40k Mini-mod?

This thread has most of the design we're working on for fantasy: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=334546

Yeah, the 40k mod doesn't seem likely to happen. This isn't a forum for that mod anyway. And as you'll see from this thread, my design vision of what such a mod should be is very different from PPQ's; he wants a traditional civ mod with different units, whereas I was more interested in crafting a different experience, simulating the invasion of a rebellious planet.
If there was a large team interested in making that mod I'd contribute, but it doesn't seem likely.

Dunewars is pretty nice, we have a big team of people working on it including some people who are good at sdk modification, major art modification and AI modification, whereas here on Warhammer we're mostly armed with xml and some python skills and lots of enthusiasm - though we gain a lot from using the FFH/Fall Further codebase.
Dunewars is about to get even better; we're messing with the height maps to change the look significantly to have sinks and mesas rather than hills and peaks.
Also, we've redesigned religion, and we will start working on faction differentiation.
When I started to learn html I did a website (http://ptw-designs.iespana.es/) (Basicly it has a intro story, custom unique character and custom special units, I get tired to finish this campaign haha / sorry is in spanish) and as u can see I'm plenty of imagination to start from scratch.
It would be good this point of an invasion / reconquering a planet... But it has tons of work because the environment of 40k is even more overwhelming that fantasy's. The civs of 40k are too diferent and each must have a diferent tech tree...

Anyway I'll read the whole thread, before post crap (lol S.H.i.t is banned loool)... xD
A 40k mod following my vision would require someone who was very good at civ graphical stuff (who would have to do a tone of work), and someone who was very good at editing mapscripts generators, and it would need a decent sized team.

I'd be willing to help out with design work if there was such a team, but I'm focusing on Dunewars and Warhammer Fantasy.
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