
  • All buildings may be constructed on any land tile type, including mountains.
  • Home construction costs do NOT include the land cost for the tile they reside in.

Tile Profit
  • Profit is gained at 1g per turn chat for each plus (food, production and gold) of that tile as measured at the start of the turn chat.
  • Profit for city tiles is the normal income noted above times a multiplier for the city size:
    1-6 pop, X2
    7-12 pop, X4
    13-18 pop, X8
    19+ pop, X16
  • As a tile gains improvements it becomes more productive. Government type will also affect land profits.
  • Tile profits are not recalculated by the Land Office. It is the owners responsibility to monitor their tile output and post an update in this thread when it changes.
  • No profit is given for any tile that is under the control of a foreign nation at the end of the turn chat.
  • No profit is given for any tile that is outside Fanatika's cultural border at the end of the turn chat.

Tile Particulars
  • Any tile that is within an enemy’s borders when a turn chat is complete will revert to no ownership. The current owner (if any) loses all claim to that tile.
  • Tiles may be freely transfered/sold between players and elligible businesses. The previous owner must post a transfer of title in this thread. Until this is done the original owner will still be recognized as being in posession of the tile.

Land graft, kickbacks, extorsion and claim brokering - The Landowner Refund
75% of the amount spent on tile purchases in this thread will be redistributed to the tile owners. The game reason for this is to keep money in the economy. The RPG reason is this represents the incredible power that landowners accumulate. It also makes real estate speculation a reality and encourages people to buy the least desirable tiles. Particulars:
  • The refund is calculated separately by province. Tiles purchased in province A will generate a landowner refund for tile owners in province A only.
  • Refund amount is weighted by the number of tiles owned in the province.









Each player has 12 points to distribute among the main skills and 35 to distribute among all subskills. A maximum of 5 points may be applied to any single subskill and a maximum of 2 points may be applied to any main skill (characters created before this restriction are grandfathered and do not need to redistribute their points). Ability in a particular contest is determined by adding together the skills that apply. Main skills are added once, no matter how many applicable subskills are involved. Each subskill that applies is added. The ability sums are added to a die roll for each contestant and the total performance numbers are compared.

Inferior armor, weaponry or horse will reduce the points gained from the appropriate subskills by 50%. A player cannot enter a contest if he has a zero rating in any applicable skill or subskill.

Increasing skill levels

  • The learning rate from instruction is 0.05 * total skill difference. [(Instructor Subskill + Student Skill ) - (Student Subskill)] *0.05
  • The maximum learning rate is 1/tc.
  • Leftover amounts when gaining a level are not taken over to the next level.
  • A trainer may have as many students at one time as he has levels in the subskill he is teaching.
  • The teacher also gains .1 per chat in the main skill while actively teaching. Going over the basics and repetitive drilling give this benefit.
  • A character can be in a maximum of 8 classes as student or teacher at one time.
  • Events have to be sanctioned by the Noble Court to qualify for competition advancement points. Competition advancement earns .25 to each subskill used for all contestants. The competition victor receives one used subskill raised to the next full level.
  • The Crusade and other large scale events will also give points. This will be an amount between .25 and 1 in each subskill that is not currently zero.
  • Professional Horseracers receive .25 for HORSEMANSHIP:Speed to winner, .1 for HORSEMANSHIP:Speed to 2nd/3rd place. Maximum of 1 award per week per character.
  • Duelists receive .25 for 1 subskill to victor, .1 for 1 subskill to loser. Maximum of 1 award per week.
  • Each character may increase any 2 skills to the next full point level at the beginning of each term.


High Joust - The traditional knight on knight with a lance.
Prefered horse: Heavy warhorse
Defense: Armored
Defense: Shield
Horsemanship: Speed
Weaponry: Melee

Low Joust - A horsemanship exibition, unarmored, where the contestants try to catch rings and other objects and strike small targets with their spears while riding.
Prefered horse: Light warhorse or hunter
Horsemanship: Precision
Weaponry: Melee
Weaponry: Hurled

The Lists - Combat while ahorse.
Prefered horse: Medium or heavy warhorse
Defense: Armored
Defense: Shield
Horsemanship: Precision
Weaponry: Melee

Horse racing - Standard start here, end here, first one across the line wins.
Prefered horse: Thoroughbred
Horsemanship: Speed

Steeplechase - Over hill and over dale, jumping obstacles and ducking branches.
Prefered horse: Hunter
Horsemanship: Steeplechase

Performance - Trick riding, skill displays.
Prefered horse: Hunter, Thoroughbred
Horsemanship: Precision

Mock hunt - Steeplechase riding followed by archery while ahorse.
Prefered horse: Hunter
Horsemanship: Steeplechase
Horsemanship: Precision
Weaponry: Ranged

Weaponry: Ranged

Wardart, javelin, spear throw
Weaponry: Hurled

Grand melee - Everybody gets into a big square. The last one to yield wins.
Defense: Armored
Weaponry: Melee

Duel - Mano a mano, to first touch, first blood or to the death.
Defense: Armored or Defense: Unarmored
Defense: Shield (if specified)
Weaponry: Melee

Brawl - Weaponless melee
Defense: Unarmored
Weaponry: Melee (fisticufs)

Defense: Unarmored

War Games - Simulations and mock combats
WARFARE:Strategy + WARFARE:Tactics + WARFARE:Engineering

Conflict Rules Skills

Siege Action - Saving the walls or tearing them down

Troop Levy - Recruiting forces

Field Action - Organizing and managing the chaos of battle

Skill/Subability clarifications

Engineering - Defense and offense for siege warfare. This includes shoring, buttressing, sapping, mining, use of artillery, etc. Also the creation of earth works and mobile or temporary fortifications/defenses.

Strategy - Ability to levy troops, move armies, organize and maintain supply lines, etc. Campaign management.

Tactics - Battlefield savvy and knowledge of formations, use of terrain, when to attack, when to retreat, etc. Battlefield management.

HUSBANDRY - Includes all aspects of animal breeding, training and handling.

Exotic - This catchall category handles all exotic trained animals such as elephants, ocelots, bears, etc. The particular animal type must be specified when "Exotic" is chosen.
PART ONE - Opting Out

This section of the rules can carry severe repercussions including the loss of land and destruction of property. As a result it is being instituted with a default "Opt Out" clause. Each player is officially opted out until they specifically opt in. An opted in player may subsequently opt out. The conditions to opt out are:
  • No offensive troops raised in past 14 days.
  • All offensive troops disbanded for past 7 days.
  • No armed conflicts in the past 7 days.
Opting out has the following effects:
  • All defensive troops are disbanded and no troops may now be raised.
  • Lands and properties cannot be attacked.
  • Other players' troops may not harbor in opt out lands (troops cannot end their move in neutral lands).
  • Other players' troops may freely move through opt out lands.
  • Other players' troops may not retreat or rout into opt out lands.
To opt back in, a player simply states their intention to do so. They may raise defensive troops immediately and are also immediately subject to the bulk of the Conflict rules. After 7 days they may raise offensive troops but these troops must remain within the player's territory. After an additional 7 days (14 days total) the player has no other restrictions.

A player may either opt out or opt in during each term, but not both in the same term.

Opt-in Benefits

A player will receive a one time reward of 1000g for each term that they are opted in to the Conflict rules.

Each tile taken through Conflict will be rewarded with a 200g bonus. This reward is given once per tile.

PART TWO - Siege Rules

  • Base defensive value and defensive works are added to find the maximum defensive value of the structure.
  • Additional defensive structures contribute 50% of their maximum defensive value to the overall tile defense.
  • Structures on mountain tiles receive a +50 defensive bonus as long as they already have some defensive value (from base value and/or defensive works). Structures on hills receive a similar +25 bonus. These bonuses are applied once per tile, not once per structure.
  • Each chat where there is conflict an attack is launched. Conflict occurs when the defensive force refuses to meet the attacking force in the field or when the attacking force routs the defensive force.
  • Attacks have a 1 in 3 chance of being successful if the main structure has no weaponry and a 2 in 3 chance if the main structure does not have weaponry.
  • Each round of attack automatically causes siege damage equal to 50% of the current defensive value of the main structure, 25% of the current defensive value of each other defensive structure and 25% of the original value of non-defensive structures. Damage percentage on the main structure is reduced by 1% for each point of the defending engineer's Siege Action score. Additional engineers can similarly protect additional defensive structures. A successful attack does an additional 1 to 100 points of damage to the main structure. Damage is increased by the attacking engineer's Siege Action score on a successful attack.
  • Defensive structures protect other buildings on the tile. When all defensive structures are eliminated the tile falls and all buildings are lost.
  • Repair, building and movement of weaponry is not possible while a tile is besieged.
  • Repair costs are 10g per defensive point lost, not including terrain bonuses. A tower on a mountain that loses 50 defensive points in a siege will come through with no damage needing repair as the mountain gave 50 points.


Each player can raise troops. The number and quality of troops depends on several factors. Mobile troops are raised by figuring the number of Troop Points available to the player and then "purchasing" the desired troops using those points.

[b][i]Qualifier			Troop Points[/i][/b]

Base				 100
President			+200
Military Leader			+150
Domestic Leader			+100
Governor			+100
RPG Manager			 +50
Mayor				 +20
King*				+120
Prince/Archduke*		 +80
Duke/Earl*			 +40
Baron/Count/Margrave*		 +20
Knight				 +10
City, pop 0-6			 +20
City, pop 7-12			 +50
City, pop 13+			+100
Tower				 +10
Mansion/Fortress		 +20
Sm.Palace/Motte & Bailey	 +40
Lg.Palace/Keep			 +80
Spec.Palace/Castle		+200
Per contiguous land tile	 +10
Per isolated land tile		  +5
per 200g spent			 +10
* Permanent titles only. Temporary titles (from offices) do not earn additional troop points.

Not all applicable points need to be spent at once. These amounts represent the maximum amount of points available from that source per Term (excepting gold payment which is unlimited). Raising troops creates a standing army that requires maintenance. Maintenance is equal to 5% of the point cost per chat. A 100 point army would cost 5g per chat in maintenance. Money spent on raising or maintaining troops cannot be recovered. A player may add his Troop Levy score to each category he qualifies for (except gold purchases).

Troops are purchased according to their cost in the Civ3 game. A swordsman unit would cost 30 points, a warrior would cost 10 points, etc. Only units currently available to Fanatika can be purchased (exceptions: Science Leader and Foreign Affairs Leader).

Some leaders have special considerations when purchasing their units.
Science Leader: May purchase 1 unit type that is one step further advanced than a common Fanatikan unit. Once this unit type is chosen that is the only advanced unit purchaseable until that unit becomes generally available.
Foreign Affairs Leader: May hire foreign mercenaries so can also purchase units available to AI civs.
Cultural Leader: May raise religiously motivated troops to supplement the normal troops. Game effect is the Cultural Leader pays 90% of the normal troop cost (A sword unit would cost 27 points, a spear would cost 18 points, etc).

Some leaders have special abilities that affect troops.
Trade Leader: May bribe up to 20 points of mobile troops from any other player per chat. These troops join the Trade Leader's army. If the target troop costs more than 20 points, that unit will then have a 20 point defecit as far as this special ability is concerned. So, on chat 1 the Trade Leader bribes a sword unit. The sword unit is a 30 point unit so does not convert. On the next chat, the Trade Leader spends another 10 points of bribery on that sword and converts the unit to his own army.

Troop Conflict
When troops meet for battle, the different sides' total attack and total defense values are summed and compared as a ratio. The offensive value of the attacking army is increased by a percentage equal to the tactician's Field Action score. Similarly, the defening force's defense score is increased by a percentage equivalent to that army's tactician's Siege Action score. The defenders then roll an attack against the assaulting force's defense value. Damage will be in relation to the attacking/defending ratio. The assaulting force then rolls its own attack against the defender's defense value. This continues until one side is routed or meets a surrender/retreat condition. It is possible for both sides to stop a conflict if they have similar surrender/retreat conditions. Routing becomes possible when that side has taken more damage than the opponent in consecutive rounds and becomes more likely each round this situation repeats.

Fortified troops receive a 25% bonus to their defense score. Troops defending a hill tile, river crossing or forest tile also receive a 25% defense bonus. Troops defending a mountain tile receive a 50% defense bonus.

The force that has posession of the battle tile after the battle immediately regains 25% of their casualties. A retreating force immediately loses 25% of their remaining troops. A routed force will immediately lose 50% of their remaining troops. Exceptions: If there is a defensive building in the tile, the troops will retreat/rout back to that structure and will not suffer the automatic troop reduction. Also, retreating/routing fast units are not subject to automatic losses unless opposing fast troops outnumber them.

Troop Movement
To move troops through a tile you must have permission of the tile owner. If permission is not granted you need to stop there to subjugate the tile or find another way around the obstacle. Movement is according to individual unit speeds and modified by roads/railroads as in the Civ3 game. The exception is movement within your own territory - that does not cost movement points for native troops.

Expiration of ruleset
The conflict ruleset, based on the concept of private militias, will end with the discovery of Nationalism.
Title male (female)		Class		Address forms			Government Forms		Avail.To	Free To		Income	Tiles/	Gold	Restrictions	
									Des	Mon	Rep	Dem	Com						Housing

Emperor (Empress)		Pres./Imp.	Imp. Magesty/Highness	X					President	President	75	n/a	n/a
High King (Queen)		Pres./Royal	Royal Majesty/Highness		X				President	President	75	n/a	n/a
President			Pres./Elec.	Sir/Maam					X		President	President	75	n/a	n/a
Prime Minister			Pres./Elec.	Sir/Maam				X		X	President	President	75	n/a	n/a

Prince (Princess)	 	Imperial	Imp. Magesty/Highness	X					Any		Vice President	65*	n/a	3900	Emperor's approval required except for VP
Arch/Grand Duke (Duchess)	Imperial	Imp. Magesty/Highness	X					Any				60	5	3600

King (Queen)			Royal		Royal Majesty/Highness	X	X				Any		President	55	4	3300	1 per province. New titles can only be added in despotism.
Prince (Princess)		Royal		Royal Majesty/Highness	X	X				Any		Vice President	50*	n/a	3000	Approval from a King of appropriate bloodline required.
High Lord (Lady)		High Noble	Grace			X	X	X			Any				45	3	2700	New titles cannot be added in Democracy	
Lord (Lady)			High Noble	Grace			X	X	X			Any				40	3	2400	New titles cannot be added in Democracy	
Duke (Duchess)			High Noble	Grace			X	X	X	X		Any				35	2	2100	New titles cannot be added in Democracy	

Marquis/Margrave (Marquessa)	Noble		Lordship/Ladyship	X	X	X	X		Any				30	2	1800	New titles cannot be added in Democracy, Territory must be borderlands.	
Count or Earl (Contessa)	Noble		Lordship/Ladyship	X	X	X	X		Any				30	2	1800	New titles cannot be added in Democracy. Territory must not be borderlands.	
Viscount (Viscountess)		Noble		Lordship/Ladyship	X	X	X	X		Any				20	1	1200	New titles cannot be added in Democracy	
Baron (Baroness)		Noble		Lordship/Ladyship	X	X	X	X		Any				15	1	900	New titles cannot be added in Democracy	

Minister			Elected		By title		X	X	X	X	X	All Leaders, VP	All Leaders, VP	40	n/a	n/a
Viceroy				Elected		By title		X	X	X	X	X	All Leaders, VP	All Leaders, VP	40	n/a	n/a
Governor (Governess)		Elected		By title		X	X	X	X	X	Governors	Governors	40	n/a	n/a
Sheriff/Reeve			Elected		By title		X	X	X	X	X	Military	Military Leader	40	n/a	n/a
Ambassador			Elected		By title		X	X	X	X	X	Foreign Affairs	FA Staff	20	n/a	n/a

Baronet				Gentry(civ)	Excellency (imperial)	X	X	X	X	X	Any		Deputies	10	n/a	600	New titles cannot be added in Democracy. Cannot hold any other title except elected or appointed.	
Knight				Gentry(mil)	Sir/Maam (others)	X	X	X	X	X	Any				10	n/a	600	New titles cannot be added in Democracy. Cannot hold any other title except elected or appointed.	
Squire				Gentry(mil)	Ser/Miss		X	X	X	X	X	Any				5	n/a	300	New titles cannot be added in Democracy. Cannot hold any other title except elected or appointed.	

Mayor				Appointed	By title		X	X	X	X	X	Any		Appointed	20	n/a	n/a
Assistant			Appointed	By title		X	X	X	X	X	Any		Appointed	20	n/a	n/a

Honored Citizen                 Awarded         Honor                   X       X       X       X       X       Any             Honored         20      n/a     n/a     Citizen honors are awarded by the citizenry as a whole and cannot be invested, given or granted.


General	Titles have general precedence as laid out in the table (Nobles outrank Elected titles, Earls outrank Barons, etc.). Exceptions:
	The Honored Citizen title is not a ranking, per se. A citizen honor increases a players highest title to rank above unhonored citizens of the same title.
	Baronet and Knight are the same title level. Baronet is the civilian title, Knight is the military title.
	The Presidential special class is ranked above all other titles, regardless of its source class.
	Unlanded titles are considered below all landed titles in their class. An unlanded Earl would rank below all other nobles.

Class	The elected President holds a title that is ranked higher than all other titles, regardless of it

Gov.	Detail of what titles are permissible in each government type. Detail:
	Des	Despotism
	Mon	Monarchy
	Rep	Republic
	Dem	Democracy
	Com	Communism

Avail	Who is allowed to use this title.

Free	Who may take this title without meeting land, housing and investiture requirements.

Income	The amount of salary this title generates per chat.
	*Princely income only applies for elected positions (Vice President). Otherwise it simply designates a member of a royal bloodline.

Tiles	The number of tiles (multiplied by the number of active provinces) required to be invested in this title.

Housing	The class of housing required to be invested in this title. During despotism and monarchy the military house type must be used, if the option is presented. Detail:
	House5	Large Palace
	House4	Small Palace or Castle
	House3	Mansion or Keep
	House2	Large House or Motte & Bailey
	House1	Medium House or Fortress

Gold	The investiture cost for this title. This may be paid with cash but is prefered to be spent through roll playing.

Rest.	Restrictions must always be met in order to hold a title, regardless of the source of the title.
Gaining Titles

To be invested in a title, a prospective peer must meet the requirements (land ownership, housing class, investiture) and restrictions (government type, position held). Some titles have very specific restrictions. For example, to be a Prince a person must be acknowledged by a King and is then attached to that royal house. The princely land requirements must be met with territory in the same province(s) as the sponsoring Kingdom.

Other titles are given based on demogame positions. These are noted in the "Free To" column. For these granted positions, no requirements apply (though restrictions still do). If a single player is elligible for multiple free titles, they receive only the highest one but receive income from all that they are elligible for.

Titles may also be granted by the ruling monarch. These titles, like the ones given for positions, do not have to obey requirements but do have to obey restrictions.

Lastly, invested titles may be bequeathed from one character to another. In this case the receiving character must pass all of the restrictions and all requirements except land ownership. For land ownership, at least enough tiles to avoid title loss (see "Losing Titles" below) must pass with the title or it becomes unlanded.

Land and Titles

As noted above, land ownership is critical to qualify for investing in most titles. Qualifying tiles must be contiguous (touching at the sides or corners). Once land is used to acquire a title, that title is bound to that land. New land can be added to the defined territory so long as it is contiguous to the territory. Land can also be taken away from a defined territory but this is generally discouraged. It can also have disastrous effects on the title bound to that land (see "Losing Titles" below).

Losing Titles

Granted titles are lost when the player leaves the position that granted it. Players who were granted Presidential, Imperial or Royal class titles retire to a permanent Noble class title. If the player meets the land requirements for the Noble title, they may take it as an invested title with no investiture cost. If they do not have enough land or choose not to be invested they will be an Unlanded Noble. If an Elected class title is lost the player receives a permanent Gentry class title. If the player already has a title within the class they would "retire to" or a higher class they do not gain an additional title.

Imperial, Royal and Noble titles can be lost. If at least 50% of the land requirements of a title are not maintained, the title will be stripped or disenfranchised. The most common time that this will happen is when several provinces are added. An Imperial Prince of a young nation may only need and have 5 tiles but when 2 new provinces are suddenly added, the Imperial Prince requirement suddenly becomes 15 so they must control at least 8 tiles (50% of the 15 tile requirement would be 7.5 tiles rounded up to 8) or he will lose his title. When titles are lost due to the lack of sufficient lands, the title drops down to the next title that the lands would qualify to hold. In our example, the former Imperial Prince with 5 tiles now finds himself as a Viscount. If a player prefers, they may disenfranchise instead of losing their title. This changes the status of their title from invested to unlanded.

Any player may abdicate any non-elected title at any time. For unlanded titles this simply disolves the title. For invested titles this frees the title and its associated lands for the player's heir. If there is no specified heir there is generally a large hullablaloo as different factions try to seize the title and lands.

Multiple Titles

A single player may have as many tiles as they wish (and qualify for). They receive the benefits for each title they hold. A player with multiple titles may disolve one and add the lands to the other title (perhaps to avoid the problem that the Imperial Prince ran into above). Generally speaking, a lord only kept different titles in adjoining lands when the title came from a dowry. These lands and title were traditionally passed down separately from the main lands and title (to the second or later sons).

Unlanded Nobles

Unlanded Nobles are those who no longer have the land requirements to maintain their titles, were granted titles by the ruling monarch, or who received permanent noble titles after leaving certain public service titles. Although the title is retained, none of the other benefits (income, troop point bonuses, etc) are. An unlanded noble who reaches the land requirements for their title may become invested in that title without paying investiture expenses. Note that any lands used for investiture/qualification for a title remain bound to that title and may not be used to qualify for another title so long as the original title remains in use.

Changing Titles

If a player with a title reaches the requirements for a higher invested title, they may change to that title and will pay only the difference in the investiture costs. The player may also change the name of their title as they ascend to their new rank.

A player whos title is being reduced due to title loss or demogame position retirement may also change the name of their title.

The names of titles granted by a monarch may never be changed without the permission of the current ruling monarch.

A player who simply wishes to change the name of their title for asthetic reasons may do so but must pay one half of the normal investiture for that title.

Marquis/Margrave and Count/Earl are the same ranking and are differentiated by the location of their lands. If the lands include wild or contested borders the title is Marquis or Margrave. If the lands are in the interior of the country the title is Count or Earl. If happenstance turns a Margrave's lands from borderland to interior, the title may be changed to Count or Earl without cost or penalty. Shrinking country borders would allow the same free title change for a Count or Earl if their interior lands suddenly became borderland.


The territory used to qualify for an invested title is bound to that title and the two share a common name. Identical titles are not allowed but similar ones are. The Titles Manager has discretion to prevent name/title theft or misuse.


Feudalism is in effect as soon as that technology is learned and lasts until Nationalism is discovered. During this period, landed gentry and nobles may pledge fealty to a higher classed lord. The bond of fealty indicates that the lesser lands will be protected by the greater lord as if they were his own. In return, the greater lord may count that land as his own for the purpose of qualifying for titles. Thus, a particular parcel of land could be used to qualify many steps of nobles and royalty for their titles.

Example: Two knights with a tile each pledge to a baron who has 6 tiles. That baron now effectively has 8 tiles. He pledges to a margrave with 12 tiles. The margrave now effectively has 20 tiles and pledges to an archduke with 22 tiles. That archduke now effectively has 42 tiles and declares himself king.

Royal Bloodlines

Emperors and Kings may define royal bloodlines. When a new demogame President is elected during despotism or monarchy they name their bloodline (if they are not part of an existing one). A new king does the same thing when gaining investiture to his title. Bloodlines are expanded by the royal members of the line granting princehood to other players (the equivalent of adopting that player as a family member and heir). All members of a ruling bloodline receive double the normal income from all of their titles.

The Titles Manager has discretion to keep the number of royals proportional to the number of nobles so may forbid the creation of a new bloodline or the addition of new players to an existing bloodline.
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