General discussion thread

Okay. But in that case I suggest an earlier test. You'll get soon a version without the last combat stuff merged in and without some other small features that are still in development (for example New Global Winter or Advanced Dynamic Naming).

To do please: Make a AI AutoPlay stability test by running several games with different settings. Don't care about the unit balance and texts in this early version. And pray that it won't crash... :please:

After that you can help me to find a bug if you want and have the time. To do so enable one or both helicopters in the version I will give you. Set the max player instances of early_gunship and gunship from 0 to -1 in the UnitClassInfo.

The problem is a kind of move or attack of a helicopter I didn't thought about when I designed the Hybrid Helicopter code. I saw that several times in the past. Maybe the new code causes a problem when you want to do a possible jump with full movement points that is impossible at the moment. I don't know...

Or maybe the zickzack code fails when planning a path around an enemy. I don't know. That's the test. And if you see nonsence in the capabilities of the heli please report too. For example the heli could fly in an earlier version with a perfect path in zickzack path over a whole dark map to a target. He jumped over dark water areas to land that was never seen before. That is nonsence. Keep an eye on it.


@ Cybah:
Sorry and thanks. :rolleyes: And I got a question. Are you interested in a DCN Hotfix German-English? I think you can soon have mine for your personal use and your mod. The Advanced Dynamic Names should replace it in time in CCV. And so it's free...

And another request. When I could proof that ADN is able to work (and I'm very sure that it will) and trijamedes01 has finished his work I need a new part mod. :D And that could be a job for you.

I need a part mod called "Second UU" or if you want/like/can even "Three UUs". :D
If you want the job I need for all current civs in game (except Holy Roman (out of game) and Germany (uses the Landsknecht)) a set of UUs with an idea of it special abilities, a good name and a good graphic. The graphic is very important.
First and second UU should not be in the same era, the third if coming, not in the same domain if it is in the same era as one of the others.

A hard job I fear. But I'll make the job a bit easier. ADN will not just make the nation title dynamic it should also make the nations dynamic. So the Germans will be the Germanics in ancient times and the Romans will be Italian in modern times. And so we may see soon under the right conditions the Holy Italian Empire of Germanic Nation... :lol: Yes that's true - that is ADN!

But trijamedes01 is still working on the dynamic development. And when ADN can be done I'll need some fitting flags. :mischief: Hallo KingKong... Thomas is calling you!
hi Thomas,
in the last days i started playing civ with your mod again :thumbsup:
now i have some suggestions for you (in german, i am sry ;):
- Wie wäre es mit zusätzlichen Religionen?, ich dachte mir dass man ja vll einfach noch eine paar neue einbauen könnte die dann aber nur bei freie Reliwahl verfügbar sind, so dass trotzdem nie mehr als 7 Relis im Spiel sind??
Und dann könnte man ja noch (wenn machbar) die KI ein bischen bischen aufpolieren, sodass die Leader dann bei freier Reliwahl ihren favourite Religion wählen, und nicht mehr zufällig entscheiden (beispiel: saladin entscheidet sich für Islam)
Du könntest die neuen Relis ja von diesem Mod -> übernehmen, dort ist das schon so ähnlich eingebaut,
Wie wäre es mit einer neuen Einheit, Rammbock?
Verfügbar ab Bronzebearbeitung so als FrühzeitKatapult (kann Stadtverteidigungen bombadieren)
was meinst du??
hi Thomas,
in the last days i started playing civ with your mod again :thumbsup:
now i have some suggestions for you (in german, i am sry ;):
- Wie wäre es mit zusätzlichen Religionen?, ich dachte mir dass man ja vll einfach noch eine paar neue einbauen könnte die dann aber nur bei freie Reliwahl verfügbar sind, so dass trotzdem nie mehr als 7 Relis im Spiel sind??
Und dann könnte man ja noch (wenn machbar) die KI ein bischen bischen aufpolieren, sodass die Leader dann bei freier Reliwahl ihren favourite Religion wählen, und nicht mehr zufällig entscheiden (beispiel: saladin entscheidet sich für Islam)
Du könntest die neuen Relis ja von diesem Mod -> übernehmen, dort ist das schon so ähnlich eingebaut,
Wie wäre es mit einer neuen Einheit, Rammbock?
Verfügbar ab Bronzebearbeitung so als FrühzeitKatapult (kann Stadtverteidigungen bombadieren)
was meinst du??

Mit den Religionen hab ich einiges ausprobiert. Hat viel Zeit gekostet. Sie kleinste Lösung war am Ende die beste. Ich hab nur mit Polytheismus ein neues Gebäude "Andachtsstätte" eingefügt, dass wie ein Tempel wirkt. Darüberhinaus nehmen Siedler nun ihre Reli mit. Heißt dann Settler Religion und ist dem Original recht ähnlich. Die einzigen Ändernungen waren, dass der Siedler alle Relis bei mir mitnehmen wird (außer bei Theo) und das man auch in der Unit Help die Relis sehen kann.

Der Rammbock ließe sich nach dem Merge des ganzen verblieben Combat Zeugs einbauen. Finde ihn aber eher überflüssig. Da er in seinen Eigenschaften der Blide (Trebuchet) sehr nahe käme (nur gegen Verteidigungsanlagen zu gebrauchen) ist er eventuell eher störend. Mal sehen. An solchen Kleinigkeiten hänge ich mich schon lange nicht mehr auf. :D
Okay. It's time to tell you some details. You will see that not all components are finished but most stuff is ready to use. And some stuff is also planed but not in list.

Here is my personal change log of the new version called CCV 3.17.01:

Community Civ V – Version 3.17.01
Design and development by Thomas SG

The Vision Project

1. CCV Theme (by Firaxis and Thomas SG)

2. BUG Mod (by BUG Team) incl. Improved Sevopedia (by Cybah and Thomas SG)

3. Blue Marbel Terrain

4. Ethnic Citystyles (by Geomodder)
This mod is made to make the civilizations more culturally diverse with the available art made by freelance modders and unused art by Firaxis.
Basically, citysets of the different artstyle groups have been changed/altered until the Modern Era, where ever art was available for it. The future era has been made common for all artstyles. In some cases you'll still see the normal ingame cityset buildings, which means I haven't found art for those spots or I intended it to remain there. Also, for some units and buildings new .dds files are included which I felt made them look better without altering the basic model of it.
Besides citystyles, new facility art has been included for the different artstyles. This part is not finished yet since there's no art available for some artstyles/era's. Included are Sepamu92's fishingboat modcomponent and art has been replaced for some improvements too.

5. Unit Era Art (by Thomas SG)
Units can have now individual art styles for all eras. The new system replaces the old system of early, middle and late art define tag. The new art define tags are called ancient, classical, medieval, renaissance, industrial, modern and future art define tag. Required is for all units is the ancient art define tag. Please give to all units an ancient art define tag even if the unit will just appear later in game. The ancient tag is like the early tag the default tag.

6. Formation and Scale (by Thomas SG)
This scales the units and gives especially to infantry and naval units nice formations.

The Game Project

1. AI Auto Play (by jdog5000 and Jeckel)

2. Culturally Linked Starts (by Jean Elcard)

3. More Players
The DLL allows 100 players.

4. Bigger Maps
There are now three new bigger map types. The sizes are called now XXS to XXXXL. But note that not all map scripts support more than 18 players!

5. Slower Gamespeed (by Thomas SG and Taurec)
There are now six game speeds in CCV. Very slow game speeds have been added. Those are available in Custom Game.

6. Higher AI Level
CCV has got new names for the difficulty levels. They are called recruit, soldier, sergeant, lieutenant, captain, major, colonel, general and field marshal. Furthermore the standard AI level is now major (= monarch ; instead of noble). The barbarian AI level is now captain ( = prince; instead of chieftain).

7. CivMail (by Teg_Navanis)
This mod adds a simple Pop3 and SMTP Client to Civ4.
For configuration instructions, open and check the comments at the beginning of the file.

8. Better BTS AI and Unofficial Patch (by Solver and Dresden)

9. Extended Random Events (by Headlock)
This is a modcomp providing a expanded set of extra events.

10. German Community Translation
For better translated texts and less mistakes CCV uses the Community Translation. But there are also lots of CCV changes. Especially CCV uses an own name system for the units. Furthermore CCV includes more text and message improvements.

I know that lots of pedia and strategy texts are missing or are wrong. I also know that there may be difficulties caused by Revolution Mod Pack especially DCN or ADN (what ever will be released). I’ll try to solve those problems later. Game play, balance, new features and other stuff are more important at the moment…
The Settlement and Transport Project

11. Revolution Mod Pack (by jdog5000 & Dom Pedro II)
The goal of this modpack is to make Civ4 more dynamic. New empires will rise in the middle of the game, over-extended empires may crumble, or colonies break away from oppressive rulers.

This component allows sections of disgruntled empires to rise up together and demand changes or attempt to break away from the motherland. No matter what the source of the complaint, you will be given an option to either ignore the complaint or accept the cities demands. If their demands go unmet and situations deteriorate, the cities may give you an ultimatum and take up arms if you do not comply!

Dynamic CivNames Or Advanced Dynamic Names (by Thomas SG):
This component replaces the original DCN (with German language hotfix) if finished in time.

The Advanced Dynamic Names will make the CivName dynamic similar to DCN. There may be more names and they may vary and the conditions of naming will be different but at the end it's more or less the same. Note that even if just DCN will be released it will now also work in German.

But ADN should be more. ADN should make also the nation dynamic. It should make the Romans called Italian in time and make the German start as Germanics. Furthermore it's planed to use also fitting flags. So ADN should be also an optical improvement. But it is still in development and it is not proofed that it will work. But I'm of good hope.

In this mod, barbarian cities, if left to their own devices, will eventually "settle down" into full blown civs!
Barb cities will settle down probabilisticly, with several factor determining the odds. Barb cities first become single city minor civs. These city states can't conduct diplomacy, so they're at war with everyone. When the new civ accomplishes something notable, a leader emerges and the civ settles down into a full civ. These accomplishments can include conquest, reaching a high population, reaching a high level of culture, building wonders, etc.

With this component, civs who fall behind in tech but have lots of friends will receive some free research.
When a civ falls behind by several techs, they qualify for tech "welfare." Each turn that they are significantly behind, they will receive some free beakers towards techs they can research. The amount of free beakers depends on how many civs they know who already have the tech and what there relationships are, although the rate for powerful military techs is lowered since civs try harder to keep them secret. If a civ is behind by a handful of techs, they will get fractions of a percent of the research per turn. If they are behind by a dozen or more, the rate increases.
The diffusion of tech is capped so that civs don't receive techs for free but have to do the final research push themselves. The cap is low in the early eras, and moves up as the eras go on. If a civ is very far behind, the cap is ignored to try and keep them somewhat in the game.

Start as Minor Civ:
All players start as a minor civ. Those civs can't conduct diplomacy, so they're at war with everyone. After the discover of writing they develop to full civs and can have diplomatic relations.

12. Automobiles (by Thomas SG)
There is a new technology called Automobiles. It will allow your people a higher mobility and so an increased city radius of 3. Automobiles will make your people happier but also more sick. Public transport systems can help you to decrease the sickness. But automobiles are also the end of horse power and make the stable obsolete. As an important advantage of automobiles your land units get an increased movement rate of 2.

13. Devotions Place (by Thomas SG)
The new building devotions place comes with polytheism and priesthood. It has the benefits of a temple and can help you to calm down your population. The devotions place is the solution for early religions.

14. Settler Religion (by Bhruic and Thomas SG)
SettlerReligion causes all settlers created to have religion based on the religions present in
their creating city. The settler carries all religions that are present in the creating city. Just in the case that there is a state religion and the empire is operating under the Theocracy Civic, the settler will only have the state religion. If the city does not have the state religion (even if it has other religions), the settler will have no religion.

Once the settler forms a city, that city will automatically get the religion(s) of the settler.

Settlers gained from goody huts or created in cities with no religions will not have religions,
and neither will the cities they create. You can see the religion(s) of a settler in the unit help.

15. Orion's Inquisition Mod (by bmarnz and OrionVeteran)
A new unit called the Inquisitor is introduced. While the missionary seeks to spread the state religion, the Inquisitor is used to remove all non-state religions from a city. Like the Missionary, the inquisitor is limited to a maximum of only 3 units a player can have at any one time. As the defender of the official state religious faith, the inquisitor is a very powerful unit. If an inquisition is successful, all non-state religions and their associated non-state religious buildings will be removed from the city. Whether the inquisition is successful or not, the unit is consumed after executing an inquisition. Thus, the production of many inquisitors may be necessary to finally achieve religious unity.
The mod has also a new victory condition for the game called the "Religion" victory. Like other victory conditions, the "Religion" victory can be enabled or disabled by a check box at the start of the game. To win with a religious victory, a player must achieve total religious unity and influence through 6 prerequisites.

Prerequisites for a religious victory:

1. A player must have an official State Religion
2. A player must have the Holy City for the official State Religion
3. All of a player's cities must have the official state religion established.
4. All of a player's cities must not have any non-state religions established. (One exception Holy Cities)
5. Religious influence must be at least 80%
6. A player must have built the official State Religion Shrine.

Prerequisites for conducting an inquisition:

1. To build an inquisitor: You must have researched Theology, have a state religion and have produced a “Holy Office” building in at least one city.

2. To use an inquisitor in a city: You must have your state religion previously established in a city and there must be at least one non-state religion established in the same city.

3. To use an inquisitor in a foreign city: The foreign civilization must have the same state religion as you, the foreign civilization must have an open borders agreement with you and the foreign city must also meet the requirements of prerequisite 2 above.

Note: If you control a Holy City you can’t found another new religion! Thus, you may found a Holy City on a religious tech that has previously been discovered.

16. City Radius by Technology (by Thomas SG)
The city radius depends now on the mobility of your people and so it depends on your technology. Without wheel and husbandry your people and daily products are not very mobile and so the cities start with a radius of 1 (9 plots). After the discover of both technologies your people can work plots in radius 2 (21 plots) to support life in your cites. That’s the limit for a long time. Just after the discover of automobiles the radius will increase to radius 3 (37 plots).

17. Village Protection (by Thomas SG)
It’s no more possible to remove settlements as you like. Just cottages and hamlets are still so unimportant that you can remove them as you like. But already villages are so important that you can remove them only if you got a very good reason. And the only very good reason is the exploit of resources. Towns are now unremoveable but those will work more like real cities. They give you the boni for combat purposes, work as canals and exploit resources for you too.

18. Three Roads (by Thomas SG)
There are now three road types – unsurfaced road (wheel), surfaced road (engineering) and asphalt roads (automobiles). Those roads allow your units different ranges. Unsurfaced roads use ½ point, surfaced roads use a 1/3 point while asphalt roads allow a fix distance of 10 plots. Railroads allow now 15 plots.

Roads in your cities and through your terrain within your borders will be upgraded suddenly by your population . Just roads outside your borders won’t upgrade automatically. You must send workers to do so.

Please note that the yields of some improvements depend on the different road types!

19. Assimilation (by Kael)
With this option selected captured cities retain their original build abilities. So you can build in captured cities the UU and UB of the city founder, but not your own!
The Production Project

Resources and Bonuses
There are many changes on the effects of resources and bonuses. Some will also be visible and become obsolete under new conditions. Please have a close look into the pedia .

Initial Yields
Cities start now with an initial production of 2 food, 1 hammer and 2 gold.

Natural and Artificial Irrigation (by Thomas SG)
Farms require irrigation because without enough water cultivation plants won’t grow to feed your nation. In moderate climate you won’t have to do anything for the irrigation because there is enough rain. So grassland is now natural irrigated. But if you want to do intensive farming in the plains you need fresh water from rivers, lakes or ground water. For the artificial irrigation by near rivers and lakes you need no special technology. But ground water will first be available with steam power!

Health and Sickness from Improvements (by Thomas SG)
Improvements will now influence the health of nearby cities. Especially dirty improvements like workshop, mine and all kinds of settlements will influence the pollution in the whole area.

But improvements doesn’t only pollute the environment – some make the people working there sick. Especially the hard work in workshops, mines and in the quarry will make your people sick. So serve your people with balanced food, fresh water and medical health care if they are working hard. And in industrial times give your people more free time and a green place to relax (= working forest prereserve) and reduce your pollution by using green energy (= working solarpower and windpark).

Axe and Fire (by Thomas SG)
There are now two ways to remove forest and jungle. You can burn or chop them down. Both methodes will require the same time but if you chop them down you will get a production bonus from the cut trees. There is now a bonus of 30 yields for both feature types.
To burn down you need to know agriculture. For chop down you need metal casting (forest) or replaceable parts (jungle). From the moment you can chop down your workers will do so when they build an improvement.

Multiple and Obsolete Buildings (by Elgor and Thomas SG)
It’s now possible to have more than one building of the same building class type in a city. Furthermore buildings can now become obsolete. In CCV every city can have two hospitals, two drydocks, two airports and up to three production buildings of a kind. But with the build of a more modern type the old types will become obsolete and disappear!

Note: The Industrial Trait gives you now also a 50% bonus for factory.

Multi-Building Unit Requirement (by TheLopez)
This adds the ability to specify multiple required and optional buildings
needed to building units. In CCV more advanced units need now also more advanced buildings.

The Experience and Combat Project

Unit Pack (by Thomas SG and many artists – Thank you very much for the great stuff!!!)

There are now 150 units in CCV. There are lots of changes that touch old units and there are also lots of new units in game. For all details please have a close look into the pedia.

Here is a list of the new units:

Melee/Gun Powder:
- Longswordsman
- Commando Infantryman

- Horseman

- Culverin
- Flak
- Missile Artillery
- Tank (the old is now the Armor)

- Jump Jet
- Gunship (the old is now the AT-Gunship)
- Jet Fighter (the old is now the Supersonic Fighter)
- Modern Supersonic Fighter
- Strategic Bomber
- Longrange Bomber + Strategic Longrange Bomber
- Supersonic Bomber + Strategic Supersonic Bomber
- Strategic Stealth Bomber
- Flying Bomb
- Conventional Ballistic Missile

Sea :
- Steamer
- Stealth Transport (not in game because graphic is corrupt => ask The_Coyote)
- Carrier (the old is now the Super Carrier)

- Ironclad (the old is now the Gunboat)
- Dreadnought

- Missile Submarine
- Stealth Submarine

- Inquisitor
- Great Doctor
- Medic

Turbine (by Thomas SG)
There is a new technology called Turbine that fills the gap between Flight and Advanced Flight. And it is also required for rocketry. This technology brings lots of new units into the game. There is a new early jet fighter, a new bomber type, the first helicopter type and a flying bomb. And after the discover of more powerful engines there is now also a jump jet (=> Jump Jets).

Cargo Damage (by Thomas SG)
The damage of a cargo unit will now damage the cargo unit itself and it will also do a random damage to load units (max. damage = damage change of the cargo unit ).

Unit Building Requirement
Except the early units in game more or less all units require now buildings to build them. It starts with a swordsman that can’t be build without a forge and ends with the stealth bomber that requires an airport and an industrial park.

Great Generals From Barbarian Combat (by TheLopez)
Allows barbarians to have great generals and it allows non-barbarian players to generate great generals through combat against barbarians.

Great Doctor (by tsentom1) – texte nicht erweitert und übersetzt
This mod brings a new unit, a new great person, two new specialists and a new wonder into game.

Great Doctor:
- Spread Plague (AI-Funktion ist unklar,geht auf beliebige Entfernung, wird derzeit in der Stadt nur als “Malus” angezeigt!!!)
- Attach itself to a city
- Discover a Growth Related Technology
- Start a Golden Age

Doctor: +2 Food, +2 Research , +1 Production, +3 GP Doctor Points,
Great Doctor: +2 Food, +7 Research, +4 Production, +2 Culture
(don’t forget to create real heal points for them and replace the food bonus 1:1 …)

New Unit:
Medic - 2 Movement
100 Hammers, available with Medicine, requires Hospital
National Unit (3 Allowed)
Can be Captured
Starts with Medic I, Medic II

New Wonder:
Asklepieion of Kos +4 Culture, +2 GP Doctor Points
250 Hammers, available at Polytheism and Pottery
No Unhealthiness from Buildings (An early game recycling center)
Can add 1 Doctor Specialist

Hanging Gardens: Doctor points instead of Engineer
National Park: Doctor points instead of Scientist
Aqueduct: Allows 1 Doctor Specialist
Hospital: Allows 2 Doctor Specialists
Medicine: First to research receives a free Great Doctor

Capture Persons (by Thomas SG)
It’s now possible to capture persons and make them work for you. You can capture and turn round missionaries, inquisitors, executives, medics, great artists, great engineers, great merchants, great prophets, great scientists and great doctors. Just spies, great spies and great generals can’t be captured and turned round (except perhaps by events).
If there is a limit for the captured unit type it doesn’t matter. It may just stop the training of a new unit of this type. And if the unit got a special name it will keep it.

Cold War (by The Lopez, Dale and Thomas SG)
The Nuclear Threat has got a new quality in CCV. To be able to build nuclear weapons all teams need now an own Nuclear Weapon Project. After that they can threaten the world with different kind of nuclear armed (single-use) bombers and missles.
But the costs of the project have increased dramatically. While it required 1500 yields in the past it requires now 4500 yields. But the production bonus of uranium also increased from 100% to 500%. So it is now more difficult to finish a nuclear weapon project if you got no source of uranium.
CCV knows four different bomber types and (at the moment) two missile types. While bombers need a landbase and have an increased but of course limited range the missiles can be used against nearly every target. This is possible because of the sea missile carrier units. You can carry nuclear missiles with missile cruisers and with the new missile submarine. The great advantage of the missile submarine is the fact that it is very difficult to detect as a Silent Submarine (=> Advanced Invisibility System). And this ability makes it a perfect second strike unit.
Further more if you use the option Cold War you can now pretarget your nuclear armed missiles and bombers. This requires the new building Strategic Air Command. It gives you the possibility of coordinated nuclear strikes and counter strikes.

Advanced Invisibility System (by Thomas SG)
The new system allows units to see as many invisible classes as you like. Furthermore you can define an independed invisibility probability with an accuracy of 1% for all invisible classes that the unit can see. Moving respectively patroling around in a small area will increase the chance to see an invisible unit but it also increases the chance to betray your position if you are invisible yourself. But in some cases moving may also cause a loss of contact to an already detected unit! Furthermore ships and submarines are now always visible if they are in a port.

There are now three naval invisibility classes in CCV:
- Conventional Submarine => Submarine and Attack Submarine
- Silent Submarine => Missile Submarine and Stealth Submarine
- Stealth Ship => Stealth Destroyer (and Stealth Transport)

Advanced Interception System (by Thomas SG)
The new system is still based on the both well known interception concepts – interception by unit and interception by SDI. Aircrafts, flying bombs and guided missiles can be intercepted by units while ballistic missiles are intercepted by SDI.

The Advanced Interception System assigns to aircrafts and non-ballistic missiles now an air level and to all interceptors an air interception level. Defenders can intercept units up to the next higher level. The interception probability is related to the level. The probability will change by factor 2 per deviate level.

A fighter with a 100% chance to intercept other fighters has now an effective chance of 50% to intercept jet fighters and is unable to intercept supersonic fighter. On the other side a damaged supersonic fighter with just a 25% chance to intercept other supersonic fighters has still got a 100% chance to intercept enemy fighters.

This system allows also lots of new funny things. For example it makes flak useless against modern jets and bombers or it allows to hunt more or less effective flying bombs with jet fighters as well as hunting guided missiles with supersonic fighters.

Furthermore recon missions are now intercepted too. But the damage is typically much smaller because there are just two air battle round. So typically the unit could be damaged but not destroyed. And of course there are no XP from (intercepted) recon missions.

New Cargo Concept (by Thomas SG)
The new cargo concept allows to reserve parts of the cargo space for special cargos (of disjuct classes). Furthermore a unit can be part of several special unit classes. So units can carry individual spaces of different types.

CCV uses this system to make all ships and subs carry persons, to upgrade older ships like battleship or destroyer with guided missiles and to make a difference between small guided missiles and big ballistic missiles.

The Guided Missile has got now two special unit types – SPECIALUNIT_MISSILE and SPECIALUNIT_MISSILE_AND_ROCKET
The Strategic Missile has got now two special unit types – SPECIALUNIT_ROCKET and SPECIALUNIT_MISSILE_AND_ROCKET

The Missile Submarine can carry now: 2x SPECIALUNIT_PERSON + 4x SPECIALUNIT_MISSILE_AND_ROCKET
The Transport can carry now: 2x SPECIALUNIT_PERSON + 4x DOMAIN_LAND

Mechanic, Medic and Red Cross (by Thomas SG)
There is now a differnce between non mechanized and mechanized units. While mechanized units can heal faster with a mechanic, non mechanized units can heal faster with a medic, the medic promotions or with the free medic promotion from Red Cross.

The Red Cross is now a Team Project that gives the first medic promotion for free to all units if they can acquire this promotion.

Units can also be hybrid. Those units can theoretical heal extreme fast because they can get the mechanic and medic promotion. Examples for hybrid units in CCV are the Mechanized Infantry and the Machine Gunner.

Note: Units in/under Ice won’t heal.

Terrain Tactics (by Thomas SG)
The Terrain Tactics were designed to specialize units with reference to their origin and combat experience.

All Terrain Tactics are high effective promotions. For those promotions units must be made up of people who grow up in the terrain or had a successful fight in the terrain. A unit is made up of people with terrain experience if a fitting terrain can be found in the owned city radius of the creating city.

Especially the first promotion is very interesting because it gives the unit a protection against the new feature or terrain damage (=> Feature and Terrain Damage).

There are seven Terrain Tactics in CCV:
City Attack (City Raider) – City Defense (City Garrison) – Forest Combat (Woodsman) – Jungle Combat (Tarzan) – Hill Combat (Guerilla) – Desert Combat (Bedouin) – Snow Combat (Eskimo)

New Promotion System (by Thomas SG)
Once again there is a new promotion system in CCV. And it is very different from all earlier systems. It is different in it’s promotions (e.g. =>Terrain Tactics, =>Mechanic, Medic and Red Cross) and in it’s mechanics. And there is no more a general limit of promotions as in earlier versions of CCV.

Especially there are now two promotion lines called combat and drill as before but closer linked to the unit class. The combat line is for close combat while the drill line is for distant and firearm combat. As a result of this close combat units will loose the most of their promotions when upgraded to gun powder units. Archer units won’t suffer so much from upgrade.

Promotion Costs and Promotion Heal:
The costs of promotions are now equal. All promotions require now 5XP (Charismatic –20%; 4XP). But units won’t heal anymore when promoting.

Aquire Promotions:
Units have now a CombatClass and a SubCombatClass. So for example a horse archer is a mounted unit as well as an archer unit. So he can get the promotions of the mounted class and the archer class.

Leader and Leader Promotions:
A unit can get now the leader promotion without a Great General. It is available after combat 3 or drill 3 promotion. And as usually this is the key to the high effective leader promotions. The new leader promotions are March (Heal while moving), Motivation (+25% Combat), Tactics (+30% Withdrawal), Mobility (+1 Move) and Leadership (+100% XP). But there is still the limit of two leader promotions per unit in CCV.

Unit Upgrade:
The unit upgrade won’t limit or reduce the XP as before. It removes the highest drill and combat promotion of the unit. All other promotions will be transferred if they are available for the new unit type. If not available the unit gets instead 3XP. If the unit has the leader promotion the upgrade is cheaper (-25%) but no more free.

New XP for Warlord and buildings:
Warlord => 12 XP
Barracks => 6 XP
Ikhanda => 6 XP
Harbor => 6 XP
Airport => 6 XP
Drydock => 0 XP
Citadel => 4 XP
Stable => 2 XP
Ger => 4 XP
Totem => 3 XP
Drillinstructor => 2 XP
Pentagon => 2 XP
Academy => 2 XP

Note: The Aggressive Trait gives you now the Combat1 promotion for melee units and Drill1 for firearm units. And it gives you a bonus for harbor instead of drydock. The Charismatic trait reduces the XP cost now by 20% instead of 25%.

New Vision Concept (by prime0ver and Thomas SG)
There are two new vision improvements - the buoy and the radar tower. Both improve your sight and will improve your chances in war.
The buoy searches for all ships and submarines with a quite high chance to detect them. So it is a good addition to submarines and destroyers especially in defense against missile submarines. And if you got a good air force it will give you a much better chance to defend your country against a sea invasion even without the navy.
The radar tower searches for land units and normal ships. Furthermore it increases the interception probability of your fighters if a plot in the vision range of the radar tower is attacked. Radar towers are the key to a good air defense because fighters have now a base interception probability of 50% instead of 100%. So if your enemy has the same technology level or your fighters are already damaged you got bad cards without a good air recon. Of course also the towers of your team mates will work for you!
Please notice that objects like mountains will block the sight so that you cannot see land units and ships although they are in vision range. But those objects won’t block the air recon effect!

Some modern ship types have the air recon function too and give you a bonus. And of course the bonus may also come from team mate ships. But please notice that the bonuses doesn’t accumulate. It always counts the highest available bonus.

Your settlements will give you now information about the landscape around them too. Please have a look at the pedia for more details.

Airport and Military Base (by Thomas SG)
Aircrafts require a place to land. While fighters can land on (super) carriers all other units need a land base. In CCV just cities and military bases will allow your aircrafts to land. Forts will no more work as air bases (except for => Jump Jets). The new military bases have the benefits of radar towers (=> New Vision Concept) and are a good substitutes or upgrades for them. But military bases haven’t got the benefits of cities like forts. So your units won’t use their city bonuses and military bases won’t exploit resources for you!
Airports give you now +3 space for aircrafts instead of +4. But notice that you can now build two of them in a city (=> Multiple and Obsolete Buildings). So the maximum space of a city is now 10 squadrons!

Jump Jets (by Thomas SG)
There is now really a jump jet in CCV! It is a bit later available than the first jet fighter because it requires a more powerful engine for liftoff than the early jet fighters had. So it comes with rocketry.
The jump jet can use carriers and forts to land while jet fighters and more modern jets require a super carrier or an airbase. So your early smaller carriers can stay in use with helicopters and jump jets.
Furthermore the jump jet doesn’t count to the air capaticity limit. Although the limit is increased to a maximum of ten (city with two airports => Multiple and Obsolete Production Buildings) this may be an advantage too. But of course the jump jet is not so powerful as the normal fighters. Especially with supersonic fighters it can’t really compete.

Hybrid Helicopters (by Thomas SG)
The helicopter movement is improved dramatically. Helicopters can now fly over water plots if the target plot is a land plot and the current range is large enough. The target plot must be revealed or at least an adjacent plot (you can see for example the coast line). Although the game always draws the direct path (I don’t know how to change this) helicopters may also use zickzack paths.
So helicopters are now island jumpers and of course it works for humans and the AI.

But helicopters are no suicide units! They won’t attack over water if they are on a “move mission”. The pilots must return to secure land if they see that the revealed target plot is defended by an enemy. So a single axeman can stop even ten helicopters! If you want to attack use a fitting air mission. But of course the operation range is smaller and is maybe too small…

And that is the next point. Helicopters can do now air missions. Like all air units they return to the start plot after the mission. And that’s the reason why helicopters can only do air missions in the range of their half movement points left. Helicopters can recon and do all air missions (=> Air Missions).

And this makes helicopters very flexible and very powerful. They can use all carriers, can attack from them or defend them in range 2 or go on land and do what ever they have done in the past when they came with a transport…

City Defense (by Thomas SG)
Cities have a defense bonus as in the past. But it is now different in its organisation. Cities get a bonus from wall and castle against all non gunpowder units. Of course this bonus can be reduced by bombardment to 0%. But cities get also a bonus from culture. This bonus has got now two parts. One half of the culture bonus is more like the bonus from wall and castle a technical bonus and can be reduced to 0%. But the other half is a motivation bonus. And of course this part can’t be reduced. People are fighting harder for important cities even if lots of buildings are destroyed. And so of course the motivation bonus will work additional to wall and castle! Furthermore there are now two motivation bonuses for being capital and being a holy city.

New Ranged Bombard Concept (by Thomas SG and Dale)
The new bombard concept knows two types of bombardment. There is an archer bombardment and a siege bombardment. Advanced artillery and missile armed units can even do a real ranged bombardment.
The capability of the archer bombardment is to fire a volley when it comes to a direct conflict. So archers in the stack can support fighting (melee) units in battle (=>Combined Combat).
The siege bombardment will do the same but before the archers because of the higher range. Furthermore siege weapons allow to do bombard missions (=> Bombard Missons). And so you can select between ten different targets.

Notice that all units have two bombard power values. The first value tells you the strength against units. The second value tells you the strength against improvements, fortifications, buildings and city defenses. Furthermore units have an accuracy and an accuracy divergence. It tells you the quote of how many projectiles really hit the target and so about the expected damage and collateral damage. Of course the number of hits will vary because of luck, weather conditions and so on. That’s the effect of the divergence.

Combined Combat (by Dale and Thomas SG)
In CCV you should move and fight in stacks. The one on one combat is replaced by a stack combat. That means that air units in stacks will fly strikes against the enemy, after that heavy artillery and missiles will hit the battle ground. Later artillery of short distance and at last archers will fire volleys. So it’s a good advice to support your melee and gunpowder units with ranged units. Single attacking and also moving units can be easy targets. If you do so the => Active Defense and => Opportunity Fire may kill even overwhelming numbers of units. Don’t slaughter your soldiers…!

The Blue Planet Project

20. Environmentalism (by Thomas SG)
There is a new technology called Environmentalism. It requires Medicine and Industrialism or Fission. It obsoletes now whales and ivory. Furthermore it allows the civic environmentalism, the national park and forest prereserves. Environmentalism is also now your way to ecology.

21. Wind Turbine and Solar Power
The wind turbine can be used in every climate exept desert and tundra (former snow) and of course also on the coast. The solar plant can just be build in the desert. Both power plants aren’t able to serve your cities alone with energy but they can decrease the sickness in nearby cities, increase the happiness and give you a little money.

22. Dynamic Polarcaps (by Thomas SG)
The ice near the pols is no more static. The profile will change from turn to turn. But that may cause trouble for your ships in that region. Except advanced submarines all naval units will sink if they get in contact with the ice. That may be especially a problem for early explorers on their journey around the globe.

23. Forest Protection (by Thomas SG)
Lots of improvements destroyed forest and jungle in the past. That has changed. Just the area intensive improvements city, town, farm, plantation, pasture, winery and well will remove them now. All other improvements can coexist with the features.
Of course you can remove the forest or jungle to get a production bonus. And it’s now also possible to replant forests without destruction of coexistant improvements.

24. Feature and Terrain Damage (by Thomas SG)
Outside of cities Ice, Jungle, Desert and Tundra (former Snow) will do now massive damage to your units if they stay in that terrain (-10% and Ice –100%). Animals, barbarians and units with a damage protection promotion won’t suffer from that damage. Submarines that can move through unpassable terrain won’t get damage from ice.

25. Replant Forests (by Thomas SG)
Workers can now replant forests after the invention of paper. Forests can be replant on grassland, plains and taiga (former tundra) if there is no (young) forest or jungle. After the replantation there will be for twenty turns a young forest that will give you less benefits. After that it will be a normal forest that you can chop down again, use for better defense, production, health and happiness.
If you can replant a forest on an improvement that would normally remove forest (farm, plantation, well,…) the new forest will destroy that improvement. If it doesn’t the improvement will stay as it is.

26. Forest and Jungle Growth (by Thomas SG)
If forest or jungle spread it won’t appear as a full grown feature anymore. Just like replanted forests it will appear as a young feature and will turn into the full feature after 20 turns.

27. Advanced Global Warming (by Thomas SG)
The Advanced Global Warming is now a very complex thing. The new system includes lots of factors. The new system considers the terrain of the planet, it considers if the ice on peaks is melting, if the sea gets warmer and isn’t able to store greenhouse gas as good as in the past. It depends on the value of trees and ice, it depends on bright and dark areas.
And of course it depends on the pollution. It depends on the bad health of all cities, their pollution from buildings, bonuses and power plants. And also the pollution from improvements counts.

And so the risk of global warming is low before steam power and industrialism. But after that it may increase dramatically. To fight against global warming use clean energy, build recycling centers and support public transport systems. Also more modern production buildings can help. The pollution from an industrial park is not so bad as from factories with the same production! So replace your dirty factories in time. Have a look for the tree value, don’t chop too much without to replant. Use the environmentalism civic. And don’t be afraid of the AI. The AI won’t usually chop all the trees and force a global warming effect. Typically the civ world of CCV stays green.
And perhaps don’t deal too much with dirty technology. The less players are at the same time in the dirty industrial era the less the risk of global warming. But that’s just a thought…

But if it really happens that the environment is polluted too heavy the global warming will hit the planet. But with a delay! And that’s the reason why even a well balanced industry won’t stop the global warming effect suddenly. But I give you a good advice – act as fast as you can. Because the effect of the same pollution before the beginning of the global warming is worser than after the beginning of global warming. The global warming effect may speed up itself!
And so it’s a good idea to avoid wars. It gives you and the other nations the chance to speed up the research and use green technology. And perhaps even spend green technology. But that’s just a thought too…

The effect of global warming has changed too. Typically global warming is a bad thing but there may be exceptions. Especially if your living in a desert zone you may be lucky. Sometimes the desert may turn into plains or even grassland. But maybe not for ever. Also players in regions near the pols may be lucky when tundra turns into taiga or taiga into plains. That is the good side of global warming.
But the bad side of global warming is seen more often and it can be really bad. Global warming melts ice and leads to desertifications. Good grassland will turn into plains and plains into desert. In some cases you might even loose plots at the coast to the sea. The global warming may cause fish, whales and other sea resources to move (out of your range) or to disappear. Also on land food resources may disappear.

// future plan (if somebody tells me how to do it… I don’t know how to call a disaster (or event in general) from SDK.)
And global warming will also increase the number of natural disasters (->events<-) like tornados, floods, forest fires and freak waves.

Found Bugs:

- AI Auto Play will create for the human player cities even if he plays a One City Challenge
- Ships can blockade water terrain of the other side of a land bridge although they could never go there. It even happens if the port is on the other side of the land bridge. (Example: Block trade between Amerika and Europe from Pacific)
- FreeBuildings from wonders are created even if this building is already in the city and could normally be build no more.

To merge from non-final versions (perhaps make it fit to the new stuff):
Opportunity Fire
Active Defense
Air/Bombard Missions

To finish development:
Advanced Global Warming
Nuclear Winter
Advanced Dynamic Civ Names
Combined Combat

and at last find the bug of the save problem
hi Thomas
sounds good :eek:
but would it be much work just to ad some religions, without new technologies, which you only choose if you play with the choose religion - option?
It would bring much more variation to the game.
And my experience is that it is in the very early game specially with the speed marathon - or this new even more slow speed - very difficult to capture cities because of the city defense. A battering ram would bring more fun and would give the opportunity to fight very very early against other nation with much better results. :spear:
and then i found some old buggs for you - but maybe you have already fixed them
(in German now, i am sry)
Die Ki hat nun die Angewohnheit zum Teil riesige Arrmeen in schadenbringende Geländerfelder wie zum Beispiel Dschungel oder Wüste heilen zu wollen, was dannn dazu führt dass die Ki die Einheiten manchmal gar nicht mehr benutzt - das kommt eig ziemlich oft vor.
Wenn man die Spionage als Option deaktiviert hat kann man dennoch die beiden Spionage Gebäude (Geheimdienst und Sicherheitscenter glaub ich) bauen und erhält einen großen Agent wenn man als ERster Utopie erforscht hat.
- Auch wenn man die die nuklearer Gegenschlag - option deaktiviert hat kann man dennoch eine strategische Kommandozentrale bauen

Und dann hab ich noch eine Frage ob man die extrem nervige Ki - Anfragen wie völlig unnsige Resourcen Täusche etwas entschlacken (am besten ganz) abstellen könnte.
Es nervt einfach nur extrem wenn man 10 Vasallen hat und dann von 5 jede Runde mit irgendeinem Scheiß pennetriet wird.
Meiner Meinung nach wäre es am besten wenn man die Ki Anfragen - offene Grenzen,
- weltkarte gegen weltkarte, und eben die ressourcentäsuche ganz abstellen würde.
Achja und dann hat die Ki ja auch noch riesigen Spass daran Krieg gegen Civs auf der anderen Seite der Welt zu führen, und einen dann mit Anfragen zu penetrieren ob man ihnen im Kampf beisteht, völlig unabhängig davon ob man sich vll schon in einem wirklichen Krieg befindet in welchen es im Mom richtig zur Sache geht.
Da könnte man auch mal was tun :p

Und dann hab da noch die Frage ob man vll. wie Civ 3 eine OPtion einbauen könnte die der KI das Wunderbauen verbietet??
Würde weitaus weniger Frust und um viel mehr Fun bringen :goodjob:
Das hab ich mal versucht über die Leader einzustellen (leaderheadinfos.xml)
aber der dort stehende Wert hat meiner Erfahrung nach nix damit zu tun ob die Ki jetzt Wunder baut oder nicht (da hat Firaxis Games einfach versagt).

so das wärs eig :crazyeye:
Wenn man die Spionage als Option deaktiviert hat kann man dennoch die beiden Spionage Gebäude (Geheimdienst und Sicherheitscenter glaub ich) bauen und erhält einen großen Agent wenn man als ERster Utopie erforscht hat.
- Auch wenn man die die nuklearer Gegenschlag - option deaktiviert hat kann man dennoch eine strategische Kommandozentrale bauen

Und dann hab ich noch eine Frage ob man die extrem nervige Ki - Anfragen wie völlig unnsige Resourcen Täusche etwas entschlacken (am besten ganz) abstellen könnte.
Es nervt einfach nur extrem wenn man 10 Vasallen hat und dann von 5 jede Runde mit irgendeinem Scheiß pennetriet wird.
Meiner Meinung nach wäre es am besten wenn man die Ki Anfragen - offene Grenzen,
- weltkarte gegen weltkarte, und eben die ressourcentäsuche ganz abstellen würde.
Achja und dann hat die Ki ja auch noch riesigen Spass daran Krieg gegen Civs auf der anderen Seite der Welt zu führen, und einen dann mit Anfragen zu penetrieren ob man ihnen im Kampf beisteht, völlig unabhängig davon ob man sich vll schon in einem wirklichen Krieg befindet in welchen es im Mom richtig zur Sache geht.
Da könnte man auch mal was tun

Und dann hab da noch die Frage ob man vll. wie Civ 3 eine OPtion einbauen könnte die der KI das Wunderbauen verbietet??
Würde weitaus weniger Frust und um viel mehr Fun bringen
Das hab ich mal versucht über die Leader einzustellen (leaderheadinfos.xml)
aber der dort stehende Wert hat meiner Erfahrung nach nix damit zu tun ob die Ki jetzt Wunder baut oder nicht (da hat Firaxis Games einfach versagt).

das alles hat irgendwie ziemlich wenig mit seiner mod zu tun.
The Aggressive Trait gives you now the Combat1 promotion for melee units and Drill1 for firearm units

wie hast du das hinbekommen? SDK? das ist etwas, das ich schon ewig haben wollte. mich nervt, dass die traits sämtliche beförderungen an sämtliche eingestellten combat types vergeben, auch wenn in den promotions festgelegt ist, dass nur bestimmte einheiten die beförderung bekommen dürfen.
Ich wollte hier eig nur Vorschläge machen was man noch machen könnte.
Eine Mod ist ja eine Veränderrung des Hauptspiels wenn ich mich nicht irre ?!
Alles kann, nichts muss.
sorry 4 spam. :D was ist am stealth transport kaputt?

Das Mistteil ist genial, ich hatte es gar noch etwas aufgemotzt, aber es hat leider auch irgendwo einen Schaden und kann den Mod schrotten. Muß mal testen ob ich das eventuell selber war. :rolleyes: Und ich sehe die Einheit nimmer unten links in der Info. Das kann ich aber auch bei justieren der Grundfarbegewesen sein.

wie hast du das hinbekommen? SDK? das ist etwas, das ich schon ewig haben wollte. mich nervt, dass die traits sämtliche beförderungen an sämtliche eingestellten combat types vergeben, auch wenn in den promotions festgelegt ist, dass nur bestimmte einheiten die beförderung bekommen dürfen.



Also die ganzen KI-Wünsche rund um Vasallen sehe ich zwar wie du, bin aber echt machtlos. Die KI skripten ist für mich noch Neuland. Mache gerade meine ersten Schritte.
Den schlimmen Schaden bezüglich des Geländeschadens hab ich aber bekämpft. Die KI plant nun ihre Routen in gewissen Maßen unter Rücksicht auf den Schaden, heilt nur dort wo es Sinn machen kann und sie zieht sich auch sinnvoll die Feature/TerrainDamageProtection-Promotions.

Mit der strategischen Kommandozentrale muß ich mal schauen. Da brauchen wir einen kleinen Hack. Das ist machbar.

Bei den Relis wird das nix. Die Schmalspurlösung spielt sich gut. Alles andere fand ich nicht so gut. Das einzige was noch kommt bzw. da oben noch nicht steht ist ein Satz von Civics. Was war das gleich noch?

Absolutismus, Gewaltenteilung, Klassensystem, Soziale Marktwirtschaft und Heidnische Religion.

Ansonsten sorgen SettlerReligion und alles um die Inquisition für mehr Vergnügen. Die AI beherrscht übrigens den Relisieg.
And my experience is that it is in the very early game specially with the speed marathon - or this new even more slow speed - very difficult to capture cities because of the city defense. A battering ram would bring more fun and would give the opportunity to fight very very early against other nation with much better results. :spear:

The combat stuff will help you. But the ram is a bit tricky. The ram would require new code stuff because siege weapons are no more real direct attack units. They are their just to bombard and support in combined combat. And the ram would have to give you a bonus in a stack in city combat if their is a fortification. :crazyeye:

How to teach the player? And how to teach the AI? Thought about it but there is no easy way. And yes you are right. Good defended cities maybe protected by terrain and walls are not or hard to conquere. But that's life. I read and saw a lot about ancient battles in the past and that's history...:p
Könntest du mir den SDK Code für die geteilten Promos in den Traitinfos geben? Wär echt super. :)

Und ich sehe die Einheit nimmer unten links in der Info.

was für ne info unten links? du meinst, wenn du mit der maus auf die einheit zeigst?
hmhm ... na gut hört sich trotzdem alles sehr vielversprechend an :crazyeye:
freu mich auf die neue version
can you upload the 'damage ship' here so that i can have a look? which animation must shall be used?

[works the unit pedia? if not it could be a missing reference file in the kfm of the animation (was the only reason so far i had this problem, but this would also have as result a lot of python errors ...)]
Everything seems fine for me ("old" version of the stealth transport):

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