Requests for new components (and features)

I want to know the number of beakers in the overflow. So, in the screenshot below. I want to know how many beakers it is in the light green bar of Liberalism.

Spoiler :

Right, okay, that's what I thought. The stacked bar allows for four areas, so it should be possible to add a 4th to represent overflow. I guess we just need to pick an even lighter shade of green or maybe even some other color. Or we could use a tick mark for it I suppose. Yes, the clear area counts towards the limit.

I would like to note that the number of beakers in this light green bar aren't equal to the number of beakers of overflow. You get a research bonus dependent on which technology you are researching at the moment. This bonus is dependent on the number of civilizations who already know the technology (and you have contact with) and the number of prerequisite technologies you've researched of the selected technology.

This for instance means that the number of research points in the light green bar changes when you pick another technology and it means that these technology points aren't directly comparable to the research points that you're creating this turn as these haven't gotten that bonus yet.

The research bonus due to other civilizations which you have contact with is also an unknown factor if you can't contact them (due to war for instance).

So I'm wondering how you're going to represent this all? Are going to add the research bonus due to civilizations who know the technology and the prerequisite bonus to the research bar information?
I figured since you don't know how many overflow beakers you have, showing what portion of the current turn's research is due to overflow won't be spoiler. The light green area pictured above combines overflow if you completed a tech the previous turn and the research you've already put into the current tech (if any). When both are non-zero it would be nice to separate it.

Now that I write that, I don't think dirtyparrot was talking about the case where your overflow is going into a tech that you have already spent some beakers researching. If that's true, what exactly are you asking for, dp?
Actually I'm in favor of having just those 2 options too. I'll just have to comment out the stuff from the hurry button (where I believe unit XP is simply out of place) on my own - I think I can manage that much :p

I agree with Fuyu on this one. A player already evaluated the XP situation when they started building the unit. XP shouldn't really play a role on whether or not to whip.

Drafting is another story though since my comment on slavery doesn't apply. While it's nice to have the XP and promotion information for drafting, wouldn't it also make sense to add the same messages as the unit mouseover (barracks, state religion etc.)? One of my initial comments in bringing this up was that I was drafting in cities with no barracks. This is somewhat captured in the XP and promotion information, but it's nice to see that red text instead of still having to mouseover the unit icon to see if you're getting all the XP you could.

It would seem to me that the point of this feature would be to flag any situation where you're getting less than the full potential XP and show you why.

Nice job on this though, looks great. Saving me time already.
It seems that the Draft button hover should show the entirety of the Build button hover. This way you see exactly what unit you're getting plus the XP information with reasons for it.

That would also make it easier since the reasons are added at the end of setBasicUnitHelp() while the initial XP info is in a separate function.

As for the Hurry button hover I added it only for completeness, but I see your point that you must have already selected the unit to build while with drafting you don't. I'll remove it from there completely (one less option yay!)
It seems that the Draft button hover should show the entirety of the Build button hover. This way you see exactly what unit you're getting plus the XP information with reasons for it.
I think this is a great idea for multiple reasons that extend beyond what we're talking about.

As for the Hurry button hover I added it only for completeness, but I see your point that you must have already selected the unit to build while with drafting you don't. I'll remove it from there completely (one less option yay!)
Fuyu will be ecstatic. :lol:
Done, done, and done. The list of modifiers is controlled by a separate option from the XP/promo values. The Draft button has a single option to control whether or not the unit hover info is shown, and the two options above affect that same text.
I have just committed the options to BUG as well so you can change them on the City Screen tab.
It seems that the Draft button hover should show the entirety of the Build button hover. This way you see exactly what unit you're getting plus the XP information with reasons for it.

An unintended consequence of simply using the build button hover for the draft hover is that it will show the full experience (should be half rounded down). Can you just make another conditional statement to check whether we're hovering the unit build or the draft button?

Done, done, and done. The list of modifiers is controlled by a separate option from the XP/promo values. The Draft button has a single option to control whether or not the unit hover info is shown, and the two options above affect that same text.
I have just committed the options to BUG as well so you can change them on the City Screen tab.
Looks like everyone will be happy. Everything looks great.
I figured since you don't know how many overflow beakers you have, showing what portion of the current turn's research is due to overflow won't be spoiler. The light green area pictured above combines overflow if you completed a tech the previous turn and the research you've already put into the current tech (if any). When both are non-zero it would be nice to separate it.

Now that I write that, I don't think dirtyparrot was talking about the case where your overflow is going into a tech that you have already spent some beakers researching. If that's true, what exactly are you asking for, dp?

I guess what I'm after is essentially being able to know how many beakers I'll have towards a tech after I've just finished researching a tech. This is mainly for the purpose of trading tech of different but similar beaker values techs. Say for example I was looking to trade Printing Press (1600 :science: ) for Nationalism (1800 :science: ), I would like to know around how far to drop the slider to get approx 200 :science: (probably a little over that), so that I'm not needlessly wasting :science: . This would have to factor in the overflow from the previous tech.

As Roland pointed out, there are potentially many complicating factors, so maybe a mention of the number of :science: overflow when you hover over the tech bar would help to keep things simple and help to gauge a bit better.

Although, I would have to think that if you have the graphical image of the light green and other green portion of the bar that you could determine their value to some degree of accuracy. I could probably do it with a ruler if I really wanted to.
that light green bar is 210 x beaker bonus for pre-req and known civs. I thought you wanted to know how many raw beakers would be in the overflow on the turn just before you finish a tech (I sometimes like to MM the overflow down to close to zero).
I'm trying to improve my game but I can never get a sense of how I'm doing with tech research compared to other games. One cool feature would be a display showing the total amount of science, coins and culture that you've produced during the course of the game. Is this something that BUG can display somewhere?
I would love a new type of dropdown/selection field for the BUG config panel. I would like it to show the short descriptions of civilizations that are in the game and currently alive.

Why? I've got a new option that lets you change your civilization's color. It works perfectly. However, most of the time, I want to change someone else's color. Listing all 100+ civilizations in RoM is just not feasible.

Any chance of this, or is it a pipe-dream? I'd share my color changing code. :deal:
Hmm, it wouldn't be too difficult to add a function that gets called to build the list just before the dropdown is added to the screen. It would still act like a normal string list option where the value is the selected index number. Would that work?

You'd create a short function that loops over all alive players and adds their civilization description to a list and then return the list.

def getCivDescriptions():
    descs = []
    for player in PlayerUtil.players(alive=True, barbarian=False):
    return descs
Hmm, it wouldn't be too difficult to add a function that gets called to build the list just before the dropdown is added to the screen. It would still act like a normal string list option where the value is the selected index number. Would that work?

You'd create a short function that loops over all alive players and adds their civilization description to a list and then return the list.

def getCivDescriptions():
    descs = []
    for player in PlayerUtil.players(alive=True, barbarian=False):
    return descs
Sure. Forgive me if I'm being dense. How do I create the list of strings? The only way I've done it is via text key's. Is there way to create it in python?

or getShortDescription(), perhaps passing in an int. I haven't looked at those functions before, but they're in the SDK and Python API. Just append them to a list like any other value you'd append to a list.
I tried using this in the config file, but it doesn't work:
 <list   id="AliveCivilization" key="AliveCivilization" 
					type="int" default="0" listType="string" 
					get="getAliveCivilization" set="setAliveCivilization">
					<module="ANewDawnSettings" values="getAliveCivilizationDesc"/>

And the function:

def getAliveCivilizationDesc():
	descs = []
	for player in PlayerUtil.players(True, True, False, False, False):
	return descs

Could you be more clear about where I'm hooking the function to?
That's very close to what I am suggesting as a new feature, but I haven't added it yet.

You can manually set the list of values on an option right now, and I suppose you could do this in game start, load game, and whatever event is fired when a player's alive status changes.

First grab the option object (not its value). Here "ANewDawnSettings" is the <mod>'s id attribute--not a Python module name. Notice there are no ()s after the option ID, and you don't use a getter function name. Next create your list as you did above. Finally call setValues() on the option.

[B]# 1. grab the Option object[/B]
import BugGame

aliveCivsOption = BugGame.ANewDawnSettings.AliveCivilization

def updateAliveCivsOption():
	[B]# 2. create the list of descriptions[/B]
	descs = []
	for player in PlayerUtil.players(True, True, False, False, False):

	[B]# 3. give the list to the option so it's used to build the dropdown listbox[/B]

Call that function from the three events I mentioned, and you should be set.
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