Civ3/PTW/Conquests popHead Mood Badges a la EvanCiv


Oct 4, 2003
Silverdale, WA, USA
I made a couple of modifications to EvanCiv's smiley mood badges and decided to open my own thread. I want to make it clear that my end result is basically just careful cutting and pasting of Civ3 art and EvanCiv's smileys.

This is sort of a 1.01 beta version since I haven't tested these versions much at all yet. Please let me know if there are problems with these. When I get around to fixing any problems or just packaging them differently I'll update this thread.

There are 8 popheads*.pcx files in the zip pack. There are 8-pixel and 15-pixel smileys for both Civ3/PTW and Conquests. Then there two versions of each of those: one with the white content smiley badges and another where the content citizens pop heads have no badges (so only happy, sad and resisting people have badges).

Note that the PTW just uses Civ3's popHeads and so there is no version specific to PTW.

Thanks to ZapatoGrande for suggesting getting rid of the content smileys. I think it's going to look better that way.

Since this is a beta release I just threw all 8 versions and a readme into a zip file. It is 1.3Mb in size. v1.01 beta 1.3Mb. Sorry, no instructions with this version. If you need instructions check out the links below for tested mods with instructions.

I think the 8-pixel civ3 version with white content smileys is completely unaltered from EvanCiv's download. The 15-pixel version with content smileys was slightly edited for some lines in the pcx that don't even show up in the game. The rest of the files are selective cut-and-pastes by me, and the Conquests versions were redone since the Conquests popHeads have some very slight differences that are now in this mod, too.

EvanCiv's 8-pixel smiley thread
EvanCiv's 15-pixel smiley thread

Bucket's mood badges Another mood badge mod worth checking out.
Screenshot Post

Hmm. I can't link the screenshot attached in a different thread. For now, please follow the EvanCiv thread links in the previous message to see how this looks in the game. Note that you can choose not to have the white content smileys.

I'll create new screenshots in this space when all the files are well tested.
Great job! :)
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