Master of Mana - Download

in the meanwhile... why not.

Were we other than an internet community we could riot in the streets. As things are I suppose we could just type-on here...
Master of Mana site's no longer there. I assume this has to do with the host's issues. New site available?

the version 14 for the 1.3 beta is out:

- new AI decision mechanic when to go to war
- basic Naval Invasion AI
- merged Unblemished Modmod by Tarquelne
- merged Scion fixes by Tarquelne
- merged Fey fixes by knightofwolflord

- Unblemished Modmod by Tarquelne: One totally new civ with a very unique mechanic (vim), drakes, crystal dragons and tons of more stuff.

- Aos Si, once called the Fey, have received a makeover

- Tarquelne's Scions have been fixed and adapted to MoM

- and naval AI. Quite nasty .



Sephi is soo fast. New patch is up:

The patch does not break saves.

Discipline Promotion Helptext shows the Class Promotions it unlocks for selected unit
Arrow Tower/Statue of the Titan Prereqs changed to 4 archery ranges/ 4 barracks
Fix: Merchant District should provide double amount of Bonus Resources
Eternal Faerie Promotion isn't given to non combat units like Great Persons anymore
Devine Retribution also Targets Devils
fix: scorpion clan recruit only works if more units can be supplied
Pool of tears also works on Lucian Coldiron
fix: miracle Crown of Brilliance
fixed an issue with heroic epic and other buildings that consume a resource being removed from the building queque
fix: Health from Features like Forests calculated correctly
fix: plot Culture from Cities is only applied in it's actual Radius (was applied too far away before)
fix: Holy Cities will also appear if Time Victory is disabled
fix: Barbarian Monsters aren't disbanded because of mana upkeep cost
fix: Unit's Equipment isn't replaced by lesser Equipment when Lairs are explored
fix: growth kelp also targets fishing boats
fix: "Player X has completed 'Join the Cult of Esus'" message isn't displayed anymore
Global Enchantments aren't announced anymore to other Players
Defensive Strikes are disabled (could cause division by zero - mechanic will be redone in next larger patch)
fix: Scorpion Animal Ability to grant Poisons Equipment
fix: shrine of the champions works fine with the promotion mechanic. free promotion can be choosen once Unit reaches Elite Status
fix: Clan of Embers "Always at Peace with Barbarians" Epic Destiny Condition

Master of Mana 1.30 must have been installed before (has allmost all art assets), no other patch is needed (files from 1.4 etc. are simply overwritten)
long story short: if you had tried MoM in the past and got turned away, understand it was very much still a WIP.

the mod has gone a long way since it departed from FFH, and at present it's probably the best 4X experience ever. plus, there's more to come...
Really wanted to try this mod, still no website access :rolleyes: and 1.3+1.41 patch won't initialize, just freezes when it's loading my game. Any help or insight appreciated
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