How to Upload Save Games and Screenshots


Nov 10, 2002
This question has come up several times during my 6 months here, so I thought a thorough step-by-step guide may be in order for those new to the SG forum. If Chieftess or Padma would sticky this, it may come in handy in the future.

How to upload a save game or screenshot in 10 easy steps:

Make sure your game file is saved as a *****.SAV or ****.zip file, and that your screenshots are *****.jpg files. Typical Succession Game files are named with the initials of the creator followed by a number, and then the Year of the save (e.g. 1200BC).

1. At the bottom of any Civfanatics page, click on the Upload File link, which will bring up a pop-up.

2. Click on the Browse or Choose buttons to find the files (up to 3) you want to upload. Then click the Upload button.

3. You will then see a Confirmation of your upload. Wait 10 seconds, then click on the "View List of Uploaded files in the Uploads4 folder (new!)." (as each folder is filled, Thunderfall creates a new folder, so the number will change).

4. The screen will change to the Index of Uploads. All uploaded files are listed in case-sensitive alphabetical order. This means that "bad.SAV" comes after "Zulu.SAV" Scroll to where your files are listed, and then right-click on the file. Choose "Copy Shortcut," or "Copy Link Address."

5. Reply to the last post in your Succession Game thread. At the end of your post, click on the "http://" button.

6. This will bring a pop-up. First, type the text you want displayed for the link, something like "The Save" and press Enter.

7. Next, right-click the space for the URL, and Paste the address and click OK. This will put the URL tags in your message for you.

8. When you finish your message, hit Submit Reply, and your post will look something like this.

9. To post a screenshot, copy the link to your ****.jpg file from the Uploads4 folder just as in step 4.

10. In the text of your message, click on the IMG button, and paste the address of the jpg file where it asks you for it.

This places the IMG tags around the address for you. Note that screenshots are almost always larger than a standard monitor display, which will bring up the need for scrolling right. If your screenshot is in the same post as your text, the text will be extended off the screen as well. To save your readers some hassle, place your large screenshots in a separate post from your text.

Good luck, and happy posting!
I've had this problem too, this is really helpful. Thanks a lot :D
Thanks a lot Cromagnon.

You've done a great service to Civkind.
A quick reminder, just because I've been forgetting and getting annoyed with long pauses....

If you do the prt-scrn/paste rigamarole to capture screen shots and then alt-tab back and forth into Paint to paste them...

If you clear the big screen dump out of the paste buffer (in Paint, just select a wee patch and say Copy before you go back to the game) your system might perform much better. Big screen images in paste buffers can be a real burden to windoze.
Ok, NOW I understand how to post Save and Screenshots. Thanks a bunch!!
helpful but i can't find the screens after i press print scrn...
how do you capture the screenshot in the first place, thats my question.
You need to press the Print Screen button. Than open up your paint program and press contorl-v then you need to save it as a JEPEG and upload it.
I used to always use paint for the screenshots but Space oddity posted this program and I use it primarily now. The resizing works great. I still use paint to add dots or text but the resizing works better with this. If I resize with paint the pics come out fuzzy. This program works well.

Attachment system is great for game saves, or anything that's only meaningful temporarily. However with the quota limit you need to clean up attachments periodically, making it not suitable for screenshots. I think all screenshots should still be uploaded to the ftp server and kept for a much longer term (like 2 years if possible)?

There were a lot of fantastic tales and SG reports in the forum. However a lot of them now have broken links to screenshots, making the read almost impossible. So I would request everybody not to use attachment for pictures, and the forum management team to keep pictures longer on the upload server. Please. :)
How do you use the attachment system? I am sure it is something obvious, but for some reason, it is escaping me at the moment. I know how to do the old file upload deal, but the new attachment system is beyond me. :mad:
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