When is ToA a good idea?


Oct 9, 2011
I almost never find myself building Temple of Artemis, out of opportunity cost if nothing else. It obsoletes by scientific method and if I'm in the position to build a wonder, I'd much rather go pyramids or oracle if the option is open.

When, if ever, do you go Artemis?
Maybe OCC, otherwise only good for early fail gold if you have marble or IND. It's pretty hard to get on higher levels since it comes at such an early tech - a tech certain AIs often prioritize. Also, the GP pollution early can be bad. Actually, it can often go fairly early even on lower levels.
If you have lots of forests, you could chop it out after Poly while you tech Literature. But I'd rather chop out Parthenon, and it's usually gone by that time anyway. And it's too expensive for the early game when - as you said - you could build Oracle (only a cheap tech away) or lots of Settlers.

I've heard that some high-level players (obsolete? VoiceOfUnreason?) advocate building it if they go for a settled specialist economy, but I haven't seen any sample games showing how you do that + Pyramids and not get totally blocked in.
First: there's has to be marble, second : it should not confict with the Pyramids or the Oracle
and third : althought less important, the city has to be coastal.
Ideal situation would be that you have it on a island with enough production or forests so the trade route benefit is bigger and you need the prophet points for example if you have captured a holy city. Even then it requires that no AI prioritizes it too hard, since it's hardly beneficial to sacrifice early growth for it. Maybe build it in 1000BC-1AD range.
First: there's has to be marble, second : it should not confict with the Pyramids or the Oracle
and third : althought less important, the city has to be coastal.

Build in Capital (trade routes are commerce and receive bureaucracy bonus) and build the Great Lighthouse elsewhere. You also want to have a foreign trade partner, one you won't be removing from the map or losing contact with due to war or Toku getting in the way. So basically you have to be on lower levels or all the stars have to align, but if they do it is quite nice. My favorite wonder that I rarely build.
Maybe it would've been better thematically & in terms of game flow if it was bumped to Aesthetics, no?
The biggest problem is that if you build it, you're maybe denying yourself the opportunity of sending your GMs to where the AI built it for extra CASH.
Build in Capital (trade routes are commerce and receive bureaucracy bonus)
I rarely run Bureaucracy, sometimes I move my capital and lately I simply skip the religious techs either I'll trade for them later or steal them.
With 11 opponents the ToA is most of the time already gone before I want to build it.
Low or mid difficulty level, water-heavy map, combined with GLH. I guess anywhere that trade routes play a large part in your economy the ToA could help. But, really, in the end it's not good enough to even bother with then. I don't think I've ever built this wonder even when I was playing Warlord difficulty and spamming wonders for the fun of it.
The biggest problem is that if you build it, you're maybe denying yourself the opportunity of sending your GMs to where the AI built it for extra CASH.


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