Next turn - 1784ad

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Jun 12, 2002
Worcs UK
1766ad - Made recommended alterations.

Found Columbia, start spy.

Zyx builds rifle, start van

IPRB:RC, GG, Neum, Kaup, CJ, BB, Ant, CS

Spanish cloth van from Valencia arrives in Barcelona, giving us £4/turn.
Persian explorer near PF. Persians get Industrialization from Greeks. Indians develop leadership.
Bombay builds Eiffel. Indians and Persians change to WS.

Barbs near Leon.

1768ad - Disorder in AT, Hlad
WLTP: Trond

Capric builds temple, start van. BF builds cloth van. Ant builds sewer, start temple. Upps builds aqua, start cavalry. Kaup builds aqua, start van. Trond builds market, start van.

Leos upgrades. Discover Gen Eng. Start Miniturization.
NUF +24,000,000

Silver frt from LC arrives in Delhi. £260 +£6/turn

Bribe P.explorer for £156.
Cav kills barb dragoon/leader stack at Leon. Vet.


Loaded Spanish caravel seen heading to India.

1770ad - LB builds oil van. CS builds oil van. Neuma builds harbor, start van. BL builds market, start van. MD builds harbor, start van.

WLTP: LC, Hlad
WLTP cancelled: Upps, Kaup
NUF +26,000,000

Spy locates Madrid! Defended by 3 archers, 1 pike.
Barb musket bribed for £61. Musket kills B.musket stack. Vet. 2nd musket bribed.

IPRB: RC, TF, MM, Mirk

Spanish get GP and Indust from Russians.
Persian knight loses to rifle. B.musket kills R.elephant.

1772ad - Hamb builds eng, start spy. FA builds cloth van. Dell builds market, starts van. RC builds Stock Ex, starts WS (sacrifice 12 vans). LM builds cav, starts market.

WLTP: Hamb, Dell
WLTP cancelled: Ant, Barce, CJ

Leos upgrades. Discover Miniturization, start Refining.

RC gems arrive at Lahore £738.

IPRB: IW, Mirk

Spanish start WS. They request audience (3 rifles). They warn us to remove troops.
Spanish get Magnetism from Greeks. Spanish and Greeks sign peace treaty.
Spanish break cease fire :) S.caravel kills transport with explorer on board.
Indians nearly completed WS.
Russians request audience (4 rifles). Ask for Metallurgy. We refuse - war.

1774ad - CC builds spy, start temple. FL build spy, start temple. Vik builds eng. MM builds silver van. CF builds harbor, start cavalry. FT builds eng, start aqua. Rout builds aqua, start van. Ebor build harbor, start van. LC build harbor, start sewer. TF builds gems van. RC builds WS, start offshore.

WLTP: Neum, GG
WLTP cancelled: Hlad,

Persians, Indians, Spanish and Russians abandon WS!
NUF +27,000,000

Investigate Madrid. Guarded by cat, knight, 2 archers, pike. Vet cav kills pike. Cav kills archer - vet. Rifle kills settler - vet. Rifle loses to archer. Cav kills knight and cat. Rifle kills archer - vet. Madrid undefended.

Destroyer kills 2 legions in Cordoba. Destroyer kills legion - vet. Rifle lands in Cordoba. £320 + harbor. Spanish req aud. Refuse.

RC silver arrives in Delhi £520

Bribe Russian knight for £274. New knight kills stack.

IPRB: Kaup, Neum, BF, Hips, IW

Spanish develop Steam Eng. Get RR from Indians. Indians get banking from Spanish. They ally against us. Spanish get leadership from Indians.
Persians get banking from Russians.
Barbs near FL.

1776ad - Leos upgrades. Discover Refining, start Refridgeration.

RG builds spy, start temple. AT builds eng, start temple. Mirk builds gems van, start temple. Naut builds eng, start market. Prag builds spy, start aqua. Skara builds temp, start van. Melam builds market, start eng. Bact builds spy, start cavalry. Jorvik build spy, start transport. Sara build spy, start eng. Upps builds cavalry, start van. Bill builds rifle, start temp. Tars build cav, start spy. Salz build cav, start eng.

WLTP cancelled: Hamb, MD
WLTP: Trit, Melam, Barce, Neum, CJ

Cavalry loses to Madrid musket. 2nd cavalry wins. Rifle takes Madrid £299, walls. They request audience - refuse. Rifle kills dip.
Valencia revolts for $814. Spy returns to Madrid. Get £177, archer, granary, market, library, aqua, harb.

Dragoon kills R.knight - vet. Cavalry kills P.knight.

IPRB: Kaup, MD, Vib, GG, BL, MT, YD

S.caravel loses to destroyer.
Indians develop university.
Barbs near Columbia.
Spanish get monotheism from Russians
R.dip near Tarsus.
Spanish get sanitation from Russians.

1778ad - Disorder in Salz, DS
WLTP: Prag, BB, MD

IW build silk van, start market. Hips build coal van. BB starts market, start harbor. Lind build spy, start trans. Barce build spy, start temp. Neum build oil van, start bank. Trond builds gold van, start aqua. RC| switches to supermarket. Mord builds cavalry, start aqua.

Leos upgrades. Discover Refridgeration. Start combustion.
NUF +29,000,000

Spanish request audience, send away. Seville revolts for $452. Spy returns to Valencia. Get £337, archer, pike, barracks, granary, market, walls, aqua, colleseum.

Destroyer kills Bilbao legion. Rifle enters Bilbao. £159, harbor.

Bribe B.musket £61. Musket loses to B.musket stack.
Rifle kills R.dip.
Find Moscow near Salzburg.

IPRB: MD, Vib, GG, MT, CS, NB, YD, Zyx, Cord, RC

Barbs land near MD.

1780ad - Trier builds spy, start temple. Leon builds eng, start spy. NO build sett. BF build oil van. Cord build spy, start temple. Kaup build silk van.

Disorder: Leon, PF
WLTP cancelled: Trit, melam, Trond
NUF +30,000,000

Spanish request audience, send away. Salamanca revolts for £420. Spy returns to Seville. Get £348, musket, pike, granary, market, library, walls, aqua, harbor.

Silver from RC arrives in Delhi £520

Destroyer kills R.musket. Tblisi undefended.

Found Persian Watcher.

Sneak attack by Indian forces!!! Ironclad kills empty transport. Frigate kills spy near CJ. Frigate loses to CJ rifle - vet. Cat lands near RG. Cat kills Bilb rifle.

St Augustine's most adavnced civs: 1. NUF 2.Ind 3.Russ 4.Span 5.Pers 6.Greek

Barb cav kills MD rifle.

1782ad - WLTP cancelled: BB, Neuma
Disorder: Bilb, Ebor

FA builds coal van. MT builds dye van. BL builds wine van. GG builds silk van. Vib builds gold van. Ren builds stock ex, start van. LN builds eng, start van. MD builds oil van, start spy. Waun builds rifle, start temple.

Leos upgrades. Discover combustion. Start Amp.Warfare (over flight and automobile).
NUF +31,000,000

Cav kills 2 B.dragoons.
Bribe at RG £418.
Destroyer kills R.frigate. Destroyer kills at Bilb

Toledo revolts for £440. Spy captured. Get £234, legion, granary, market, harbor, settler. SPANISH DESTROYED!!!

Cav kills B.musket stack.

Found Kerrison

IPRB: TF, Udal, Rout, NB, MM, Capri, Zyx

Persians get leadership from Greeks.
Indian drag kills destroyer in port. Capture Bilb, get £55 and metalurgy. Partisans near Bilb. They request audience, refuse conscription - war.

Barbs near MD. Kill MD rifle. MD undefended!
Persians get uni from Russians

1784ad - Troll builds spy, start temple. Trit builds spy, start cavalry. YD build silk van, start cav. Gord build eng, start market. Upps build hides van, start bank. Madrid build spy, start temp.

WLTP cancelled: DS
Disorder: YD
WLTP: Neuma
Pollution: ren


£375 profit per turn. £6754 in treasury. Techs in 2 turns.
Jayne did it again. So nice! :cool:

Some quick observations:
You attacked with the cruisers right? We should build a few extra, I think we lost some... ;)
Cities that grow and don't have anymore land to work on get an Elvis (Civvium) but that can be an Einstein giving us extra science.
Who'll be next to recieve the axe? :lol: ;)

Upon edit:
I thought you had fought your way into destroying the Spanish because there is so much money left. But you bribed the cities! Those cities truely we're bargains, effectively paying 100-200 gold is great for such cities. :D
Aaahh NUF, the little Civilization that could! :D

Its great to see Regia Civitas (which i named btw ;) ) as the centre of such a large and prosperous empire, bring on India i say!

Oh and one small point, Fort Anarchy has GREAT potential ;) Use it wisely..... :p
1784AD Status of the NUF Democracy - 6754 gold 20,30,Sci=50%

Astounding growth, My Queen, Revenue and Manufacturing are up 25% :goodjob: I like Women's Sufferage almost as much as the Cure for Cancer. Madrid is ours! But I fear our enemies can steal us blind at Avila. Do we want any Cruisers? Bribe the Indian Ironclad?

35.Engineers and 6 in production - an improvement. 16.Freight and 22 in production, a fine improvement. Statue.of.Liberty Hoover.Dam Cure.for.Cancer are a splendid menu.

1784 AD Status: 31,330,000 people in 87 !!! cities.   11.Scientist 5.Taxmen 8.Elvis, York.Disorder, some celebrations. @ 20,30, Sci=50%
F5 $493 -83, Sci 1193 in 2.? turns. F11 Mfg=602, Family Size=3.7   NUF is trouncing our enemies, again #1 in Population, Manufacturing, and Land.Area, still #2 in Productivity and #4 in Family Size.

Elysium FAQ: Size=25, 14 Happy +6.Content +54.Scientist
  Trade 120, Tax 48 + Lux 72 + Beakers 450

1766 AD Status: 23,970,000 people in 78 cities.   Without review: 11.Scientist 1.Taxmen 8.Elvis, No.Disorder, some celebrations. @ 20,30, Sci=50%
F5 $373 -63, Sci 1031 in 2.5 turns. F11 Mfg=508, Family Size=3.7   NUF is swallowing over our enemies, again sweeping #1 in Population, Manufacturing, and Land.Area, still #2 in Productivity and #4 in Family Size.

Elysium 1766: Size=23, 13 Happy +6.Content +4.Scientist
  Trade 117, Tax 48 + Lux 70 + Beakers 420
Elysium 1754: Size=22, 13 Happy +6.Content +Scientist +2.Elvii
  Trade 117, Tax 46 + Lux 102 + Beakers 300
Elysium 1660: Size=18, 11 Happy +6.Content +Scientist
  Trade 81 - Corruption 7, Tax 25 + Lux 36 + Beakers 258
1510 AD Status: 7,770,000 people in same 43 cities.   5.Scientist 5.Elvis, good celebrations. @ 20,30,50%
F5 $113 -46, Sci 412 in 4 turns. F11 Mfg=254, Family Size=3.8
Elysium 1400: Size=9, grows in 8, 7 Happy +1.Content +Scientist
  Trade 49 - Corruption 4, Tax 15 + Lux 22 + Beakers 162

1000 AD Status: 2,268,000 people, in 34 cities. 379 gold, For comparison at 20,20,60% 1.Scientist 1.Elvis, Many.Celebrations
F5 $59 -18, Sci 224 in 5.turns. F11 Mfg=158, Family Size=5.2
940AD Formed Republic Government: 1750,000 pop in 34 cities.

Favored Cities:
REGIA CIVITAS=26: Supermarket in 1, then what?
Elysium=25: 1 skull, sw to SuperMarket? or Stock Exch in 3?
Civvium=23: 3 Tax Men, Stock Exch 22/160 in 4
Marl Downs=18: 2 Tax Men, Spy or Frt? Needs Bank.
Neuma=19: Elvis, Bank IPRB $130 in 2, then Frt? Irrg forest
Reneaux=17: 8 skulls, Clear.Pollution Oasis, Irrg Forest.
Legendary=12: Sewer IPRB $120 in 3 to grow, Road Green & Plains
Routskilde=9: Growing, Frt in 1, needs Routes Irrg Sewer Harbor
Kaupang=10: Elvis to grow, Frt IPRB then Sewer

TFalls: Frt in 2, Gems, Favor with Bank or more Frts?
Gabba Gabba: Forest to ocean, grows to Size=6, stop.
Castle Jayne: RB Aquaduct $26 to grow
Uppsala=9: plains to ocean WLTK, Bank or Sewer in 10?
Frozen Toe: Elvis and RB Aquaduct $156 to grow, then Market
Antioch: Temple in 2, WLTK, then Bank?
Any others?

Researching Amphibious (due in 2 turns), 63 known: Alphabet Astronomy Banking Bridge Bronze CBurial Chemistry Chivalry CodeLaws Combustion Communism Conscription Construction Corporation Currency Democracy Economics Electricity Engineering Espionage Explosives Feudalism GENETIC GunPowder HBR Industrialization Invention Iron Leadership Literacy Machine.Tools Magnetism Map.Making Masonry Math Medicine Metallurgy Miniaturization Monarchy Monotheism Mysticism Navigation Philosophy Physics Polytheism Pottery RAILROAD Refining Refrigeration Republic Sanitation Seafaring Steel Steam.Engine Tactics Theology Gravity Trade University WarrCode Wheel and Writing.

Although we have "Discoveries in 2.5 Turns", due to Freight deliveries over Rail our rate could be much higher than that. We discovered Genetic Miniaturization Refining Refrigeration Combustion in the past 11 turns.

-GaryNemo, your Domestic Advisor.
But I fear our enemies can steal us blind at Avila.

We have a spy in a transport near Avila. If we post it there, it can quickly nip in and out of the city each turn to check for dips. We probably want to quickly start bribing cities. It will cost - iirc Lahore is about £2000, but it may be worth it to reduce the number of units the Indians have available.

There's a transport full of rifles and spies near Bilbao. They could probably take Valladoid and Granada quite quickly. (Also, Tblisi was undefended on the last turn). Bilboa can also be taken back quickly. I think there's only one unit there, but 2 units of ours adjacent.
Another excellent turn Jayne.

I would be watching Russian Guard. The Indians have a few loaded ships there. When that catapult is upgraded, it should be fine...

Also, this may be an old observation, but it appears our friends the Indians are building another Great Wall, of sorts. They've built a fortress and roads on the glacier. I wother if there's more...
With regards to research, last time I was offered Amp. War, Automobile and Flight. The latter 2 are significant because they cancel 2 of our most important wonders. So which is the lesser of 2 evils? We still have many units with would benefit from the free upgrades, but on the otherhand, I see automobile being more significant as a tech. Added to that, we don't want the Indians stealing flight and suddenly coming at us with fighters.

Any discussion? Do we want a poll? Science Minister?
We need a poll on that!
It's important to know what wonder will turn obsolete first. SETI more or less replaces Colossus but when will we be able to build SETI???
Leo's can't be replaced.
So we need a decision on that.
OK Mr President, sir!!!! :D

I see you've asked naevrod to do it. If he doesn't make it online today, I'll post tomorrow so there's enough time for voting before you play.
I always prefer Leo's to Colossus ; espacially if we continue researching in the way of militaristic improvments/units....
Originally posted by Jayne
OK Mr President, sir!!!! :D
The poll isn't closed yet! Votes are now 6 for me and 5 for you. :)

Originally posted by Jayne
I see you've asked naevrod to do it. If he doesn't make it online today, I'll post tomorrow so there's enough time for voting before you play.
Yes please. :D
The poll isn't closed yet! Votes are now 6 for me and 5 for you.

It was 5:5 before I voted. I was your sixth vote and I'm happy to be your vice-president. I've been president twice since you have. Your turn now!!! :D
Sorry.... got a bit distracted by the Nova Trading Game (on GC). I haven't time today, but I'll post tomorrow, unless someone else manages to do them tonight! :D
Flight also reduces the delivery bonus of our freight deliveries.

I always put off flight as long as possible for that reason, plus Automobile gives us superhighways, so that boosts delivery payments even more. However, we are not that 'trade focused' either, so it's a toss up.

Automobile leads to better land units to fight with, while flight can lead to units that the AI couldn't even counter attack against.
Even though I am not Science Minister any more, I will post a poll on SETI and Leo's soon as I am still deputy.
A poll on which wonder we should negate by acquisition of tech has been posted here.
Originally posted by Jayne
Sorry.... got a bit distracted by the Nova Trading Game (on GC).

Jayne, what is this ? :confused:
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