Civ5 manual errata

General point: The Spanish, French, German and Italian manuals all use the English language screenshots which is not helpful for navigation and understanding of speakers of those languages.

Page 1 : Introduction.

¡Os doy la bienvenida a Civ V [...]

Too formal or using plural when the rest of the paragraph uses singular.

Suggested correction Bienvenido a Civ V [...]

It's alright if it's Spain spanish. And it is.
Page 157: As mentioned by Motor_Ola, the icon for Kremlin is St. Basil's Catherdral, which is a building outside the Kremlin. (It's like having the Washington Monument as image for the White House wonder).

That's not a manual error if that's what it is ingame, though. It's not the only one. Big Ben is a bell, the picture of St. Stephen's Clock Tower isn't technically the same thing.
Also, this is just wrong:

"Culture is a measurement of your civilization’s commitment to and appreciation of the arts
and humanities – everything from cave paintings and Tiki heads to “Hamlet,” or Beethoven’s
Ninth Symphony to Lady Gaga’s latest video."
-Civ V Manual

Lady Gaga in the same sentence as Shakespeare and Beethoven.

Not really, Lady gaga is a very artistic woman in our current day and age.
Page 83

Increasing Beakers (and Speeding Up Research)->Trade said:
You can enter into “Research Agreements” with other civilizations once you have learned
the Writing technology. Under such agreements, each civ pays 150 gold and in return gets a
15% boost to its research for the duration of the agreement.
This was changed , wasn't it ? ;)
Does Civ V win an award for most errors ever in a video game manual?

Yes it does! Here it is:

That's not a manual error if that's what it is ingame, though. It's not the only one. Big Ben is a bell, the picture of St. Stephen's Clock Tower isn't technically the same thing.
You're technically right, but a lot of people refer to the whole tower as Big Ben. So people are using the name of a part as name for the whole.

In the case of St. Basil's Cathedral and the Kremlin, those are two distinctly different constructions on different sides of Red Square. Since Kremlin is a big place, they could've select an image of a palace that's actually inside Kremlin, or even the distinctive piece of wall of Kremlin that borders Red Square, not a separate building that is not a part of Kremlin but just happens to be nearby.

And yes, I agree it's also an in-game error, although I haven't seen any in-game images of Kremlin yet. If it's represented on the map with St. Basil's Cathedral, that'd be wrong, too.
Page 88: Farms can be build anywhere but on ice.
Page 220: Farms can be build on grassland, plains and desert.

Detail: Page 207: "Construct a Farm: I" is in there twice.
Basing on Civ IV, I would not bet on having the real Kremlin there ... ;)

Well, if we go that way, Chichen Itza is far worse ... that is like making the "Paris" wonder with a pic of the Louvre :D
Basing on Civ IV, I would not bet on having the real Kremlin there ... ;)

Well, if we go that way, Chichen Itza is far worse ... that is like making the "Paris" wonder with a pic of the Louvre :D

What about Machu Picchu? That "wonder" is a city!
But atleast it has a pic of Machu Pichu and not of a temple in Machu Pichu :p

You're right. But Machu Picchu's pic also looks more like the present ruin than how it probably looked way back when it was built.
Yeah, but notice the destroyer and other ships have higher combat strengths (for melee battles).

I think the point is that the sub and nuke sub are quite expensive and good as sneaky ranged units but quite weak if caught in close combat.

But then, I thought I read that ships don't even fight melee combat. How exactly does combat strength affect battle?

From the Civ V Manual English v1.0.pdf
Combat Strength
All military units have this stat. Melee units use their Combat strength when attacking or defending. Ranged units use their Combat strength when defending.
There's an inconsistency about where the farm improvement can be built between the description on page 88 which says "anything but ice" and the entry in the table on page 220 that says "Grasslands, Plains, Desert".

The yields from bonus resources and their improvements are inconsistent with screenshots and videos and probably wrong (pp. 36/37, 219/220).
They're also listed as not getting any defensive bonuses (check the charts). So there's an error in one or the other
Page 116:
Under "Domination":
"If you've lost your original capital, but still possess other cities, you can still win another type of victory: CULTURE, scientific, or diplomatic. However, you cannot win a CONQUEST victory until you recapture your own capital."

1. For consistency, "culture" should read "cultural", firstly because it is listed as "cultural" in its own victory-condition section, and secondly because the other two victory conditions given in the above sentence are adjectives.
2. There is no "conquest" victory in Civ 5. "Conquest" should read "domination".

Page 108:
"You can always increase your citizens' happiness - no matter how pissed off they are at you - through the methods outlined above."

1. This isn't a mistake per se, but using the term "pissed" in a game manual isn't exactly professional decorum.

Page 116:
"SCIENCE Victory:"
"You achieve a SCIENCE victory by learning the necessary technologies to create all of the pieces of THE space ship..."

1. The 'scientific' victory condition is introduced as such earlier in the manual, making the term "science victory" inconsistent. Furthermore, all the other victory types are adjectives, so 'scientific' is simply more consistent.
2. Secondly, "the space ship" a player builds shouldn't be introduced as "THE", given that the sentence does not refer to a specific space ship.

Page 117:
Under "The End of Time"
"... the game ends automatically at the end of 2050."

1. 2050, the year? Obviously we understand its meaning, but it's not good English.

And more, related inconsistencies and ambiguities in the surrounding pages.
It's like this manual was written by some temp working at 2k.

Everyone should hope that the game itself isn't nearly as bad. Although, we know from every other Firaxis game that there will be pages of bug fixes in the first patch.
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