Is this place still active?

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I would really like someone to run a simple, alternate geography / alternate earth, ancient start NES :)

Nothing too fancy. Just choose how to spend your EP among five stats: military, fortifications, economy, happiness/religion, and unity/leadership. Zoom through the early updates and see where we get. And taking a leaf from MigrationNES / Alternate Timeline Experiment, allow branching and merging of cultures, where multiple players may end up with separate factions and seperate EP to spend within a larger empire.

I'd do it if I didn't have commitments ^^
I would really like someone to run a simple, alternate geography / alternate earth, ancient start NES :)

Nothing too fancy. Just choose how to spend your EP among five stats: military, fortifications, economy, happiness/religion, and unity/leadership. Zoom through the early updates and see where we get. And taking a leaf from MigrationNES / Alternate Timeline Experiment, allow branching and merging of cultures, where multiple players may end up with separate factions and seperate EP to spend within a larger empire.

I'd do it if I didn't have commitments ^^

I'm busy as well Daft, but I think we could co-mod fairly effectively. I write update text, you do the maps? Seems like a good division of labor.
If I pray hard enough will this Alternate Timeline Experiment Part 2 happen
FYI, Angst and I have recently played a couple of games of Age of Empires II HD via Steam. We are an unbeaten comp-stomping tag-team :) Does anyone else have the game and want to play?

I'm busy as well Daft, but I think we could co-mod fairly effectively. I write update text, you do the maps? Seems like a good division of labor.

Sorry Thlayli I meant to reply - I've always found the map to be very intimately tied to writing the update. Maybe because I'm not very methodical and a bit messy, but I always find its a back-and-forth thing between the map and the write-up... That said, I *can* imagine a division of labour working, if we are not too precious about borders and details.
Speaking of which...If I may...

I just made a game.


I can leave now.

No need to throw anything at me.
FYI, Angst and I have recently played a couple of games of Age of Empires II HD via Steam. We are an unbeaten comp-stomping tag-team :) Does anyone else have the game and want to play?

I'd love to. Let's see if we can work out the timezones some time!
Sometimes I feel like we should just take this discussion to WWW at this point. It's clear that there are a couple active NESes going on now :p

There are NESes running, but our legacy, our history is on this forum. NESes on other forums have died out. It doesn't really matter if we play in other places (which is great!), but this forum is our primary link-node. Everyone hoping to join or hoping to come back (even to lurk!) would look here and nowhere else.
Yes! It is! A god NES and a pretty deep Iggy "fresh" start. I think it is beyond a normal fresh start thou...
It's a bit of an experimental game where we are playing at the cultural level, rather than the national level. So rather than playing as the Roman Empire, someone might be playing as Latin culture, or someone might be organizing the spread of Polynesian culture across the Pacific, or the migration of vast numbers of tribes into new lands.
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