Council Vote - Poll Tie Breakers (PI)


der Besucher
Dec 7, 2001
Atlanta, GA
We have tie-breaking rules for just about every concievable poll type except Public Investigations. The following additions put the tie breaking responsibility on the Judiciary in a triumvirate roll.

Shall the following changes be made to Section H of the Code of Standards (involving Public Investigation Polls)?

H. 7. C: In the event the trial poll ends in a tie, the members of the Judiciary shall decided amongst themselves if the defendant is innocent or guilty. If the triumvirate of the Judiciary cannot come to an agreement, the Chief Justice alone will cast the tie breaking vote.

H. 8. F: In the event any type of sentencing poll ends up in a tie, the members of the Judiciary shall decide an appropriate sentence from among the options that were tied. If the triumvirate of the Judiciary cannot come to an agreement, the Chief Justice alone will select the sentence from among the options that were tied.

Please note that these sub-sections do not currently exist.

All council members should respond in this thread with a vote of YES, NO, or ABSTAIN.

This poll will remain open until an unbeatable majority have responded (4 YES or NO votes) OR until 48 hours have passed and quorum has been reached. Note that if this poll remains open past the start of Term 4, the incoming Leaders will be able to change their department votes, if desired.
Woo hoo! The Term 3 Council finishes with the same speedy productivity that it began the term. 4 YES votes forms an unbeatable majority. This COS change is approved and in force. This Council Vote is closed.
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