social policies questions


Brewer of Oatmeal Stout
Jul 14, 2005
I am new to Civ 5, but a long time Civ 4 and 3 player. I am curious about a couple things with social policies and haven't found answers in the war academy.

1. When I gain enough culture to pick a new social policy, it appears as if I am forced that turn to choose. Is this correct or is there some way to put off choosing yet still accrue culture?

2. Is there a way to unchoose social policies once you have picked them so you can spend the points elsewhere?

There's social policy saving but it has to be activated before starting the game in the host's game menu. As for unchoosing policies, you can't spend the points elsewhere, no, you have no choice but to keep the same social policy once it is chosen.
The only other way to unchoose social policies comes from Ideologies (BNW) where if you are forced to switch ideologies you get a percentage of the social policies and you can choose new ones.
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