World Congress: Trading Votes


Aug 19, 2013
In a multiplayer game i am currently playing, the iroquois chose to put up a resolution to ban Copper, Copper was my friends main luxury resource, so we wanted to make sure this resolution did not pass.

i had a diplomat in the iroquois capital, so in the diplomatic trade screen i made a deal for the iroquois to vote nay on the resolution they had put up.

they accepted the terms.

the problem is this, the iroquois have 19 delegates, they put 2 into nay and the other 17 into yea.

the first thing is, i can not vote yea and nay on a single resolution so how can the iroquois.

i have not found anyone else talking about this, so i dont no if this is the way its meant to be or has no one just taken notice of this ?
You can vote yea and nay on the same resolution if you sell your votes to a rival (if they have a diplomat in the capital).

Basically selling your votes removes your base delegates from your total delegates and commits them to your trade deal.

So yes, you can do exactly the same.

And to get rid of their 17 other delegates you'll need to steal their city state allies, repeal their world religion/ideology (or force them to change them) or take over their city where they built the forbidden palace wonder.

The point is, there are core delegates a civ can never lose, but they can be traded away for a resolution. The other delegates aren't permanent but can't be traded.
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