Ank06 - 3CC Conquest


Oct 5, 2001
I know this has been done before, but I just thought this would be fun, and I haven't tried this, so I thought I'd give it a go. :)

Variant: This is a 3 city challenge, meaning we may have only 3 (three) cities at the end of a turn. We are trying to get a conquest victory (kill all other civs).


Civilization: Celts
Dificulty: Monarch
Map size: Standard
Land style: Pangaea
Other map settings: Random
Civ version: PTW 1.27f

Roster: FULL

Sir Bugsy
Gengis Khan
This sounds interesting, I'll give it a go if you'll have me :)

I have no problems with monarch and I can play either vinalla or PTW.

With regard to map, Aggie had a OCC conquest very quickly on a small pangea, so for ths a standard pangea might be the best, easy to get to the AI's but not so quickly they can be eliminated before they get started.

As for civ, militaristic/scientific seem the best for the variation but this means Germany and the UU is much too late. If we are playing PTW the Celts (militaristic/religous) might be a nice civ to play.

I assume in the description you mean that we can have an extra city during the turn so we can build, for example, an army but we have to abandon it before the end of the turn.
I think the spirit of a 3CC is that you can't build armies, Battlefield Med, Wall Street, Heroic Epic, and all those things that you get with that fourth city.

Ankka, is this AW or just conquest goal?
Forbidden Palace, ect ect ect. I'm guessing it's just a conquest cause 3CC AW on Monarch would be truly frightening.
Originally posted by AndrewN
I assume in the description you mean that we can have an extra city during the turn so we can build, for example, an army but we have to abandon it before the end of the turn.

Yes, I thought so...

Originally posted by Sir Bugsy
I think the spirit of a 3CC is that you can't build armies, Battlefield Med, Wall Street, Heroic Epic, and all those things that you get with that fourth city.

Don't they need 5 cities...:hmm:

Edit: And Wall street would need 5 banks, so you would need to keep the city for longer than to the end of the turn.

Originally posted by Gengis Khan
Forbidden Palace, ect ect ect. I'm guessing it's just a conquest cause 3CC AW on Monarch would be truly frightening.

Yes, only conquest. AW would be madness, I think.
Ok, AndrewN, yoshi74 and Bugsy are added to the list.

Was that a sign- up, Gengis?

On the civ, I think the Celts could be cool. :)
Celts would be very cool:).

I'll enlist.

Now I'll go do penance for my sin of gluttony.
The Celts sound like a good idea. I'm playing them in Epic 39, but that is a different animal altogether.
I'll sign up as long as the 4 cities is thrown out. Allowing the capture of a city without disbanding another first takes alot of the challenge out.

This will be a nice SG to join with DI1 wrapping up shortly(a good read for anyone that wants to check out some 3CC war strategies).
I've never done a XCC challenge before, and I would like to join if you'll have me.
Originally posted by Gengis Khan
I'll sign up as long as the 4 cities is thrown out. Allowing the capture of a city without disbanding another first takes alot of the challenge out.

I've got no problems with this, as it's not C3C we have other things we can do with our great leaders :)

I am also happy with the Celts. I am playing them in another SG but its the C3C version so this should be quite different. We also have a few more cities than three :D

And map settings could be Standard size, all others random?

Fine, although an archipelego map might make life awkward.

With regard to the start would it be best to settle our three cities quickly or do we want to wait until we can see some resources (horses and iron) beofre settling the last city. It will be taken for granted that there will be no overlap of city squares.
If possible i think we should secure the access to iron and horses with our two other cities. But delaying them for too long ins't a good idea eighter. At least should be able to trade for this quite fast.
Originally posted by Gengis Khan
I'll sign up as long as the 4 cities is thrown out. Allowing the capture of a city without disbanding another first takes alot of the challenge out.

Ok, let's do so. Challenge is more fun...:)

Bede and pindicator are in, game full.
Would you like to start the game, Andrew? :)

Just start a game wit the settings given and play the first 20 turns, I dont really like premade maps...
Originally posted by AndrewN

Fine, although an archipelego map might make life awkward.


Hmm... maybe we should try Pangaea then? True, ships can be hard... pangaea it shall be. :)
OK, I'll get this started in a couple of hours.

It's typical, I came in this morning up in none so I picked up an open SG for something to do. Now I am up in 3 :rolleyes: I should be able to play them all tonight
Tis the curse of SGs, feast or famine.
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