Citizen movements


Jun 20, 2010
I'm new. I have G&D and BNW installed. I've played about 15 hours. Reading the manual, it says that I can instruct a citizen to work a tile and it is noted with a green coin on the tile. First of all, I don't see any green coins, so I have no idea what tile they are working.

Is it best to just put them on balanced production and forget about it?

Can anyone clear this up for me. Sorry for the dum dum question.

For someone as new as you, ignore citizen management, which is what you're talking about. It really only becomes relevant on King and higher.
When looking at the city screen (with the city's name at the top and the list of buildable units and buildings on the left), you can expand the box in the top right corner labeled "Citizen Management." This will make it visible which tiles are being worked by your citizens and will allow you to reassign them as you see fit.
First of all, welcome to CiV :)

I second what Tomtom said, citizen management shouldn't be your priority if you are new to the game. I am not and still don't care too much about it. The game does this part pretty well:) Unless you want them to work a natural wonder within your working tiles, I wouldn't lock the citizens. Just be sure that when you build the guilds (musician, writer and artists) you assign citizens to work on them. Unless you are making a LOT of food, don't build all of them in the same city, BTW. Also, during world fair or international games, it is interesting to switch to production focus (letting the AI do it for you or doing it manually). I personally leave it to the AI, my micromanagement OCD doesn't go that far :) have fun!
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