CivGeneral is back! You know what that means, right?

You can tell?

Vadim Sokow has some epic soundtracks.

The Hong Kong 97 soundtrack is an upbeat rendition of the song "I Love Beijing Tiananmen"

Also, how is some suitably epic music for Vadim Sokow

Fluid Gold
Uh oh, Strindberg has opened a can-o-worms...

...brought to you by: CFC:OT Grade Strawmen, just when you can't have enough of them. We will return back to the regular comic momentarily.
I laughed way harder than I should have. :p
You seem to be confusing Glenn Beck with Bill O'Reilly, he's the one that cuts off people's mics

Oh wait Nevermind

(To avoid watching most of that nonsense just go to the 5:05 minute mark)
IOT must be getting to me; I read that as "hoist the stats". :p
And now back to the show...

And I'll leave you with this music clip for the ending of this comic:

Link to video.
I somewhat question the judgement behind making your fake identity's birthday the same as your real identity's birthday...
But remember to get a sex change on your birth certificate, birth certificates are important if you want to Become President Enter Glorious Arstotzka Infiltrate New Port City
Dat Animeblush. :lol:
The Hunt for Pink November continues!

Not even close and yet so close!
...and be sure to have enough Republic Marks for a cab ride ;).
Antics in New Port City

Well that was easy

Someone has their history lessons and brain in a mess!

Just hope its not the Sailor Moon Costume

Portable starship fuel! What will they think of next?

Oh great, now we've splintered again!
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