Creation Resource Library

This is a site that I have previously taken part in creating. It has hundreds of animations extracted from Infinity Engine Games (Baldurs Gate, Icewind Dale, etc) in GIF format that would be useful for fantasy scenarios. Now someone just has to convert them to Civ3 ;)
Here is a map of Medieval European trade routes and trade goods. It's in Swedish, so here's a crash course in Swedish too:

Fisk = Fish
Vin = Wine
Pälsverk = Furs
Smör = Butter
Koppar = Copper
Järn = Iron
Hudar = Hides
Hampa = Hemp
Tjära = Tar
Timmer = Timber
Spannmål = Grain
Vax = Wax
Slavar = Slaves
Salt = Salt
Kläde = Cloth
Metallprodukter = Metal produce
Ull = Wool
Kvicksilver = Quicksilver
Oliver = Olives
Mattor = Carpets
Honung = Honey
Kryddor = Spices
Socker = Sugar
Färger = Dyes
Siden = Silk

The book is from 2001. It's about the black death, so the map should be valid at least 1300-1346.
Nice map. What years is that from ?

It seems Romania and the northern balcans were dangerous zones. :lol:

EDIT: ah, ops :blush: I didn't see that rule. Sry.
These 2 posts could be erased i guess.
sourboy said:
Please do not post in this thread unless you have a link to submit.
The book is from 2001. It's about the black death, so it should be valid at least 1300-1346.
This is a site that I have previously taken part in creating. It has hundreds of animations extracted from Infinity Engine Games (Baldurs Gate, Icewind Dale, etc) in GIF format that would be useful for fantasy scenarios. Now someone just has to convert them to Civ3 ;)

Link does not work.
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