TSG2 Results and Congratulations


Mac addict, php monkey
Hall of Fame Staff
GOTM Staff
Jan 9, 2003
A list of submissions for this game is assembled here. It includes all posted details to date.

We had after action reports from 47 players this time, most of whom provided a save of some kind that allowed us to verify their results. The data is displayed in two tables, with the second one containing reports with no saves, or with saves that were made before the victory was recorded.

The tables are displayed in increasing finish date order. For want of any better criterion, I have used the Final Score to sort equal finish dates.

The two fastest victories that met the objective of a Science victory beat 1700 AD, and were played by ssjos - 1630 AD, and CharonJr - 1690 AD.

Please let me know if these manually processed results contain any errors or omissions.
Just curious, when is TSG3 going up? Or the first GotM if that is ready (though I don't think this is the case)
Alan Wrote:

"•Submissions are displayed in finish date order, with higher final score first.
•Beats me how the scores are calculated. Please let me know if you can make any sense of them."

The crazy thing is that my 2023 loss scored exactly the same as my replay 2022 win (yes, I was one turn away when Darius built his).

This suggest some basic formula where Base score = weighted sum of accomplishments, and

Final score = alternatively weighted sum of accomplishments + time bonus + win bonus

where win bonus must look something like [1-(Your turns/max turns)]*Bonus, so that win bonus approaches zero later in the game.

Is it time to dust off the old Jason score? :mischief:

Yes, I was surprised to see that your score remained the same whether you won or lost. But your final date (once I corrected it!) was, as you say, close to 2050 AD; and winning bonus has always reduced to zero at 2050 AD.

Until we see the DLL code, the scoring algorithm will probably remain a mystery - if only because my incentive to try to work it out from the data we have remains low as long as I believe we'll see it in good time.
Yes, I was surprised to see that your score remained the same whether you won or lost. But your final date (once I corrected it!) was, as you say, close to 2050 AD; and winning bonus has always reduced to zero at 2050 AD.

Latest win, I guess that's an achievement :p
Interesting, hendo has 2043 win, base score of 702, final score of 723. I can see why time bonus should go to zero as finish date approaches 2050, but I am not sure of the logic of why the bonus for winning vs. losing should be 0 at 2050. Sure, it could also scale with time, but should it ever be 0?

Far too late for results but for my own satisfaction:goodjob:

1946AD Score:1778 Science Victory. Would have been completed a lot earlier if I hadn't been fighting four wars. Teach me to rely on be being able to wipe the floor with the AI rather than put fear in their hearts.:crazyeye:


  • Science Victory 1944AD 1778 JimT.Civ5Save
    724.7 KB · Views: 142
  • Ramesses II_0366 AD-1946_2.Civ5Replay
    135.1 KB · Views: 130
wow...I thought for sure the epic happiness issues I had that lasted for well over 400 years had crippled my ability to compete. I'm shocked to find myself in 17th place. I'm even more shocked to see dates in the 1600s though! Amazing job to those guys!
wow...I thought for sure the epic happiness issues I had that lasted for well over 400 years had crippled my ability to compete. I'm shocked to find myself in 17th place. I'm even more shocked to see dates in the 1600s though! Amazing job to those guys!

Thx :)

gj you too
wow...I thought for sure the epic happiness issues I had that lasted for well over 400 years had crippled my ability to compete. I'm shocked to find myself in 17th place. I'm even more shocked to see dates in the 1600s though! Amazing job to those guys!
Looks like I have some work to do to catch up to you in Civ V ... ;)

I'm only posting in this thread because I see several others including AlanH have the same question I do regarding score calculation. Has anyone figured out the scoring mechanism yet? What's the trade-off between winning a few turns earlier, and getting an extra tech (say Future Tech)?
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