
To Burkina Faso, Congo, Zambia
I see now that most of our fellow African nations do not wish to cooperate with us on a very large scale. I will now say that I wish to submit an application to join this defensive pact, both to promote good relations between us, and to show other countries that cooperation is key to our success.

We support your integration into the pan-African defensive alliance, and believe that our allies in Burkina Faso and Zambia will agree with us, that this is beneficial for all of our nations. Defensive Pact Signed.

OOC note: Currently waiting for South Africa's reaction to these events before sending orders

To the rest of Africa, EXCEPT my allies, South Africa, and Swahililand: United, we are strong. Divided we are weak. I hope you understand this. Your decision to oppose Pan-Africanism is misguided, as history clearly shows. Imperialists can defeat us if we divide ourselves. Nonetheless, we respect your decision. On your own head be it.

To Swahililand: I am especially bemused by your opposition to Pan-African integration. After all, you, like Zambia and Algeria, are a monarchy, a form of government which has a long, proud and successful history upon our continent, from Mansa Musa of Mali to the great pharaohs of Egypt, to your prosperous country. Your nation is at the center of African trade routes, and has so far resisted the lies of imported European ideology, staying true to its African roots. Why, then, do you oppose greater integration between Africans?
Orders are in.

To Mexico and Cascadia

In these troubled times, and due to recent tensions in North America where peace is at risk, the Republic would like to sign with its fellow democracies a tri-lateral defensive pact.
Orders sent.

24 hours to get orders in, and I need a hell of a lot more before tomorrow evening.

I will also now takeover all diplomacy for Peru and China. I should also note I've heard nothing from Bavaria, Lombardy or ARON, I should hope those players know that there's an update they need to read and send orders for.

From Cascadia
To California

We decline at this moment.
I'm still trying to find time to conduct some real-time NPC diplo with you stockholme. Please advise when it is a good time for you.
Orders sent.
Stock I talked to you right as you were posting the update, I am very well aware of it :p

Doesn't help that my two allies are either hyper busy or AWOL but I'll try to get something in. If ARON falls, I'll just hop onto something else!
Will send orders in a few hours.
Stockholme, if you could read my PM and either respond or post, that would be great and let me get some real traction on what i am going to do this turn.

Thanks again for the great NES; its a blast!
We've 1 hour until the deadline and I am missing a ton of orders! I'll be considering an extension, but I'd like everything in as fast as we can, tomorrow would be a nice day to start the update.
Stockholme, if you could read my PM and either respond or post, that would be great and let me get some real traction on what i am going to do this turn.

Thanks again for the great NES; its a blast!

I look forward to the public diplomacy agreed to in our PMs.

That's the deadline (and a triple post, oops). There will be a 24 hour extension.

Assuming that the nations that have agreed to coordinate with the UC make the appropriate public remarks, I am ready to send my orders.
These statements are being released as part of a three way conference held between the Mormons, Baptists and the UCA, and are contingent on subsequent diplomacy from the UCA. Language here has been agreed to by both sides.

From the Mormon State
To the World

The Government of the Mormon State recognizes the government of the UC as the sole and rightful government over its sovereign territory, including those territories previously claimed by the WU.

We wish for the world to know that we were primarily concerned with the well being of our coreligionists in the western UC clades when we sent aid into the territories held by the now defunct Western Union. As evidence of our good intentions and continuing concern for these people we will be providing the government of the UC (1EP) that they may provide to their peoples so as to assist in rebuilding after this disastrous civil war.

While we do not believe our actions to defend our nationals in the rebel territories of the WU were unjustified, we admit that they were overly provocative, and apologize for all loss of life incurred by the air skirmishes, and for our failure to fully communicate with the UC government. We are happy that our attack was not interpreted as an act of war by the United Commons, and thank them for their patience and commitment to peace. We hope that through dialogue and cooperation we can avoid further conflict and find common peace.

From Mississippi
To the World

The Government of Mississippi recognizes the government of the UC as the sole and rightful government over its sovereign territory, including those territories previously claimed by the WU.

The Government of Mississippi recognizes its role in destabilizing the western region of the United Commons and recognizes we failed to coordinate our humanitarian assistance for its peoples with the United Commons.

We also recognize our role in destabilizing the western clades by providing material (financial) support to the leaders of the rebel secessionist organization known as the WU. We admit publicly that we helped protect the leaders of the Western Union by allowing them to coordinate their activities from within the sovereign territory of Mississippi. We hope that through dialogue and cooperation we can avoid further conflict and find common peace.
These statements are being released as part of a three way conference held between the Mormons, Baptists and the UCA, and are contingent on subsequent diplomacy from the UCA. Language here has been agreed to by both sides.

From the Mormon State
To the World

The Government of the Mormon State recognizes the government of the UC as the sole and rightful government over its sovereign territory, including those territories previously claimed by the WU.

We wish for the world to know that we were primarily concerned with the well being of our coreligionists in the western UC clades when we sent aid into the territories held by the now defunct Western Union. As evidence of our good intentions and continuing concern for these people we will be providing the government of the UC (1EP) that they may provide to their peoples so as to assist in rebuilding after this disastrous civil war.

While we do not believe our actions to defend our nationals in the rebel territories of the WU were unjustified, we admit that they were overly provocative, and apologize for all loss of life incurred by the air skirmishes, and for our failure to fully communicate with the UC government. We are happy that our attack was not interpreted as an act of war by the United Commons, and thank them for their patience and commitment to peace. We hope that through dialogue and cooperation we can avoid further conflict and find common peace.

From Mississippi
To the World

The Government of Mississippi recognizes the government of the UC as the sole and rightful government over its sovereign territory, including those territories previously claimed by the WU.

The Government of Mississippi recognizes its role in destabilizing the western region of the United Commons and recognizes we failed to coordinate our humanitarian assistance for its peoples with the United Commons.

We also recognize our role in destabilizing the western clades by providing material (financial) support to the leaders of the rebel secessionist organization known as the WU. We admit publicly that we helped protect the leaders of the Western Union by allowing them to coordinate their activities from within the sovereign territory of Mississippi. We hope that through dialogue and cooperation we can avoid further conflict and find common peace.

These statements are being released as part of a three way conference held between the Mormons, Baptists and the UCA. Language here has been agreed to by both sides. The text in red was highlighted by me, the player, as an OOC gesture to draw attention to a statement I felt needed to be made extremely clear and obvious for the world stage.

To the Mormon state of Deseret,
From the United Commons,

We are very glad to see your government making a commitment to peace and stability in North America. We accept this gift.

Additionally, we will add that we apologize for attacking Mormon civilians convoying non-military aid. Having investigated the wreckage we realize said materials were not direct weapons shipments and consisted of material aid consistent with Deseret’s narrative that they were of a humanitarian nature. Additionally we are saddened and moved by the loss of your pilots' lives as a result of fighter skirmishes (which were avoidable). It is our sincere hope that this will be the end of violence between our people.

We hereby dedicate ourselves to a new peace between our peoples.

To the Baptists of Mississippi,
From the United Commons,

While we cannot be happy with the actions of your nation over the course of the last three years vis-à-vis its involvement in the western rebellion, we are only too happy to join with you in turning a new leaf, allowing the past to be forgiven, if not forgotten, and to build a new future of peace and prosperity with our neighbors.

We apologize for UC strikes on Mississippi civilians involved in the convoy operation to provide the WU rebels with material aid. While the total destruction of the convoy by our aircraft prevents us from investigating the materials shipped directly, in the spirit of reconciliation and new peace, we accept the manifest provided by the government of Mississippi, which does not contain any mention of arms or armaments, as most probably truthful.

We hereby dedicate ourselves to a new peace between our peoples.

Orders incoming.
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