Parthian and Sassanid Armies

Not sure about the other sources, but Kaveh Farrokh is a nationalistic and unprofessional joke, and "Rome's Enemies" is Osprey, which while it has wonderful illustrations is not always that accurate.

I must agree with you because all the information he provide was actually Internet information and yield no academic value at all.
But Kaveh Farrokh's book is not absurd, contrary to Gavin Menzies' book. So what's the point?

If you are looking for serious academic research, then Kaveh Farrokh's book is not your choice.

But if you wish, i may introduce you to David Nicolle's Sassanian armies: The Iranian Empire Early 3rd to Mid-7th Centuries AD.

Or perhaps a more serious book by Professor Mohsen Zakeri Sasanid Soldiers in Early Muslim Society: The Origins of 'Ayyaran and Futuwwa.

If you're looking for Arabic source, The History of Al-Tabari: The Sasanids, the Lakhmids, and Yemen is your primary choice.
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