Just an other idea: Plague

Well, I had a similar idea months ago. But I'm not sure it really fits and I'm not going to start to work on it unless Afforess, Vokarya and dbkblk agree. Anyway while on the subject there are some features from Total War which might fit in AND and we've discussed them before; I'm thinking in this case about using UN/AP to condemn a civic/religion (for UN part it should replace those resolutions making a civic mandatory). Leader unit is an interesting concept but as I've said I'm not sure it fits. Another thing which should be easy to add is something about nuclear dissuasion; I've partially introduced this concept some revisions ago but I have more work to do on it. Also, something else we might borrow is an improved Vassal system. I always hated having Vassals in modern era and at the very least I would like to change that name. Total war has some interesting ideas but I have to think more about it.
l really like the idea of condemning civics, instead of outright banning them. There could be an unhappiness penalty for civs that follow such civics. Also, outright ban on nukes would be unrealistic in the game too. Perhaps maybe a production penalty for nukes? And unhappiness based on the number of nukes a civ has? (Most nations would do everything in their power to supress distribution of resources and know how, hence slower nuke production.)
45°38'N-13°47'E;13765311 said:
Well, I had a similar idea months ago. But I'm not sure it really fits and I'm not going to start to work on it unless Afforess, Vokarya and dbkblk agree. Anyway while on the subject there are some features from Total War which might fit in AND and we've discussed them before; I'm thinking in this case about using UN/AP to condemn a civic/religion (for UN part it should replace those resolutions making a civic mandatory). Leader unit is an interesting concept but as I've said I'm not sure it fits.

I think a Regicide option fits just as much as High-to-Low, One-City-Challenge or Final-Five. Not something really needed but nice to have to have a different game experience.

What you said about civics, nukes and vassals feels more needed indeed.
There are two more things I miss from RAND: Pollution and Crime. I know both are present in C2C, but I think those are way too complicated, hard to follow and memory wasting.

It is often mentioned that unhealth is really not an issue from the Modern era. Sure, health sources need to be balanced, but I really miss the issues mankind face today IRL. I never saw any global warming in game and I think it would be also an interesting twist to require the civs to take care of their environment.

Introducing a new tag for buildings, improvements and features: iPollution. Some stuff would have a positive value (Factory, Coal and Oil plant, Industry improvement, Fallout, etc) and others a negative (Forest and Jungle, Forest preserve, Hybrid forest, City parks, etc).
It would have two effects: a local and a global one.

Local pollution: Every city counts all iPollution in its 5 tiles distance including other cities too. If the value is 0 or less, nothing happens; if it is higher than 0 --> decrease health in city with the same value.
Example (with random numbers)
A city in its 5 tiles distance has 2 more cities (B and C); all three has a Coal plant (+0,5/each) and a City Park (-0,2/each). There are 4 Industries (+0,5/each), 4 Forests (-0,3/each) and a Hybrid forest (-0,5).
Its sum is: 3x0,5 - 3x0,2 + 4x0,5 - 4x0,3 - 0,5 = 1,2 health penalty in city A.
If the civ decides to replace the 4 forests with Industries it will be:
3x0,5 - 3x0,2 + 8x0,5 - 0,5 = 4,4 health penalty in city A.

Global pollution: Count all iPollution tags, divide it by 10 (scale to map size?). If the value is 0 or less, nothing happens; if it is higher than 0 --> decrease health in all cities with the same value.
In the map there are 25 Coal plants (+0,5/each), 25 Factories (+0,4/each), 20 City parks(-0,2/each), 100 Forest/Jungle (-0,3/each), 80 Industry (+0,5/each), 5 Hybrid forests (-0,5/each) and 4 Fall-outs (+2/each).
Sum: [25x0,5 +25x0,4 - 20x0,2 - 100x0,3 + 80x0,5 - 5x0,5 + 4x2] /10 = 3,4 health penalty in all cities.

Local and global pollution in city A would be 7,8, that's quite a big :yuck: penalty :lol:
There would be several ways to decrease pollution:
-Green civic could halve all positive iPollution values at the cost of a High Upkeep
-Shielding buildings make the city immune to pollution at the cost of maintenance.
-Build Hybrid forests and other improvements and buildings that reduce it.

Just like revolts and rebelliousness, crime is also a factor that produces enemies to a civ among its own people, but in a different way of course.

Every city would accumulate Crime points every turn through different factors: Buildings (Jail, Police station, etc), Population, Unhappy citizens, Spy and Priest specialists, Golden age and Anarchy, Civics, Units garrisoned in city.
The accumulated Crime points would work something like Espionage points for barbarians. When Crime points reach a certain threshold - the value is equal or higher than a given Spy action there is a 10% chance every turn that that Spy action happens in the city as if it was performed by the Barbarian state. If that happens the actual Crime points are halved.
So with a low crime rate things to happen would be Unhappiness or Unhealth for some turns, than Barbarian culture would spread, buildings get destroyed, production sabotaged, etc up to the very high crime levels when nuclear device is planted or anarchy is spread throughout the whole civ.

I know, I know... the devs don't want new features, but I just had to put out my ideas here :)
So when AND will be finished we can think about AND 3 ;)

I also think that C2C is overcomplicated.
Pollution could certainly make sense, but I think your idea of crime would be terrible if it wasn't thoroughly explained in-game.
Pollution could certainly make sense, but I think your idea of crime would be terrible if it wasn't thoroughly explained in-game.

just brainstorming
My idea about it was to have a Crime bar above the Culture and Revolution bars indicating whether it is increasing or decreasing. Hovering over that bar would explain what factors (buildings, civics, etc) are increasing and decreasing it and what disasters you have a chance for.
What else would be needed?
I'd rather corruption over crime. It would probably function the same in game, but I think corruption fits the scale of Civ better than crime. I don't really think it's needed though because it can be modelled pretty well with existing mechanics (-gold, -production, rev, ect).

Pollution might be interesting, but is kinda irrelevant for most of the game (until industrial) and unhealthiness already covers it more or less. Maybe some work could be done with the global warming stuff, but other than that, I think the unhealthiness system is good enough.

I do think diplomacy in CIV is still rather weak and think that the expanded vassal types would greatly enhance it. One thing that I've always wanted is the ability to "change the regime" of a civ (cede conquered cities to a new civ). I find that late game, I don't really want the A.I's cities because integrating them is far too much effort. I'd rather just remove a potential threat and replace it with an ally. Also, something modelling systems like the EU would be cool.
When Afforess was away and I was importing code from C2C I thought about adding crime and pollution. But to tell the truth I thought that they just make the game unnecessarily complicated and might introduce new bugs, so in the end I left them out. I doubt other team members are willing to add such features and I have no interest in adding them either. Vassals on the other hand is something we've discussed before and maybe we'll see what we can do about it.
I don't think I would like to see the pollution and crime mechanics of C2C in AND, that's why I wrote an alternative. I don't expect it to be implemented into the mod, but hope that maybe someone will like my ideas and create a modcomp based on it :mischief:

Is Platyping's Local Warming merged into the mod already? I think this one would worth it.

And an other question:
What codes are copied from C2C that are not used, if any? I mean is it possible to create python modules with those? (I know that python is not modular otherwise) I am especially interested in Natural Wonders.
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