Beta: The Epic Mod of Epic Proportions

I understand that you don't want to see two free techs not available, but overall the Mediterranean civs have the ability to build more wonders than the Europeans, including SoZ, the Colossus, the Great Library (which should make up for Stonehenge), the Temple of Artemis, the Masolleum of Mausollos, the Colleseum, and the Circus Maximus. I belive this to be a fair trade off. Now, as you said this is my mod and can do with it as I like. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the help you're giving me, but I think I'll leave that the way it is.

And, ok. The civilopedia will contain the information on the "continental" techs that tell who has them, and who doesn't. That's what I meant when I said the civilopedia needs work. I'm sorry for not making myself clear.
I would have prefered Firaxis had allowed terraforming of mountains down to hills. Mountains are not and issue on maps of std or less size.

Good idea - hmm :)

Considering Stonehenge: May be it should give another benefit but not the precious two techs?
Meteor Man not even help, just feedback that is FWIIW. You get another perspective to conisider. It is only for consideration, I am not privy to your vision, only how I interact with it. I don't always agree with myself, so I would not expect you to either.

BTW I am wondering, if you had any armies built by the AI. I put up an embassy and saw one of them was working on training camp and wil be happy to see them use it. The samll army should not cause them the same issues as a large or normal army.

They can only have one unit anyway, that would be interesting.
Yep I've seen them use it. In fact, I recorded the first time I saw it, way back about a year ago:

Spoiler :

Alas, it was a lowly warrior army...
Ugh Plague is in this one. I only encountered in Toms Homm mod. I am sure the pedia is the one that is part of the game, but it says it is reduced by Sanitation. Nice, but I do not even see Sanitation in the tech tree.

Does this mean it will go forever and keep spreading? Seems like Medicine should put a stop to it. BTW no swamps, jungle or flood plains anywhere near either town. The first one is in fact on a tundra tile.

What if I abandon the town and make a new one in the same spot?
I'm thinking about just removing plague entirelly. Not disease, just plague. It annoys me soooo much, and I don't think it adds anything to gameplay.
You won't get any complaint from me, if you remove it. It would add some flavor, if it you could cure it or it was very limited. A cure that was not a full age or more in the future that is to say.

I did not think of the Pentagon. Probably true, once they could add another unit, they won't know what to do.
Yes, it seem to get confused by the extra movement. So if it puts in a unit and wants to add another, it thinks it cannot as the speed of the army is move +1.

Add to that that the AI can rush Great Wonders with an MGL, you do not see armies in the field much in epic games. The only ones I have encounter are the scenarios where they have them to start or they have armies that can only have 1 unit.

That is why I figured some small armies would be built in your mod.

This was not the case in vanilla or PTW.
It looks like Industialization stops the plauge. I had it in three towns and then poof it was gone form all three at once. I think I had just gotten Ind, possibly it was Steam. I took them for the ToE.
Hard to say, it was not in any important towns, so it was only annoying not critical.
I ran into something that I either am not grasping or something is broken. I have Steam and hit F2. I see coal is disconnected near a town. I look all around and cannot see it. The symbol is a bit strange as it depict the slaver and a coal in the F2 screen.

I get a road on that tile, the msg in F2 is gone, but no coal in any town and no rails can be built. I go to the editor and all seems fine. It has the standard icon for coal. I steal maps and can see the whole world and see no coal.

I look at the files and see what I expected, GOOD_coal is there and resources has the icon. I fire up a map with the Epic biq and do not see any coal on that map. Coal has the same 120 as many other resources?
It's not the mod, there's a bug out there at causes random resources in certain resource spots (like in the editor, horses is #1, iron is #2...) to pop up in cities that are not conneted to the capital. But I don't know the correct order I'm supposed to put the resources in. I thibk it goes somthing like the first 11 spots are for bonus, then 11-23 are strategic, and the rest are luxury/bonus, or something like that. There's an article somewhere about this.
I found a tile that says it has coal, but it does not have the depiction in the art file. It does not match what I see in the editor either. At least there is some. Once I clear the jungle from I can get a better look.

Right now it has a lot of workers over it.
The form and shape do match as I look closer at the editor and what I have. The one on the mountain in your pix is the same. Yours is much more viburant than mine, probably do to terrain difference in the two, all set now.
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