Advanced Setup Options


Oct 15, 2002
Houston, TX
Is there a tutorial somewhere that explains what each option in the advanced setup does? A few of them have mouse over hints but many of them do not. For example, what's the difference in sea levels? Rainfall? Resources? I did find a little info on the resources options in my search, but not a complete listing. Thanks!
Hot: More Desert & Jungle / less Tundra & land ice.
Cold: Reverse

Arid: More desert & plains / less grassland & jungle
Highest rainfall setting: Reverse

Youngest age: More flat tiles / less Hills & Mountains.
Oldest age: Reverse

Standard: Game places a few resources near every major players starting location, this always includes making the area a primary luxury type and almost always includes when done having 2 or 3 unique luxury types within a few hexes of the starting location.

Legendary: 2 or 3 more bonus resource tiles than normal placed near every major players starting location. (Consequently, if you are land locked, you are pretty much guaranteed that either Goddess of the Hut or Sun God would be a great pantheon for your capital.)

Strategic Balance: 1 each of Iron, Horse, and an important late game strategic resources placed near each major players starting location (on top of what had earlier randomly been placed prior to the game deciding it was going to be a starting location) This is popular among players wanting to use their Classical era UUs.

Abundant: Every hex that was going to be a strategic resource anyway has 50% more. (e.g. a 4 horse tile becomes 6)

Sparse: Every hex that was going to be a strategic resource anyway has 50% less. (e.g. a 4 horse tile becomes 2)

Note that some scripts have different settings options than others.
For instance "Tiny Islands" has no ability to set resources and is locked to standard while the ring map is locked to "Strategic"

The Ice Age map is one of those that as a setting has pangena/contenants/archepalgo as sub types.

The donut map has settings to control both what terrain is in the donut proper and the filling.

Ring map is one of many that has a setting controlling what the predominant type of terrain will be.
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