How to find your score after the victory?


Apr 16, 2002
I win but can't see the score. Is there a way that I don't know about? :)

I used to like the overview in civ III where you could see how the game was played out.
In the splash screen that appears at the end, before clicking one of the buttons at the bottom, click on the words at the top. Should be: Info, Demographics, Ranking and Replay.

Info is the first screen that appears with the victory or loss
Demographics is the final values of the demographics screen accessible during the game
Ranking is your final score associated with a historical figure.
Replay has a drop down menu that you can change between messages, graphs and map.
messages are exactly that, all the messages displayed during the game.
graphs provide a series of line graphs for all sorts of statistics throughout the game, score included.
map is an overview replay where you can see the progress of the whole map instead of just your corner of it.​

Surely something in there can give the information you are looking for.

And if what you are wanting is a list of scores such as the victory progress window during the game. Well, you can always opt to wait one more turn and look at the victory progress window to get the current scores of everyone.
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